Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 423: Your Ning Xiaofei

Mu Tianye stood on the corridor and looked at the figure of Ning Xiaofei on the stage. He had already forgotten to find a seat. The rain on his hair slipped down and rubbed his cheeks.

Listening to the screams and applause around her, he just stood there and looked at her -

His Ning Xiaofei, his little woman, his pride!

One of his goblins will one day break into a butterfly, and Mu Tianye always believes in it.

At this moment, watching the **** the stage, he clearly saw the invisible wings that slowly opened behind her, and the lips were gently raised.



On the stage.

From the perspective of Ning Xiaofei, it is impossible to see Mu Tianye.

Standing under the light, looking at the stage, you can only see a flashing light stick and mobile phone screen in the dark, countless vague figures.

Step by step to the center of the stage, imagine that more than a thousand pairs of eyes under the stage are staring at themselves, and she is also unable to control the tension.

Heartbeat, accelerate a little bit.

Stopping in the middle of the stage, she tried to raise her lips, controlled her breathing, bent down to the audience under the stage, raised her right hand, gently pressed the neckline, and pointed her fingertips across the thin cloth, clearly touching Cards and coins in the chest pocket.

Then, my face flashed through Mu Tianye's face.

"I'm coming!"

"I am in the audience!"


She raised her face again and bravely looked at the darkness that was going to the stage.

Imagine that the person was standing somewhere and staring at her. The originally rapid heartbeat gradually subsided, and the somewhat stiff smile was relaxed a little.

"Xiaofei, are you ready?" Shangya, standing aside, asked with a smile.

She took a light breath and slowly looked around and relaxed.


I have been trained by his devil for a week. Even the harsh and extreme "teacher" said she can. What is she nervous about?

Big deal is to lose the game.

Life is still very long, just a game, and can decide what.

This time, use this stage to show yourself, success or failure... control him? !

When people relax, confidence will rise from the bottom of their hearts, and Ning Xiaofei will find the normal state.

The staff had already pretended to put her on the props table, and Shangya stepped back from the stage. Ning Xiaofei turned and walked to the chair, with a smile.

"Here is the Philippine language, I am your Ning Xiaofei."

Originally, her line should be "I am Ning Xiaofei". This time, I specifically added the word "your", especially the accent of the words "you" and "you".

On the surface, it seems to be showing a sense of intimacy with the audience. In fact, this "you" is specifically referring to someone.

She believes that he understands.

Under the stage, Mu Tianye smiled more and more brilliantly.

He certainly understands that this "your" is not a general audience, but refers to him.

On the big screen, she began to play her own video materials. Ning Xiaofei naturally entered the state, talking and laughing, the tone was concise and fun, and the information was the same as when he was hosted by him in the hospital.

Everything is almost impeccable.

Whether it is posture, typhoon or vomiting, rhythm... has reached her best condition.

Under the stage, everyone was laughed at by her from time to time, and occasionally she showed a bit of deep thought, and she was completely brought into the show.

On the side of the stage, Ruo Ruoxi glanced at the timing card hanging on the wall, and the lips smirked a meaningful sneer.


The ringing of the mobile phone suddenly sounded.

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