
Chapter 1104: Admit Defeat

The world created by Qin Lingshuang and Zuo Liuying was almost perfect. The only flaw was at the junction of the north and south cities. Mu Xingqiu hadn't seen anything yet, but he had already guessed the general truth.

Lord Yishi's face changed color, and Mu Xingqiu knew that he had guessed it right, but then the old demon sneered again, "Really? You see a mountain, but you can't move it. You hear the wind, but you can't see it. , Mu Xingqiu, you just found the hiding place of Zuo Liuying’s soul, but you haven’t found the soul itself, so you can’t win.”

"Of course." Mu Xingqiu stretched out his palm and stopped at the intersection of the two worlds. He stood motionless for a while, "There is a rustling sound."

"That's because the south city is swallowing up the north city. Qin Lingshuang's world is stronger and can completely swallow up the north city within a month. Zuo Liuying will naturally have nowhere to hide when he arrives, but you can't wait that long." Mr. Yishi smiled and said: "When you accept the challenge, you should know that the soul is invisible and has no trace. It can only be captured by magic, or it can be imaged by magic. This is why we can see each other. What magic are you going to use?"

"The illusion of mind and heart combined with the magic of Dengzhuke can study the soul." The Dengzhuke magic that Mu Xingqiu learned is not complete, so he must use the illusion of mind and heart to assist.

"Well, you still have nearly 100,000 souls hidden in the Patriarch Tower, which can help you cast spells. No, you were able to cast spells with the Frost Soul Sword in the past because Qin Lingshuang was sitting in it. She is the one who controls the souls, not you. So this If one move doesn't work, your spell will be ineffective at best, but those souls are in danger of being shattered."

"Yes." Mu Xingqiu admitted that Mr. Yishi was right. He took seven steps sideways and heard the rustling sound more clearly. "I know how to use things. I can feel the magic around me and absorb it as my own." Yes. Zuo Liuying's soul must use magic to enter the city, and it cannot be truly invisible. "

"The Way of Using Things? It's Qin Lingshuang's new method, right? It's really powerful. Just for it, I'm willing to be Qin Lingshuang's protector. It's also because of it that Zuo Liuying lost half of his moves. Although it was only half a move, he was defeated a month later. It means losing everything. But as far as I know, there is a flaw in the method of using things, that is, the speed of absorbing spells is not fast enough, and it does not distinguish between friends and foes. Duanliu City is made entirely of spells, and it is made by Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang. Can you distinguish the spells? Can you absorb all the spells before dawn?"

"No. Mu Xingqiu took seven steps sideways again. Not even Qin Lingshuang could solve this loophole, let alone him.

"Qin Lingshuang used the Great Light Mirror and absorbed spells for dozens of days before barely defeating Zuo Liuying in a fight. If they met on a narrow road and were unprepared, she might not be able to win, no, she would definitely not be able to win against Zuo Liuying. These things You have been writing spells for the past few days, have you ever absorbed spells?"

Mu Xingqiu shook his head, "My cultivation level of the Way of Utilization of Things is insufficient. The absorbed spells must be cast as soon as possible and cannot be stored in the meridians."

"I can't chew off more than I can chew. I understand the disadvantages of it best, but I just can't change my temper."

The method of utilizing things didn't work either, so Mu Xingqiu came up with another trick, "I've filled Beicheng with the illusion technique. Zuo Liuying doesn't have the heart of a Taoist priest. There must be emotional fluctuations in his soul, even just a little, and it will show up."

"Well, this method is the right way. There are specialties in the arts. If you use the Wuxu Illusion Technique to fight Zuo Liuying directly, it is seeking death. It is the most convenient to use it to find his soul. Without the heart of a Taoist priest, Zuo Liuying is indeed A loophole, who makes him a Taoist? The same thing doesn’t happen to me, haha.”

Mu Xingqiu did not cast the spell immediately because he knew that Lord Yishi still had something to say.

"But you also have the same flaw, which is more obvious than Zuo Liuying. He once had the heart of a Taoist priest, but he gave it up. You never had it, so all the Taoist spells you have learned are not pure enough. This also includes the mind-reading illusion technique. Although the realm is there, it cannot exert its full power, right?"

"That's right." Mu Xingqiu walked sideways again, not planning to use the Wuxu Illusion Technique.

Mr. Yishi refused to shut up and followed Mu Xingqiu, continuing to talk, "Zuo Liuying can break your mind illusion with just one simple move, and use the Five Elements Water illusion to create a large number of simple emotions. You You can't tell the difference at all. When masters fight, the competition is often about details. The stronger your telepathy skills, the better. Unfortunately, they are not subtle enough. They can only be regarded as chopping wood, trying to carve landscapes and figures on three-inch wood. You can't even find the place where the knife fell. After all, your lack of Taoist heart is your biggest weakness, Mu Xingqiu."

Mu Xingqiu tried to inject some magic power into the dividing line, but it was very slight, not even enough to form a spark. The rustling sound became louder, like a sudden rainstorm, like a distant sea tide. The speed of Nancheng's advance accelerated, and Mu Xingqiu had to Take a step back.

"Do you want to help Qin Lingshuang swallow up Beicheng as soon as possible? I suggest you save some mana. Even if ten Mu Xingqiu cast spells together, they can only speed up a little. The street will be swallowed up before dawn at most."

