Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1220: The last madness (24)

Chen Ziming was not very fast because he was holding Ning Xiaofei. He thought that Mu Tianye could not follow down with fear of heights. Who thought that he had been chasing all the way for so long.

At this time, there was a vague siren coming from the mountain.

I know that the police will arrive soon, and Chen Ziming is also anxious to seize the Ning Xiaofei to speed up the pace.

"Hurry up... don't hurry up, I will push you down..."

Ning Xiaofei has climbed up and panted, for fear that she will be lost, her hands clasping the handrails, her eyes looking at the plank road from time to time, her eyes falling on the difficult road, and she has been chasing Mu Tianye behind her, she It’s nervous and it’s distressing.

Her fear of heights she knows very well. When I went to the mountain village last time, I only climbed a few steps. He could not support it. Is such a high and steep path, can he stand it?



Chen Ziming clung to her arm and shouted loudly.

Seeing that the two had climbed to a small platform for viewing, Ning Xiaofei had already had physical exhaustion, one foot was on the platform, and the other was slipping on the foot and falling on the steps.

"Mom, go fast..." Chen Ziming reached out and tried to pull her. Ning Xiaofei clung to the railing next to him and the other hand grabbed the ground. Chen Ziming was already very tired at this time. She pulled her and did not pull it. Because I’m too hard to beat myself, “Smelly, I’ll let you hurry up and hear you...”

He waved his knife to threaten Ning Xiaofei, and Ning Xiaofei raised his hand with his right hand. He would just pull a mixture of wild grass and stone from the ground and smack his face to him.

The stone hit the eyelids, the sofa fell into the eyes, and Chen Ziming instinctively closed his eyes and raised his hand to kneel.

With this opportunity, Ning Xiaofei quickly got up and was ready to flee.

"Oh shit!"

Chen Ziming cursed and chased him, grabbed her back collar and slashed her knife into her chest.

"Xiao Fei!"

Mu Tianye screamed, rushed up the steps, and lifted his arm to block the dagger that Chen Ziming stabbed.

Chen Ziming lifted his leg and kicked it in his chest. Mu Tianye stepped back two steps and slammed the wall of the plank road and fell off the plank road.


Ning Xiaofei exclaimed, and worked hard to open Chen Ziming and rushed down the plank road to look down the mountain.

On the hillside, Mu Tianye grabbed the steel frame under the plank road and was struggling to climb up.

"Aono, hurry!" Ning Xiaofei quickly leaned down, grabbed the railing in one hand, and reached out to him with one hand, "Tianye, grab my hand!"

Mu Tianye raised his palm and his fingertips just touched her palm. Chen Ziming had come over and pulled Ning Xiaofei away.

"Ha!" Looking down at Mu Tianye hanging on the side of the plank road, Chen Ziming looked sneer. "How, if the following is very high, do you want to look down... This is higher than when you fell a few floors when you were a child." Much more... If it falls, it will be broken... Ha..."

The body hangs in the air, feeling the night wind whizzing past, Mu Tianye's face is already pale and bloodless.

The reason for climbing all the way to this height is because I am worried that Ning Xiaofei will break through his psychological limit. At this moment, his psychological endurance is almost approaching the limit.

From time to time, I flashed through the stairs when I was young, and I was dizzy in front of my eyes, and my hands were getting weaker.

"Aono!" Ning Xiaofei struggled hard. "Don't give up, you can, you can do it, you can do it... I believe in you, hurry, don't look below..."



Good afternoon

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