Ye Qiao laughed with his eyes and forced to hold the fist he was pulling to himself.

"I didn't have your gas!"

Ji Mo looked at her in surprise, "Really?"

"You thought I was so stingy!" Ye Qiao glanced at him, licking his lips, and his voice softened. "This time I am not good. If you don't figure out the situation, you will not be tempered. Sorry!"

Ji Mo shook his head. "No, it turned out that I was wrong. I should tell you something, so you won't guess. It's me... I am the gentleman's belly!"

"Hey!" Ye Qiao scorned. "That is, I am so stingy, I am at most... temper."

Speaking and frowning.

"Ji Mo, you don't think I am the kind of woman who is unreasonable? I just... just be jealous, seeing you and other women in one piece, my fire is so up, then..."

"It doesn't matter." Ji Mo warmly touched her cheek. "I know, you care because I care."

Ye Qiao returned to him with a big white eye, "Who cares about you!"

Under the dim light, the girl’s eyes are stunned, and there are some tears in her eyes. It’s really tempting to see how a lot of pity is. The ink is unconsciously emotional, and the palm of her cheek is slight. Holding her face hard, his body naturally bent down and approached her.

After going abroad, I went to get along with each other. After returning home, Ye Qiao returned to his parents' home and was busy with work during the day. There were not many time for the two to be alone, and naturally there was not much time for intimacy.

Ye Qiao was originally because he wanted him to come to visit, and made a small episode, but let him say a lot of true knowledge hidden in his heart, the heart is moved and affectionate.

She greeted her eyes with the same love, and she naturally tipped her toes and approached him.

The lips touch each other, tacitly facing the side of the face, so that the lips can fit more closely in one place.

Turning around, the tongue touched each other, entangled...

Arms hold each other and tighten.

The body is also close to the other side, the chest is attached to the chest, feeling the other side's heart beats strongly in the chest, can not tell where I am, which is yours.

Breathing is intertwined in one place, as if it is also superimposed on the hot temperature.

All around, the sounds are gone.

Some people passed by the footsteps, the car drove past the passage, the voice-activated lights went dark and the light and shadow disappeared in front of them...

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you don't have to look at it, you can feel the other side.

Familiar atmosphere and warmth, full of feelings in the arms, every cell seems to dance cheerfully because of this kiss, as if drinking a bottle of good wine, fluttering in thought.

for a long time.

A man and a woman only breathed and let go of each other, but they still kept hugging each other and their cheeks approached.

The voice-activated lights are still dark. There are only the lights of the street lights coming in through the windows. So close, two people can see each other's faces.

On the face of the person in front of him, there is a smile, revealing a warm and happy feeling.

The two looked at each other and laughed. The little awkwardness has just turned into a deeper feeling.

Ji Mo took a low breath, "I will send you back first?"

Ye Qiao's fingers caressed the short hair behind his neck. "Are you sure?"

The man breathes slightly, and tells the truth is reluctant. Now, he only wants to find a place where only two of them can complete the thing he wants to do.

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