
Chapter 1106 Battlefield

On the seventh day of July, before dawn, Mu Lie had already finished his work, ate some cold and hard food, and swung his knife in front of the city wall for half an hour. He stopped when he was in the best condition, turned around and watched him practice. Jiang Huo'er said, "I'm ready, Zuo Liuying can't escape anymore this time.

Jiang Huoer groaned twice, not really understanding what Mu Lie was talking about. Mu Lie turned around in a circle and looked around, not really understanding what was happening in Duanliu City.

The spell was too complicated, and Mu Lie couldn't understand it no matter how hard he tried, so he took a simpler approach and simply ignored it. No matter how magical the spell was, he treated it as a rare natural phenomenon. The world is full of wonders, he always said to himself, just think that the islanders in the South China Sea see the snow, and the residents of the desert see the sea. There is no need to think about where the wind, rain, thunder and lightning came from, just do what you can.

But even if he closed his eyes tighter, he could still notice that today was unusual.

Some of the humans and monsters who set out to cast spells in various places a month ago gradually came back. For some reason, they were not stationed near the Zushi Pagoda. Instead, they built another loose camp on the east bank of the Jie River. Mu Lie waved hello, and they just responded with a smile. , still refused to cross the river and refused to explain.

If they didn't say anything, Mu Lie wouldn't ask.

This was not only the case in the east of the city. Mu Lie had walked half a circle around the city two days ago and found that the camps in other directions had also withdrawn outside the ice, as if to leave a place for the battle. Only the treasures remained in place, as if the four were alone. warrior.

This is a strange world, changing rapidly and without any rules. Mu Lie is willing to be a stone, firmly embedded in the river bed, and refuses to be moved by any water flow.

As soon as the sun came up, Mu Lie stood in front of the east city gate, turned around and looked at the Patriarch Tower, and decided not to say anything. If the rumors were to be believed, Mu Xingqiu in the tower was really the great ancestor of the Mu family, which he ignored. One of the weird things.

"Jiang Huo'er, don't follow me. It's too dangerous. Go to the other side. There are many people there who can protect you."

The east bank of the Jie River is not only crowded, but a lot more crowded. A month ago, there were only a few hundred humans and demons here, but now there are thousands, mostly humans.

Jiang Huo'er groaned, and his coping method was the same as Mu Lie's. He ignored things he didn't understand and still stood still.

Mu Lie had no choice but to bend down, reach out and push the little guy gently, and then pointed to the east bank of the Jie River, "Go over there."

Jiang Huoer smiled and pointed to the east.

"Yes, go to the other side. There are many people who know you there. Shen Cunyi and Mu Dong'er don't seem to have come back yet. Others will take care of you."

Jiang Huoer jumped twice excitedly and ran towards the east.

Mu Lie breathed a sigh of relief and faced the city gate again. Some things could be ignored, but he could not turn a blind eye. He knew that he was about to be thrown into a storm. The intensity of this storm would exceed his imagination. In comparison, his strength No different than a speck of dust, the only difference is that he entered the storm voluntarily rather than being swept into it.

Mu Lie threw away all unnecessary thoughts and was about to step into the city when he heard a whooshing sound beside him. Jiang Huo'er rushed into Duanliu City one step ahead of him.

Then the little guy's figure disappeared, completely disappearing. Mu Lie hurriedly turned around, and Jiang Huo'er was indeed gone. Only then did he believe that he had really entered the city.

"Why aren't the little guys willing to obey?" Mu Lie thought of his younger brother, who was dishonest when he was still a baby, and Mu Dong'er, who never wanted to grow up and was always so arrogant.

Mu Lie also rushed towards the city, and with a pop, he entered, not knowing that he had also disappeared in the eyes of others.

On the other side of the river, Lao Chong saw this scene with his magic and was quite dissatisfied, "This guy can't even do magic, but he can enter the city. Why can't I?"

Ouyang Hao next to him smiled and said: "No one will stop you, as long as you can get in."

"Humph, you know that the restrictions in Duanliu City are getting stronger and stronger. Let alone entering the city, you can't even cross the river. What I mean is that Duanliu City is unfair. Since there are restrictions, everyone should be treated equally.

"Duanliu City does treat everyone equally." Little Yao Feifei lowered his head and observed Duanliu City with the help of the destruction in the air. "Its restrictions only target those with magic power, but are ineffective against ordinary humans and monsters."

Lao Chong looked around and saw that except for Mu Lie, there were really no ordinary people. Even if ordinary people heard about the big events that were going to happen in Duanliu City, they would not come to watch.

"Why can Mu Xingqiu and King Ling stay inside? Their magic power is stronger than anyone else." Lao Chong asked angrily.

"They possess a treasure that can break the restrictions." Feifei said.

"Where's Jiang Huo'er?"

"He is the reincarnated Nascent Soul."

Lao Chong still remembered the fight between Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang, and he was still worried about the scene at that time. He felt that it was not as good as the fight between two little monsters.

