
Chapter 1107 Layers of the World

At first, Mu Xingqiu walked into an empty city. The streets were deserted and deserted. He could not see Mu Lie and Jiang Huo'er who had come in before. He turned around and looked outside the city gate and saw the Zushi Pagoda and the Jie River on the other side. The humans and monsters turned their gazes to the north, west, and south, but could not see the other three treasures.

He understood that this was a world created by the Patriarch Pagoda. The caster did not know who he was or where he was. Mu Xingqiu was the holder of the treasure and had no contribution to this world. He was only qualified to enter at any time. He tried it, and with a thought, the talismans in the tower reacted as if they were standing behind him.

He slightly activated the magic power in his meridians and filled the whole city with an illusion spell.

The whole city shook slightly, and Mu Xingqiu knew that he had entered another world, and it must also belong to a certain treasure. He saw Mu Lie, holding a knife and walking in the street, looking left and west warily. , Jiang Huoer, who entered the city just a little earlier than him, was nowhere to be seen.

Looking around again, all the treasures including the Patriarch Tower were gone.

The magic power in this world is very weak. Even the cold wind seems weak. He takes two or three steps and takes a break, as if he has a terminal illness. Mu Lie didn't notice this, but Mu Xingqiu felt puzzled. He didn't know which treasure belonged to this world and whether there was a spell caster.

He waited for a while, continued to generate mana in his body, enhanced the power of the illusion, and soon entered the third world. The mana here was only slightly stronger, and it was empty. Except for Mu Xingqiu himself, there was no other figure. Turning around, he saw the burning furnace hanging in the air.

This is the world of the eternal furnace, and the caster is also missing. It is definitely not Yang Qingyin, and she is not in this world. Her body is standing on the ninth floor of the Patriarch Tower in the real world, and her soul has entered a small illusion. , where there are the Muma Valley and Zhiyong Station that she is familiar with.

Mu Xingqiu continued to generate mana, and this time the leap was larger. He used the mana until 30%, and then the scene in front of him suddenly flickered and changed to the fourth world.

There is finally a figure in the Duanliu City of this world.

Siren Yuan Qijing was running up and down the street with a panicked look on his face. When he saw Mu Xingqiu at the gate of the city, he stopped hurriedly, stared at him for a while, and then walked slowly over, "Are you Mu Xingqiu?"


"Which Mu Xingqiu?"


Yuan Qijing breathed a sigh of relief and quickened his pace, "What is going on here? Mr. Yishi came in with me, but now he has disappeared. Where is Zuo Liuying? Where is Qin Lingshuang? Where are those Nascent Souls?"

"Issei-kun never explained it to you?"

Yuan Qijing shook his head, "You know that old cunning guy."

Ishi-kun likes to be a manipulator and will never reveal all the facts he knows easily.

"According to my guess, the nine treasures have created a broken city respectively, completely overlapping each other. Those who enter will be in different treasure worlds based on the strength of their magic power."

"No wonder I can't cast spells here. It turns out that all my demon power has been exhausted. Mr. Yishi is much stronger than me, so he entered a higher world. Why did you enter the same world as me?" Yuan Qijing was convinced that Mu Xingqiu's strength is no weaker than Yishi's, at least much stronger than himself.

"I'm slowly improving my magic power," Mu Xingqiu said.

"If I reduce my demon power, will I enter other worlds?"

"There are at least three worlds down there, and I walked through them one by one." Mu Xingqiu used the word "walk", and he felt strange because he stood at the gate of the city and never moved.

Yuan Qijing was silent for a while, then shook his head, "No, I can't reduce the demonic power."

It was like a dark battle, where everyone entered a closed room to kill each other. At this time, it was more difficult to reduce strength than to increase it. Yuan Qijing was so nervous that his palms were sweating, "Strange, I have been I used the Siming Ding to practice magic, but I didn’t see the Siming Ding. Instead, I saw the Instant Stage outside the West City. Is this the world of the Instant Stage? "

"That must be the case."

"Who is using the instant platform to cast spells? I keep feeling like something is following me."

The world of the Instant Stage is different from the first three. It is much full of mana. Almost all the mana that Mu Xingqiu generated before was offset, so he continued to increase the mana, and Wuxu Illusion once again spread throughout the city.

This time, the spell caster was in the city, and there was more than one, all hiding behind Yuan Qi Whale.

Yin Buchen jumped to the nearby wall with a group of monkeys and laughed loudly, "Mu Xingqiu, you are so uninteresting. You have ruined all the good games you played."

"My magic is boundless, Yuan Qijing. There are too many mysteries that you can't understand." Yin Buchen turned to Mu Xingqiu with a smile on his face, "Don't ask me anything, go find your son, he should ask you Give an explanation.”

Mu Xingqiu continued to increase his mana in his body. He had more important things to do and had no intention of intervening in the battle between the demon clan in the South China Sea. However, the span of the next world was even greater. His mana increased to more than 80% before the scenery in front of him began to shake again. Yin The quarrel between Bu Shen and Yuan Qi Jing disappeared instantly.

Duanliu City became even weirder. Although a new world appeared, the shaking did not stop. The whole city seemed to have sunk underwater. No matter how much Mu Xingqiu increased his magic power, the scenery in front of him refused to be stable.

