
When the bell rang, it happened to be a gap between Ning Xiaofei’s speech. The video data on the big screen just switched. In the quiet moment, the ringing of the mobile phone was particularly harsh.

Ning Xiaofei instinctively looked at the direction of the sound - in the dark space under the front of the stage, a mobile phone is flashing bright, while still shaking.

Whose phone?

How can there be a mobile phone here?


In the brain, there are countless questions raised. Ning Xiaofei has been completely short-circuited for two seconds.

The moment seems to be eternal.

When she came back to God, she could no longer enter the state of being between. It felt like a normal dancing person, suddenly interrupted, and naturally lost the rhythm when he continued.

At this time, the mobile phone was still stubbornly sounding, and it seemed that there was no stopping for it. Everyone noticed this strange situation, or looked confused or looked at it.

Under the stage, Mu Tianye’s original relaxed expression was instantly dignified.

On the jury's seat, Ji Mo's brow was wrinkled, and Xicheng originally leaned back against the back of the chair.

On the VIP table, Gu Yu, who originally spoke to the guests on one side, was also suspiciously sitting upright.

The general director was in a tight heart and immediately asked the silent headset. "What happened?"

No one answered.

In fact, all the staff were confused at the moment.

On the side of the stage, Shangya turned to look at the direction of the general director. There was an inquiry in his eyes. The meaning was obviously asking him if he wanted to go to the rescue.

They all saw Ning Xiaofei's rehearsal, and of course, she knew that there was absolutely no mobile phone in her official host. This was obviously a performance accident.

Before the monitor, the general director grabbed the headphones, "Shang Ya..."

On the jury's seat, Xicheng held the armrest of the chair and the body had left the chair.

At the entrance to the background, Ye Qiao clung to the curtain at the entrance, and the nervous palms were full of cold sweat.


A figure strode down the corridor and rushed to the darkness in front of the stage.

In the dark, no one saw his face, only the security guard rushed over and stopped him.

The man was Mu Tianye, raised his hands and held his mouth, and he called out her name.

"Ning Xiaofei!"

A word awakens the dreamer.

After a few seconds of incompetence, Ning Xiaofei suddenly woke up.

"Ning Xiaofei! Remember, no matter what happens, you have to calm down, the stage is like the battlefield, the coolest one is the winner!"

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the cell phone that was still stubborn and screaming from the dark.

"and many more!"

The general director is low-lying.

Shang Yamai’s feet on the steps stopped.

Ji Mo stretched out his palm and leaned over to grab the West Side, who had already stood up, and noticed the movement of Ning Xiaofei on the stage. Xicheng frowned and sat back in the chair.

Mu Tianye backhand grasped the arms of the two security guards in front of him, and a pair of nephews also nervously stared at Ning Xiaofei on the stage.

At that moment, his heart also mentioned the eyes of the blind.

Xiao Fei, calm down, calm down...

You can, think about the unexpected situations we have considered between them, think about how you handled it at the time...

Come on, Xiaofei!

You must do it, you must do it!

Mu Tianye grabbed the palms of the two security guards and tightened them a little bit. The two security guards were pinched by his guards.

On the stage.

Ning Xiaofei raised his finger and turned off the mobile phone alarm clock, while raising his left hand, as if nothing happened, sinking out.


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