
Chapter 1082 The Emperor’s Statue

The night is getting darker, there are no thick clouds in the sky, but the light of the stars and the moon is extremely dim, and the wind passing by is not strong, but the chill it brings can almost freeze the bone marrow into ice cubes.

Mu Lie had never been so cold. He was crowded together with a group of monkeys, as if he was wearing a bloated fur coat, but he still felt cold. The monkeys were shaking and squeaking. Call.

"Yin, Master Yin...you, don't you know how to do magic?" Mu Lie refused to ask for help easily, so he had to speak at this time.

"What are you doing?" Yin Buchen asked coldly. They stood on the east wall, looking out at the magic circle of the Holy Talisman Army and the Patriarch Tower by the river. The light from the top of the tower was not grand, but it was this The brightest light source at night.

"Change, make a fire and come out, it's too, too cold." The monkeys piled together and wrapped Mu Lie completely inside. He only exposed his two eyes and nostrils, so his voice sounded a bit dull, accidentally. Also swallows monkey hair.

Yin Buchen was also cold. He was surprised when Mu Xingqiu easily gave up the Patriarch Tower more than an hour ago. When the 90,000 soldiers were in place and the god-summoning formation gradually showed its power, he was surprised again. , this coldness was beyond his expectation, and the demon power provided by the two crystal eyes was difficult to resist, and he could barely keep calm with his newly formed demon body.

He could not imagine how powerful the entire formation would be after 90,000 soldiers offered their blood sacrifices.

"That won't work. Now that the Holy Talisman Army has formed its formation, the whole city is under the spell. As soon as I cast the spell, I might be counterattacked. Then we will die faster."

"We...shouldn't stay in the city." Mu Lie regretted. The monkeys seemed to understand his words and screamed more urgently.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can't see anything from the outside."

"Look, what are you looking at?" Mu Lie never understood what the soldiers inside and outside the city were doing. Each of them was guarding a wooden stake, holding the ancient god statue in both hands, looking up at the demon weapon hanging on the stake, The magic weapon was muttering something, but other than the getting darker sky and the getting colder wind, he found no other abnormality.

Yin Buchen was very willing to act like an outsider in front of a mortal, and gave a long hum, "The Holy Talisman Army must have learned this formation from the demon clan, but it is more powerful. The emperor is not that capable, so someone must have helped him improve the array. Who is it? The most likely person is a Taoist priest. This Taoist priest is hiding from the outside, and the Taoist Master is watching the formation from the other side, waiting for him to show up. Kill them all in one fell swoop and save these 90,000 sacrificers.”

"So... that's it. I thought... he had killed people, so he wouldn't... save others again." Mu Lie felt that speaking could alleviate the chill a little.

"Hey, is that also called killing? Besides, why do you always say 'he, he'? That's your ancestor, do you know?"

"He does have the same name as a great ancestor of the Mu family, but we are not a family." Mu Lie said with certainty.

"Idiot, I'm too lazy to explain to you. Just wait and watch the excitement. Taoist Master will definitely win a big victory, and Taoist Qin is secretly supporting him. No matter who the Taoist priest is hidden in the Holy Talisman Army, he will be completely defeated tonight. "

"Yeah." Mu Lie's voice trembled, the chill was too strong, and just chatting was useless.

Yin Buchen shook his head, "Mortals are really fragile. They are just like unproductive wood. They are useless even if they are used as firewood to burn a fire. I kind of understand why Kun Chaos wants to eliminate you all."

"I'm not afraid of the cold!" Mu Lie shouted loudly, shaking off the two monkeys holding his head. The coldness blew towards his face like a sword. Mu Lie was so cold that his brain was about to burst. He closed his mouth. Not a word could come out.

The monkey jumped up again and wrapped him tightly, not even showing his eyes. However, the chill that had entered his body did not leave. It lingered in his head and slowly spread downwards. Mu Lie felt as if there was something stuck in his throat. A large piece of ice that cannot be moved up or down.

Yin Buchen summoned a silk robe and put it on the monkeys. "The emperor has many soldiers, and there are still a few thousand left after killing 90,000. I am just a group of followers. It is not worth it for one of them to freeze to death."

The robe automatically grew longer and larger, wrapping more than forty monkeys and Mu Lie in it. It looked light and thin, but it could block the omnipresent cold outside. Slowly, the squeaking of the monkeys The shouting stopped, and although Mu Lie was suffocated and panicked, he was no longer cold to the bone.

"What's going on outside?" Mu Lie's eyes went dark and his voice was unclear.

Yin Buchen was busy summoning many demonic weapons to resist the cold. He couldn't bear it anymore. "Ah... I'm still chanting. I guess they are about to start. You just stay in and don't come out. High-level Taoist priests fight." , you can’t see anything with the naked eye, just listen to me.

"Okay, thank you, Master Yin."

"Don't thank me, thank these monkeys, my robe is for them."

"Thank you Monkey, but..."

"But what?"

"They don't smell very good."

"Bah, people's hearts are not enough. It's just a little warmer, but you think it's too foreign?"

"Haha, then you have to endure it." Yin Buchen summoned more than a dozen demon weapons, spinning around him from top to top, "The emperor cast a spell in the Patriarch Tower."

Emperor Ci appeared at the window of the top tower, holding a white staff five or six feet long in his hand. At the end of the staff was a statue of a three-headed god, which had been shining brightly, and now it was even brighter.

"God bless all living beings!" Emperor Ci's voice spread throughout Duanliu City, and the soldiers in the five formations could hear it clearly.

