
Chapter 102 Responsibilities of Taoist disciples

In the eyes of the disciples of Yangshen Peak, Yang Baozhen is a serious and unsmiling Tujia. Among a group of Tujias in the Dinxia realm, she is different because of her Xingluo Dao Fruit. No one dares to doubt her ability, and no one dares to doubt her ability. Dare to show her some intention of challenging.

She doesn't even need to be angry to have her image firmly established.

Therefore, when she strode towards Yang Qingyin with a clear angry look on her face, several disciples who had been taught by her at the scene, including Xiao Qiu and Shen Hao, were all taken aback.

Yang Qingyin tilted her head, making no secret of her true self at this moment: stubborn and rebellious, fighting against adults with childlike stupidity and courage.

"Don't be ridiculous." Yang Baozhen's tone was calm, but her suppressed anger was even more evident.

"I'm from the Yang family, how can I not make nonsense?" Yang Qingyin said coldly. In contrast, she didn't know how to hide her inner emotions.

Xiao Qiu sighed softly. This was originally a matter between him and Bald Man, but it turned out to be a fight between the Yang family's aunt and nephew.

"That's right, you are from the Yang family. No matter how much you mess around, you will still be the same." Yang Baozhen's anger suddenly disappeared, he said an inexplicable word, turned around and walked out of the inn, followed closely by the other Five Elements Taoist priests. They did not cast spells in front of the residents of Immortal Assembly.

Yang Qingyin turned to Shen Zhun, "Does your head belong to me?"

Shen Zhun shook his head slightly, but did not object, "He can stay with you, but he will not be owned by you. You must treat him as a disciple of Pangshan."

"Hit me when I need to, and scold me when I need to scold me. I know."

Shen Zhun shook his head again, "You can't take him away today. I want to take Mu Songxuan to the Discipline Department to do some magic blessings on him."

"Don't break it, return it to me as soon as possible." Yang Qingyin probably felt that her attitude was too bad, so she changed her tone and said, "Thank you, uncle. You are the only one in Pangshan who can treat this head fairly."

Shen Zhun showed a helpless smile, full of obvious love, "Learn to call him by his name - Mu Songxuan."

The Grand Law Enforcer walked up to Xiao Qiu and said, "I heard that you are still continuing to practice in Zhiyong."

"Yes, there are others. Let's practice together." Xiao Qiu looked up at the tall Taoist priest.

There are always some people in the world who have a unique temperament and leave a deep impression on people at first glance, so that they cannot remember their true appearance.

Shen Zhun is such a person, Xiaoqiu came to the conclusion at first sight. This is a true Taoist priest, but even if he is face to face, he cannot see the other person's facial features clearly, except for those deep eyes.

Xiaoqiu lowered her gaze, feeling that it was impolite to stare at the Grand Law Enforcer.

"All Pangshan disciples should have your spirit." The great law enforcer's voice was so serious that Xiao Qiu even blushed a little, "Come to the Discipline Department's Demon Elimination Conference. Every disciple who is not practicing at Yangshen Peak should You should attend once every three months.”

"Thank you. I will go." Xiaoqiu promised. In fact, he had not yet figured out what the Demon Elimination Conference meant.

Shen Zhun nodded and led the discipline disciples away. A Taoist priest covered the bald man's head with a black cloth. Holding it in his hand, Xiao Qiu wanted to remind him that the bald man was afraid of the dark, but before he could, Shen Hao came over and said to him, "I'm here. The bald man will be fine. He will be sent down the mountain in a few days."


"Xiaoqiu, do you still remember our original bet?"

That was when I was at Yangshen Peak. The young people in Yelin Town discussed the future enthusiastically. Shen Hao and Xiao Qiu made a bet to see who could condense Qi into elixir earlier. Of course, Xiao Qiu would not forget it.


"Then let us continue to compete." Shen Hao winked and Xiaoqiu smiled.

The residents waiting on the street crowded in and talked about the arrival of Taoist Pangshan, but no one dared to step forward and ask Yang Qingyin and Xiaoqiu.

Pan Sanye, the attendant of Princess Xijieguo who stayed in Xianrenji, squeezed through the crowd and said, "There is a reply." Then he ran into his room and quickly handed a thick envelope to Xiaoqiu.

Xiaoqiu took the envelope, thanked her hurriedly, and ran out of the inn under the gaze of everyone, chasing Yang Qingyin who left first.

"Thank me for what?" Yang Qingyin said angrily, as if she was holding back her anger.

"You helped me keep Mu Songxuan."

"Ha, don't be so cute. I'm not helping you. I just think the head is interesting and can be used to practice. He is my toy. If you get unhappy one day, just throw it aside and let him fend for himself. No matter what he is. Disciple Shan, at worst I will think about it for a few years and it will be quiet.

The more Yang Qingyin talked, the more indignant she became. She was the winner of the dispute just now, but she seemed to have been greatly wronged.

Xiaoqiu walked with her silently for a while, "I've heard a little about you."

Yang Qingyin stopped suddenly, "It seems you are really not afraid of death."

Xiaoqiu was afraid of death, but he was not afraid of my mother. He stopped at the same time and said, "I heard that you were sent to the hospital because you were dissatisfied with the marriage."

Yang Qingyin raised her eyebrows. Xiaoqiu was almost sure that she was about to cast a spell, but she just snorted, suddenly jumped out, and ran forward at an extremely fast speed. Xiaoqiu followed closely behind. Although he couldn't catch up, he wasn't left too far behind.

At the Muma Valley fork in the road, Yang Qingyin stopped again. When Xiao Qiu caught up, he found that she was crying. This scene was completely beyond his expectation. He suddenly became overwhelmed and was speechless for a long time.

