
Chapter 122 The Demon Seizing Pill

The nine great systems surround most of the human world, causing the most powerful demons to retreat for thousands of miles. The long borders between the great systems are defended by the Shengfu Dynasty and the twelve vassal states, allowing humans to occupy the most fertile territory on the entire continent. A piece of land that has peacefully thrived for hundreds of thousands of years.

But the demon race has not died out, and is still an extremely large population: some non-demon who have completely separated from the animal form live together with humans; some half-demon and beast demons who are slightly more intelligent and can accept etiquette have formed the Kingdom of Sacrifice in the northwest of the mainland. They paid tribute to the Shengfu Dynasty and exchanged what they had; there were also a large number of loose demons distributed in the demon land in the northeast. They were either newly demonized, ferocious and greedy, and were not accepted by the country of sacrifice; or they relied on their long lineage and disdained to pay tribute to Human beings are willing to hide in bitter cold places.

Every few hundred years, there are always a few powerful and powerful monsters who claim to be descendants of the surnames Qi, Fei, and Hao, falsely claiming to be princes, and gathering monsters of all sizes in the land of monsters. army, launching an attack on the human world.

In the memory of the monsters, they once ruled the entire continent together with the demons, so they are still collectively called monsters, while humans are usurpers and betrayers.

Qi Wushang is a typical demon king. Like the previous demon kings, he firmly believes that his bloodline is noble and shoulders the mission of revitalizing the power of the demon clan. Therefore, he goes all out to launch a demon war, which is regarded as a huge threat by the Nine Avenues. Threatening to make great sacrifices in order to hunt him down.

Now, he fell into the hands of Pangshan Taoism.

At least thirty magic weapons were aimed at various parts of the Demon King's body, most of which were used to control his power. Only one was used to pull out the demon pill in his left eye.

The disciples have different cultivation levels, and the scenes they see are also different. However, even the villagers of Jinghu Village who have no Dao roots can clearly see dozens of rays of light, the clouds of steam coming out of the head of the Shizhang Demon King, and his hair. Like vines climbing over the cliff, the rising steam is like a flock of birds flying away from their nests in imminent disaster.

In Xiaoqiu's eyes. The light was clearer, and he could even distinguish the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. As for the large amounts of steam that came out, he was surprised by the amount of spiritual energy contained in it.

The Demon King's eyes opened even wider and he roared at the crowd, "The pain I feel today will one day come to you! Ignorant humans, listen to the Demon Saint's prophecy: Destruction! Burning! Splatter thousands of miles with blood! The destruction of mankind... …”

The arrogant words could only alleviate part of the pain. When the eyeballs with a diameter of more than a foot were about to pop out, the demon king's reason began to collapse. His roar trembled, and then reached the limit of the sound, as if to tear his throat and leave the owner's body together with the eyeballs.

The ten-foot-long body was like a giant tree, swaying in the devastating storm. The iron chain wrapped around his waist made a series of bursts like thunder and lightning shattering rocks. The colorful ropes shone with light and penetrated deeply into the demon king's skin.

The clouds and mist at the halfway point of Laozu Peak gathered together,

Driven by a force similar to a powerful tornado. It rotated faster and faster, forming a huge vortex, absorbing all the spiritual energy and steam in the demon king's body.

Red lightning shot down continuously from the center of the vortex, like whips stained with blood. He hit the demon king's half-protruded left eyeball mercilessly.

This sight shocked all the viewers. Even the people who hated the demons the most could only open their mouths and couldn't scream in excitement. Some villagers in Jinghu Village even knelt down to worship Laozu Peak.

Xiao Qingtao lay motionless on Yang Qingyin's shoulder, but when the demon king's scream reached its peak. But she revealed one eye and looked at Qi Wushang, biting her lip so tightly that it almost bled.

The last lightning whip struck down, and the Demon King's eyeballs finally flew out of their sockets.

The huge demon pill spun around in the air a few times, seeming to still be gazing at everyone, before being sucked into the vortex of clouds and mist.

