
Chapter 1081 Across the Bank

In the thin darkness of night, the soldiers of the Holy Talisman Army lined up to cross the bridge silently, heading to the five wooden stake arrays that had just been set up to look for the wooden stake to which they belonged.

When the time came to realize their destiny, no one complained. Mu Xingqiu stood under the Patriarch Tower. He could sense the unbreakable tension in the air without having to feel it. The soldiers' patience had reached its limit. Many people even expected it. Looking forward to this moment coming.

The Ci Emperor came riding a unicorn, wearing no armor and an old purple brocade robe. His expression was rigid, as if he was determined or at a loss.

Groups of flag-bearing guards spread out and surrounded the Patriarch Tower, with various tattered flags fluttering in the wind.

Emperor Ci came to Mu Xingqiu alone without jumping off his mount. Today, he needed to maintain his lofty status more than ever.

"You made the right choice, and the two of them died well." He said. Emperor Ci appeared for the first time since Mu Xingqiu killed King Huaibi and an injured officer by the campfire three days ago, and the others Then pretend that the whole thing does not exist at all, "The Holy Talisman Dynasty will remember your merits, and your name will be engraved on the meritorious monument, and you will be respected by all generations."

"That's not bad." Mu Xingqiu didn't want to argue, "What does Your Majesty want to do with this formation? Zuo Liuying and Kun Chaos are not here. Duanliu City is just an empty city at this moment."

Emperor Ci turned around and glanced, "What to do? I am adhering to the will of God in the dark, summoning a more powerful master, that is, the real god, to destroy the false god Kun Chao. Kun Chao is a false god, Because he rejects living beings, and the true God requires and appreciates the offerings of living beings.”

"True God?"

"There is truth in the world, not necessarily falsehood. Once there is falsehood, there must be truth. Falseness comes after truth and is its disguiser. Kunchao is a false god, which proves that there is a true god. The true god watches everything and easily Can make the impossible possible.”

This is obviously a statement that Cihuang often preaches. From the words, tone, expression and finger movements, they are all extremely skillful, with unquestionable toughness and self-confidence, and a trace of holy light, as if he is possessed by the true god.

Mu Xingqiu nodded, still not wanting to argue. This was not something he was good at. Facing a fanatical believer, any explanation would be impossible to understand.

"The formation of summoning the gods does not necessarily require the Taoist treasure." Cihuang looked up at the top of the Patriarch Tower. The "brilliance" of the true god disappeared from him, and his tone became insincere, "But it would be better to have it, the Patriarch Tower. It can make our calls clearer and provide a smoother passage for the True God to descend. This is all due to you, Mu Xingqiu. You happen to appear here and own the Patriarch Tower. This can only be the arrangement of the True God. . But your choice is still important, you saved the world."

"I can't afford such credit, especially in front of the Ci Emperor."

The Ci Emperor smiled, and the last trace of doubt disappeared. Even General Mu was convinced. The white-haired emperor felt contented as never before. A warm current rose from his belly and went straight to the top of his head. He believed that this was the revelation given to him by the true God.

"There is no better time than today. Kun Chao looks down on mortals. This is his biggest mistake. He will know the feeling of falling before dawn!" Cihuang raised his arms, and the surrounding guards raised their flags. The soldiers crossing the bridge moved faster.

"Why choose Duanliu City?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

Emperor Ci was a little unhappy. Although General Mu did not stop the God-summoning formation, he acted too calmly and indifferently, and did not integrate into the God-summoning atmosphere.

"Because of the ice here." Cihuang also became cold, "Duanliu City has been frozen for two years and will not melt in summer. There must be powerful spell support. The caster can only be Kun Chaos, who uses the method of false gods to summon the true god to come. , the effect is better.”

In the eyes of the Ci Emperor, the Summoning God Formation was an accusation and a lawsuit. He wanted to provide tangible evidence to move the true God's mercy and arouse the true God's indignation.

In Mu Xingqiu's eyes, the ice in Duanliu City is not a great magic spell. It is most likely a magic relic left behind when Zuo Liuying learned the ignorant state from Earth Monkey. There is no need for Kun Chaos to personally take action. The ancestor tower and other Taoist treasures It contains the spells of Kun Chaos himself.

Mu Xingqiu still had no intention of arguing. He looked at each other for a moment and asked, "What do you need from me?"

"I have to ask General Mu to stay away from the Patriarch Tower. You have not practiced the God Summoning Formation, and it will cause interference in the formation.

"Well, the true god only wants a pure summons." Mu Xingqiu looked back at Jiehe, "I'll go to the other side. Is that far enough?"


"Can any general give me a ride? Just tell me the details of the God Summoning Formation so that I won't make a mistake in my judgment."

Cihuang agreed reluctantly, "Okay, let me see..."

"This is it, General Fu Lin. We have met before. He is one of the few people I remember. I hope he remembers me too."

Cihuang glanced half a circle before confirming who Fu Lin was on a confused face, "You are a survivor of the Imperial Capital disaster. You traveled thousands of miles to join me in the land of monsters more than a year ago. Well, he is a loyal descendant of the Fu family. Are you a sacrificer?"

