
Chapter 121 Watching the Demon King

Yang Qingyin felt like the world was spinning. For a Taoist priest, this was a sign of danger, but she liked this feeling very much. She leaned on Xiao Qingtao and looked at the people around the bonfire with wide eyes and confusion. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"Why does your wine taste better? The wine we bought on the way to kill monsters last time was so bad?" She raised her arm and pointed at Zhou Ping, then made a weak circle and landed it heavily on her lap.

"This is Xijie City's secret wine that I bought at a high price. It's the only one in Immortal Collection. I can't find another one. Of course it's a hundred times better than the village wine in the inn..."

Zhou Ping boasted wildly, and the pink-faced Xin Youtao immediately exposed his background, "Where did the secret brew of Xijie City come from? This is the most common wine. Everyone likes to drink it because the meat of tangyang is delicious. When I was five or six years old I ate it once. It was a special product brought as tribute from somewhere. I still remember the taste. It was similar to this one today. But if I make a serious comparison..."

Guan Shenyue interrupted the prince's words, raised his wine bowl and said, "The wine is delicious and the meat is delicious, all because everyone is sitting together. I have stayed in Pangshan for nearly ten years, and today's meal is the most delicious." ”

Everyone laughed at Guan Shenyue's cliché, but they all felt that he was right, so they raised their bowls together, drank the last sip regardless of whether they had wine or not, got up with all their strength, and walked towards the entrance of the valley.

"I don't want to walk." Xiao Qingtao spoke coquettishly, and she and Yang Qingyin supported each other, "If I had known that I would drink so much wine, I might as well have brought the mutton to the village."

"It's safe here and can't be seen by outsiders." Daliang Shen Xiuming said unsteadily, and suddenly started to giggle for no reason.

Xiaoqiu stayed behind to stamp out the remaining fire, leaving some meat and bones, but he was also tired and really didn't want to clean up the mess, so he knocked down the stone shelf, resisted the iron fork, picked up the barrel, and chased after his companions who had left first. The bucket contained Bald Man's head. He only took a few sips of wine, but he was more drunk than anyone else.

Among the nine people, Xiaoqiu had the best drinking capacity. She was slightly tipsy but not staggering around.

Not far away, the sun was rising, and the undulating shoulders seemed to be resisting the sun. Xiaoqiu saw it and suddenly had a premonition that she would never forget this scene.

The teenagers were very drunk. Even Daliang, who cared most about growing flowers and plants, didn't have the strength to walk back to the dormitory. They broke into Xiaoqiu's room and fell down to sleep. No one was thinking about today's practice.

He slept until noon. Xiaoqiu was the first to wake up and was surprised to find three Zhiyongsuo disciples standing at the door, looking at the people in the room with even more surprised eyes than him.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoqiu asked, her voice was hoarse and her head hurt a little. Since I selected seven disciples to continue practicing, he has had few guests here.

These three people are all members of Guan Shenyue's group. One of them said: "Don't you know it yet? I heard that the demon king and demon queen in the land of demons was captured alive by our Pangshan. We can take him there this evening. At the foot of Laozu Peak, everyone wants to watch the fun.”

Yang Qingyin sat up suddenly. Only she and Xiao Qingtao were sleeping on the bed, staring blankly ahead. "Demon King and Demon Queen? Who is the Demon King and who is the Demon Queen?"

Two hours later, nine drunkards from Pangshan Taoism passed through Xianrenji and Jinghu Village and arrived at the foot of Laozu Peak. I arrived a little late and didn't get a good position, but I finally arrived in time and the Demon King and Demon Queen hadn't arrived yet. Although the bald man begged for a long time, Xiaoqiu still didn't bring him. Even in Pangshan Taoism, it would be too reckless to let a head appear in public.

It was a rare gathering of Pangshan disciples. Except for the disciples who were practicing in Yangshen Peak, almost everyone arrived. The senior Taoist priests stood at a higher position. With their magic, they could clearly see the situation at the bottom of the mountain.