He soon understood why.

Two figures were standing on the roof, arguing across the east-west main street. One was Yishijun and the other was Shouqiu. Mu Xingqiu was not surprised at all by the latter's appearance. He had discovered Duanqiu a month ago. The soul-changing spell in Liucheng has already guessed that the source of the spell is Luanjing Mountain.

Surprisingly, Shou Qiu said, "Mu Xingqiu! Why did you come in too? This old guy calls himself Mr. Yi Shi. It's really inexplicable that I have taken over his world."

Mr. Yishi on the opposite side frowned, "That's the truth. This is the world I created with the Sword Washing Pond. I was about to absorb the magic power here and continue to ascend to the world of Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang, but you showed up. Do you know how serious the consequences will be if you interfere with my major affairs? Your world is in Simingding..."

"Where did you get the Siming Cauldron? We have always used the Incense Cooking Cauldron."

"You guys? Who else besides you?" Yin Buchen looked around and saw no one else except Mu Xingqiu.

Shou Que was even more angry. She had brought a group of female Taoist priests, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving her alone facing the unreasonable old demon, "Mu Xingqiu, help me drive this old guy out."

"Mu Xingqiu, if you want to reach a higher level of the world, you cannot do without my help. Help me kill this ugly woman first."

Both sides cast spells at the same time. Yishi Jun sent out a puff of red smoke, and Shou Que threw out a red whip. The two spells collided in the air, the smoke dissipated, and the whip broke into multiple pieces before falling to the ground and disappearing.

This is not a powerful spell. In fact, it is ridiculously weak. It is only equivalent to a Taoist priest in the realm of breathing and dining. Even so, Shou Qiu and Yi Shijun have used their full strength.

Most of their magic power was offset by the treasure world.

Mu Xingqiu stretched out his arms and said loudly: "Stop, listen to what I have to say."

Shou Qiu and Yi Shijun stopped, stared at each other warily, and assumed the posture of casting spells.

The scenery in front of him was still shaky. Mu Xingqiu had gotten used to it, and he just thought it was because the sun had evaporated too much heat. "Neither of you two has entered the other's world. It's just that you have equal mana, making Siming Ding and Xijianchi Two worlds collided."

Mr. Yishi frowned, "She has the same magic power as me?"

Shou Que was also confused, "Why do you two always talk about the Cheese Ming Ding? It's not in my hands at all."

Lord Yishi laughed, "I am ignorant, it doesn't matter where the treasure is or whose hand it is. It was Kun Chaos who chose the caster for the nine treasures. He designated the sword washing pool for me and the Siming Cauldron for you. , even if you are thousands of miles away, your magic will enter the Siming Cauldron. Your magic has been to Duanliu City a month ago, didn't you notice?"

Shou Que had a look of sudden realization on his face, "I thought it was a dream..."

When Yishi Jun wanted to understand this matter, he was actually reminded by Mu Xingqiu, but he didn't mention it a word and said proudly: "Look, you are not worthy of entering this world at all. What did Kun Chaos think that he took the Siming Cauldron to the throne?" Give it to you? You'd better wake up quickly."

"Before you wake up, I have to keep you awake." Shou Que cast a spell again. Since most of the magic power was offset by the world, she used a special trick. A faint mist appeared in front, back, left and right, and many human figures were vaguely visible. Using the same posture to cast spells, although each one is not strong, together they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

"So you also have the power of souls, no wonder Kunchao chose you, look at me!" Mr. Yishi cast spells as he spoke, and a large number of insects flew out from behind, left and right, and also cast spells.

The streets of Duanliu City were filled with spells for a while, but before they could hit their targets, they all disappeared midway.

Shou Que said in surprise: "Mu Xingqiu, you actually used the method of using things on me?"

Mr. Yishi was also surprised, "Boy, do you want to ascend to a higher world by yourself? Don't forget, the mana you inhale won't last long, and you will eventually fall. When the time comes, I won't help..."

Mu Xingqiu had already raised his mana to the limit, and with the little mana he inhaled, it was just enough. Duanliu City shook violently for a few times before finally stabilizing.

He still stood at the city gate on the east side and looked around for a week, but he didn't see anyone or find the treasure.

Suddenly a voice came from above, "Father, you are finally here."

Mu Xingqiu took a few steps forward, turned around and looked up. Mu Dong'er was sitting on the eaves of the city gate tower, gently swaying his feet, looking into the distance, carrying a one-foot-tall rare tower on his left shoulder, and on his right shoulder A ground monkey squatted on it.

This time it was Mu Xingqiu's turn to be surprised and surprised. Mu Dong'er had lost to Yi Shijun a month ago, but now he had created a world with higher magic power.

"When did you arrive?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

Mu Dong'er jumped to the ground with Zhenqilou and Dihou, "It won't take long."

"How did you..." Mu Xingqiu suddenly felt a familiar power, "Did you get the demon seed!?"

Mu Dong'er nodded, "But it's not enough. I can't even enter the world of Zuo Liuying and Qin Lingshuang, let alone the world of Kun Chaos. Father, I need your help."

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