
Chapter 110 Black Hand

The light blue little demon slowly opened its eyes. This was the first time it had appeared in less than seven days. It had not yet regained its energy. It was as if a person who was sleeping soundly had been woken up abruptly, and its ugly little face was full of energy. It's confusion and fatigue.

The beating in Xiaoqiu's head weakened, and he was finally able to seriously think about the matter in front of him. Many clues were combined together, and he figured it out, "Shen Zhun, you are Shen Zhun."

The room was still dark, but the figure behind the dim light was no longer blurry. It was exactly the image of Shen Zhun, the law enforcer of the Discipline Science and Technology University. Xiaoqiu had only seen him once before, but the impression was extremely profound.

"Did you just recognize me? Your will is very strong, but your brain is not very smart. Of course it's me. I'm the only one in Pangshan who is worried about you. The others only relied on the assurance of Grandmaster Ning Qiwei to believe you. Even The ten leaders are no exception, Zuo Liuying may be an exception, but he is more concerned about the spiritual bone root. "

In fact, Xiao Qiu should have guessed that this person has strong magic power and is full of contempt for ordinary people. These are the characteristics of a Taoist disciple. When he specifically mentioned Shen Hao, it proved that he was from the Discipline Department.

"Shen Hao is also condensing pills?" Xiaoqiu's heart sank again after seeing the other party's true face.

Shen Zhun held a small oil lamp in his right hand and moved very slowly. He was still looking for the location of the young demon, so he relaxed his control on Mu Xingqiu. "Shen Hao is coming soon. He is condensing energy according to the unique method I taught him." Dan——" The great law enforcer showed a smile, "You will be possessed before dawn. Your situation is more complicated, so I have to deal with it myself."

Xiaoqiu was furious and stood up. Only then did she realize that she could move freely, "Shen Hao believes in you so much!"

Shen Zhun didn't care. He casually pointed with his left hand. Xiaoqiu sat down again and couldn't move. In front of Taoist Xingluo, he had no chance to resist. I recited a mantra silently in my heart, and a numb feeling spread from my heart to my fingertips. Then I turned back the way I came, but I froze.

"The possessed person is the most delicious delicacy in the world to the demon species. If it can't help it, it will inevitably show its signs. Shen Hao believes in me, and you should believe me too, but you are too late. In order to expose the conspiracy of the demon species, , you two must be sacrificed. There is only one person in Yelin Town who is more rational and would rather remove Daogen than be controlled by the demon. Unfortunately, he is scared by you and does not dare to stick to his correct opinions. "

Xiao Qiu knew that Shen Zhun was talking about the fool Mu Feihuang. He had once expressed his desire to remove the root of Dao to the Discipline Department through various connections. He was even willing to betray the secrets of his partners for this purpose. After Xiao Qiu found out, he gave up. This idea. I never contacted the Discipline Department again.

Poof, the ordinary oil lamp on the table finally went out, and the halo of the oil lamp in Shen Zhun's hand was slightly longer.

"But I won't be possessed by a demon. You destroyed my Qi Condensation Pill.

"Xiao Qiu said.

Shen Zhun's right arm stopped, just pointing in the direction of the young demon. The young demon was still floating weakly in the air, with its limbs twitching occasionally. His mouth was wide open and he couldn't make any sound.

But Shen Zhun still couldn't see it, "I destroyed your Qi Condensation Pill? Hey, you are stupider than I thought. Your Pill Condensation started a long time ago, Mu Xingqiu, but you can't help but feel calm. Also. There is no way to get out of Tiangang's footwork, you are like Shen Hao, you are possessed."

Shen Zhun frowned slightly and took a step very carefully.

Xiaoqiu was horrified, he didn't even feel full of spiritual energy. Are you already condensing pills? Then he realized that he was in the illusion stage that Yang Qingyin had reminded him, but what was reality and what was illusion about everything in front of him?

"Use your third eye." Shen Zhun guessed the boy's doubts. He did not take a second step, but stopped in place and made more spell-casting movements with his left hand. "This way you can distinguish between true and false. Of course, you will be possessed." It will also be faster. At least you can beat Shen Hao in this matter."

Knowing that this was a trap, Xiaoqiu stepped into it. He must get rid of the illusion.

The third eye flashed, nothing changed in front of him, Shen Zhun was still Shen Zhun, Yang Qingyin was lying at the door, the table was in a mess, Xiaoqiu herself had changed.

The organs in the abdomen seemed to be stirred around by something and twisted into a ball. The pain came too suddenly, and Xiaoqiu screamed.

"It's not easy to condense Qi into a pill." Shen Zhun took the second step, eight or nine feet away from the young demon. "The original purpose of the illusion was to relieve pain, but some people couldn't get rid of the illusion in the end, and the pill condensation failed. In your case On the contrary, get rid of the illusion in advance - you will suffer more.”

Xiaoqiu didn't scream again, "Meng Yuanhou held it back, so can I."

"Of course, you are all practicing heaven-defying skills. Meng Yuanhou did get rid of the illusion in advance like you, but he was afraid of being possessed and scratched his face like that. Do you have such courage?"

There was a bit of sarcasm in Shen Zhun's voice, "Meng Yuanhou is the real Taoist holder. Although he ruined my plan and although he has always been very optimistic about you, he is still an excellent Pangshan Taoist priest. And you have It’s a fake Dao root. This is a conspiracy of the demon species. It wants to destroy Pangshan and even the Nine Dao Tradition, but with me here, the conspiracy will never succeed. "

The demon shook violently a few times, and seemed to have regained some strength. He glanced at Xiaoqiu, then at Shen Zhun, and suddenly held his stomach as if he felt pain.

