Two nonsense words are in the front:

1. Forgive me for being too lazy to name; 2, cherish life, stay away from drugs... Love you, oh, here is the text



In a word, if you have a good head, there is an instant, Xicheng can hardly breathe.

For a while, he only came back to God, whispered a thank you, hang up the phone.

Looking at Gu Yu's appearance, he already guessed that she was really addicted. There was still a trace of luck, and now I have to face reality.

"Mr. Xicheng!" On the stairs, Xu Yang walked up with breakfast. It was originally a light-handed one. When he saw him, he couldn’t help but hold it. "How come up so early?"

Knowing that he was alone in taking care of Gu Yu, he came to come early, one was to send some breakfast, and the other was to help him. He did not expect to meet Xicheng on the stairs.

Look at him, it seems that he did not sleep well all night last night, Xu Yang just frowning distressed.

"How about Miss Gu? Or else... I will take care of her, can you have something to rest for a while?"

Not waiting for Xicheng to answer, there was a sudden sound in the room.

Xicheng turned and pushed the door into the room. Xu Yang also rushed in. I saw the bedside, and Gu Yu was stretching the palms to the pieces of the lamp on the ground.

Just the loud noise was the sound of her breaking the lamp.

"Sister, what are you doing!" Xicheng rushed over the debris, took the glass fragments from her hand, picked her up from the ground and put it on the bed. "Xu Yang, find me a few ties!"

Xu Yang groaned, busy putting down his hands and rushing into the locker room. He had already grabbed a few ties for a moment, watching Xicheng be pressing **** Gu Yu, and he stood at the bed with some help.

"Mr. Xicheng..."

"What are you doing, help me tie her to the bed!" Xicheng ordered loudly.

"You dare..." Gu Yu struggled, "Xu Yang, I see you dare to touch me!"


Xu Yang lingered for a while, but still rushed over to help Xicheng hold the arm of Gu Yu, Xicheng pulled a tie and tied her arm to the bed.

The two worked together and it was hard to tie Gu Yu to the bed. She was still struggling with anger, sometimes yelling and sometimes pleading.

"Xiaohan, I am so uncomfortable... I am so uncomfortable!"

"Sister! I know, I know that you are uncomfortable!" Xicheng bent down and held her face. "You can rest assured, I will go to help the doctor now, I will definitely help you to quit drugs, you believe me!"

drug? !

Hearing this word, not only Xu Yang, but even Gu Yu is stunned.

"what did you say?"

"You... you are addicted to drugs!"

Xicheng had to tell her the truth. If she didn't cooperate, he couldn't help her.

"No...Impossible!" Gu Yu immediately shook his head. "Impossible, I didn't... I didn't touch that thing!"

She secretly smokes and drinks...but those terrible things, she also knows a lot, never dare to run into even a little!

"I don't know what is going on now, but what is certain is that you have already become addicted to drugs. However, you don't have to be afraid..." He carefully held Gu Yu's cheek, and his voice comforted softly. "I will Help you, help you quit, everything will be fine, I promise!"

Gu Yu’s tears once again filled the eye, this time not because of the drug addiction, but because of the touch.

"Xiaohan, I am doing that kind of thing, do you still remember my sister?"

"Of course." Xicheng slightly raised his lips. "No matter what you have done, you are my sister, and will never change. We start from scratch, everything is too late! As long as you are willing to persist, I will help you to quit!" ”

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