
Chapter 141 The Weakness of the Demon Body

Qi Wuxia looked up at the full moon in the sky and sighed for no reason, "Human beings have written countless words praising the moon, which are called elegant things. Just looking up at me, I will be considered to be wild. I am a wolf. Demon, to be precise, my ancestor was a wolf. I had never transformed into a wolf before coming to Pangshan. After removing the demon pill, I can easily transform into another form."

Qi Wuxia turned his eyes to the two Taoist priests, tore the upper body of the robe, wrapped it around the waist, and tied a button tightly, "To be honest, I don't like being a wolf, eating hair and drinking blood, but I am always hungry, no matter how much food is stuffed in my stomach. , I was still hungry, and I almost lost my temper several times, but I persevered.”

His muscles were like carefully polished brass, shining with a faint light, and as dense as a finely crafted heirloom. "But wolves also have advantages. They are loyal, tenacious, and obedient. As long as they obtain the status of leader, I can make them feel like dying. So I spread my power to every wolf and retrieve it whenever I need it. They are willing to die for me, and none of them will take a step back."

Indeed, ten wolf corpses were lying on the ground, but the other wolves were still squatting still, but their eyes were moving around, showing more ferocity. They felt hungry, and even the corpses of their companions could arouse their strong appetites. .

Yang Qingyin let out a long oh, "I see, you dispersed your power into more than a hundred parts - your power is not big in the first place - in this way, you can deceive the monitoring of Pangshan Taoism, I will say Well, there are a bunch of powerful magic weapons on the Ancestor Peak, how come you can't find a little wolf demon? The purpose of setting up this injury array is not to prevent the spell from being discovered, but to prevent the spell from being discovered by Pang Shan. Well, that's a bit clever. "

"Thank you for the compliment." Contrary to his wild appearance, Qi Wuxia's words were not rude at all, "I am self-aware and will never lead a group of ordinary wolves to challenge Pangshan Taoism. I only want to take away one person, that is This is Mu Xingqiu. He was chosen by the Demon King and entered Pang Mountain by mistake."

Yang Qingyin curled her lips and asked Xiaoqiu: "I don't think you are stupid enough to come here alone knowing that the wolf demon is here. Tell me that you have informed Laozu Peak about this."

"Of course, I have a sound transmission incense burner." Xiao Qiu winked at Yang Qingyin.

The so-called sound transmission incense burner was the head of Bald Man, and Xiaoqiu asked him to stay in Muma Valley. He kept in touch with Fangfang, but he didn't know the result yet.

Yang Qingyin understood what Xiao Qiu meant and smiled. She was not in a hurry to make a move. They had to give Baldy a little more time.

Qi Wuxia also smiled, "No one will come from the Ancestor Peak. They will think that this is just an ordinary teleportation array, the purpose is to rescue the demon king Qi Wushang. But now Qi Wushang is just an ordinary... Wild wolf, Pang Shan won't bother with him. Besides, Lao Zufeng only detected a group of little demons. One Mu Xingqiu is enough. With such a powerful female Taoist priest, Lao Zufeng is waiting to hear the little demons. The news about the demons being driven out and killed."

His expression became serious,

"Mu Xingqiu. Who do you think made Qi Wushang have those thoughts? It was me. There is always some wonderful connection between twin brothers. Add a little magic and you're done. This is the last use of Qi Wushang. I let it I go to stand at the edge of the valley every day, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t find out until today, which almost ruined my plan.”

"Don't think that you know everything about Pangshan Taoism." Xiaoqiu used her peripheral vision to signal Yang Qingyin to prepare for a move, "At least you didn't expect that there would be two Taoist priests in Pangshan who focus on body training."

"This is indeed an accident. But fortunately, I can handle it." Qi Wuxia rushed to attack.

The wolf demon with brass-like muscles jumped up high, its long hair flying like a flag behind its head, "See the power of the four-foot-long demon body."

Xiao Qiu and Yang Qingyin jumped up at the same time and attacked the enemy from both sides. They really wanted to know how big the difference would be if Qi Wuxia's demonic body grew from three feet to four feet.

