"Xiaolan, you go back to the room, close the door, I will stay up."

Ji Mo swears at the little girl, holding Ye Qiao, who is still worried, stepping downstairs.

She kept her downstairs and he reopened.

"The girl is Ruo Ruoxi's younger sister. After she learned that her daughter was in prison, her father rushed to the hospital and had not recovered. The mother did not have time to come over. Let her come over to see Ruo Ruoxi and send her clothes and food to her sister. The little girl didn't know who to look for. Later, she called the phone to my mobile phone. I was afraid that she would pick her up from the train station when she had an accident. She was only sixteen years old this year. She went out for the first time, in the hotel. The electric card will not be used, I want to take her home, I am safe in the hotel."

Ji Mo looked apologetic for the color, for fear that she was scared, her arms tightly holding her waist, her eyes staring straight at her ink.

"I know, I shouldn't be entangled with Ruo Ruoxi, and I shouldn't lie to you. I... I just fear that you are not happy, but you lie. But don't think too much, I don't have a little thought about her. If you don't believe it, I can go upstairs and take the room card for you. I really have to open the room. Xiao Qiao... You must believe me. Now, apart from you, I don't think about any woman. This thing I am not doing well, I apologize to you, as long as you can forgive me, how can I do it. You can beat me, but don't break up with me, I... I really love you, I also cherish it. This relationship, I even thought about the things we will get married in the future. So, do you give me a chance?"

Ye Qiao gasped and returned to him with a white eye.

"I am strangled!"


Ji Mo was busy releasing his arm, put her on the ground, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed her, as if she was accidentally, she could fly away.

"Little Joe, you must believe me, I just said the truth."

Slightly touting lips, Ye Qiao lightly squinted, "Is it?"


"You really have to think about... marry me?"

"Well, and more than once."

"Yes? When are they!"

"One time in the United States, when we were at the amusement park, there was another time to visit the advertisement advertisement of Huaizhen Real Estate. I also thought about buying a house. Bigger, waiting for your parents to be old, you can let them Living together in the past. The air and the environment are good there, and the central hospital will have to move in the future. It is convenient to see a disease or something..."

I was thinking about explaining to her clearly, and Ji Mo also unabashedly put his own words together.

Ye Qiao had a few ridiculous elements on his face at first, and he felt a little touched when he heard the last thing - she hadn't thought about these things. I didn't expect him to think so much, even thinking about her parents.

"You guy!"

She snorted and her voice was dull.

Listening to her voice is not right, a pair of eyes are also full of water, Ji Mo thought she was crying by him, suddenly panic.

"Ye Qiao, you... don't you cry, I really didn't deliberately lie to you... Xiao Qiao, I really didn't mean it. I just feared that you were angry. I didn't expect it to be self-defeating, you don't, don't, don't Cry, or else, you beat me a few times..."

The big hand caressed her face, and Ji Mo was so anxious that everyone stuttered and grabbed her palm and patted it.

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