Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1223: The last madness (27)

Seeing that she slipped off the plank road, Chen Ziming sullenly smiled.


On the back, suddenly counted.

Chen Ziming turned his face and saw only a pair of bright and cold eyes.

Mu Tianye?

The man who just lost his helplessness has actually stood up again? !

He couldn't believe his eyes wide open, but his body had already flown into the air, hovering briefly, and then quickly falling.

At this point, Ning Xiaofei’s fingers holding the railings have completely lost their strength, and the fingertips have finally slipped.

A palm stretched out and caught her falling wrist.

Ning Xiaofei’s eyes closed because of horror, only to see the familiar handsome face, a pair of ink singers looked at her comfortably.

"It's okay, I will pull you down!"

Holding the railing in one hand and holding her in the other, the man was a little breathless, but his tone was calm and firm.

Big hand, clutching her wrist.

He exerted a little bit of force and pulled her back to the side of the plank road. Ning Xiaofei rekindled hope, and climbed the plank road with his help and help, and immediately eagerly opened his mouth.

"Aono, don't blame yourself. These are not your faults. They are all the **** who lied to you. Don't trust him!"

Feeling weakly sitting on the steps, pulling her into her arms, Mu Tianye gasped and held her tight.

"Xiao Fei, I am sorry, I am just not good."

Just because of his mistakes, she almost died at the bottom of the cliff, but fortunately he returned to God in time, otherwise he could not imagine what would happen.

"No, don't blame you!" Ning Xiaofei held his neck tightly. "Not saying, it's not your fault, it's the bastard, it's **** it!"


On the boardwalk, the vocals and footsteps are getting closer.

The Li team first rushed up and saw the Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye in the same place on the plank road. He was hanging in the eyes of the blind man.

"Mu Zong, Xiao Fei, how are you?"

Mu Tianye raised his face, "Nothing!"

The Li team looked at the direction of the mountain. "Where did Chen Ziming escape?"

Mu Tianye raised his chin outside the plank road, and the Li team looked around and immediately raised his right hand.

"Go straight down and search, live to see people, die to see the dead!"

The police officers and the Flying Tigers team members who follow are either taking the ropes and sliding them down the plank road to look for them, or returning to the path along the plank road to search...

Stepping forward, the Li team took a closer look at the faces of the two and reached for the shoulders of Mu Tianye.

"Go down the mountain and handle the wound!"



After an hour.

Ning Xiaofei was lying in the hospital bed and was pushed into the examination room. Although she said that she was not in serious trouble, Mu Tianye still did not trust the doctor to do a thorough physical examination for her.

At this point, his body was still covered with a white shirt that was already unrecognizable, and his face was bruised.

The nurse no longer asked him to deal with the wound, but he never refused to leave Ning Xiaofei.

The nurse had no choice but to carry the tray to the outside of the inspection room to help him deal with the wound.

"Mu total!"

In the corridor, Zhou Tao hurriedly walked over, followed by Chu Xinning and Qin Zhaoyang who came together.

Before, they had been accompanying Mu and his father at home. After receiving the information from the Li team, Liu Wei and Lin Zifan and others were taking care of Mu Lao at home. Several of them rushed to the hospital.

"Azino!" Seeing Mu Tianye, Chu Xinning thought that he would not rush to come over, hold his arm, look up and down his son, make sure he is not serious, or some uneasy, "Where is there any injury... ...let tell mom... Amano, talk?!"

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