
Chapter 123 Survival Instinct

The bald man was very unhappy. He couldn't go to watch the fun with everyone, and the magic power on the hoop had disappeared. He couldn't fly, so he could only stay on the back of the bay-red horse and wander around the valley. Finally, on a whim, he Hidden himself.

After Xiaoqiu fed the group of brocade-tailed horses that started to get angry, he fished out the head from under the water plants by the pond. This was where he used to hide from Yang Qingyin's fireballs. He found that the bald man was missing. Xiaoqiu turned around and found it quickly. here.

The bald man's hair was wet, and he let himself be held in his hand. He let out a long sigh and spat out a stream of water from his mouth, "Brother Xiaoqiu, don't worry about me, just let me soak here. Anyway, the valley is It’s so big, it doesn’t matter where I stay.”

Xiaoqiu cast the flying technique on Panhuan, but the bald man still fell into his hand and refused to fly.

"Are you angry?" Xiaoqiu walked north. He had to clean up the meat-eating scene.

"Oh, why am I angry? You have a body, but I don't. You can practice, but I can't. You can walk around, but I can't. Who made me so young that I haven't grown up yet? Oh, I'm not angry , I just want to..." The bald man squeezed his eyes, but he had no tears and could only keep sighing.

Xiaoqiu had experience in dealing with bald men. She neither persuaded nor catered to him. She just made perfunctory hums, threw away her arms, and deliberately rocked her head back and forth.

The bald man had been feeling sorry for himself for a long time this time. He once again started talking about his childhood memories, stealing snacks from the grocery store at home, getting scolded, playing with the older kids next door, getting beaten, and finally getting into Er Shuan's group and being scolded. ...More than halfway through the journey, the bald man who was being tossed around finally laughed out loud, "Oh my, Brother Xiaoqiu, you made me dizzy."

Xiaoqiu raised his head into the air, and the bald man floated. He flew around Xiaoqiu twice and said, "Brother Xiaoqiu, please hurry up and tell me what the Demon King and Demon Queen look like. I'm going to die of anxiety."

Xiaoqiu began to describe, his language was relatively simple, and the bald man was not satisfied with it at all. He kept asking questions about every detail, and talked more than Xiaoqiu. When he came to the foot of the northern cliff, he finally shut up. Flying upward along the cliff, stopping at a height of about ten feet, he imitated the demon king and looked down, letting out a series of exclamations.

Xiaoqiu threw the stone away and buried the ashes on the spot. The remaining meat and bones were more difficult to deal with. It would be a pity to throw it away. If not, it might cause trouble. She thought about it. It was decided to bury the bones and take the meat back for food. He is a child from a poor family and is really reluctant to throw away food.

The bald man's head suddenly fell from the sky and stopped less than a foot in front of Xiao Qiu's eyes. His eyes widened and he remained silent.

Xiaoqiu nodded slightly, and Baldy changed direction, flying slowly westward close to the cliff. Xiaoqiu followed behind carrying a few large pieces of meat, thinking that Bald Man had discovered another animal like a hare.

Baldy's character is always startled, taking small things as huge threats. Even if he sees a fly, he will chase it for half an hour. As long as there is enough time, Xiaoqiu will often cooperate with Bald Man's actions to add some realism and happiness to him.

This time Baldy really noticed something unusual.

There is a relatively gentle hillside to the west, connected to the mountains. Animals that covet the green grass of Muma Valley often cross the border here and will be chased away by the golden-tailed horses before they can even get a few bites.

The horses were not guarding here tonight, and a bold animal galloped up.

At first, Xiaoqiu thought it was a sheep, and was slightly startled. She thought that Tan Sheep's companion had arrived, but she soon discovered that she was wrong. The animal was similar in size to Tan Sheep, but its body was much lighter. But there was one The front legs seem to be unstable when landing.

Xiaoqiu's eyesight was greatly enhanced after condensing the pill. With a little concentration, she could clearly see the scene a hundred steps away in the night. She was even more surprised to find that the animal running towards the Muma Valley turned out to be a brown deer that had degenerated from the Demon Queen.

The brown deer completely forgot his former identity and walked up and down the hillside, attracted by the green grass, getting closer and closer to the Muma Valley.

The bald man brushed a strand of hair over Xiaoqiu's face and motioned for him to look in another direction.

A dark shadow lurks behind a pile of rocks, quietly waiting for the brown deer to approach. It is an ordinary beast and cannot hear the approaching sound of the Ningdan Taoist Priest.

The brown deer stopped. Although it had only degraded for a few hours, its instincts had fully recovered. It raised its head and sniffed the air, feeling the danger hidden in the dark.

Xiao Qiu hid in the shadow cast by the cliff and watched quietly. Bald Man also imitated Xiao Qiu, with a serious face and excited eyes. He liked the excitement, especially the hunting scene.

The brown deer turned to leave, then circled around and came back. The delicious green grass was right in front of him. The temptation was too great, but the danger was just a vague premonition. It chose a relatively flat slope to run towards the Muma Valley. .

A black shadow jumped out from behind the rock, cutting off the prey's retreat.

Chasing and escaping, this is a game of life and death that hunters and prey have played for countless years. Under the pressure of survival, even pets raised by emperors since childhood will show their ferocious side.

Demon kings and demon queens are born in human form, but this does not affect their instincts after they degenerate into animal forms.

The brown deer sped up towards the Muma Valley down the mountain, but its shortened front legs became its fatal flaw. The black wolf with only one eye took advantage of the mountain and jumped on the back of its prey for the fifth time. .