"Don't worry, maybe in the end, we will all be involved in it, and we won't be able to hide away even if we want to." Xin Youtao glanced at his wife and stopped talking. Xiao Qingtao was looking at Duanliu City with all the worries in his heart. It's his son, Xin Youtao thought sadly. He probably couldn't recognize his appearance. He was only a little older when he was taken away.

"As long as I can see this fight with my own eyes, it's worth dying in there." Lao Chong clenched his fists. He was the only one who was full of excitement and joy about this fight without any fear. "Why doesn't Mu Dong'er come back? He won't Are you embarrassed because he is not qualified to participate in the battle? In fact, he has the rare tower and can go directly to the city to watch the battle, which is much better than us. "

In the Patriarch's Tower, Yang Qingyin also had the same doubts, "If you can't come back in time, you have to let me know." But she was not worried about her son. With Mu Dong'er's strength, few people in the world could bully him.

"Are you ready?" Yang Qingyin asked easily.

Mu Xingqiu smiled and nodded, "It's finally over. This is the most perfect spell in my life. I really can't bear to use it on Kun Chaos."

"There are so many perfect spells, but you only have this one, so no wonder you can't let it go." Yang Qingyin also smiled, walked to the wall, and looked at the tarnished self-cultivation talisman, "I'm going to give my soul to you. Don’t embarrass me, otherwise, hum…”

Everything is ready for the self-cultivation talisman, only one soul is missing. As early as more than ten days ago, Yang Qingyin had decided to sacrifice her soul. "If we can't defeat Kun Chaos, we will all die. What's the point of keeping our souls? What if?" If I can defeat Kun Chao, my body will be right next to me, and my soul will definitely be able to escape in time, so there won’t be much danger, right?”

Mu Xingqiu couldn't compete with her, and after hesitating for many days, he finally agreed. Many humans and monsters were willing to sacrifice their souls for this battle, but the only person worthy of his complete trust was Yang Qingyin.

"Go." Yang Qingyin did not feel the pain of separation, "By the way, Lord Yishi's soul hidden in Dong'er Niwan Palace has not been taken out yet. After defeating Kunchao, the first thing you have to do is to capture him alive. Mr. Yishi, there are many old demon souls, but it’s a pity that none of them are willing to do good things.”

Mu Xingqiu smiled and said, "That's for sure. Then we have to let Dong'er grow up. He can't always be five or six years old."

"No, he should... go now. I didn't invite you to fight in the first place. If you go late, you won't have a place."

Mu Xingqiu went down to the ground floor, left the Patriarch Tower, and walked towards Duanliu City. The treasure was already closely connected with him, so there was no need to carry it with him.

The Patriarch's Tower was not far from the city gate. Mu Xingqiu walked all the way and never looked back.

Yang Qingyin only glanced at the window and then stared at the talismans on the wall. The Patriarch's Pagoda is a Taoist treasure that can leave long-lasting marks on its walls, indicating that the spell has been completed.

"Ancient God, if you really exist, please listen to my prayer: My name is Yang Qingyin, and I have never been your believer, but since you are a god, you shouldn't care about my disrespect. In short, please protect their father and son. "Two of them, if...if death is inevitable, please reduce their pain and inflict it on me."

Yang Qingyin did not pray for courage, because she was already prepared to sacrifice and would not hesitate to use the pill-breaking technique if necessary. It was impossible to try this spell in advance, but she knew that the spell would work.

The black phoenix passed by the window, seeming to notice something.

Yang Qingyin smiled slightly and used the art of telepathy to say to the banshee outside: "You are free. Return to your human form. When my soul leaves, you will get my inner elixir and all my magic power. But don't touch the furnace without extinguishing it." , the Nine Great Treasures are ominous things, the farther away from them the better.”

Black Phoenix could speak, but it only chirped loudly.

Yang Qingyin sent her soul into the cultivation talisman. She had tried it before and it went very smoothly.

The self-cultivation talisman already has great strength, but without a soul, it is like a mountain, towering above the earth. It is indifferent to everything happening around it, and will not participate in it. What Yang Qingyin wants to provide is a will to promote self-cultivation. Fu controlled thirty-three thousand talismans, and when Mu Xingqiu issued the summons, he threw himself into the battlefield without hesitation.

It was pitch black at first, then light gradually emerged. Yang Qingyin suddenly felt that something was wrong. What appeared in front of her eyes should be patches of spells, but what she saw was a valley.

Before realizing it, Yang Qingyin had already plunged into the valley and saw groups of golden-tailed horses and a small pond. She smiled unconsciously, forgetting everything, and walked toward the pond against the wind.

The black phoenix flew into the tower from the window and summoned an unquenchable furnace to guard in front of Yang Qingyin. She stood behind her, spread her wings to protect her body, and let out another loud cry outside.

Mu Xingqiu had already reached the city gate and said softly: "I made the biggest mistake in my life in Duanliu City, and I can never let the same mistake happen again. You said that everyone is saving themselves, you don't Should be sacrificed for anyone.”

Mu Xingqiu walked into the city gate without being blocked.

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