
Chapter 1105 Pale Gold Talisman

The Siming Cauldron was re-erected in the south of the city. It became humble and no longer as huge as a mountain. It was similar to the treasures in the other three directions. In any case, the demon camp was saved, and those who stayed were deeply grateful. The escapees returned in droves, shamelessly congratulating Ishi-kun on his victory.

Yang Qingyin stood at the window and looked south for a while, then turned to look at Mu Xingqiu. She saw that he had a relaxed look on his face, writing charms casually, without his usual concentration at all, and even smiled at her.

Yang Qingyin was confused, "Who wins and who loses?"

"Yishi Junsheng, no, it's Zuo Liuyingsheng. His magic power may not be much stronger than mine, but the sophistication of his spells is a level higher than mine. I can't get in, so I have to admit defeat and use the Siming Cauldron and Xi Jianchi To Mr. Yishi."

"Then you are still so happy?"

Mu Xingqiu retracted his arm. He wanted to express his thoughts now, and Yang Qingyin was the perfect listener, "Because I gained more than I lost."

Yang Qingyin smiled and said, "Did you get a new treasure? Or did you learn a new spell?"

"No, I finally see myself clearly."

"Is this what you get? Compared with the two treasures, it's not very cost-effective. I can see you clearly now, and I don't feel that I have anything extra." Yang Qingyin argued, but there was a look on her face. Smiling, "Tell me, what do you see clearly about yourself?"

"I don't have the heart of a Taoist priest. I never have."

"Well, everyone knows this."

"But I can create a Taoist heart."

Yang Qingyin opened her eyes wide. As a disciple of the Taoist sect, hearing this sentence was as unbelievable as an ordinary person hearing that their most trusted friend had seen a ghost, "Create the heart of a Taoist priest?"

"Well, this is the talisman commander I have been looking for. Only a Taoist heart can command thirty-three thousand talismans." Mu Xingqiu's excitement was beyond words, and he was even further away from the realm of a Taoist heart.

"Wait a minute. Yang Qingyin lowered her head and thought for a while. If it wasn't Mu Xingqiu who said this, she would have scoffed at it. She believed Mu Xingqiu, but she also needed some time to digest what he said. After a while, Then she raised her head and asked doubtfully: "How to make it? "

Mu Xingqiu did not answer directly, but walked to the window and pointed to Duanliu City not far away, "Duanliu City contains multiple worlds, not just the north and south cities, but also the worlds of Shouxiu and Yishijun. Not to mention Kun Chao."

"Yeah." Yang Qingyin can understand the concept of multiple worlds in one city, but she doesn't understand how this has anything to do with the heart of a Taoist priest.

Mu Xingqiu stared at Yang Qingyin, getting more and more excited, "Actually, every Taoist priest has at least one world in his body. Magical weapons such as the Hundred Treasure Bag and the Universe Bag can hold items much larger than himself. In fact, It’s a magical world.”

"That's right." Yang Qingyin untied the Qiankun bag from her waist, held it in her hand and looked at it for a while, "According to your statement, I can also create a world, but it's just too small, not as big as Duanliu City."

"Yes, we can all create worlds. I have created a few myself, but they are all called different spells..." Mu Xingqiu fell into silence inexplicably and remained silent for a long time.

Yang Qingyin looked at him, confused and happy. Regardless of whether his statement was correct or not, Mu Xingqiu finally found a way. On this way, he regained his confidence. This was the person she was familiar with.

Mu Xingqiu spoke again, "I originally wanted to use a few treasures to create several temporary worlds to accommodate humans, monsters and Taoist priests respectively. In fact, if we go one step further, since the magic world can accommodate all living beings, it is naturally possible to accommodate other things. …I don’t need to create such a huge world at all, just a little bit, a small bit.”

Mu Xingqiu walked to the wall, stretched out his right index finger, and slowly wrote a pale golden talisman. The pattern flickered slightly, like water ripples illuminated by the moonlight.

"I recognize this talisman." Yang Qingyin remembered all the past events, but some needed to be dug deeper to remember, "Someone must have used it in front of us. It's very big... It's Lan Bing Ke. I remembered it. This is her Used slimming charm.”

That was many years ago. Lan Bingju used a huge cultivation talisman to replace himself as the leader of the formation. With a few casual cultivators, he could form a fish-dragon formation. It was not very powerful, but he could use the talisman to replace himself. But it's a very clever spell.

"It is indeed a self-cultivation talisman. It is also a world that can accommodate the thoughts of the person who writes the talisman."

"Haha, the more you talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes. So, as long as it is a spell, it is a world. It can accommodate the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, flame, atmosphere, and strange things like souls."

"Well said, every spell is a world." Yang Qingyin just said it casually, but Mu Xingqiu took it seriously. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, shooting a bolt of lightning and hitting the self-cultivation charm on the wall, "Teach it a little first. Mindfulness Illusion."

"Teach? You mean it can learn spells?" Yang Qingyin was even more surprised. She carefully looked at the light golden talisman. Its color became darker. It did absorb the illusion in the lightning, but it did not show any more powerful power. .

"It's not enough to just learn the mental illusion technique. If you want to be the master of the talisman in front of everyone, you need to be stronger. I'll teach it how to use it." Mu Xingqiu protected his lower dantian with the Fire Technique on his left hand, and guarded the Jiang Palace with the Fire Technique on his right hand. , his forehead lit up slightly, and a spell was sent from Niwan Palace.

