
Chapter 1069 A Deficient World

Jiaolong changed rapidly, and Xiao Hao could no longer hold his hand, so she had to let go and step aside, watching him fall to the ground and turn into a human form, and said with a smile: "This is the Yin Buchen I know.

But this was just Yin Buchen's body, and the smile on his face was charming and shrewd. It definitely didn't belong to him. Xiao Hao was startled and took a few steps back. He stepped over two magic weapons and hurriedly bent down to help them up.

The voice didn't belong to him either.

"This is not the meeting scene I imagined." The dragon demon's voice came from Yin Buchen's body. She knew that Yin Buchen was a coward, so she quietly entered his Niwan Palace while Qin Lingshuang was casting a spell, and when necessary Add a little "courage".

"Yes, you have completed a task that lasted tens of thousands of years, and you deserve a grand welcome. I'm sorry that I am the only prisoner left in the Nianxin Department, and I am still a disabled one. By the way, my name is Shou Que."

Shou Que turned to Xiao Hao and said harmoniously: "Fellow Daoist Duan, can you let us have a conversation alone?"

Xiaohao shrugged, turned and left.

"Forget it, welcome. To be honest, I didn't do much to break the Demon Pulling Cave. I just pushed it a few times. What about the Demon Pulling Cave? Is it really broken?"

"I don't know, it seems to have been destroyed, but I didn't see the wreckage." Shouche smiled, "Don't you think it's strange?"


"Well, you are the product of a spell cast by Nian Xin Ke tens of thousands of years ago. I am a collection of remnant souls of Nian Xin Ke. Who is the rescuer? Who is the rescued?"

"Haha, I understand. All the prisoners in the Nianxin Department have died. My mission is actually meaningless. It is just a heavy burden imposed on me. Your appearance finally relieved me of the burden, so I should thank you. ?”

"Don't call me so shameless. Of course I am grateful to you, but you have met Mu Xingqiu. Can a person with amnesia still bear the emotions and responsibilities of the past? I lost part of my memory and most of my emotions. I don’t hate the Seventeenth Section of Taoism at all. This is a new life for me. I am not the successor of any successor of Nianxin Section, let alone a collection of them. I am a flower growing out of rotten trees and a house rebuilt with old materials among the ruins. . Should someone like me inherit the responsibility from the past?”

"Okay, I understand what you mean. You don't have to do anything. We don't owe each other. In fact, this is good. I always thought that the successor of Nianxinke would kill me after he came out. As for the spell, who would always keep one? A useless spell? No debt to each other is a good ending."

The two looked at each other and smiled at each other. Yin Buchen's crystal eyes were moister than ever, like two peeled longan eyes, but with black pupils.

The two were silent for a while, and then the dragon demon said, "Aren't you going to let me out?"

"Now that you're here, try not to go out if you can."

The Dragon Demon chuckled twice, as if she heard a joke. She controlled Yin Buchen's body and turned around, "How did you get the Siming Ding? It couldn't have been sent by Kun Chaos, right?"

"This is not the Si Ming Cauldron." Shou Que flicked her right index finger upwards, and a floating small cauldron appeared in front of her, which was exactly the same as the giant cauldron at the bottom of the pool. She flicked it again, and another small cauldron appeared. The appearance of the two cauldrons was almost the same. , only the patterns on the surface are slightly different, "There are soul-binding patterns on the Si Ming Cauldron, which are spells written in ancient magic script. The Incense Cauldron is not a soul-binding weapon, and the patterns are just for decoration."

The Dragon Demon looked at it carefully for a while, "You are right, this is indeed not the Siming Cauldron. The Incense Cauldron is used to refine elixirs in Luanjing Mountain, right?"

"Well, it can be considered a treasure. It's a ninth-level treasure. It's not as good as a treasure, but it's enough."

"What's enough?" The Dragon Demon waved his hand hurriedly, "Don't tell me, I'm not here to find out secrets. I don't know anything. I can hand over this memory."

Shou Qi smiled again, "Do you think I want to imprison you? No, no, I won't do that. I'm inviting you to stay."

Dragon Demon patted his heart and found that his hand was very rough, so he put it down again, "It scared me to death. I thought...it's nothing, I was overly suspicious. Well...thank you for the invitation, but my body is still there Outside, I don't want to stay in this body forever.

"Don't refuse in a hurry, listen to my plan first."

"Is there a plan here?"

Shou Que waved her hand, and the two small cauldrons disappeared. She pointed to the magical artifacts around her, "It's a small plan. There are more than 1,100 magical artifacts here, all of which are above the eighth grade."

"Wow, no wonder you don't want outsiders to come in. This is a lot of wealth. I believe that most Taoist priests would rather exchange these magic weapons with a treasure. Anyway, there are not many people who can really use the treasure freely."

"It's not easy to collect them. More than half of the existing eighth-grade and above magic weapons in the world are here."

