Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1274: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (19)

Mu Tianye went to the building to take a shower, simply ate dinner, and said that Grandpa Mu came out of the old house. The snow outside didn’t know when it had stopped. Only the north wind screamed, and the clouds in the sky were blowing away.

He rushed to Lanting Apartment and carefully packed up a few things that Ning Xiaofei needed. He packed it in the bag and went downstairs. When he went out, he inadvertently swept the night outside the building door and suddenly stopped.

A rare snowstorm painted the entire city in a white, white cloud over the top of the head, because there is no moon at the beginning of the month, only the stars, the snow reflects the stars, the beauty and tranquility that can't be said.

The man looked up at the star, staring at the stars in the sky, exhaling a heat.

What flashed in my eyes was the bright black eyes of her daughter, such as the stars in the night.

Mu Tianye’s eyes were dyed with excitement. "I know!"

Stepping downstairs and sitting in the back seat of the car, he immediately urged the driver.

"Come on, go to the hospital."

The car went forward and headed for the hospital. When the car stopped, Mu Tianye immediately took the paper bag and strode upstairs, and rushed to the ward where Ning Xiaofei was located.

"Xiao Fei, I think so..."


Chu Xinning was busy reminding, "The little guy just slept."

He immediately put a light move, like a cat, silently went to the side of Ning Xiaofei's bed, bent down and excited.

"Xiao Fei, I think of my daughter's name."

Looking at him with a look of excitement, Ning Xiaofei could not help but raise his lips.

"What is it?"

"Mu Xuechen!"

"Snow CHEN? Morning in the morning?"

"Of course not, it is the birthday of the stars!" Mu Tianye took her little hand. "I just got down from the upstairs. When I went out, my eyes were white. I raised my face and looked at the starry sky. I thought of it all at once. Her eyes..." He turned his face to look at his daughter. "I think this is the best name for her."

"Right! I will show it to you!"

Mu Tianye stood up, turned off the lights, and then turned on the switch of the electric curtains.

The room was dark, leaving only the starlight and snow that came in through the window. Ning Xiaofei turned his face and looked at the starry sky and raised his lips.

Snow Chen?

Starry night in the snow...

He said before that if the daughter's nickname is called the star, this name is very suitable for giving children a big name.

"Beautiful mood, very good!"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard the cries of the little guys coming up from the crib.

Mu Tianye was busy turning the lights on. Chu Xinning, Liu Wei and the caregiver ran to the side of the crib together. Sure enough, the little guy was holding a small mouth and crying out unceremoniously.

"What's wrong?" Mu Tianye also ran over. "Is it because I turn off the lights and scare her!"

"No!" Chu Xinning picked up the little guy. "I guess 80% is hungry, right? Xiaoxuechen... This is the name your father just gave you!"

"Snow is not crying, my father apologizes to you, I did not mean to arguing with you!"

It’s also a coincidence. I don’t know if someone feels comforting, or what happened, and heard the voice of Mu Tianye.

The little guy stopped crying, tears in his big eyes, black eyes like a deep pool.

"It seems that she still likes Dad's voice." Chu Xinning laughed.

Before the little guy was born, Mu Tianye had to "chat" with her every night. Chu Xinning said that it was not all jokes.

Stretching her hand and picking her up, Mu Tianye’s voice is getting milder.

"Snow does not cry, Dad sends you to find a mother."

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