An idea flashed through Xiao Qiu's mind. You Mo had once imitated Bone Forging Fist and Cun Xiang, and even imitated the spell he had only recited silently in his mind - Xiao Qiu tried hard to concentrate his thoughts and imagine the method of condensing pills.

It took the young demon a while to react, and he actually took a step in the air. Although his posture was ridiculous, his footing was off, and his hand movements were wrong, it was indeed somewhat similar to Tiangang's footwork.

Tiangang's thirty-sixth step is exactly a circle. The young demon stumbles around Xiaoqiu. His posture becomes more and more stable. After one circle, he is already decent. He is small and the speed of the circle is faster than that of Xiaoqiu. Autumn is much faster.

When the little demon started to circle around for the second time, the cramping pain in Xiaoqiu's stomach was no longer so strong, and gradually turned into a heavy sinking feeling, as if the internal organs had turned into a piece of copper and iron.

The young demon is Xiao Qiu's only hope now. He cannot let Shen Zhun find its traces, so he asks: "You brought Mu Songxuan to Laozu Peak and what did you do to it?"

Shen Zhun followed the direction indicated by the oil lamp and dismissed Xiaoqiu, but still answered his question, "Let ordinary disciples use him to practice the art of summoning souls. It is rare to summon souls as easily as him, and then give him He was blessed with several soul-stabilizing spells to prevent him from being swallowed by demons. Finally, I also added a Sky Eye."

"To spy on me?"

"That's right. After Shen Hao entered the Discipline Department, I was no longer interested in you, but you refused to give up your practice and even brought back a demon head. At that time, I knew that the demon seed in your body was ready to move. I have to put you under surveillance again."

"You know Mu Songxuan will definitely come back to me."

"Qingyin is a practicing genius and will become a great Pangshan Taoist priest in the future, but she is still a stubborn child now. She is just trying to find something new. Of course she will return the demon head to you, and she also pushes you to compete with Shen Hao Ningdan really won my heart.”

Knowing that Lin Qingyin was only being used by Shen Zhun, Xiao Qiu felt much better. At least he had not misjudged me.

The young demon began to circle for the third time. Tiangang's footwork was already impeccable. It obviously knew that this would help relieve abdominal pain. It could continue walking without Xiaoqiu's thoughts pushing it.

Shen Zhun took a big step and was less than three feet away from the young demon.

"Xin Youtao asked you to pretend to condense the elixir. I heard it clearly, but I think this is a good opportunity to separate the demon species and should not be missed, so I gave Qingyin nine Bairun elixirs. You have to thank me, I not only I’ll help you clear your mind and help you condense your energy into elixirs, but this is the last time.”

"I should thank you. In order to force out the demon seed, you are even willing to sacrifice your own son."

"It's only been five years of thinking." Shen Zhun said coldly. The oil lamp in his hand suddenly shot out a fan-shaped light, which was shining on the young demon, but he still couldn't see it. "Yang Baozhen thinks this is our best descendant, but I know There will be someone better, stronger than Zuo Liuying, who will be the best hope against the demons in a thousand years."

The oil lamp withdrew its light, and Shen Zhun's brows furrowed more and more tightly. Xiaoqiu didn't want to give him time to think carefully, and continued to ask: "Your illusion will not work on Mu Songxuan."

"Because I am using water illusion that changes according to the shape, and it is not an ordinary blind trick. The demon head cannot be considered a human at all. He is just a talking animal. He has no ideas in his mind, and naturally he will not produce illusions."

"That's it." Xiaoqiu pretended to suddenly realize. Perhaps his tone was too relaxed, which attracted Shen Zhun's glance. He hurriedly said: "Fangfang... why didn't you monitor her? Because you were afraid of Zuo Liuying."

"Zuo Liuying?" Shen Zhun seemed a little impatient as no trace of the demon species was found, with a hint of irritation in his voice, "He is a genius, but he lacks the spirit to devote himself to the orthodoxy. He proposed to ask the demon species in the void By launching an attack directly, everyone thought that the two were incompatible. In fact, he just wanted to get back his imaginary wife, and he was so interested in the demon species that..."

Shen Zhun was stunned. ash. co

Xiaoqiu knew that he had made a serious mistake. He should not have mentioned Zuo Liuying, and should not have reminded Shen Zhun of the invisible wife of the head of the Forbidden Secret Division.

"I see." A smile appeared on Shen Zhun's face, "Why didn't I think of it earlier? The demons took away Zuo Liuying's wife and naturally learned the art of being invisible. Yes, that's it!"

Shen Zhun raised his left hand and prepared to cast a spell. He had obviously found a way to deal with the young demon.

Xiao Qiu was so anxious that she pretended to be excited and shouted: "Shen Zhun, Zuo Liuying found you, you forgot the sound transmission incense burner..."

Shen Zhun would not be disturbed by a young man, "There is no way to fight the devil with the devil." Another arm suddenly stretched out from his left hand, which was thicker than the night, and instantly wiped out the light of the oil lamp. engulf.

Xiao Qiu's eyes were completely plunged into darkness. A moment later, when he could see again, he found that the young demon was tightly held by the black arm.

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