Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1272: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (17)

Men know men best.

During this time, because of the relationship between Mu Tianye and Ning Xiaofei, because of the fact that Ning Zhiqiu was in A city, Chu Xinning also often asked him to have dinner with their husband and wife.

Qin Zhaoyang and Ning Zhiqiu are similar in age. In fact, there have been some contacts before, but it is a general exchange on the mall. Now it is a "family" and naturally it is very close.

I often play golf together and play bridge... Now I am already a good friend who has nothing to say. Qin Zhaoyang can also appreciate his current mood.

"Well!" I know that Qiu returned to the sun and smiled and nodded. "I think... must be!"

Said, he raised his face.

"Come, let Grandpa hug the little stars!"

This "grandfather" of course refers to Qin Zhaoyang.


Qin Zhaoyang still hesitated. I know that Qiu has sent the little guy over. Chu Xinning saw his cramped and took the initiative to help, and the two arms were stiff and awkward to take over the little guy. Qin Zhaoyang held his arm and did not dare to relax. .

"Do I hold this way? Willn't it make her uncomfortable?"

"It's okay!" Chu Xinning smiled comfortably.

In the end, Qin Zhaoyang was still worried. He didn't dare to hold it for too long. He only experienced it for a while and handed the little guy to Chu Xinning.

"No, no, I... I am clumsy, let the little guy rest in bed!"

Chu Xinning smiled and took the little guy over and took it to Grandma Mu, and then put her back in the small bed.

The little guy was very embarrassed, put on a small bed, and closed his eyes for a moment and slept.

Qin Zhaoyang looked in his eyes, but he was surprised and pressed his voice.

"This is... sleep?"

"The newborn baby is like this, except eating and sleeping." Chu Xinning helped the little guy pull the parcel. "Let's go back first, let Xiaofei and the little stars have a good rest for a while, let me let Liu Wei help." Philippine soup."

Ning Xiaofei has just produced it, and of course it is very exhausted. After reading the children, it is not appropriate to stay in the ward too much.

So, everyone has to say goodbye and walk out of the ward.

I know that autumn is coming over and holding Ning Xiaofei’s palm.

"Xiao Fei, congratulations!"

"Thank you Dad." Ning Xiaofei smiled. "I want to congratulate you."

"Congratulations to me?"

"Yeah, congratulations on being a grandfather!"

I know that autumn will immediately raise my lips. "I’m right, right, congratulations to me. I’m also a grandfather now. Then... I will go back first. When I finish the company’s affairs, I will come to see you immediately. Female."

"Good." Ning Xiaofei smiled.

Mu Tianye stood up and sent Ning Zhiqiu to the door. Qin Zhaoyang and Chu Xinning also walked out of the ward together.

All the people were sent away, Mu Tianye gently returned to the ward, gently closed the door, gently walked to the side of the crib with his heels, looked at the sweet little guy, turned and returned to Ning Xiaofei On the side, hold her hand and hold her palm.

Sending her hand to her lips and gently kissing, the man's voice is low but revealing affection.


She shook her head slightly.

"The wound still hurts?"

Ning Xiaofei smiled and shook his head.

I came over and kissed her on the forehead, and Mu Tianye raised her hand to help her pull the quilt.

"Have a good rest, I will always be here!"

Ning Xiaofei closed her eyes obediently, flattened her body, and consumed physical energy. She quickly fell asleep.

Mu Tianye helped her pull the quilt, turned her face to look at the sleeping daughter in the small bed, and then looked at the sleeping wife on the pillow, and my heart was full of happiness.



good night.

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