This was not Mu Xingqiu's plan, he just wanted to test it out, "I know the art of Taoist talismans. There are nearly 20,000 Taoist talismans gathered in the Patriarch Tower, and the army is unstoppable."

"Hey, don't brag in front of me. Your gathering of talismans in the Patriarch's Tower is nothing more than a change of Qin Lingshuang's new method. She directly accumulates mana, but you have to use talismans. The method is already one level lower, and the effect will naturally be greater. Poor. Qin Lingshuang has only been slightly stronger than Zuo Liuying for many days. How much help will your talisman help? What's more, the talisman in the ancestor's tower is exhausted. What will you use to participate in the real fight on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month? That's not a search for souls, but a competition of pure strength, and even Qin Lingshuang doesn't have an advantage."

"Ancestral Tower Talisman Gathering is a change in the way of using things?" Mu Xingqiu asked blankly.

"Why, don't you know it yourself? The so-called authorities are fans, that's what I think, and your changes are very clumsy. If it were me, no matter if it was a talisman or other spells, if they were all gathered together, the effect would definitely be better. for example……"

Mu Xingqiu turned around, patted Mr. Yishi hard on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Mr. Yishi was startled, "You're welcome, I'm just so selfless. Answering questions and answering questions is my hobby and profession - have you really never thought of this?"

"I've been writing talismans and got stuck." Mu Xingqiu was a little embarrassed, but more excited, even a little anxious. He wanted to leave here quickly and return to the Patriarch's Tower. An idea came to his mind and he couldn't wait. I want to practice it.

"Hehe, you should have come to me for advice long ago. But it's too late. Even if you can gather all kinds of spells in the Patriarch Tower, you are still a little behind Qin Lingshuang. What's more, there is less than half an hour left, and everything is too late. "

"It's really too late." Mu Xingqiu strode towards the west gate, his left arm straightened as if twisting a very thin thread.

"How about it, Mu Xingqiu, what other moves do you have?" Mr. Yishi, still not finished, asked after chasing after him.

Yishi Jun ran around with him at first, but soon gave up and stood in the center of the main street, following Mu Xingqiu with only his eyes, but his voice followed him closely, always ringing in Mu Xingqiu's ears, "No. Yes, Mu Xingqiu, you will definitely lose in this fight, hurry up and give me two treasures, so that everyone can save time."

Mu Xingqiu stopped, laughed, retracted his arm, and asked, "How much time is left?"

"About a quarter of an hour." Mr. Yishi yawned.

"Okay, there's still time to go out."

"Get out? Why are you going out? Zuo Liuying's soul is in Beicheng. I won't lie to you, and Zuo Liuying won't lie to you either."

"Of course you won't lie to me, but you can't look for things like this."

"Then how to find it? Is it easier to find it outside the city?"

"Exactly." Mu Xingqiu disappeared, and his soul returned to his body.

Mr. Yishi thought for a while and sneered: "You are trying to be mysterious. You fool, you think you are going to lose, so you can use this method to regain some face."

After a while, Mu Xingqiu came back again.

"What did you find outside?" Mr. Yishi asked.

"I found the art of soul confinement." Mu Xingqiu smiled slightly, "I still want to thank you for reminding me. As expected, I was a fan of the authorities. I didn't notice anything in the city. Only when I was outside the city did I realize that the entire Duanliu City was casting candles. This is very strange, neither of them are good at Dengzhuke's magic, and there are no souls around Duanliu City within 7749 days."

"What does this mean?"

"There are more than two worlds in Duanliu City: the north and the south."

"Of course, there must be a real world that completely overlaps with the magic world."

"More than that. There are a group of female Taoist priests gathered in Luanjing Mountain, most of whom are disciples of the Dengzhuke family. Shou Que is also there. She has only spent less time in the Bamo Cave than Kun Chaos. The Dragon Demon said that she is performing a kind of Spells—" Mu Xingqiu smiled, "There is also a soul-binding world in Duanliu City, but it is not very mature, so the spells are leaked."

"Do you think Zuo Liuying's soul is hidden in the soul-binding world?"

"It is possible, more likely, that there are more magic worlds created in Duanliu City, and Zuo Liuying must be hiding in one of them."

"Haha, what do you think of Duanliu City?"

"Duanliu City is like a treasure bag. Zuo Liuying has made a lot of modifications to it, so it is easiest to create a magic world here." Mu Xingqiu paused, "Duanliu City is also the channel to connect with the world of Kunchaos. It was not only Zuo Liuying who transformed it, but also Kun Chaos, so this place is covered with ice and snow regardless of the seasons, but there are almost no signs of magic. The Taoist ancestor's magic is indeed subtle and meticulous. "

"Don't talk so much, and don't care how many worlds there are here. It's going to be dawn soon. Can you find Zuo Liuying's soul?"

Mu Xingqiu smiled again. He gained a lot this night, which made some losses seem insignificant. "I give up. When I get out, I will give you the Siming Cauldron and the Sword Washing Pond."

There was no joy of victory on Mr. Ishi's face, "What tricks are you playing?"

"There are no tricks. I just understand one thing. It doesn't matter whose hands the treasure is." Mu Xingqiu suddenly remembered what Yang Qingyin said. Indeed, everyone is saving themselves. Even cowardly hiding is a way of saving themselves. , as long as anyone can save himself, he will save the entire world.

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