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Chapter 1224: The last madness (28)

"I..." Mu Tianye whispered, "I'm fine."

"That... Xiaofei?" Chu Xinning looked around and eagerly asked, "What about Xiaofei, how is she?"

"She is being examined inside, and there is nothing wrong with it." Mu Tianye answered.

Chu Xinning was relieved. He turned his face and looked at his son. He looked at the bruises and scratches on his face, only frowning distressedly.

In the corridor, the Li team came with the grand prince.

Seeing Qin Zhaoyang, the Sun Bureau immediately took the initiative to shake hands with him, and came over again, and asked about the hatred of Mu Tianye and Ning Xiaofei.

"We are all fine!" Mu Tianye reached out and shook hands with the two. "Is Chen Ziming finding it?"

"We found his body at the foot of the mountain and died on the spot." Li said on the side.

The voice has just fallen, the door of the examination room has been pushed open, and the nurse carefully introduced Ning Xiaofei.

"Xiaofei!" Chu Xinning immediately greeted her and held her arm. "Where is it hurt?"

"I'm fine!" Ning Xiaofei smiled and shook her head to her, her eyes swept over the crowd, and fell on Qin Zhaoyang's face. She nodded slightly to his lips. "Thank you for coming to see us."

At this point, the doctor followed, and Mu Tianye immediately greeted him, "Doctor."

The doctor comforted the lips. "Don't worry, Miss Ning only has some external bruises, a little bit of hypoglycemia, everything else is normal, and the fetus is not affected!"

Everyone was completely relieved, and the nurse was sent to the ward together. Considering that she was a little hypoglycemic, the doctor specially arranged for the nurse to help her lose a little glucose, and take a rest for a night, just in case.

Seeing that neither of them was in serious trouble, Sun and Li also returned to the public to deal with the aftermath of Chen Ziming's case.

Qin Zhaoyang and Mu Tianye sent two people to leave, Chu Xinning went to Ning Xiaofei's side to help her rationalize her hair, and people gently opened their mouths.

"Hungry, don't want to eat anything, I want to buy it?"

At this time, Qin Zhaoyang and Mu Tianye returned to the ward. Hearing this sentence, Qin Zhaoyang took the initiative.

"I still go, you... talk."

"No need!" Mu Tianye reached out and blocked him. "Let Zhou Tao go!"

"Right right, I am going!" Zhou Tao smiled and walked away.

In the room, Ning Xiaofei was lying on the bed, Chu Xinning stood on his side, and Qin Zhaoyang and Mu Tianye stood on her bed at the left and right. For a time, there was no speech.

"Cough!" Ning Xiaofei coughed softly. "I... I want to drink some water."

This hospital is the nearest hospital to the accident. It is an ordinary top three hospital. Of course, there is no drinking water equipment in the ward.

Chu Xinning pulled the thermos on the table. "I am going to fight."

"I will go!" Qin Zhaoyang stopped her wanting to take the water bottle.

"No!" Chu Xinning let his arm and walked out of the ward with a water bottle.

Ning Xiaofei looked at Mu Tianye and watched what he wanted to chase and was embarrassed. He immediately gave him a step. "Ao, let's go see it, if she can't find a place..."


Mu Tianye turned and chased out of the ward.

Qin Zhaoyang sideways, watching Mu Tianye's figure disappeared outside the door, regaining his gaze, on the sight of Shangning Xiaofei.

Ning Xiaofei whispered, "He knows."

Qin Zhaoyang raised his eyebrows. "You mean..."

"Things of the year." Ning Xiaofei whispered.

Qin Zhaoyang jumped his eyebrows and looked at the door again. His eyes were already worried.



Good night, little princesses~! ~

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