
Chapter 119 Light Blue Illusion

Zuo Liuying's voice matched his appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old. It had the roughness of youth and the crispness of youth. He recited the spell in a leisurely and unhurried manner. The effect was much more powerful than Xiaoqiu's. The golem was like porcelain that had received a heavy blow and shattered instantly, with countless fragments floating in the air.

The whole scene stopped at this moment, like a lifelike picture scroll. Xiaoqiu had never seen even a few ordinary New Year pictures, let alone such a lifelike picture. He stared blankly at the fragments of the young demon, It took him a while to realize: no matter how alert he was, he still couldn't escape the illusion of the head of the Forbidden Secret Department.

Shen Zhun was just more powerful, and the illusions he created were traceable, but Zuo Liuying just picked them up easily. If he hadn't deliberately shown the flaw, Xiao Qiu would never have discovered it.

"Memory is the best material for illusion." Zuo Liuying walked to Xiaoqiu and pointed to the copper gourd on the table, which contained all the memories that Yang Baozhen took away when he used the mind control technique on Mu Xingqiu a month ago.

"But... you can't speak, so it's impossible for me to have these memories." Xiaoqiu understood, but he still couldn't get rid of the illusion, and his eyes followed Zuo Liuying beside him.

"Because you have expectations, when you see my appearance, you will naturally think of my voice - as you wish, I will use this voice to talk to you."

Xiaoqiu moved his eyes and even used his unrivaled Third Eye to stare at the empty futon opposite. That should be where Zuo Liuying really was, but he couldn't see anything. The illusion was too powerful and he couldn't see through the truth. .

Zuo Liuying walked slowly around Mu Xingqiu, "Illusion is one of the most basic spells in the mind science. You should get used to it."

"I thought the illusion was a five-element water spell. Besides, hasn't the inheritance of Nian Xin Ke been interrupted for many years?" Xiao Qiu tried not to look at the human figure around him, but still talked to him.

"Since the Mind Mind Technique is one of the eighteen subjects of Taoism, it cannot be completely separated from the Five Elements Magic. The Mind Mind Illusion Technique and the Water Illusion Technique have the same purpose. Of course. There is a clear difference between the two. Once the Water Illusion Technique is seen through, the illusion will disappear naturally, and the Mind Mind Illusion Technique But it will cause backlash. If you have the ability to see the real me, you can make me fall into an illusion. According to the book, the power of backlash is more powerful than the original illusion. When the time comes, you may even control all my actions.

"Why was such a powerful spell abandoned?"

"Because neither mind illusion nor water illusion is effective against simple-minded monsters. The effect on demons with strong will is greatly reduced, and in the end it will only become a means for Taoist priests to attack each other. Tens of thousands of years ago, the seventh generation The Patriarch invented the method of fundamental concealment, which not only protects Santian, but also enhances your resistance to illusions. As long as you reach the realm of Fengxia, it will be difficult for my illusions to have an effect on you."

Xiaoqiu did not give up her efforts,

Still staring at the futon, "What does illusion have to do with it?" Xiaoqiu pointed to the light blue fragment in the air. He used to call it "Young Demon". Now I don't know what to call it.

Zuo Liuying continued to circle Xiaoqiu, "Have you heard about my wife?"

"Well, you should know this." Xiaoqiu has handed over all his memories, and there is no secret in front of Zuo Liuying.

"But you don't know exactly." Zuo Liuying gradually quickened his pace. The light blue fragments that were stagnant in the air began to move, and the pieces merged again. However, it was not the image of the young demon in Xiao Qiu's memory, but a completely different image of a human woman.

Zuo Liuying handed over some of his memories.

It was a woman with a graceful figure. Wearing a light blue gauze skirt, with her hair in a bun, there is no trace of Taoist characteristics about her body. Although his face was blurry, Zuo Liuying still had reservations.

"Her name is Huanyue. I named her because I imagined her on a full moon night. But this fantasy object is different. She will talk to me and even refute my opinions. Some of her This is a view that I have never heard of and cannot agree with. On the eleventh day of her incarnation, we got married. From then on, I began to believe that she was real. Just my fantasy."

Zuo Liuying stopped and stared at the woman in the blue dress for a while. This was a pure illusion, without any sense of reality. He then walked around, "I took her to introduce her to everyone, but no one could see it. Her figure could not be heard, and her voice could not be heard. I invited the most powerful men of the Nine Dao Traditions, including the contemporary patriarch himself. Their eyes could even penetrate the mountains and the deep sea, but they could not see Huanyue. Walking around in front of them, still no one could see her."

Zuo Liuying fell into deep thought, and the doubts he had at that time still haunt him to this day, "So I thought that the weak might be able to see things that the strong cannot see. This kind of thing has never happened before, so I took Huanyue with me. Go down the mountain and travel around the world——"

The woman in the blue dress fell apart and assembled again. This time, the scene was a small riverside town, slightly larger than Yelin Town, with several times the population and bustling with activity.

Xiaoqiu looked down at the town as if she were standing on a high mountain, and soon saw another Zuo Liuying and Huanyue, standing side by side by the river, with several Taoist priests on both sides, chatting enthusiastically. Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and everyone in the town looked up in surprise, including several Taoist priests. Only Huanyue nervously pulled one of Zuo Liuying's arms, looking extremely frightened.

