Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1219: The last madness (23)

His right hand clung to the gun, and he was aiming at her direction, but as the car bumped, his hand swayed from time to time and did not really aim at her.

She tried again and finally pulled a hand out of the tie tied to her wrist.

Both hands finally recovered.

Ning Xiaofei secretly bite the back teeth, and when he looks at Mu Tianye again, she raises her hands sharply, grabs the gun in his hand, and tries to take the gun.

"Smelly ****... let go..."

Chen Ziming struggled hard, she just grabbed his hand, because the strength did not rob him, she simply swooped over and bit his wrist.


Chen Ziming snorted and snorted, his fingers dragged, and the gun was immediately robbed by Ning Xiaofei.

"Stop... parking!" Ning Xiaofei grabbed the gun and aimed at him. "Or else...

With the sound of the tires rubbing the ground, the car slammed and stopped. Under the inertia, Ning Xiaofei’s body instinctively rushed forward. By this opportunity, Chen Ziming immediately rushed over and grabbed Ning Xiaofei’s hair.

"Smelly ****, give me the gun..."


Raising his right hand, Ning Xiaofei used his car to throw the gun out of the window.

The pistol drew a parabola in the air and landed on the hillside of the road. It slid all the way and didn't know where it was.

Later, Mu Tianye has already stopped the car and jumped out of the car.

"Mom!" Chen Ziming was so angry that Ning Xiaofei had a slap in the face, grabbed her hair and pulled her out of the car.

Mu Tianye stepped forward and waited for him to come close. Chen Ziming had already pulled out a fruit knife from his pocket and opened the knife tip against Ning Xiaofei’s throat.

"Hah... come, as long as you take a step, I will cut her artery... Ha..."

"Chen Ziming, you don't want to move her!"

"Don't move, I want to move!" Chen Ziming slammed the throat of Ning Xiaofei, and she immediately coughed up uncontrollably. "How... I feel so distressed... You are not awesome, ha... I didn't expect, Mu When the king has nothing to do, right?"

Mu Tianye has to bite his teeth. "Chen Ziming, you have kind to me!"

"Is it for you?" Chen Ziming clung to Ning Xiaofei. "I am not that stupid!"

Looking around, I noticed the shadowing path on the hillside. He suddenly noticed that he immediately dragged Ning Xiaofei back to the side of the plank road and pulled her on the plank road.

"You are waiting here, waiting for her to get rid of her tomorrow morning!" He threatened to swear the next threat. He took Ning Xiaofei on the plank road and watched Mu Tianye, who was chasing him. Chen Ziming just laughed. Why, I dare not come up, for so many years, your fear of heights has not been cured... Ha..."

His mouth was falling, and his footsteps did not stop. He followed the plank road and quickly fled to the mountain.

Seeing that he climbed higher with Ning Xiaofei, Mu Tianye bit his teeth and reached out and grabbed the railing to catch up.

"Ha..." Looking at Mu Tianye to catch up on the plank road, Chen Ziming just laughed loudly. "I have to look at it, how dare you climb!"

The plank road twists and turns upwards and becomes steeper and steeper.

At first, Mu Tianye just did not look at the side, chasing all the way to the halfway up the mountain, inadvertently looked at it, saw the night on the side of the plank road, and suddenly dizzy.

Taking back his eyes, he bit his teeth and continued to climb up.

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