"It's amazing. It turns out that you turned the incense boiling cauldron into the utensil boiling cauldron. Do you want to merge them into one and become the tenth treasure?"

Shou Que paused for a moment, then the dragon demon suddenly raised his hands to cover his ears and said loudly: "I won't listen to your plan, please let me out quickly."

Shou Que shook his head with a smile and used the mental illusion technique.

Both of their illusions are at the ninth level, and there are still differences between strengths and weaknesses, especially since the dragon demon resides in other people's bodies and is subject to many restrictions. It is okay to deal with Xiao Hao, but it is far behind compared to Defending.

Dragon Demon's vision went dark, and then he saw a glimmer of light. She was floating over a capital city. It was very strange here. The air was thin and the wind was weak. The buildings looked complete and the flowers, plants and trees were colorful, but they all looked lifeless. She couldn't see anything moving.

"Is this... Imperial Capital?" The Dragon Demon put down his hands. In front of the illusion, plugging ears is useless.

"The illusion of the old Imperial Capital. This is a memory of mine. I made a little modification and removed irrelevant things."

A breeze blew, and it contained a certain power that the whole world lacked. In an instant, Imperial Capital seemed to come alive, but it was just a breath. After the wind passed, it became lifeless again.

"Is this your memory in the Demon Cave?" The Dragon Demon guessed it.

"This is the edge of the Demon Cave, the middle ground between illusion and reality. The Demon King once hid in a place like this."

"I can't stand staying here for just a while. I really don't know what the prison in the Demon Cave looks like."

"Do you want to feel it? I still have a few memories left."

"No, no, it's enough to get here. What do you want to say? After listening, I still have a chance to refuse, right?"

"Of course, at worst, I will remove this memory of yours, and then I will let you and Yin Buchen out. I am not a bad guy like Kun Dun, otherwise I can't gather so many female Taoist priests."

The Dragon Demon smiled but said nothing.

"What you will see next is not memory, but some of my ideas."

The wind blew again, still a breeze, but it continued. The dead city gasped again, like a drowning person who was suspended animation. First, he took a deep breath, then breathed violently, and gradually became steady and even, and vitality gradually returned to his body.

The city was resurrected. There were still no living things, but the trees swayed in the wind, the houses seemed to expand a little, and the dust on the streets swirled up... This was an empty city with no one living in it, but it was not a dead city.

Soon after, a figure finally appeared, and Long Mo could almost hear the noise.

Shou Que's illusion ended here, and Long Mo returned to the real world, with her hands still covering her ears. She put her arms down again, confused and a little excited.

"This is my plan." Shou Que said.

"You mean... is this feasible?"

"Let's recall: more than 130,000 years ago, the Taoist sect used the Demon-Suppressing Bell to create a world, which was also an extremely large prison, imprisoning the demons. It was a dead world, and the demons could not get anything, so the Taoist sect became stronger and stronger, while the demons did not advance or retreat; not long after, the Third Ancestor created the three places of Silent, Unobstructed, and Selfless in the Demon-Exorcising Cave. The original intention was for Kun Dun to practice, but it was used as a prison by Taoist priests in later generations. This world is relatively small, so there is a vast marginal area, but it is also a dead world. Only one thing can remove the dead silence."

"Magic power." Dragon Demon muttered.

"Well, Mu Xingqiu has forgotten this experience. Even if he remembers, he may not care. He was helping to save people at that time." Shouque smiled and continued: "The treasure can create the world, and the magic power can bring vitality. Why should we stick to this world? Kun Dun has destroyed it beyond recognition. He likes destruction, so let's give the whole world to him. Here he can get what he wants. In another world, we will not be affected and everyone will get what they want."

The Dragon Demon was so surprised that his mouth opened slightly. After a while, he said: "But you don't have the treasure, and you don't have enough magic power. How can you create a living world? And how to prevent Kun Dun's invasion? He won't let the fugitives go."

"These are all problems that need to be solved." Shouque blinked, "Maybe some have been solved."

If you want to know all the secrets, you must choose to stay. The Dragon Demon thought for a while, "You can take Mu Xingqiu and Qin Ling Frost is called in, as are other people. Let's work together. There can't be only women in the new world. "

"This is for the future. We don't need them now, and everyone has their own ambitions. I know Mu Xingqiu, and you know the two of them. They must fight Kun Dun. Only after they are defeated will they consider fleeing. Dragon Demon, what we can do is not to persuade them, but to provide another option when they change their minds. How about staying?"

Dragon Demon thought for a while, "I have to send Yin Buchen out."

"Of course."

"I have to go out and come back."

"Is it necessary? I can create a Dharma body for you. It may not be as perfect as the one you cultivate yourself, but it is enough. "

"No, it has nothing to do with the body. I must remind Mu Xingqiu of one thing: Qin Lingshuang is going to survive the love tribulation. He should not be ignorant of it, and he should not be hurt by it. "

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