A dark arm stretched out from the dark clouds. The Taoist priests cast a series of spells into the sky. The huge black hand was defeated. Ke Huanyue still rose into the sky involuntarily and flew towards the thick dark clouds. No matter how she shouted, no matter Zuo Liuying No matter how powerful the spell was, it still couldn't bring her back even an inch.

Several Taoist priests looked at the sky in surprise, even forgetting to cast spells, apparently seeing Huanyue himself.

Zuo Liuying flew into the air...

The picture shattered, and Xiaoqiu knew the final outcome: Zuo Liuying failed to recover his wife, and dark clouds descended, causing great damage to the town, but not killing anyone.

"Do you think there are any similarities between the two?" Zuo Liuying asked, his voice extremely calm, not at all like someone who was experiencing the pain of losing his wife again.

The so-called two, of course, refer to Huanyue and Youmo. Xiaoqiu thought for a while, "Others can't see, touch, or hear, but..."

"First of all, I have never fantasized about the little devil. It jumped out on its own." Xiaoqiu decided to use the name "little devil". "Secondly, the little devil can't speak, at least not in human language. At first he fought me back and forth, and then he imitated me everywhere."

"When it fights with you, it is imitating you. You are afraid of it and want to destroy it, so it is also afraid of you and wants to destroy you." Zuo Liuying corrected.

"Well, that's it. The night when Shen Zhun came to see me, the young demon had a deeper connection with me. We felt the same way about each other. It could even help me condense my energy into a pill. I don't think Huanyue can do this. "

"It can't be done. Huanyue is a real person. She has her own thoughts and preferences, which are not under my control. Sometimes she is even completely opposite to me."

"What does this mean?" Probably because he stayed in the illusion for too long. Xiaoqiu felt a little dizzy.

"It means that the young demon and Huanyue are the same kind, but the young demon is in the primary stage. You and I have the same ability, you are just weaker."

Xiaoqiu opened her mouth wide. "But I only cleared the three fields when the young demon appeared. Where did I get this ability?"

"Actually, you already have this ability." Zuo Liuying cast the spell again, and the light blue fragments formed another picture.

This is Xiaoqiu’s memory, Mei Chuanan standing in the vegetable garden behind her house. He squinted his eyes, with a look of pain on his face, and covered his heart with one hand. He said: "It's not the strongest, it's different. It... is a message that I haven't understood yet." After a moment of pause, he read out the mantra that had a huge impact on Xiaoqiu, "Don't be wrong or weak. "

The screen shattered again.

Xiaoqiu suddenly remembered something that Tujia Lin Sa said. He said that Mei Chuanan admired Zuo Liuying and learned all his behaviors, including fantasies.

"I don't understand. Could it be that the young demon is Mei Chuanan's soul?"

Zuo Liuying shook his head, "I guess things are more complicated than this. The soul may turn into something, but it can't hide from the Taoist priest's eyes. The key is that spell. Mei Chuanan said it was a message. What message is it?"

Xiaoqiu couldn't answer such a profound question, and Zuo Liuying had no expectations for it. He was asking and answering himself.

"I was the one who suggested to Mei Chuan'an to study the mind-reading spells. I have read all the spells myself, including this sentence, 'Wrong or weak'. Does it have an impact on the creation of the Phantom Moon? I have experienced it. Everything has memories, but the influence of the spell is subtle, and things have changed, and I can no longer draw conclusions. "

Xiaoqiu understood Zuo Chongying's intention. He was not checking the details of the young demon, but wanted to find out its origin, which might be the origin of the first wife.

"Fangfang... Qin Lingshuang also learned the spell." Xiao Qiu never wanted Fangfang to go into danger.

"She's fine, so far." Zuo Liuying had already secretly checked Qin Lingshuang, "Every time she uses a spell, it's related to you, to help you, so the power happens to you. And she is thinking A single person will never change the path she has chosen. For her, spells are always an occasional emergency measure. In fact, she has no interest in chanting spells. "

Xiaoqiu felt relieved, "But this spell is used to immobilize spells or prevent spells from being cast. What does it have to do with illusions?"

"It was originally an illusion spell. Ansh.c You and Qin Lingshuang used it wrongly from the beginning, so it only exerted less than 10% of its power. Please try another method."

If Xiaoqiu realized something, she looked around for the target and finally identified the copper gourd.

"Don't make mistakes or be weak." Xiaoqiu chanted softly and punched out of habit.

The copper gourd was split into two and fell to both sides. A puff of white smoke drifted away. The illusion in front of him suddenly disappeared. The light blue fragments and Zuo Liuying who could talk disappeared. The head of the Forbidden Secret Department was still sitting on the futon. , he had already prepared, so he was not affected by the backlash.

Zuo Liuying at least did not hide his intention to take advantage of the Ningdan disciples. The answer he was looking for was also Xiao Qiu's brooding concern.

"When can I enter cardiology?"

"Wait until the young demon shows up again." Zeng Fu, Zuo Liuying's maid, came up from behind Xiao Qiu and answered the question for her master, "If tonight goes well, you can come tomorrow."

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