Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1244: Hold the hand, and bring the old (20)

His movements were extremely careful, and that gesture seemed to be the one who was afraid of awakening the sleeping asleep in the grave.

The dark brown soil covered the black casket and white flowers a little bit. The raindrops slid down from the man's hair, passed over the man's cheeks, stayed in the black long eyelashes for a moment, and finally fell, squatting in the dirt. ......

The slender fingers slammed the dirt, and the man leaned over the soil, crying and crying.


Just one word, showing how sad and distressed.

Everyone is silent.

Gu Wenhou lifted his handkerchief again and rubbed his red eyes.

Xu Yang sucked his nose, wiped a tear, and came over and pulled the arm of Xicheng.

"Mr. Xicheng, let the lady enter the earth for safety?"

Together with another staff member, Xicheng was pulled up. He gently lifted his chin, and the staff on the side immediately stepped forward and shovel the soil into the grave with a shovel.

Soon, the tombstone was erected.

The emotions of Xicheng also regained control. "You go down first, I will accompany her for a while."

Xu Yang frowned and glanced at his expression and raised his palm.

The guests were divorced one after another, and the staff and servants also helped Gu Wenhou to climb down the hillside. There was only Xicheng in front of the new grave and Xuyang standing guarding him not far away.

Take out the handkerchief, Xicheng is in front of the sister's tomb, carefully wipe the dirt on the tombstone accidentally dyed.

"I will take good care of my father, you can go with confidence, and I will have me in the valley!"

Not far away, some people walked around the woods and walked to the front.

Xu Yang heard the footsteps and turned to look at the past. I saw Mu Tianye holding an umbrella in one hand and holding Ning Xiaofei’s arm in one hand. Both of them were in black, and Ning Xiaofei’s arms still held several white camellia. .

Early this morning, Ning Xiaofei originally came to accompany her father to know that she came to worship her mother. When she noticed the funeral here, she realized that today is the day when Gu Yu was buried.

After worshipping her mother, she deliberately took a few flowers from the bouquet and came over with Mu Tianye, offering a flower, which was also sent for Gu Yu.

"Mr. Xicheng!"

Looking at the two people approaching, Xu Yang was busy coming over and patted the shoulders of Xicheng. Xicheng turned his face and saw Ning Xiaofei and Mu Tianye standing not far away. He slowly got up and retreated to the side.

The two slowly walked forward to the tombstone, and Ning Xiaofei bent down and gently leaned on the tombstones of Gu Yu.

Frowning for a moment, still did not think of anything to say, just sighed, returned to the side of Mu Tianye, gently smashed the tombstone three times.

Xicheng owed his body, which was a return to the ceremony, and then turned his face.

"Thank you!"

Ning Xiaofei raised her face and asked Mutian to glance at her. She looked at her and the man nodded lightly.

So she walked to the front of the West City, raised her arms and gently held his shoulders.


"Thank you!"

Xicheng thanked him again, but his arm was very gentlemanly on his side. He did not use her dirt fingers to touch her.

"We are leaving first."

Release him, Ning Xiaofei returned to the side of Mu Tianye, the man raised his hand and threw her shoulder, turned and left.

Soon, the figure of two people disappeared behind the increasingly dense rain curtain.

Xicheng stood in the rain and looked at the tombstone, like a sculpture, for a long time silent.

On the handsome white face, there are drops of water falling down, and I don’t know if it’s rain or tears. When I get into my mouth, it’s sour.



Good afternoon

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