
Chapter 120 The Fallen Goat

Xiaoqiu didn't see Fangfang in the Forbidden Secrets Department. She was still practicing. The protector Lan Qizhang stood at the door and smiled and nodded at Xiaoqiu.

Because of meeting Zuo Liuying, Xiaoqiu missed the Demon Elimination Conference of the Discipline Department and got a task that he didn't want to take but couldn't shirk - practicing the illusion of the Mind Department and finding the source of "True Illusion".

"True Illusion" is what Zuo Liuying called it, the abbreviation of real illusion. No matter how powerful the illusion of the head of the Forbidden Secrets Department is, it can't cover up the difficulty and risk of this task: except for directional guidance, Xiaoqiu can hardly get any help and can only find a way in the pile of old papers alone. If he takes a wrong step, he may be possessed by the devil like Mei Chuan'an.

Even so, Xiaoqiu has to wait for the young demon to appear again before he can officially become a disciple of the Mind Department. Zuo Liuying is as stubborn and ruthless as the rumors say. Looking at his appearance, Xiaoqiu should feel honored and cheered for getting this unique task.

At this point, Xiaoqiu felt that there was no need to hide it anymore, so she told Yang Qingyin about the young demon in advance. The two had agreed that Yang Qingyin would reveal the secret only if she brought out five Dan-condensing disciples from Zhiyong.

"I want to see the young demon with my own eyes." After returning to the Horse Herding Valley, Yang Qingyin made a decision, "I will stay here tonight."

"..." Xiaoqiu regretted it, "You can't see it, you saw it once, remember? You said my bone-forging fist was special at that time, but in fact I was fighting with the young demon."

Yang Qingyin had made up her mind, "That's different, this time I want to watch it carefully."

It was impossible to persuade Yang Qingyin to leave, so Xiaoqiu had to follow her heart and go to add feed to the stone trough herself. It was already dark, and the brocade-tailed horses were a little impatient. Even if they were grateful for the colorful satin fake tails, they would not allow the herders to discount the night feed.

The colorful satin was very smooth, and some horses showed off too much. The fake tail fell off, and they quickly bit it in their mouths and ran to ask Xiaoqiu for help.

Yang Qingyin volunteered to take on the job of reinstalling the fake tail. She knew a lot of magic. With a few pointers from a distance, she could tie the colorful satin more firmly on the horse's tail and restore the wrinkled fabric to its original state.

So the horses came to her, queuing up to eat hay while asking Yang Qingyin to rearrange the fake tail.

Yang Qingyin patiently educated them one by one: "You are not ordinary animals, but the spiritual horses of Pangshan. You must understand the rules, especially learn to be grateful. I also like the long hair of the golden tail. Send your stock later, the more the better. If I am happy, I will bring another piece of colorful satin tomorrow to make you beautiful."

The horses seemed to understand her words. After the fake tail was fixed. They all rubbed against Yang Qingyin and called softly.

Yang Qingyin was very satisfied.

Watching them eat hay, she suddenly sighed. "Why didn't the Nianxin Department choose me? I'm a woman, I'm definitely more suitable than you. And I won't hesitate, I'll join on the spot. It's been interrupted for many years, there is only one disciple, no abbot. I can be the abbot myself, without supporters, and practice by myself. Just thinking about it makes me feel beautiful. Alas, I didn't even know there was such a department back then, and I went to the Honglu Department in a daze. What bad luck." Yang Qingyin's eyes began to be unfriendly, "Mu Xingqiu! Why are you always so lucky?" "Lucky? You call this lucky?" Xiaoqiu beside the stone trough felt incredible. He was willing to pay any price in exchange for a normal practice life, "Take a class every once in a while, and then go to the Honglu Department. You can't hide any secrets after being controlled by a mind-controlling technique, and there are lunatics who are always trying to get rid of you. Is this lucky?"