A waterfall-like amount of blood spurted out from the demon king's left eye socket. His screams quickly weakened and turned into a feeble wail, like an animal waiting to be slaughtered, without even half of the demon king's aura.

As Xiao Qingtao said before, death is a better choice for the Demon King.

The ritual of seizing the demon pill was not over yet. There were still a large number of spells being shot at Qi Wushang. The bleeding in his eyes was quickly stopped, revealing a large black hole. Then the demon king's ten-foot-long body quickly shrank, and the robe that once expanded with its master was It lost its toughness, broke into pieces, and turned into smoke.

The demon king's exposed body was covered with patches of black hair. In fact, he was no longer human. His mouth extended forward, his hands and feet grew sharp claws, his body fell forward and his ears grew rapidly.

Whether it was fast or slow, the whole process could be seen clearly by the viewers on the mountain and down the mountain. This was the first time for most people to witness the degeneration of the demon. When an ordinary-sized black-furred one-eyed wolf appeared in mid-air. At this moment, cheers finally rang out, and then they became one, which was earth-shattering.

This is also the first time that many people, including Pangshan disciples, intuitively appreciate the powerful power of Pangshan Taoism.

The one-eyed black wolf clamped its tail between its legs, whined and whined, and kept circling around the Demon Queen. The free ropes binding its hands and feet had disappeared, but the iron chain around its waist was still there, preventing it from leaving its place.

During the whole process of the demon king being taken away the elixir, the demon queen remained silent with a smile on her face. But now her smile stiffened. She stretched out her hand to comfort the frightened black wolf, but the panicked black wolf turned back. He bit her hand hard and blood dripped on her white feather coat.

"Isn't it over yet?" Xiao Qingtao closed her eyes again, her hands wet with sweat.

"The Demon Queen hasn't taken the elixir yet." Yang Qingyin used her other hand to gently pat Xiao Qingtao's head twice. "This response should be quick. The Demon Queen's power is not that great."

The body of the Demon Queen also expanded, stopping when it was five feet tall. Her face is beautiful and strong, with slightly high cheekbones and a manly square chin.

Yang Qingyin was right. The Demon Seizing Pill was delivered very quickly this time. Ancestor Peak only struck three lightning bolts, and a bone flew out of the Demon Queen's right arm. As soon as the feather coat on her body shattered, she was already Degenerated into animal form.

It was a brown deer. It could be seen that the right front leg was lame when running, but it had little effect on running.

From the beginning to the end, the Demon Queen did not scream like her husband. Even if she changed into the shape of a deer, she did not make any sound. Beside her, the black wolf kept roaring in a low voice.

The chain was thrown up. A wolf and a deer were thrown into the mountains to fend for themselves. They are now ordinary animals and pose no threat to Pangshan.

Shen Jixian, the leader of the Five Elements Section, took a step forward in the air and briefly described the process of rounding up the Demon King and Demon Queen. Every exciting point aroused cheers and applause. It is not easy to capture Qi Wushang alive. There are hundreds of demon guards around him, all of them are powerful. Two Pangshan Taoist priests unfortunately died in the process.

The last step of the ceremony was to pay tribute to the two Taoist priests. Countless magic spells were shot into the sky, and the clouds and mist on the mountainside gathered again. Transformed into the victim's life form, when the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, an endless stream of blessings sounded from up and down Pangshan Mountain - the fire will never be extinguished.

Disciples from various disciplines returned to Laozu Peak, and other disciples who failed to condense the elixir returned one after another. There were a lot of discussions on the way. Some people were stopped by the residents of Xianrenji. These residents could not enter Pangshan. They were full of curiosity about what happened inside and surrounded them. lock up. He listened to the story with great interest, his face full of envy and awe.

Many disciples have rekindled their enthusiasm for practice. Although the two victims were both Taoist priests of the Five Elements, everyone is still most interested in this subject. Many people even ran to Yang Qingyin and Xiaoqiu and asked if they could join their practice team.