Yang Qingyin wiped away her tears, tilted her head, showing her usual ruffian look, "You think I'm particularly unreasonable?"

Xiaoqiu shook her head, "Among the few rich people I have met, you are quite normal."

"I'm not a rich man."

"In Pangshan, Taoist disciples are the 'rich people'."

Yang Qingyin laughed several times and said, "So I am just a playboy in your eyes."

"Yes." Xiaoqiu did not deny, "So I said you are normal. I know a man who once had a fever and suddenly wanted to eat grapes, but the season was wrong and there was no such thing in Yelin Town, so his father sent a servant on three horses. Puguanma went to Big and Little Erbao overnight and bought grapes for him at noon the next day. After he recovered, he said that he actually didn't like grapes, but since his father asked, he said so. "

This is Shen Hao's past deeds. In order to take care of these three horses, Xiao Qiu almost didn't sleep all night.

"Do you think I receive too much favor?" Yang Qingyin thought it was really ridiculous.

"Not many people dare to speak like that in front of the Taoist Priest of Laozu Peak."

"You have done it before, rejecting the invitation of the leader of the Five Elements Section on the spot. This kind of thing is even rarer."

"Then I have nothing, not even a chance to regret it, and you will always have this chance. As long as you are willing, as long as you nod, Laozu Peak will still be your home."

Yang Qingyin frowned and looked at Xiaoqiu like a monster, "How old are you?"

"Sixteen years later."

"You're still a little kid, and you dare to preach to me? I'm three years older than you. I don't know the story about grapes, but I know that Laozu Peak is not what you imagined. Have you been to Laozu Peak?"

“I’ve been there a few times and haven’t stayed long.”

Xiaoqiu thought for a while, "My father has said that I am too stubborn and stubborn since I was a child. I will suffer the consequences sooner or later. This is probably because of my self-righteousness."

"Haha, okay, then let me change your stubbornness. Have you heard of the legend about my aunt and uncle's fate?"

"Everyone says that the two of them are rare Taoist priests who only form a mortal bond and refuse to cut off their love with a sword of wisdom. They are very respectable."

"Taoist priests who have a mortal bond cannot enter the Xingluo realm, but these two people broke the tradition. Aren't you surprised?"

"There are always exceptions to everything."

"Perhaps, but they are not exceptions. Yang Baozhen and Shen Zhun have no mortal connection at all."

Xiaoqiu was stunned, "They even have children..."

"Yes, and there are many children. So far, there are ten in total, and there may be more in the future. This is Yang Baozhen's real purpose: to keep giving birth to children, and they must be Shen Zhun's children, because the Shen family has the best blood. , she will not stop until she gives birth to a child who can practice cultivation in her mother’s womb.”

"Like Zuo Liuying." Xiaoqiu became more and more astonished. My mother was right. He knew nothing about Laozu Peak. "But... why?"

"Of course it is to practice Taoism, to ensure Pangshan's status in the Nine Dao Tradition, and for the Yang family to one day become a powerful Taoist family like the Shen family."

"But all the children she gave birth to were named Shen."

"So this is the reason why I am 'favored'." Yang Qingyin looked towards the valley in the north. She had just cried and laughed, and now she was only cynical. "When I reach the realm of Dinxia, ​​the Shen family will choose one." The best man to be my husband, we will work hard to have children, but their surname is Yang."

Xiaoqiu was speechless for a long time. This was not the orthodox world he imagined at all.

"Look, I just said you were a child." Yang Qingyin smiled instead, "You are an outsider, so you will never understand that a family has been pursuing the same goal for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, generation after generation. What measures will be taken in the end? Zuo Liuying is a benchmark. He has opened up a shortcut to practice. Although the chance is slim, it is still worth a try. Don't look at the Shen and Yang families with surprise. The world in our eyes is different from yours. Entering Pangshan means going up for you. We have been sitting on the top of the mountain since we were born. We are what you call 'rich people', but we also bear a hundred times or ten thousand times more responsibilities than you. You can leave at any time. Pangshan, and we must live and die with Pangshan.”

"You don't have to enter the Dinxia realm." Xiao Qiu suggested.

"Hey, in that case having a lot of children is my only value, and I will marry earlier."

Xiaoqiu understands why Yang Qingyin hates her aunt. Yang Baozhen has made sacrifices for the family, and Yang Qingyin has carried a heavy burden. Maybe this is her knot, but it has not affected her practice.

"A prince will do whatever it takes when he fights for the throne, wwnh.c because the throne is inherited by his family from generation to generation."

"Well, you finally have some enlightenment. Are you talking about Xin Youtao? He wants to become a talisman master after condensing the elixir. In this way, he can have the longevity of a Taoist priest and the status of Longbinhui. Then he only needs to wait patiently to win the throne. Sooner or later, it will fall into the hands of him or his descendants. Yes, we are somewhat similar, but this does not change the fact that Xin Youtao is a disgusting guy. "

The Daotong family and the royal family can indeed understand each other. Yang Qingyin explained things that Xiaoqiu had not understood in a few words.

"Are you still envious of 'rich people'?" Yang Qingyin asked, with obvious ridicule, "Just be your poor man. If you are willing to work hard, you may be able to obtain the Smoke Swallowing Fruit one day, that is You are at your highest level. As for your head friend, I will give it to you when I have enough fun and you behave well."

Yang Qingyin laughed and left, feeling a little pleasure from the torture.

Behind her, Xiaoqiu looked at my mother's back with sympathetic eyes, not feeling that she was humiliated.

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