Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 425: Wonderful impromptu host

The staff in front of the main console was still in a daze. The general director had already stretched out his right arm and pressed the switch on the main console. The video on the big screen immediately stopped and freezed.

The background music came to an abrupt end, and the attention of those who had a slap in the face turned back to the stage, and wanted to see what Ning Xiaofei was playing.

At the same time, everyone's eyes have also moved over, looking at her, want to see how she reverses the situation at hand.

Ning Xiaofei was a sigh of relief. She was just too nervous. She only shouted a stop word. Fortunately, the general director could understand her intentions and set her mind. She raised her lips and smiled.

"Apologize, I will pick up the phone first!"

Said, she really sent the phone to her ear and turned away from the host.

The audience were all surprised to open their eyes or open their mouths.

Answer the phone?

No competition!

Is this brain in the water or crazy? !

Ning Xiaofei walked two steps forward, and stopped to look at the stage.

"I don't know, are you still present like me? Ten minutes of mobile phone is not around, it will be unsettled, as if it is something important to lose. It is already lying on the pillow, but still have to take a mobile phone Weibo, or a circle of WeChat..." She turned and walked to the stage. "Or, every time I said I had to go to bed early and go to bed early. As a result, I’ve been brushing the phone for an hour. The sleepiness has already disappeared, and the next day, it is repeated again and again?"

This time, the lines played on the spot suddenly attracted the attention of all the audience.

Mobile phones, which everyone has, are almost everything that everyone needs, and it is easy to resonate with everyone.

Lifting the phone in his hand, Ning Xiaofei raised his face.

“Today, our last topic is – ‘mobile phone’!”

Everyone in the audience was amazed.

It turned out that this was not an accident, but a deliberate arrangement by others.

Really... ingenuity!

Mu Tianye raised his lips and opened two security guards. He took the lead and applauded.

Ji Mo and Xi Cheng and others all reacted and applauded with him, even including Shang Ya on the side of the stage.

This is a moderator's affirmation of a moderator.

Under such an unexpected situation, not only can it be handled quickly, but it can also make good use of this prop and express everything as early as the arrangement. This little girl... is enough wit!

It is not easy to preside over this industry. It is not difficult to say that it is difficult.

The hardest part is the mastery of the sudden situation, especially the live broadcast. Any situation may happen at any time. Can you make the best response in the fastest time? This is true for a host. test.

Aside, Ruo Ruoxi snorted silently.

The stage has already been applause.

The audience’s original thoughts were re-engaged by Ning Xiaofei.

"Now, China is already a big country with mobile phones. The mobile phone is almost a human hand. In the subway and on the street, the low-headed people are everywhere. We can't live without it when we work, eat, or even go to the toilet. When we meet, We are busy taking pictures, brushing friends, and when we really pick up the chopsticks, the food is cold, just to respond to the praise of the circle of friends, but forget that our friends are around us..."

"When the Chinese New Year is over, we are busy forwarding a variety of grateful chicken soup posts in our circle of friends, but we forgot to call Mom and Dad..."

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