
Chapter 101 Commandments to 5 lines

Six Taoist priests from the Five Elements Department rushed to the inn, and the leader was Yang Baozhen. The young Taoist priests from the Discipline Department hurriedly made room and stood on both sides of the courtyard.

Shen Hao came to Xiaoqiu's side, glanced at Yang Qingyin, and whispered: "Just because of the bald man, so many Taoist priests were alarmed. It is a rare thing in Pangshan."

His glance did not escape Yang Qingyin's attention, "Boy, do you know me?"

"You are Fellow Daoist Yang Qingyin of Honglu Branch." Shen Hao didn't like being questioned, and he didn't like being called "boy", but he was still polite when he said it, "I guess Fellow Daoist Yang doesn't know me yet, my name is..."

"I didn't ask you what your name is. Remember, take care of your eyes."

Shen Hao couldn't bear it anymore and stared at each other angrily. The two were on the verge of a fight. At this time, Shen Zhun, the chief law enforcer of the Discipline Department, walked out of the room and faced his wife. The two of them gave each other the orthodox courtesy, and then discussed in a low voice.

Xiao Qiu wanted to hear what Shen Zhun and Yang Baozhen were talking about, but before he could use his super hearing, he was pulled to the other side by Shen Hao.

"Why are you hanging out with her?" Shen Hao was a little dissatisfied, but he lowered his eyes to the ground and did not look at Yang Qingyin who was more than ten steps away.

The opinions of the Discipline Department and the Five Elements Department seemed to be inconsistent. Although Shen and Yang remained calm, they spoke for a long time and seemed to be trying their best to persuade each other.

Xiaoqiu looked at the two people and found that his extraordinary hearing was of no use to the two high-level Taoist priests. He heard nothing and casually answered Shen Hao: "Who else can I hang out with in Zhiyong Institute?"

Shen Hao was silent for a moment and put a hand on Xiao Qiu's shoulder, "Are you angry with me?"

Xiaoqiu exhaled heavily, "You care about who I hang out with, but I care more about the bald man in the room. He is not dead. He remembers everything from the past."

Shen Hao retracted his arm, his face slightly red. Quietly, he handed a palm-sized bronze mirror to Xiaoqiu, "Take a look."

Xiaoqiu came into contact with a real magic weapon for the first time.

Before his death, the Five Elements Master Li Yuechi gave many of his magical artifacts to the youths of Yelin Town. However, those copper bells and mirrors never showed any special features in the hands of the youths. It was not until they took classes at Yangshen Peak that they understood , most magical instruments will establish a unique connection with the user. After changing the owner, the old marks on it must be washed away, otherwise it will just be an ordinary item.

Xiaoqiu and others are unable to wash away the marks, so naturally they cannot appreciate the wonders of the magic weapon.

As for the candles Xiaoqiu lit, they are not magical weapons. It is a consumable product like elixirs.

This small bronze mirror belongs to Shen Hao. He has not yet condensed his energy into a pill, but he already has a simple magic weapon that he can lend to others after casting spells.

The bronze mirror felt cool to the touch, but Xiaoqiu didn't know how to make it work.

"Aim at the room and use your third eye." Shen Hao reminded in a low voice.

After a while, Xiaoqiu's eyes were finally able to penetrate the wall. The bricks and stones were still there, and the situation inside the house was clearly visible. Just adjust your sight wherever you want to look.

The inspection of the bald man in the room seemed to have ended. More than a dozen Taoist priests put away their magic weapons and stood casually chatting in low voices. It looked very relaxed, and Xiaoqiu breathed a sigh of relief. This at least proved that the bald man was not a very dangerous monster.

The Taoist priest used magic to hang the bald man's head a foot above the table, gently swaying from side to side. His eyes were closed and a smile appeared on his lips, as if he was having a sweet dream. Two or three feet away in the air, there is another "bald man" floating in the air, as transparent as smoke and flowing like water. If it weren't for the light green lines like leaf veins distributed inside, it would be almost invisible.