Yang Qingyin viciously drove away several disciples, and no one dared to come close to them anymore.

In fact, nine people walked with their heads down. His face was expressionless, as if he was frightened, and he was the only disciple who was not excited.

Daliang Shen Xiuming was the first to speak. "Did the demon who had the elixir taken away just... let it go?"

"It seems so." Xiaoqiu said, feeling strange in her heart.

"Then the wild beasts around our Pangshan Mountain..."

"Don't say it, please don't say it any more." Xiao Qingtao hurriedly interrupted Daliang, her face pale.

It happened that two disciples of the Zhiyong Institute strode past them, and one of them said happily: "I won't be polite if I encounter wild wolves or something like that next time when I'm chopping wood. It turns out they were all monsters in the past..."

Zhou Ping suddenly walked to the side of the road, bent down and vomited. Others quickened their pace, not wanting to hear his voice.

"Tan Yang... Tan Yang is a spiritual beast. It can't be a demon... that has degenerated into it, right?" Xin Youtao finally raised this question. Although demons do all kinds of evil and are hateful, there is still a fundamental difference between killing and eating them, especially It was a demon that had a human form before the elixir was taken away...

"How did I know?" Yang Qingyin, who has always been bold, was also a little vague. After taking a few steps, she said in a tone of no hesitation: "Just eat, what can I do? Next time I meet... I will still eat!"

Another disciple ran to the roadside and vomited.

When they were approaching the intersection of Mumachang, the disciples of Zhiyongsuo were stopped by two Taoist priests. When there were more people, a Taoist priest said loudly: "I want to ask everyone, has anyone seen a sandalwood sheep? It is very big, and its whole body All have long white hair.”

Zhiyong's disciples shook their heads one after another, and Yang Qingyin and others shook their heads particularly quickly.

Xiaoqiu recognized these two people as Taoist priests who had come to the valley to cut horse tail hair. She stepped forward and asked, "Isn't the sandal sheep very precious?"

"Of course, the robe made of sandalwood wool is light, warm, and has various other miraculous effects. Taoist priests who go to the land of monsters usually have to bring one." The Taoist priest also remembered Xiaoqiu, "You have seen it in Muma Valley Tan sheep? They occasionally cross the line."

Xiaoqiu shook her head hurriedly, "Are our Tanyangs in Pangshan... also degenerated from demons?"

The two Taoist priests were stunned and found that the dozens of disciples in front of them seemed to be interested in this question. One Taoist priest smiled and said: "Of course not. Spiritual beasts have been born and raised in Pangshan for generations. After the demons degenerate, they are all ordinary people." Wild beasts don’t even dare to get even half a step closer to a spiritual beast.”

The disciples nodded, Xiaoqiu and the others exhaled heavily, and looked at Yang Qingyin with dissatisfaction, feeling that as a disciple of the Taoist sect, she should have known this.

"If anyone sees a lost Tan Sheep, please inform Zhang Lingsheng, www.kk Remember, don't get too close to the Tan Sheep. It is a vegetarian, but its horns are not. A bite is serious. Also, even if you are strong, don't touch the Tan Sheep. , killing a spiritual beast will result in expulsion from the portal."

The two Taoist priests left, and the other disciples from Zhiyongsuo also dispersed. Xiaoqiu and the other nine stayed behind, watching those people go away before speaking.

"That sandalwood sheep fell to death by itself, and it has nothing to do with us, right?" Zhou Ping had already caught up, blushing because of his vomiting just now.

"Yes, it was completely dead when Mu Xingqiu and I arrived." Yang Qingyin carefully recalled Pang Shan's rules about spirit beasts, "But don't talk nonsense, just treat it as a secret."

"You guys go back to the village. I'll clean it up later." Xiaoqiu looked at everyone, "Can everyone keep it a secret?"

Starting from Guan Shenyue, everyone nodded.

Xin Youtao also nodded, but Xiaoqiu saw a reminder in his eyes: secrecy was impossible, and the friendship between this group of people could only last a few days, depending on who was the first to inform.

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