Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1275: [番]恍If the stars in the night sky (20)

The little guy really didn't cry, and he was sent to his mother's arms for a moment, and he immediately sat down with satisfaction.

"This child can be really smart!" The care worker immediately sighed at the side. "I still see the little baby who is so obedient."

Mu Tianye has no humble meaning at all. "My daughter, of course, is smart."

Ning Xiaofei laughed, Chu Xinning also shook his head.

However, in retrospect, when he was a child, he was also very well-behaved. This child must be like a father.

It seems that I have slept a lot, the little guy is full of milk and does not sleep.

The **** eyes reflected the starlight outside the window, and the two eyeballs were like two narrow night sky.

"Snow Chen?"

Ning Xiaofei gently caressed her daughter's face and looked at the two eyes.

Beautiful eyes, beautiful names.

It is said that my daughter is like a father. When she grows up, she will be as smart and sensible as her father, and she will be very cute and beautiful...

Thinking of this, she really couldn't wait to see the little guy grow up.

Mu Tianye also came over and sat sideways, watching this big and small, his eyes soft.

Outside the window.

The whole world is covered with a layer of snow, and the sky is exceptionally clean and transparent.



Since then, there has been another important "woman" in the world of Mu Tianye.

In the past, men who never liked shopping, this time it seems to be another person.

Every time he travels, he has to go to the largest shopping center in the area. The most popular place to visit is the Children's Square. Every time you come back on a business trip, you will go back and forth with big bags.

A variety of cute little clothes, small shoes, all kinds of toys...

I used to think that Ning Xiaofei was a little childish. Now he has become the childish child of Ning Xiaofei. From a man who hates shopping to a "shopaholic", he only used a short night.

As a result, from the children's room in the old house of Mujia to the villa for the holiday in the suburbs, the toys of the little guys are everywhere.

Ning Xiaofei sometimes worried that his daughter would be spoiled by him, but men always disapprove.

"She is still young, knowing what to do, and it is not too late to wait until she grows up."

The man who used to be a job-oriented man, and later his wife’s mad model, has now become a super-daughter. It’s not the “stars of our family” or the “small stars” that always hang on the lips...

The most important thing is that not only him, this little guy has a grandmother who likes her the most, and the most favored her grandfather. Mu Dad naturally does not need to say, even Qin Zhaoyang is also regarded as his own granddaughter, spoiling this little guy. It’s even worse than Mutian.

In order to facilitate the care of Mu Lao and his children, Qin Zhaoyang and Chu Xinning have already transferred their main residence and work focus to City A.

The Qin family's old house in the suburbs has already been refurbished. After the birth of the little guy, the entire old house has become her playground.

Because the little guy likes to play with the sand, Qin Zhaoyang simply designed an artificial beach for her in the yard, there is a large air from the south, there is a shoal, there is a bouncy castle on the beach, you can be a little guy. Climb up and down.

For most of the summer, the little stars are here to enjoy the "beach" that belongs to her alone.

In the family's favor, the little ones grew up day by day.

From the initial only knowing to eat and sleep, to turn over, will climb...

Waiting until the city of A once again ushered in the winter, the little guy who played on the floor one day, stood up in trepidation and took the first step in life.

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