Xiaoqiu once had the experience of his soul leaving his body when he was going through the catastrophe. Looking at it from the perspective of a third party, he felt very different: Who is the real bald man? Is it a soul with memories but no body, or a head with closed eyes and a smile that is unaware?

Xiaoqiu withdrew his eyesight and returned the bronze mirror to Shen Hao. As a practitioner walks a path far away from mortals, he will naturally encounter doubts that mortals cannot imagine. He thought that this might also be one of the problems in the study of forbidden secrets. .

"There are results." Shen Hao reminded Xiaoqiu to pay attention to the Shen couple.

Shen Zhun and Yang Baozhen seemed to have reached an agreement, and turned around at the same time. Shen Zhun returned to the room, and Yang Baozhen made gestures to the Taoist priest of the Five Elements. They took out swords, rulers, Ruyi and other magic weapons.

"What are they going to do?" Xiaoqiu's heart suddenly sank.

Shen Hao bit his mouth without making a sound, and suddenly exhaled, "Don't worry, it's not about killing demons, the law enforcers are setting up a magic circle."

All the Taoist priests from the Discipline Department came out of the room, seven in a row, divided into two groups, standing in a figure eight shape. In the middle of the narrow mouth was the great law enforcer Shen Zhun. Two feet away in front of him, exactly in the middle of the wide mouth, The bald man's head and his soul floated.

Shen Hao explained: "The Discipline Department has set up the Liangyi Seven-Yuan Formation. This is the Dharma Protector Array. It is supposed to protect the bald man. But what does the Five Elements Department mean? Do we want to fight with the Discipline Department?"

As a new disciple of the Discipline Department, Shen Hao came here specifically to observe. As soon as he saw the Liangyi Seven-Yuan Formation, his eyes immediately lit up and he hurried back to the disciples of the same department to watch his senior cast spells from the best angle.

Xiaoqiu returned to Yang Qingyin.

Yang Qingyin held her head high, as if she didn't see him.

"Mom, what are the Five Elements Department and the Discipline Department doing?" Xiaoqiu asked proactively.

Yang Qingyin remained silent as Xiaoqiu's punishment for walking away. She didn't speak until the formation of the fifteen Taoist priests from the Discipline Department was completed, "They want to separate the soul from the demon species."

"In that case, wouldn't the bald man die?" Although Xiaoqiu was prepared, she was still surprised.

"Not necessarily, this is a test to see if the demon controls the soul, or if the soul imprisons the demon." Yang Qingyin glanced at Xiaoqiu, knowing that he didn't understand, and explained: "The demon controls the soul, and when in danger It will be forcibly separated, and it is not willing to die. Of course, the head will die as a result, and no one can do anything about it; the soul imprisons the demon species, and no matter how unfavorable the situation is, the demon species cannot escape from the bondage, and the head may still have a way to survive. "

"Even the Five Elements Mage can't control the demon species, bald man..." Xiaoqiu thought of Li Yuechi again. He was only invaded by the demon species once, but he would rather commit suicide than go back to Pangshan for help.

"If you throw the seed in fertile soil, it will grow tall and strong. If you throw it in the cracks of the rocks, you will be lucky if it germinates. Your head friend is too weak. What you encountered is another equally weak demon seed. , the two of them... stop talking nonsense and watch the battle between the Five Elements Department and the Discipline Department. Such a good show is rare. "

The Liangyi Seven-Yuan Formation of the Discipline Department has taken shape. What Xiaoqiu saw was a vague light shield that protected the fifteen spell-casting Taoist priests. The bald man's head remained within the light shield, entangled with the demon species. But his soul is outside. It is a small ball of green smoke that is so light that it is almost invisible. It will directly bear the attack of the Five Elements Mage.

Xiaoqiu didn't have any magic weapon in her hand. He switched to observation with his unobstructed Third Eye, and immediately saw another scene: the light mask became clearly visible, even bright enough to be dazzling, and the surface of the light mask was covered with countless small sword-like red lights, which continued like lightning. Wandering around, occasionally a line of red light would suddenly shine brightly, leap a foot or two away, and then return to its original place.

