
Chapter 109 Illusion

Yang Qingyin looked at each other as the "aunt" in her eyes.

The usually careless old lady also has a careful side. She is a daughter of a Taoist sect and is well aware of the difficulties and dangers of condensing pills, so she walked around the valley to check on Xiaoqiu. She saw the bean-like thing in the house. From the light, I immediately knew that it was a powerful magic weapon.

"Don't believe it..." Xiaoqiu gritted his teeth and said three words, but he didn't know what to say next. He couldn't even confirm whether everything in front of him was part of the illusion.

"Who are you?" Yang Qingyin woke up faster than Xiao Qiu, "Your illusion skills are very good. I have never heard of any Taoist priest in Pangshan who is good at this kind of Kung Fu."

"That means you know too little."

The two looked at each other silently. The small oil lamp in Yang Qingyin's palm is still burning. The strange thing is that it doesn't seem to be emitting light, but rather absorbing it. There was an ordinary oil lamp on the table. At this moment, the flames are leaning forward without the wind, and are being absorbed by a gradually increasing Invisible forces pull the halo closer and closer to an oval shape.

Yang Qingyin suddenly made a move.

Xiaoqiu couldn't move, but his eyes were sharper than ever, so he was lucky enough to see the fight between the two Taoist priests.

The light from the stolen pearl in Yang Qingyin's left hand suddenly emitted, engulfing the entire room in an instant. The beating feeling in Xiaoqiu's head stopped immediately, but the light in front of him was so strong that he had to squint his eyes and could only vaguely see two blurry objects. One of the unclear figures must be Yang Qingyin, and the other one looks slightly familiar, but Xiao Qiu is sure that it is not Yang Baozhen.

Xiaoqiu has been on Yangshen Peak for three years, and is familiar with Yang Dujiao's normal and spell-casting forms, which are obviously different from the person in front of him.

A few miles away, the sleeping horses were awakened by the strange light in the distance. The horses with golden tails naturally like to chase bright colors. They all neighed and ran towards the wrangler's residence with their hooves raised.

Guan Shenyue and others rushed forward to block it.

"I don't think we can stop it." Looking at the galloping horses, the sound of hooves rumbled in his ears. Zhou Ping's voice was trembling a little.

"That has to be stopped. Xiao Qingtao has prepared a lot of wild flowers, but it is the middle of the night and their attraction cannot be shown. "We must not let them interfere with Brother Xiao Qiu's elixir condensation. "

"Where did I go?" Xin Youtao just ran over and looked around anxiously, "We just can't stop it. It's strange, can the condensed Qi elixir glow?"

"I, I'm not sure." Guan Shenyue scratched his forehead when he noticed that everyone was looking at him.

"I didn't shine at the time. But Brother Xiaoqiu was practicing a heaven-defying technique, maybe..."

The horses came running over, and everyone was still a little confident in one-on-one. Six disciples faced more than thirty horses with golden tails. They were afraid that they would be trampled to pieces. Zhou Ping was about to turn around and avoid it, but the only female disciple, Xiao Qing, Tao didn't move, and he was too embarrassed to be too timid, so he had to stay with a pale face. I thought it would be better if I were a little thinner.

Unexpectedly, the horses suddenly stopped when they were more than ten steps apart, stopping there in disinterest and shaking their gorgeous long tails.

The six people looked back and saw that the light in Xiaoqiu's room had disappeared. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Xiao Qingtao ran to the middle of the group of horses, attracted the leading horses with wild flowers, and led them to a place where the houses could not be seen.

inside the room. Xiaoqiu was still sitting on the bed. The beating in her head only paused for a short while and then became violent again.

Yang Qingyin fell at the door. He rested his head on his left arm, as if he was sleeping soundly, and the stolen pearl in his hand rolled to the side, dim.

"Stealing the Pearl is a rare treasure." Another person said, the image in Xiaoqiu's eyes became increasingly blurry, not like Yang Qingyin or Yang Baozhen, and the voice was changing, as if many people were coming one after another. The words he pronounced sounded very strange.

"It's a pity that she is in the third level of inhalation and can only exert 30% to 40% of the effectiveness of the Thief of Pearls. Let her fall asleep too. When she wakes up, she won't remember anything."

Xiaoqiu just saw that this person just stretched out his hand and pointed. Yang Qingyin, who had already achieved some success in practice, immediately fell down without any resistance. The light emitted by the Thief Pearl was gradually absorbed by the oil lamp in the person's palm. At this moment, Even the light from the oil lamp on the table was almost gone.

The entire room was plunged into darkness, with only a very faint light flickering, reflecting the tall figure behind.

"Keep it simple," the man said, his voice settling into a deep male voice, full of irresistible persuasion.

Xiaoqiu had to devote part of his will to resist the opponent's illusion. He now understood that the fake Yang Qingyin cast a spell on him as soon as she appeared, so he believed in "her" unswervingly, even though he had discovered the problem with the oil lamp. Even though Bald Man reminded him in various ways, the doubt in his heart still flashed away.

Xiaoqiu knew a little about illusions, and knew that they were similar to mind-controlling spells. They were only effective against enemies with huge differences in realms. He had lost resistance for a long time, and Yang Qingyin was also affected at first. This person was obviously a swallower. Taoist priests of even higher realms.

The beating feeling in his head became stronger and stronger, and Xiao Qiu could no longer care about it. He believed that there was no demon seed in his body. The little demon that he didn't know what it was was invisible to others, and today was not the day for it to appear, so he I would rather endure the soul-pulling technique than be deceived by the opponent's illusion again.

