
Chapter 1070 Memory in the inner elixir

Fangshan is a very ordinary mountain. There are no signs of the battles that took place many years ago. The battle between Mu Xingqiu and Zuo Liuying for the soul and the demonic hand was far less intense than the battle between the seventeen Taoist subjects to attack the heart of mind. , leaving no obvious memorial, only the person involved still remembers it.

"Why are you called Fangshan? There is no such word in your name." Mu Xingqiu asked in confusion.

The mountains in the south were lush with vegetation. Qin Lingshuang stood on a protruding stone on the edge of the peak, listening to the wind and breathing in the slightly cold air. She was in a semi-trance state, "Because my nickname is Fangfang."

Mu Xingqiu stood on the grass not far away, slightly lower, and suddenly felt some itching on his feet. Looking down, he saw a small group of ants crawling on his feet. His shoes were very worn and his skin was exposed. He moved Moving its feet, the ant speeds up and escapes.

"Fangfang." He called out the name softly, feeling a slight palpitation in his heart, like the emptiness caused by falling too fast, but he still couldn't think of anything. "There is a kind of fire that can evoke all my memories." , but I have never found it, you know... is there any special fire? "

Mu Xingqiu had a strong premonition that he could find the answer from Qin Lingshuang. Zuo Liuying had told him not to learn about the past too early, and she had not told him not to look for the kind of fire that could bring back memories.

Qin Lingshuang retracted her gaze from a distance and turned to her companions who were more than ten steps away. "Among the five elements of magic, fire spells have the largest number. There are five elements of fire from the Five Elements family, the lunar fire that never goes out in the furnace, and the Yin and Yang family. There is the prophetic fire, the secret fire of the Forbidden Mystery Branch, the pure Yang true fire of the Honglu Branch, the soul-binding Yin fire of the Dengzhu Branch, the sacrificial fire of the Fulu Branch... Almost every branch has its own unique fire. There are many types of fire spells, including casual cultivator fire, magic fire, and demonic fire, as well as Tao fire, natural fire, etc., have you tried them all?"

The strong premonition gradually subsided. Before Qin Lingshuang cast any fire spells, Mu Xingqiu's interest was already waning. "I have only seen a small part of it, but I feel that the fire I am looking for is not a special magic flame. It is ……it is……"

It was right next to his mouth, ready to be called out, but Mu Xingqiu couldn't resort to words. He could only sigh, "I'm afraid the time hasn't come yet. It's really strange. Why did I connect the memory with fire at that time?"

"The reason is also in your memory." Qin Lingshuang smiled. She already understood what kind of spell it was without Mu Xingqiu's explanation. "The Tripitaka Technique is a very complicated spell. Even if it is above the level of concentration, Not everyone can use it. It cuts off memories like flying a kite. Your confusion about fire is the thread that connects the kite, so it is very normal and important for you to feel strange."

"You know so much." Mu Xingqiu said sincerely. He didn't even know the name Tripitaka.

Qing Lingshuang lowered her gaze, and when she raised it again, she suddenly changed the topic, "Zuo Liuying suggests that you try not to cast spells other than talismans?"

"Yes, but that's not a suggestion, it's more like an order."

"Hmm... I think I should add a level of restriction to your new inner elixir, so that you won't cast other spells unintentionally."

"Do you really want to listen to Zuo Liuying? He is our enemy now."

"The enemy is not necessarily lying. You have forgotten the mental illusion, but you can intuitively sense everyone's emotions and write talismans on them. This proves that Zuo Liuying's words are reasonable: When your memory is normal, you will notice Emotions can also write talismans, but you may not combine the two together. Each of the eighteen Taoist subjects has a field. It is already difficult for ordinary Taoist priests to specialize in one subject. The longer they practice, the more difficult it is to master the spells of other subjects, and they will lose their memory. You don’t have this problem.”

Mu Xingqiu smiled and shook his head. He didn't think this was an advantage at all, "Is there any way you can let me see your inner elixir?"

"Yes, I can help you."

Meditating on three fields is a very simple cultivation method, but Mu Xingqiu couldn't do it.

Qin Lingshuang summoned the Instant Stage. It was now a small stone slab several inches square, and the lines on the surface appeared denser. Other than that, there was nothing unusual about it. It would be difficult for ordinary practitioners to recognize that this was one of the nine great treasures.

A wisp of green smoke rose from the corner of the stone slab and drifted slowly towards Mu Xingqiu. He used the Instant Stage just to observe the inner elixir. This was considered an extremely extravagant spell.

Mu Xingqiu remained motionless. The green smoke entered from the left nostril, exhaled from the right nostril, and returned to the other corner of the instant platform, forming a cycle. The meridians of Qin Lingshuang and Mu Xingqiu were connected together. She could help him The spell was cast.

Mu Xingqiu's eyes darkened, and then brightened again. He saw his Niwan Palace, which was white and neat, not as perfect as the bald man's. It was empty and there was nothing in it. Suddenly, it suddenly fell, and his eyes fell into the lower Dantian. , he saw the inner elixir, which was composed of three cultivation elixirs.

Strictly speaking, this inner elixir is not fused together. The red, white and black colors are evenly distributed, each occupying one piece, and it does not rotate very fast. Even if the owner comes to inspect it in person, it refuses to become more active.

But the mana it provided was sufficient, and Mu Xingqiu could almost feel the breeze generated when the mana surged out.