"Haha, that's you. If it were me, I wouldn't be so unlucky." Yang Qingyin looked up and imagined what it would be like if she was selected by the Mind-Reading Department. "Shen Zhun will definitely not doubt me, so there won't be lunatics who want to harm me secretly. As for Zuo Liuying and others, hum, who dares to use mind-controlling techniques on me, I will make a scene at the Old Ancestor Peak and burn it to the ground."

Xiao Qiu also snorted. Yang Qingyin was only at the third level of the Inhalation Realm. The fireball she emitted couldn't burn a single brick of the Forbidden Secret Tower, let alone other buildings.

"You don't believe it?" Yang Qingyin was angry, raised her right hand, and a ball of fire was spinning in her palm.

"I believe it, but Zuo Liuying's illusion is very powerful. Even if he uses mind control on you, you may not know it." Yang Qingyin put away the fireball, frowned, and suddenly laughed again, "Hey, why am I in a hurry? I am the daughter of Taoism. When you didn't know where Pang Shan was, I rode Qilin around in Laozu Peak. There is no secret at all. Using mind control on me is a complete waste of mana. Hey, what secrets do you have besides the young demon?" Xiaoqiu refused to answer. "Haha, it must be related to Qin Lingshuang, right?" Yang Qingyin was more interested, walked closer and stared at Xiaoqiu with wide eyes, "What's there to be shy about? Be generous, have you two decided to have a mortal relationship or a Taoist relationship? Mortal relationships can be married now, but Taoist relationships will have to wait, and it may take decades or hundreds of years. Before the Xingluo realm, the combination of Taoists is a mortal relationship, and after that it is a Taoist relationship. Xiaoqiu would not answer this question. Seeing that the horses were full and scattered, she hurriedly said: "The second one is coming sooner. If you want to see the young demon, don't disturb me. "Tsk, as if you are so great, you are just Zuo Liuying's toy. Others are cruel, but that old guy is heartless... Forget it, just practice yours." Xiaoqiu walked to an open area and began to practice Plum Heart Fist. After learning that the five-word spell was actually a mind illusion, Xiaoqiu had a great understanding. He was practicing obsessively when a big fireball suddenly appeared two feet in front of his chest.

Xiaoqiu reacted quickly, punched him, and quickly retreated. The fireball exploded, and sparks shot out in all directions with bright and dazzling traces. He barely dodged and said angrily to Yang Qingyin: "What are you doing?"

After condensing the elixir, Xiaoqiu's eyesight naturally improved, and Xiaoqiu's judgment became clearer and more accurate. He knew that this fireball was much more powerful than the spells Yang Qingyin had used in the past.

Xiaoqiu shook her head and continued to practice boxing, secretly on guard.

After playing the Mei Xin Fist twice, it was already too long after the second update, but the young devil still did not appear.

"It won't appear today. Let's wait until the seventh day." Xiao Qiu hoped to send Yang Qingyin away as soon as possible.

Yang Qingyin also felt bored. While she was watching the boxing with her eyes wide open, the brocade-tailed horses returned one after another and really brought gifts. Unfortunately, it was not the handfuls of tail hairs she expected, but bunches of wild flowers. , making her dumbfounded. It's not enough not to accept it. Those horses chewed the flower stems very seriously and brought them to the humans. If she didn't smile twice when taking the bouquet, the other person would look hurt.

"Oh, my luck is always so bad. It seems that it is useful to help a bunch of lunatics occasionally... I'm sleepy. I have to go. When the little devil appears, be sure to call me. I don't believe in evil and have to catch it. Can’t live here…”

Yang Qingyin yawned. Just when he was about to leave, Bald Man's head flew back. He didn't need to sleep and liked to run around in the valley at night until he exhausted the spells Xiaoqiu cast on the flying disc.

"Come on, come on, something big has happened!" The bald man was extremely excited and circled around Yang Qingyin twice, just as he ran out of mana. He plopped down and fell to the ground.