What he said makes sense, Xiaoqiu thought, suddenly alert, he was almost fooled by the opponent's illusion again, he had to speak, he had to take the initiative to attack.

"I know who you are." It was difficult for Xiaoqiu to speak, and the beating in her head became stronger every time she uttered a word.

"Oh?" The man's voice became vague and unclear again, "Did you guess it or see it?"

"It was you who transformed into Shen Ji, stepped on Yang Baozhen's jade Ruyi, and came to see me in Siguo Cave. It was you who made me open seven orifices and open up three fields one after another in that month."

"So you guessed it." The man laughed twice, "Okay, that's indeed me. Unfortunately, the demon in your body is too stubborn and refuses to separate from you under such circumstances. Also Meng Yuanhou, a mere Taoist priest from Shanxia, ​​actually thought of using dream magic to protect you. If not -" the man sighed. "It's impossible for you to survive the tribulation, and the demon species may come out. What I didn't expect was that this matter was actually used by the Five Elements Department and the Forbidden Secret Department."

Xiaoqiu forced herself to laugh twice. It turned out that the one who made the trick first was neither Zuo Liuying, nor the Grandmaster nor the leader of the Five Elements Division, but someone else. "Then you made trouble at Yangshen Peak and made me miss you." Science inheritance selected.”

The man shook his head and his voice became serious, "Ignorant young man. Yangshen Peak is the clone of the Patriarch Pagoda. How could I secretly cast spells there without being discovered? I have nothing to do with you being selected by the Nianxin Department. It must be a demon species. It works, yes, the Nianxin Department is despicable and shameless, and does not deserve to be one of the eighteen departments of the Taoist sect. They must have felt the demon seed in your body and cherish each other..."

There were some things that this person couldn't understand, so he raised his head and thought for a while. Talking to himself: "Why are you the only one being inspired, and not everyone in Yelin Town? Is it because you are the only one who has come into contact with the Flower of the Demon King? As long as your demon seed is separated, everything will be revealed."

The soul-pulling technique suddenly strengthened, and Xiao Qiuzi's brain was about to explode. He was in so much pain that he wanted to yell out, but he still held it back and tried to focus on the conversation: "It seems that you are very interested in demon species."

"It's not interest, it's hatred." The man corrected. "Demons are the enemy of the entire world. Short-lived humans will not understand this. They are born and die constantly. In a life span of just a few decades, more than half of the time is either childish or comatose, unable to see the greatest truth. ”

"What truth?"

"The demon species is preparing to launch a counterattack against the world. In the past thousand years, the demon species has appeared more and more frequently. The demon-suppressing clock in the north is about to be unable to suppress it. Of course, for ordinary people like you, it is impossible to A thousand years is incredibly long, there is no need to worry at all. Only Taoism understands how short a thousand years are. In another thousand years, maybe even shorter, the demon species will take over the world. So, hand over the demon species, I want to know. How does it give birth to Tao roots, Mu Xingqiu, this is the only contribution you can make to the entire world, it is insignificant, but very necessary.”

Xiaoqiu's endurance was close to the limit. He felt that his head had exploded and swelled bigger than the room. However, the beating still refused to stop, getting stronger every time. He wanted to scream, he wanted to beg, but in the end he held back. , but his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Unable to resist the spell with his will alone, Xiaoqiu began to recite the spell silently in his heart. He didn't know the use of those five words, but this was his only choice. The spell had saved him in critical moments several times, and he hoped that it would be the same this time. It will work wonders.

"Are you...reciting a spell?" The man smiled, as if a well-educated man was watching a junior show off his words, "Haven't you heard that spells are not as good as the five elements of magic? The art of soul-linking belongs to the five elements of wood, and illusion belongs to the tree of the five elements. "Five Elements of Water, your words are useless, Mei Chuanan should teach you a more powerful spell."

He was right, the spell could not relieve the headache, nor could he see the man's true face clearly, but Xiaoqiu still recited it silently, over and over again, in the stormy sea, this was his only reliance and hope.

"You like to be different." The man used his other hand to make various magic tricks. The red light of the small oil lamp in his palm suddenly grew an inch taller, and his magic power suddenly increased. The halo of the ordinary oil lamp on the table tilted even more seriously. Gradually, It condensed into a line of pale yellow light and pointed straight at the oil lamp in the palm of my hand.

"This is the last time you will be different, a.m. Mu Xingqiu, the herdsman of Yelin Town. You should not come to Pangshan. This is not your place of residence. This is the case for you and Shen Hao."

A wisp of light blue smoke floated out of Xiaoqiu's mind, and the young demon was finally separated.

The man obviously didn't see anything unusual. He continued to persuade Xiaoqiu to give up resistance, "You are all mortals. You should live a mortal life, live happily and die happily. This is the advantage of mortals. You don't have to worry about what will happen after a thousand years." Crisis, just survive these decades.”

The young demon gradually took shape, its head tilted, its eyes did not open, and it floated feebly in the air.

"Something... is coming out, I can feel it..." The man turned his eyes excitedly.

Xiaoqiu's heart skipped a beat and she stared at the man, trying not to look in the direction of the young demon.

The man's eyes moved faster and faster, "Right in front of my eyes... I know, I have known for a long time, ah, you have an invisible demon seed... I succeeded! You have a demon seed, Shen Hao There must be demons, you people in Yelin Town all have demons!”

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued \u003c!--flag053--\u003e

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