It had the instinct and strength to tear prey to pieces, but it still lacked some experience. The brown deer jumped high and threw away the black wolf when it landed. Several deep wounds were scratched on its buttocks.

The brown deer fell down, and the slightly clumsy black wolf failed to aim at the neck. Instead, he opened his mouth and bit one of the prey's front legs, and blood flowed out from his teeth.

It felt unprecedentedly hungry. It could not remember anything from the Demon King period, but it remembered that it had never been so hungry. Fresh blood flowed into its throat, making it as comfortable as ice water in midsummer. It would rather die than lose this Feel.

"Bite, bite hard!" Bald Man encouraged in a low voice, licking his lips constantly. Although he did not need to suck blood to survive now, he still had endless memories of the life of hunting prey in Yelin Town.

A wolf wants to eat a deer. This is the most normal thing. Xiaoqiu feels that there is no need to interfere at all. The two Taoist priests are right. This kind of ordinary wolf poses no threat to the Jintail Horse and cannot catch the Tan Sheep. Such prey will leave after eating the venison.

The brown deer whined. She didn't make a sound when she saw her husband suffering the pain of taking away the elixir. She didn't make a sound when she transformed from a human into an animal. But now she was struggling and screaming, no different from an ordinary animal.

Xiaoqiu rushed over and shouted loudly. The black wolf was startled, but was not scared away and let go of the prey in his mouth. He leaped in front of the human, revealing his strong white teeth, and declared with a deep roar that the brown deer behind him belonged to him.

"Let me do it!" The bald man flew past Xiaoqiu with a swish, and pounced directly on the black wolf, revealing his two rows of teeth.

Black Wolf was stunned for a moment, showing a hint of retreat.

Xiaoqiu quickly grabbed the bald man's hair and pulled him back.

Hei Lang still doesn't understand the rules of Pangshan, let alone the level of strength here. Leap forward and attack humans.

The mind-reading spell had little effect on the beast, and Xiaoqiu didn't want to use any tricks, so she swung her fist and hit the black wolf in mid-air on the neck. The black wolf fell to the ground, barking like a lost dog in his throat, got up and ran a few steps, not daring to attack again. But reluctant to part with another prey.

The brown deer struggled hard and finally stood up, one front leg lame even more.

"Find other prey." Xiaoqiu scolded Hei Lang. Because the residents of Yelin Town mysteriously disappeared. Xiaoqiu hated demons more than ordinary Pangshan disciples. He did not think that the Demon Seizing Pill was excessive at all, and even felt that Pangshan Taoism was too kind. But even so, he still found it difficult to accept that his husband had just degenerated into an animal form and bit his wife to death.

He believed that this was not the original intention of Pangshan Taoism. The Taoist priests could have let the black wolves kill the brown deer at that time instead of throwing them into the mountains.

The brown deer staggered toward the mountain, knowing that it was not safe here.

The black wolf retreated step by step, turning its head to stare at the brown deer from time to time, still looking very reluctant, but not daring to hunt again in front of humans.

Xiaoqiu threw the sandalwood mutton in her hand and said, "Eat these and then get away."

The black wolf was startled and took a few steps back. However, attracted by the smell of meat, he cautiously approached again, swallowed a large piece of meat in one gulp, and immediately made a gesture of running away. He found that the human had no intention of attacking. Then he started to eat the second piece of meat.

Xiaoqiu stood there, watching the brown deer climb over the hillside, then turned and left. The black wolf ate a lot of food and ate up all the sandalwood mutton. He was still sniffing and sniffing for the last bit of meat residue.

The bald man reluctantly said, "Just let it go? Why don't you play with it for a while?"

"That wolf is the Demon King, and that deer is the Demon Queen."

The bald man turned around and wanted to go back for a closer look. Xiaoqiu pulled him and held a strand of hair. As he walked, he said: "There is nothing to see, they are just animals now."

"I didn't see the black wolf's one eye clearly. Let me see how big the hole is. It uses its eyes to make demon pills. It's so stupid. I never thought that one day it would be caught..."

The bald man kept chattering, and Xiaoqiu pulled him back to the room. It was already late at night, Xiaoqiu had no intention of practicing boxing or thinking about it, so she fell on the bed and fell asleep.

She didn't sleep for long, a. Xiaoqiu suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, and found that the bald man was nowhere to be seen, but there were two people standing at the door.

"What for?" Xiaoqiu asked stiffly, and then recognized that these were the two Taoist priests who were looking for the missing Tan Yang.

"We found the bones of a sandalwood sheep in Muma Valley." A Taoist priest said, showing a huge sheep head from behind.

"I met this on the way." Another Taoist priest picked up the bald man's head.

"Can't I wander around in the middle of the night?" The bald man flew forward unconvinced. As soon as the Taoist priest let go, he rushed to Xiaoqiu's side and hung on Xiaoqiu's shoulders, like a second head, "I recognize you, give Jinwei Are the two guys who are shearing horses sneaky and want to steal something?"

Someone coughed outside, and two Taoist priests stepped aside. A short Taoist priest walked in with his hands behind his back, "Killing a spiritual beast is an unforgivable felony. Mu Xingqiu, how do you explain this?"

Xiao Qiu was stunned. The person who came was actually Shen Shang, the most incompetent eldest son of the Shen family. He had threatened him half-truly and half-falsely on the Ancestor Peak yesterday.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued \u003c!--flag053--\u003e

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