All the villagers in Jinghu Village came out to help the old and the young. A blind old lady also asked her son to carry her on her back, and kept asking the Demon King and Demon Queen from which direction they would arrive.

In addition to the Zhiyong Institute, Pangshan also has many places dedicated to housing uncondensed elixir disciples like Zhang Lingsheng. The gardens, caves, and branches scattered in the mountains all fall into this category. There are many people who come, and the lowest number is All ten steps were occupied by them.

Xiaoqiu and the others could only blend in among the villagers at first, while Yang Qingyin opened the way ahead and squeezed onto the mountain road, grabbing a few steps.

Everyone was talking about the Demon King and the Demon Queen. Although a lot of information conflicted with each other, the latecomers quickly figured out the general facts.

In March and April last year, a great war broke out in the land of demons. With the assistance of the Holy Talisman Dynasty and the vassal states, the Nine Dao Dao Tong defeated a large demon army and almost wiped out the entire enemy army, except for the demons. The military leader took advantage of the chaos and fled.

A small number of mages were left behind by the Nine Dao Dao Order to track the Demon King and Demon Queen for nearly a year, and finally found the whereabouts of the two of them.

"Twenty-one Pangshan Five Elements Taoist priests, led by Shen Shouzuo himself, will fight against the Demon King and Demon Queen for seven days and seven nights!"

"Not all are Taoist priests of the Five Elements Department, but also law enforcers of the Discipline Department.׺°"˜˜`"°º×"

"There are also bright mirror masters."

"In short, there are the most Taoist priests in the Five Elements Department, and they are the main force."

"The main reason is to capture the Demon King and Demon Queen alive. Otherwise, there would be no need to fight for seven days and seven nights."

Yang Qingyin's face was full of excitement, "Kill the little demons as long as you want, but keep the big demon. You will understand why later. I finally got lucky. This is the first time I have witnessed the Demon Seizing Pill with my own eyes."

Xiao Qiu had never heard of the term "Demon Life Seizing Pill". She turned around and saw Xiao Qingtao shivering behind Yang Qingyin, her face turning pale. Knowing that she remembered her non-demon identity again, she comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, you are a disciple of Pangshan."

Xiao Qingtao nodded, but her face still looked not good.

"Do you know what the Demon Seizing Pill is?" Xiao Qiu asked.

Xiao Qingtao nodded and shook her head, but refused to explain. Yang Qingyin said impatiently: "It's very simple. The demon pill is taken away while the demon is alive. The demon pill is most effective at this time and can be used to strengthen it." The magical weapon on the Ancestor Peak.”

"Where is the demon who was taken away from the pill?"

"Who cares about this?" Yang Qingyin said loudly, attracting the attention of many people, "Big demons are very rare, and even fewer can be captured alive. Just wait and see."

Many people nodded, and their expectations for the Demon King and Demon Queen became even stronger.

There was a lot of noise around, Xiao Qingtao approached Xiao Qiu and said in a low voice: "The demon who has been taken away from the pill...will degenerate into its original form?"

"Original form? The original form of the beast?"


Xiaoqiu thought of the snake monster she had seen a few years ago and the bear monster she had killed a while ago, "It would be better than the Taoist priest becoming demented after being taken away from the elixir."

Xiao Qingtao shook her head vigorously and spoke in a lower voice. Xiao Qiu had to lean over to listen, "It's more miserable than becoming dementia. Big demons are usually half-demon. They are born in human form and degenerate into ordinary beasts. They forget All spells and emotions...this is more painful than death."

Xiao Qingtao's face was twisted into a knot. At that moment, someone on the steps above shouted loudly: "Are all the non-demon disciples here? They should most see what happens to the demon king and demon queen!"

Many disciples laughed, and Xiao Qingtao shrank even smaller.

Yang Qingyin showed anger, and suddenly turned around and pulled Xiao Qingtao to the front, "What are you afraid of? Pangshan Taoism judges strength by cultivation. You have just survived the disaster, and you are much stronger than those losers who gave up cultivation. I am here. , this year will definitely make you condense into elixir."