Within Bald Man’s soul. The green line flows like mercury, obviously feeling the danger, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Xiaoqiu only stared for a while before she couldn't bear it anymore and became dizzy. He quickly took back his vision. He didn't have inner elixirs and magic weapons, so he couldn't use the Immaculate Third Eye for a long time.

The six Five Elements Taoist priests struck first, piercing the bald man's soul with their air swords. When it hits the light mask, it makes a hard banging sound, like two dead trees knocking against each other.

After Xiaoqiu returned to normal. Use the leak-free Tianmu again.

The air swords are all five element spells of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They have different shapes, but their speed is surprisingly fast. Even if Xiaoqiu uses her third eye, she can't distinguish individual spells. She can only see a series of flight trajectories and the spells on the light shield. Aroused bunches of bright light.

Such a scene is indeed rare. The Five Elements Department and the Discipline Department are both powerful rivals, inspiring each other to become stronger.

The bald man sandwiched between the two has another feeling. The smile on the head that remains within the light barrier disappears, and the brow slowly wrinkles. It is obvious that he has felt the pain caused by the magic attack. Outside the light shield, the mist-like water soul has undergone violent deformation, and the shape of a human head can no longer be seen. The light green lines inside have lost their neatness like leaf veins, twisted into a thick line, and swayed like a whirlwind...

Xiaoqiu felt dizzy again and had to withdraw from the Wuluo Tianmu. This time, the reaction was more serious. He sat on the ground, lowered his head and did not dare to look anymore.

Yang Qingyin showed a disdainful smile, but she saw it clearly and with gusto, "Yang Baozhen is a wind-returning master, proficient in water, wood, and fire spells. She has not yet used her full strength. The other five are all hybrid masters and are proficient in them. They tried their best with both types of spells. Haha, except for the fifteen law enforcers, no one can stop the attack of these six people. Is it really worth spending so much effort on just one head?

"Have the demon species been separated?" Xiaoqiu was most concerned about this matter.

"It's hard to say now, but your brain friend is dying, and no one's soul can withstand such a powerful spell... It's over."

"It's over? Where's the bald man?" Xiaoqiu stood up and looked up. Sure enough, Yang Baozhen and others had put away their magic weapons. The mask and soul on the opposite side had disappeared, leaving only the bald man's head hanging in the air, with his facial features slightly distorted. Occasionally he jumped up, but he didn't wake up.

Shen Zhun, the great law enforcer, walked up to the head and announced loudly: "This head is harmless. The devil is firmly restrained by it."

Xiao Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, just as Shen Hao looked over, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Can I take Mu Songxuan away?" Xiao Qiu knew that he was not qualified to speak here, but he was too urgent and had to ask.

Shen Zhun shook his head, "Mu Songxuan must absorb spiritual energy to survive. You haven't condensed the energy into a pill yet, and there isn't much spiritual energy in your body. If you let him suck your blood again, you won't be able to practice."

Xiaoqiu was stunned, "Then he..."

"The Discipline Department will take Mu Songxuan back to Laozu Peak, w.ansh.c where he will be properly placed."

Yang Qingyin stood up unexpectedly, "Such an interesting head, whose ability to retain souls is worse than that of a rabbit, is the perfect training object for soul summoning. Aunt, don't you want to argue? Or you and uncle have already It’s been discussed and everyone will take turns?”

Yang Baozhen, who was rarely moved, his face darkened, "Qingyin, you have nothing to do here."

Shen Zhun was not angry, "Mu Songxuan can be considered a disciple of Pangshan. Old Ancestor Peak will not embarrass him, and summoning spirits once in a while will not hurt him."

Yang Qingyin walked up to the head and said, "I brought the head back, how could it not be my fault? Mu Xingqiu doesn't have the inner elixir, I do. The head belongs to me from now on. I will also practice summoning spirits when I have nothing to do." "

I raised my head and looked around, as if to see who dared to object.

Yang Baozhen's face became even darker. It was the first time Xiao Qiu had seen her so angry.

(Please recommend and order. To be continued...) () \u003c!--flag0boxing--\u003e

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