Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1243: Holding hands, and carrying old (19)

"I will pick you up with Xiaofei." Mu Tianye opened the door and personally helped Ning Zhiqiu to the back seat, and the back leaned against the back of the chair to help him fasten his seat belt, which closed the door.

Ning Xiaofei carefully took care of the assistant and looked after him. The two stood on the side of the road and watched the car go far. Ning Xiaofei took back his sight. His eyes fell on Mu Tianye’s face, just frowning worriedly. “Drink so much wine, your stomach. Is it okay?"

Mu Tianye raised his hand to caress her little face. "Nothing, happy today!"

"Don't go to the company in the afternoon, rest at home!"

"it is good."

When the two returned to the building together, Ning Xiaofei proposed to give him a birthday.

"Thirty years old is a big day. I want to invite everyone to sit down and sit together and get together."

Mu Tianye has always been a person who likes to be lively. This time, he is also happy to agree. "I let Zhou Tao arrange."

"No!" Ning Xiaofei immediately refused. "This time, I personally arranged."

Side squatting, staring at her little face for a moment, Mu Tianye chuckled. "Okay, then I just waited for my birthday star!"

Ning Xiaofei smiled and nodded. "That's right!"



Outskirts, cemetery.

In the early morning, the rain drenched, the green grass and the leaves were moistened by the rain, the green became more and more crystal, and the newly turned out the soil was dyed into rain and dyed dark brown.

The team drove into the cemetery parking lot, and the spirit car with white silk flowers stopped at the entrance. Immediately, the staff ran around and pulled the door open.

Stepping on the car with black shoes, stepping on the wet slate floor, Xu Yang on the back of the car ran over the umbrella and lifted the umbrella to the top of Xicheng from the inside of the car.

"No need to!"

The man whispered, but the short words could not hide the hoarseness and dullness of the voice.

Xu Yang stunned, took back the umbrella covering his head, and put it away, handed it to the staff on the side, and slowly followed the side of Xicheng.

The rain fell down finely, and the man’s black short hair fell on the man’s black suit, and the white camellia that fell in the suit pocket also fell on the black casket held in his hand...

The fine raindrops, not condensed, seem to be the tears of a loved one, and are reluctant to slip off.

The funeral was not grand, and it could even be said to be very low-key. In addition to Gu Wenhou, who is full of red eyes, only a few friends from the Gu family were present.

This is the consciousness of Xicheng. He does not want to make things too big, lest the reporters will disturb the departure of his sister.

A group of people went up the mountain, and each one kept the silence it deserved.

Going to the cemetery already prepared on the mountain, Xicheng walked up and kneeled on the ground, gently placed the urn in his arms into the soil, raised his hand and took the flowers in his pocket and placed it on the lid.

"Sister, don't worry, I will come to see you often!"

Always warm voice, rarely hoarse, each one is difficult to squeeze out from the throat, the handsome face of a man is also extremely pale, I can see that I have not eaten and sleep well these days, my eyes are full of bloodshot bloodshot .

Not far away, Gu's father Gu Wenhou couldn't help but drop his tears, and wiped his eyes with a handkerchief. It was only a few days of hard work. The old man seemed to be a lot old--white-haired people sent black-haired people, which is absolutely unbearable blow.

Everyone went forward and put the flowers in their hands into the grave.

Xicheng had been squatting at the tomb without leaving. When everyone had said goodbye to her, he reached over the palm of his hand and carefully sprinkled the soil on his sister's casket.

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