"It has just started, and it is still early to become proficient. It cannot compare with Taoist priests." Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, and then sent out a spell directly from Niwan Palace, "The talismans are moving around, and they often don't listen to commands. I will teach it the natural way." The reverse technique can be used as military discipline to prevent the talismans from taking effect at will. "

Yang Qingyin's surprise began to turn into confusion. She moved her eyes away from the self-cultivation amulet and stared closely at Mu Xingqiu.

"Are you worried that I am possessed by a demon?" Mu Xingqiu asked with a smile, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "By the way, there is also the Demon Lord Zhengfa, which has both literary, Taoist and military strategies. It is even more qualified to serve as a talisman commander."

Mu Xingqiu moved his right hand up to guard Niwan Palace, and used Jiang Palace to cast a spell directly. A ball of black light hit the wall. The Patriarch Tower is a Taoist treasure and is extremely sensitive to demon spells. It immediately shook violently, making a roaring sound and a loud noise. The light of the group can be seen dozens of miles away.

"Don't worry, it's just a little bit of Demon Lord Zhengfa." Mu Xingqiu stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the wall, as if it was a big dog that had not yet been fully tamed. "It has no effect on you, it is only effective on the self-cultivation talisman."

The sound faded, the light disappeared, and the Patriarch Tower returned to normal. Mu Xingqiu breathed out a breath, turned to Yang Qingyin and smiled, "Fortunately, the mark of Kun Chaos has been removed, otherwise it would really cause big trouble. I I got a little carried away.”

Yang Qingyin really felt that Mu Xingqiu was getting carried away, so she asked warily: "You used that spell, right?"

"Is it wrong or weak? Well, I used it, the self-cultivation talisman, the illusion of mind, the reverse of natural way, the demon righteous method... I added this mantra to all the spells. It is an unintentional mantra that can Accommodate other spells and then fuse them together."

"Oh my gosh, are you going to add all the spells you've ever learned?"

"Ah, you reminded me, there are also sorcery. I have learned some sorcery, which is very helpful in stimulating morale. It complements the illusion of mind."

This time there was a flash of red light, and Mu Xingqiu injected some magic into the self-cultivation talisman.

"What else? Help me think about it."

Yang Qingyin began to worry, but looking at Mu Xingqiu's increasingly excited face, she suddenly thought about it: What they were facing was not a fight in which they could escape unscathed. The winner would get everything, and the loser would have nothing. If there wasn't a little bit of madness, , how can he fight with a strong man like Kun Chaos?

"The Five Elements Spells of Taoism, no wonder the Patriarch Tower is dissatisfied with you. You injected a bunch of spells. Only the illusion of mind and heart is related to Taoism, and it is still a spell that was once extinct."

"That's right, but I'm not good at Taoist magic. Can I borrow your Taiyin Fire?"

"Of course, but I can't spell."

"Let's cast spells together." Mu Xingqiu stretched out his hand.

Yang Qingyin held his hand, "Do you want a little bit, or do you want to cast the spell with all your strength?"

"The less the better. The self-cultivation talisman has just been born and is still very fragile. It cannot withstand powerful spells."

"It sounds like it's your newborn son." Yang Qingyin's face suddenly turned red, and she immediately summoned the furnace to cast a spell, preventing Mu Xingqiu from having a chance to speak.

The most convenient way to cast the lunar fire is to cast the lunar fire without extinguishing the furnace. Yang Qingyin's thoughts moved slightly, and a ball of pure flame the size of a fingernail flew towards the wall. She still didn't like the spell, so she left it all to Mu Xingqiu, and she didn't care about the recitation of the spell. No feeling.

The fire of the lunar calendar had a wonderful effect on the self-cultivation talisman. The golden talisman's light no longer flickered and became clearer, as if it was deeply engraved on the wall.

"It's interesting. I really want to see what it looks like when it matures soon." Mu Xingqiu did not let go of Yang Qingyin's hand. The two stood side by side, admiring the talisman together. It was a bit like looking after a newborn baby.

"There seems to be something missing." The excitement on Mu Xingqiu's face gradually faded.

"Well, if this continues, the self-cultivation talisman will disappear within a few days. Are you stuffing too many spells into it?" Yang Qingyin also saw it. Although the talismans on the wall were as clear and stable as carvings, they were Lacking a little agility, it is like a powerful but indifferent alien beast. No matter how much effort the beast master makes, it is unwilling to establish agility. "Do you need to add some beast refining methods?"

"Give it a try."

Mu Xingqiu had learned the method of refining beasts, but he still cast the spell together with Yang Qingyin. The phoenix pattern appeared in the middle of the self-cultivation talisman and quickly disappeared, becoming part of the talisman.

The two waited for a while, but there was no change in the self-cultivation talisman. It stayed on the wall indifferently, showing no interest in being the talisman. It did look like a Taoist priest with the heart of a Taoist priest. It was so similar that he even lost a lot of interest in it.

"What it lacks is soul." Mu Xingqiu finally came to his senses.

"Do I need to inject Dengzhuke magic?" Yang Qingyin asked.

Mu Xingqiu shook his head, "The Dengzhuke spell is just a soul-binding spell, and there will be no change if it is injected into it. What the self-cultivation talisman requires is a real soul. It must first make it resemble a living person before the Taoist heart can take effect."

Yang Qingyin's heart sank, and she suddenly understood what the problem was. She saw the future destiny of the self-cultivation talisman earlier than Mu Xingqiu: it not only requires the heart of a Taoist priest, but the heart of a Taoist priest who can use the art of breaking pills.

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