Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1273: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (18)

Look at the sleeping daughter in the small bed, and then look at the sleeping wife on the pillow. Mu Tianye holds the palm of Ning Xiaofei in one hand and stretches over to hold the daughter's crib. He secretly swears in his heart that he must protect the two. Women, let them always be his happy little princess.

On that day, Ning Xiaofei had slept until Chu Xinning and Liu Wei sent soup, and the doctor went into the ward. She could try to let the little guy learn to eat milk, and also informed Mu Tianye that she needed to prepare her daughter’s name so that she could Fill in the official birth certificate in a few days.

When I saw my son coming back from the doctor's office, Chu Xinning immediately spoke. "Tianye, go back and change your clothes. Is there Liu and I here?"

"I'm fine."

"Go back to rest for a while, by the way, help me get something." Ning Xiaofei also said.

Of course, the so-called getting something is just an excuse, otherwise he will definitely not leave the hospital.

"What?" Mu Tianye asked.

In fact, Chu Xinning and Liu Wei have already taken everything she needs, and Ning Xiaofei just said two things.

"Good!" promised, Mu Tianye went to the side of the bed to see the daughter who had already woken up.

The little guy's two small hands have already protruded from the shackles, so the tiny little fingers, the powder is tender and tender, and it will break off as if it is lightly touched. It seems to be soft and blown.

Mu Tianye's heart moved, and a finger reached out to gently touch her palm. The little guy immediately instinctively held his finger.

This is just a kind of instinctual reflex behavior of babies. These Mutianye have already known in the recent knowledge of parenting, but when the little guy’s slender little fingers hold him, he feels the little guy’s fingers holding his power, he The heart is still shaking.

Bend down and gently kiss the little guy's little finger, his movements are extremely soft, it seems that he is afraid of her pain.

The little guy seems to like to hold him, and he doesn't mean to let go.

Ning Xiaofei turned his face and saw Mu Tianye still, unable to frown.

"Why don't you go back?"

When I got off the plane, I rushed to the hospital and stayed with her for so long. Ning Xiaofei certainly felt bad about him.

"My daughter doesn't want me to go, I can't help it!"

His words seem to be complaining, but the tone is full of happiness and happiness.

It’s also a coincidence that the little guy has already taken the initiative to release the little hand and the father is “free”.

"Our little stars are really sensible, okay, that daddy will go home first, change clothes and take a shower and come back to see you..."

Looking at his soft and soft voice and softly talking to his daughter, Ning Xiaofei and Chu Xinning looked at each other, they were a bit ridiculous and a little helpless.

Reluctantly "talking" with her daughter for a while, Mu Tianye just got up and said goodbye to Ning Xiaofei.

Passing through the cloister, out of the inpatient department, as soon as I went out, I saw the snow fluttering in the sky. He walked into the car a few times, and the driver carefully started the car and drove out of the hospital. Mu Tianye fell into a contemplation on the back of the chair.

In fact, about the name, he thought a lot before the birth of the child, because he is not sure whether the child is a boy or a girl, he is still ready to think about two kinds, some for boys, some for girls...

But now, when I really see my daughter, he knows that it is not appropriate.

The car returned to the A city university, Mu Tianye got off and walked into the room. Grandpa Mu met immediately and asked him about the situation of the child and Ning Xiaofei, and he was busy letting the babysitter start dinner for him.


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