"God bless the Talisman Emperor!" The sacrificers who were guarding under the wooden pile responded in unison. The sound was like muffled thunder, the light wind turned into a strong wind, and the coldness became fragmented, coming and going.

"Ancient God Fuwei!"

“Get rid of the false and keep the true!”

The emperor's words and the sacrificer's words responded to each other. The voices became louder and louder, and the wind strengthened accordingly. The separated coldness began to gather together, as if to form something.

Mu Lie could hardly understand a word and asked anxiously: "What are they talking about? Did the Taoist priest come out? Did Mu Xingqiu take action?"

Yin Buchen was frightened and thought of retreating, but his tone became stronger, "The time has not come yet. The white staff in the emperor's hand is a bit strange, let me take a closer look, my God, that is..."

"What is that?" Mu Lie became more curious and wanted to push away the monkeys on his body. However, although the coldness around him had receded, the normal coldness in the wind was still biting. The monkeys refused to separate, and he did not dare to take risks.

The three statues on the top of Cihuang's staff are different. They are not one body, but three heads and three bodies, closely together. The gaps in the middle are filled by the staff. The statues are not full feet long, and each one is lifelike. They are all dressed in Taoist costumes, two men and one woman. One of the two men has a skull, and the other has a thunder-shaped face without facial features. The female statue has clear eyebrows, and the expression on her face does not look like compassion, but more like she is enduring pain.

The statue emitted light, and Yin Buchen could see clearly with his crystal eyes, "Oh my God, there are no hidden Taoist priests. The emperor killed three Taoist priests and turned them into statues!"

Yin Buchen punched the wall, "It's really unfair. The demon clan has worked hard for so many years to refine Taoist priests into demon weapons, but few have succeeded. Why can a human emperor do it?"

Mu Lie could no longer suppress the curiosity in his heart, and shook off the two monkeys on his head. Although it was cold outside, it was not unbearable, but he could only see the light on the top of the Patriarch Tower, and could not see clearly the appearance of the statue. "The white staff is so small, how could it be turned into a Taoist priest?"

"What do you know?" Yin Buchen leaned on the wall and looked more seriously, "That is definitely a demon weapon. The three Taoist priests were probably killed by him while they were thinking, and their bodies were put into the staff. The soul is trapped, this is a method of restraining the soul, even the demon clan rarely uses it. The emperor is really crazy, why doesn't Tao Zun take action? "

Due to the limitations of his naked eyes, Mu Lie could not see the evil of the white staff. Only the shouts getting louder and louder around him made him feel that the magic circle of the Holy Talisman Army was full of weirdness.

The shouting stopped, and Emperor Ci slowly shook the white staff in his hand. Pieces of light flew out from it, splitting while flying in the air, and soon filled the five magic formations in the southeast, northwest, and hanging above everyone's heads, a ball of light. He even flew above Yin Buchen and Mu Lie.

"What does this mean?" Yin Buchen was stunned and shouted loudly: "Take your spell back, we are not sacrificers!"

"All living beings are sacrifices!" Emperor Ci's voice became louder. Suddenly, the entire Patriarch Tower emitted light, blending with the light of the white staff. Emperor Ci pointed the white staff into the air, "Old God Wei Zhen, come to me. body!"

A huge figure appeared in the sky, more than a hundred feet tall, faintly transparent, like an ice sculpture, which was formed by the accumulation of cold and cold.

"It turns out that the emperor himself wants to be a god." Yin Buchen finally understood and cast his gaze into the distance. Under the influence of the light of the Patriarch Tower, his crystal eyes could not see very far and could not see Mu Xingqiu on the other side of the river. "Dao Zun! Dao Zun! Don't wait any longer, stop the crazy emperor!"

There was no response from the other side, and Yin Buchen trembled, "Isn't it possible that even Dao Zun made a miscalculation? Then we are throwing ourselves into a trap and seeking death."

Yin Buchen turned around and looked to the west. The Western Magic Formation shrouded in broken light was vividly in his mind. On the sunset lake a few miles away from the magic circle, the two portals formed by the large light mirrors only had a faint light. Yin Buchen felt a little relieved and said, "It's still there." Just keep it on, but I won't do it again next time. Wherever Taoist goes, I will go too - the place he goes may be more dangerous."

Yin Buchen was worried about gains and losses, but Cihuang was ready. He stood still on the tower, and the translucent giant in the sky spoke, and said to the east bank of Jiehe River with his voice: "Mu Xingqiu, thank you for the Patriarch Tower, but I can't give it back to you, it will become a part of me. The true god needs me and needs it. Hand over the other treasures you and the female Taoist have, they are all mine!"

There was still no sound from Mu Xingqiu's side, and the bright mirror on the sunset lake did not change at all.

The broken lights above the magic circle began to take effect. They did not cut the body and release blood, but sucked the souls of everyone.

Yin Buchen felt the powerful mana coming from the top of his head and hurriedly cast a spell to protect himself. Seeing that Mu Lie and the monkeys all looked dull, he extended the spell to them and barely saved their souls, "Tao Zun, stop playing. I can't hold on for long."

The huge body in the air became more and more solid, and the soldiers in the array staggered and fell one after another.

"God is me, I am God!" the giant shouted, stretching out his two arms to grab Mu Xingqiu on the east bank and Qin Lingshuang on the west side of the city.

Just as his palm was about to fall to the ground, the giant suddenly retracted his arm, hugged his head, and screamed.

Emperor Ci remembered that when he was talking to Mu Xingqiu a few days ago, he had lightly pressed his forehead on the same spot, and he felt a splitting headache.

"You can't defeat the true God!"

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