Yang Qingyin flew up and kicked his head into the air. At the same time, he cast a flying spell, and the bald man could fly again. He was kicked twice by a certain golden-tailed horse almost every day, so he didn't care at all. He swayed in the air twice and laughed. "Come with me quickly, there is a monster at the foot of the mountain!"

The bald man couldn't explain clearly, but Yang Qingyin became a little more interested. He and Xiaoqiu followed Bald Man and ran towards the mountains due north.

Around the Muma Valley, only the northwest mountains are slightly flat, and there are towering mountains in other directions. Especially in the north, there are steep cliffs. The so-called "monster" of Bald Man fell to his death from the top of the cliff.

It was a huge long-haired goat, almost as big as a colt. Xiaoqiu had been grazing in Yelin Town for many years, and had never seen such a big sheep. No wonder the bald man said it was a monster.

The goat was dead, and there was a large stain of blood underneath it that had not yet dried.

The bald man no longer sucks blood, but looking at this dark red glowing slightly under the moonlight, he still couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick his lips.

Xiaoqiu looked up at the almost vertical steep wall, "It's too careless."

"No way. The Tan Sheep is walking on flat ground on the cliff. You see, its hooves are soft and can dig into rocks. This idiot must have fought with other sheep and been knocked down."

"What should I do? Who do I need to notify?" Xiaoqiu didn't know whether this so-called sandal sheep had any special purpose.

Yang Qingyin also stuck out her tongue and licked it quickly on her lips, and whispered: "They say the tantalum mutton is delicious and unparalleled in the world, so why not eat it."

"What?" Xiaoqiu asked.

"What?" Yang Qingyin asked, as if she hadn't said anything.

The two looked at each other for a moment and smiled at the same time. Xiaoqiu said, "I'll get a knife so I can roast it and eat it."

"I...watch the sheep, don't let others snatch it away." Yang Qingyin had never eaten game before, and suddenly she became itchy and wanted to start roasting it immediately.


"What for? I have already decided to eat it. If you regret it, I will do it myself."

"This sheep is too big for us to eat. We should call Guan Shenyue and the others to eat together."

"Yes, it is said that Zhou Ping still has some wine hidden away. Ha, what a great idea! I'll go call someone." Yang Qingyin jumped several feet away in one step.

Xiao Qiu originally wanted to wait until tomorrow, but seeing that Yang Qingyin didn't have the patience anymore, she shouted loudly: "Call Shen Xiuming and bring the ingredients!"

Yang Qingyin was far away, so I don't know if she heard her.

Xiaoqiu returned to his residence to get tools, and Bald Man followed him, constantly claiming that Tan Yang was discovered by himself and had the right to eat here and there.

There were not many tools in the valley, only a kitchen knife, two iron forks and two wooden buckets. Xiaoqiu took them all with her and washed them in the pond first. The wooden buckets were filled with water, www. a.c Then he carried it with both hands and returned to the foot of the northern cliff. He repeated the skills he had used when grazing in the wild a few years ago. He cleaned up the sandal sheep and dug a hole nearby to fill the dirt.

Baldy had long been insulated from food, and now he was singing and jumping. Every once in a while, he would fly to Xiaoqiu's ear and ask, "Okay, is it any use?"

"Go and find some fragrant leaves on the grass." Xiaoqiu opened her eyes and could concentrate on cutting the meat and looking for suitable stones to build a grill.

"Firewood." Xiaoqiu slapped his forehead and was wondering where there would be dead branches in the valley. Suddenly he heard singing from a distance, but it was not the voice of the bald man.

He stood on the newly built stones and looked from a distance, only to see a group of teenagers galloping towards them under the starlight, faster than galloping horses, singing joyful tunes in unison. Getting closer, Xiaoqiu saw Guan Shenyue and Zhou Ping holding one leg of Daliang Shen Xiuming respectively, helping this disciple who had given up his practice to walk faster.

Xiaoqiu felt warm in her heart, as if she had already tasted the delicious taste of sandalwood.

"Brother Xiaoqiu!" The group of people shouted loudly from a distance.

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