Most of the disciples up and down the mountain knew Yang Qingyin, and no one argued with her.

Xiao Qingtao's face turned from white to red, but she still couldn't help but get shorter. Xiao Qiu simply held one of her hands, and Yang Qingyin held the other to help Xiao Qingtao stand up straighter.

Guan Shenyue and others looked at each other and squeezed behind the three of them. Like a tall backer for Xiao Qingtao.

Xin Youtao shook his head disdainfully, and was the last one to come over, standing up to face the gazes around him.

Including Daliang Dauchi, the nine disciples of Zhiyongsuo formed a unique group of people. At first, some people sneered softly, but gradually the sound disappeared, and the closest disciples even stepped back.

"Coming, coming." Someone shouted, and countless eyes searched everywhere. Finally, they all looked to the sky.

A group of Taoist priests were slowly breaking through the clouds and falling from the sky. They stood in a circle, facing inward. Most people had magical weapons under their feet, while a few stood tall. In the middle of the Taoist Gate, two iron chains reach high into the sky, and the tops are obscured by the clouds and mist in the middle of the mountain.

Although most of the Taoist priests turned their backs to the crowd, their identities were still recognized one by one. Xiaoqiu recognized Shen Jixian, the leader of the Five Elements Division, and Yang Baozhen, the Huifeng Master.

Everyone who had been looking forward to the big demon for a long time was a little disappointed at first glance.

They were a man and a woman, no different from humans. Even the clothes they were wrapped in were not too special. The man wore an exquisite fur robe, and the woman wore a pure white feathered coat. Although it was rare, it was not a treasure that humans did not have.

Xin Youtao was particularly disappointed, "You are still claiming the title of king and queen. The ordinary nobles of Xijie Kingdom are dressed more elegantly than them."

The first thing Xiao Qiu noticed was that the ends of the iron chains were wrapped around the waists of the two demons, but their hands and feet were bound by Xiaoyao ropes. The characteristics of the brocade horse's tail hair could be recognized from the bright colors.

Silence fell suddenly on the mountain and down the mountain, and even the ordinary people in Jinghu Village had a premonition that someone was about to speak.

A thunderous voice sounded from the Ancestor Peak. Only the voice was heard but no one was seen. Many disciples recognized that the speaker was none other than the Grand Master Ning Qiwei himself.

"You monster, do you know your sin?"

The Demon King did not look up, but looked at the Pangshan disciples who were dozens of feet away, "My name is Qi Wushang, I am a descendant of the Demon Queen and the king of the demon clan in the world."

The Demon Queen said nothing, turned to Qi Wushang, smiled at him, and seemed to have no fear of the upcoming fate.

These few words had little power, and the audience booed.

The Demon King Qi Wushang took a deep breath, and suddenly his body began to expand. The Five Elements Taoist priests on both sides cast spells while avoiding him, .a.m But the Demon King kept getting taller and taller, and finally became a majestic man with a height of ten feet. The Demon Queen Just stand between his legs.

This time, viewers from far and near can clearly see the face of the Demon King. It is the face of a middle-aged human man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life. He has a broad forehead and slanted sword eyebrows. His eyes are full of contempt and hatred, and his eyes are of different lengths. The beard occupies most of the face, and the skin is full of small scars.

"What's the crime for the demon clan to regain their homeland?"

This voice was also like thunder, louder than Grandmaster Ning Qiwei's.

"Seize the elixir." The Grandmaster's order came from the top of the mountain.

The Demon King's eyes widened, and his eyes were about to burst, especially his left eye, which moved strangely, as if a giant whale in the deep sea had its back exposed on the surface of the water, and was about to jump out of the waves.

The viewer realizes that Qi Wushang's demon pill is his left eye.

Xiao Qingtao gave a soft cry, turned her head and lay on Yang Qingyin's shoulder, not daring to look any further.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued \u003c!--flag053--\u003e

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