Mu Xingqiu wanted it to spin slower and let the inner alchemy do whatever it wanted, but it became even more sluggish, and the mana produced decreased sharply. This made Mu Xingqiu feel that there was no need to impose restrictions. It was precisely because the rotation speed slowed down that Mu Xingqiu saw a little light leaking out of the inner elixir.

The three practice pills of red, white, and black are not perfectly combined. There is a little gap in the middle, which is exposed to light. It is usually invisible and can only be noticed when it rotates very slowly.

Mu Xingqiu wanted to see more clearly, and his eyes gradually came closer to the inner alchemy. The closer he got, the bigger the inner alchemy was, and the gap became more obvious. Finally, his eyes could even penetrate it.

The light in the elixir was like fire, and Mu Xingqiu's heart moved. Could it be that the fire he couldn't find was actually in his body? He wanted to see more clearly, so he continued to explore forward with his eyes. The inner alchemy was only the size of a pigeon egg, but his eyes moved forward for a long time.

The light became more and more like fire, and there was even a trace of heat emanating from it. Mu Xingqiu's heart became excited. Even if there were a hundred benefits to losing his memory, he still hoped to get his memory back so that he could reintegrate into the world and know what he cared about. What's going on, I know who I care about.

Mu Xingqiu felt that the city looked familiar, but he couldn't remember the name. There was no need to move here. There was a slight force pulling his gaze forward.

The city was small, in a state of slumber, and the wind was biting, and it didn't look like a place that could produce fire at all.

His eyes were directed to a towering tower, which was even more worn out than the shoes on his feet and crumbling in the wind. Then he saw it, saw himself, and saw Qin Lingshuang. He hugged her from behind and the two of them cuddled. Together, we look towards the distant direction, where there are flashes of fire.

"Fangfang." Mu Xingqiu knew that this was a memory of his. Although he could not remember the cause and effect, the scene was real, and the emotions were even more real. He could even feel the tension, anxiety and anxiety he felt when he was a teenager. Excitement is a kind of intoxication. Even if you stand on the edge of the cliff, you can't notice the danger.

Mu Xingqiu wanted to stay here forever, just like the two people at that time. The weak force also had this purpose, drawing his gaze here and disappearing.

But Mu Xingqiu still had to move forward. He wanted to see what the fire in the distance was and whether it could evoke memories of the past.

A more powerful force came, drawing his eyes out of the inner alchemy and lower dantian, and retreated to Niwan Palace. His eyes went dark again, and he returned to reality.

Mu Xingqiu looked at Qing Lingshuang not far away dreamily, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether it was a fantasy or not.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw a memory in the inner alchemy, maybe it was something I hid there...it's nothing, just a past event."

"Yin Buchen is back." Qin Lingshuang said.

Mu Xingqiu was surprised to find that it was already dark, and he actually spent half a day in the inner alchemy.

Sun Yulu flew over and landed in front of the two of them. She raised the unconscious little dragon in her hand and said with a smile: "It's really difficult to send you two away. If you don't believe me, just let her say it."

Jiaolong raised his head and heard the dragon demon's voice, "Siming Ding is indeed not here. I saw Shou Que."

"Shouqi is at Luanjing Mountain?" Mu Xingqiu was surprised.

"She is performing a spell. I want to stay and help her. Let Taoist Qin use my true illusory body first, but make it clear whether it is a loan or not. I may go back at any time."

Qing Lingshuang smiled slightly, "The body of the true fantasy will always be yours."

"Wait, you agree to her staying?" Mu Xingqiu was even more surprised.

"Since the Dragon Demon said he wanted to stay, there must be her reasons."

"You still understand me." Dragon Demon laughed, "I can't reveal more details. We will meet again in the future, I don't think it will be too long."

"Welcome anytime." Qing Lingshuang said lightly.

Mu Xingqiu had nothing to say. He knew that he should be familiar with the dragon demon, but he didn't feel much. "Okay, say hello to Shouche. Is she still looking for the complete soul?"

"Haha, we just met, and I don't know much about her yet. Goodbye, Yin Buchen will stay with you. He is still of some use to protect my true illusory body."

Sun Yulu placed the dragon on the ground, gave the two people a Taoist gift, turned around and flew away.

"Shou Que is really capable. He was able to gain the trust of the female Taoist priest and even bewitched the dragon demon who went to explore the way. Don't we really need to take a look? Shou Que's soul is incomplete, and sometimes it will suddenly become Another person." Mu Xingqiu still felt uneasy.

"Trust Dragon Demon, she knows what she is doing."

Yin Buchen, who had regained his original shape, stood up from the grass with a confused look on his face, "Why did I fall asleep here? Oops, the task assigned to me by Taoist Qin..."

"You've finished it, good. Let's go to Duanliu City. The Demon Suppressing Bell must be in Zuo Liuying's hands."

"The Nascent Soul Conference will be on the seventh day of July next year. It's too early now." Yin Buchen realized that he was too courageous and shook his head hastily, "Let's go, let's go immediately."

Qin Lingshuang cast a spell and took two companions to fly into the sky. Yin Buchen's mind was confused. He always felt that he had forgotten something particularly important. He stared at Mu Xingqiu for a while, and suddenly remembered that he must be with Taoist Qin. I would like to remind Tao Zun of something without being present.

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