Fu Lin once fought side by side with Mu Xingqiu and taught him many Longbinhui talisman techniques. Later he left and went to find the whereabouts of Emperor Ci alone with high morale. Now he has no fighting spirit and holds a hand. He was as nervous as the other soldiers.

"General Mu, please change your escort and let me choose one for you..."

"No need." Mu Xingqiu strode towards Fu Lin. "The true god will not care about one less sacrificer. His eyes must have passed all living beings and kept staring at the false god Kun Dun."

The Emperor Ci frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that this was a mockery. Just as he was about to sternly refute the disrespectful statement, Mu Xingqiu waved his hand and offered a paper talisman. After the green smoke, he and Fu Lin disappeared at the same time, leaving only a horse without an owner, with the saddle and saddle still there. A moment later, the two appeared on the other side of the Jie River.

The Emperor Ci was furious for a moment, but today was too important for him to make trouble for a trivial matter. He decided to endure it and immediately appointed another general to replace Fu Lin to offer sacrifices.

The matter was resolved. The Emperor Ci looked at the Patriarch Tower again, stared for a moment, jumped off the Qilin, and walked into the tower.

On a high ground on the other side, Mu Xingqiu said to the panicked Fu Lin: "Do you still have the talisman chair? The God Summoning Formation will take a long time, right?"

The soldiers on the east bank were still crossing the bridge in an endless stream, and it would take one or two hours just for all of them to reach the designated location.

Fu Lin panicked and wanted to run back to the west bank. He took two steps and stopped, turned around and said, "Why did you do this? You really killed me."

"You were going to die anyway. The God Summoning Formation is not as simple as spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, right?"

Fu Lin lowered his head and sighed, "It's the same death, but the result is different."

"You want to enter the afterlife of the ancient gods?"

"Everyone wants to."

"In that case, why do you still need to summon the true gods to defeat Kun Dun in this world?"

Fu Lin was speechless, "The true gods... want to prove their power, to prove that they are more powerful than the false god Kun Dun."

"Most people sacrifice themselves and go to the afterlife, while a few people are unlucky and stay in this world, waiting to witness the greatness of the true gods. Is that right?"

Fu Lin nodded hesitantly. Almost the same words seemed to have changed their taste when spoken by Mu Xingqiu. There was no tragic generosity of the emperor, but it seemed like a ridiculous scam.

"What about the others? I have seen many of the surviving civilians in Jiangnan. They hide in dilapidated towns, and some hide in the mountains, trying every means to survive. They also believe in ancient gods, but know nothing about the world after death. Does he still have a chance?"

Fu Lin became more and more confused, and his feet moved uneasily, "The Emperor said... The Emperor said... You should ask him."

"No, I'm asking you." Mu Xingqiu became stern, "Because the General Fu Lin I know is determined and is definitely not a follower. If you don't completely believe in the Emperor's words, you won't be willing to be a sacrifice."

Fu Lin's face was a little red, and his body was trembling slightly, "Can the Emperor's words be wrong? He won't harm us. We are the last army of the Holy Fu Dynasty. The Emperor has seen the true God. If he didn't have a plan in mind, he wouldn't... wouldn't..."

"He won't let 90,000 people die, so there must be another world waiting for you after death." Mu Xingqiu continued for him.

Fu Lin nodded heavily, and the feeling still lingered: the same words always tasted a little different in Mu Xingqiu's mouth.

"I've been to another world." Mu Xingqiu said.


"I don't remember it myself, but I must have escaped from the Demon Cave, which is a Taoist prison and an independent world. Before that, I also went to Zhibubang, which is said to be an independent world."

Fu Lin didn't know about the Demon Cave, but he knew a little about Zhibubang. Longbinhui was once responsible for supplying supplies there regularly. He had read some relevant records, "The two places you mentioned are not completely separated from the real world."

"That's right."

Fu Lin's face turned pale, "You mean the world of the ancient gods may not be..."

"If there is such a world after death, the true gods can come here and the false gods can go there."

"Then we must summon the true gods. We must completely defeat Kun Dun to keep the safety of the world after death." Fu Lin finally found a reason to hold the God Summoning Array.

Mu Xingqiu smiled, "You'd better summon a talisman chair for me." Fu Lin hurriedly took out a stack of paper talismans, picked one out, and used the talisman to transform it into a three-legged small round stool. He said embarrassedly: "I only have this one." "Very good." Mu Xingqiu sat down and looked at the ancestral tower on the opposite bank. Cihuang had already walked in. I don't know what magic he used, and the top of the tower emitted a soft light. "Can I go back?" Fu Lin was still thinking about offering a sacrifice. "No need to be so troublesome, you take me across the river, and I'll take you to the afterlife." Fu Lin was stunned. Before he could understand the meaning of this sentence, his eyes went black and his consciousness quickly disappeared. Fu Lin fell on the snow. Mu Xingqiu didn't even look at him. He still looked at the ancestral tower, holding the sword washing pool with his right hand, and muttered: "What world can stop Kun Dun from outside?"

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