The three of them made six or seven moves in the air, making a series of banging sounds like wooden sticks hitting hard drums. After landing, they were more than thirty steps apart, observing each other coldly, judging the outcome of this battle.

Qi Wuxia was the first to speak, "It's really interesting. A female Taoist priest with three levels of inhalation is not as good as a male Taoist priest with one level of inhalation. I understand, Mu Xingqiu likes body training more than you. Look, this is proof that you have been influenced by The influence of the Demon King is incompatible with the Nine Paths.

Without the demon pill, Qi Wuxia can still accurately see the Taoist priest's cultivation.

Xiaoqiu hit the enemy hard, and his fist was like hitting the bronze bell in the Sizu Hall of Yangshen Peak. He himself also received a few claws. Although it only left a few scratches on his shoulders, it hurt. It was as if it was on fire. He moved his legs and feet without showing any signs of pain, "It's a pity that you like the Demon King so much, but he looks down on you and stays far away from the land of monsters. Do you know what the Demon King looked like at that time? It Treating a demon as nourishment and growing a blue flower on the demon's body is the status of the demon clan in the eyes of the devil, just a pile of dirt."

Qi Wuxia's face changed slightly, "What do you know? You just happened to be the place where the Demon King was kept. You are just a puppet. Send the Demon King to the land of demons and your mission will be completed."

"Ha!" Yang Qingyin laughed. Xiaoqiu blocked most of the attacks, but she also received a claw on her right arm, which was very painful. With this laugh, she expressed contempt and relieved the pain, "Just now He also said that he might become the Demon King, but now he has changed his mind and said that he is a puppet. Qi Wuxia, you are really worse than a beast, and your words don’t count.”

"Be it the demon king or the puppet, it depends on which path Mu Xingqiu chooses." Qi Wushang spread his arms again, and ten more wolves fell down, "With a demon body of four feet and five feet, it depends on the two of you. What a problem!"

As a symbol of the power of the demon clan, the demon body becomes more and more difficult the higher you go, so Qi Wuxia absorbed the power of the ten wolves for the second time, but he only grew five feet longer instead of the seven feet the first time.

Qi Wuxia did not jump up, but rushed towards Yang Qingyin with long strides. He wanted to get rid of a useless opponent first, and then concentrate on dealing with Mu Xingqiu.

The wolf demon whose strength had increased again was indeed a bit difficult to deal with. Yang Qingyin did not dare to confront him head-on, and used Feng Yin's method to avoid it as much as possible. Xiao Qiu took the opportunity to attack with all his strength, punching harder than the last. His punches did not miss, but they were ineffective. .

Qi Wuxia's body didn't look like it was made of flesh, it was extremely hard. He didn't react at all even after receiving more than a dozen punches, and still pursued Yang Qingyin.

This is the first time Xiaoqiu has personally experienced the power of the monster's physique. In comparison, the human-bear monster's body a few months ago was only a few feet long. The snake monster Li Yuechi killed a few years ago was probably only one or two feet tall. The demon body of ten feet.

No wonder the Nine Paths System puts all its emphasis on the Five Elements Magic. On the road to body refining, humans often lag behind the demons and cannot catch up with them even if they work hard throughout their lives.

An idea flashed in Xiaoqiu's mind, and she jumped up and landed on Qi Wuxia's back. Her right arm tightly strangled his neck, and the five fingers of her left hand came together to stab the empty eye socket hard.

Qi Wuxia didn't care about the added weight on his back, nor the arms around his neck. He had already forced the female Taoist priest to a point of no return, and he could kill her with just a few more moves, but he couldn't bear the pain in his eyes.

The demon elixir was originally the strongest part of the demon, but after it was removed, the surrounding area became the weakest.

Qi Wuxia raised his head and roared, raising his hands to grab the enemy's arm.

Xiaoqiu's strength was much worse than Qi Wuxia's, but he knew that the outcome depended on this. If Bald Man failed to contact Fangfang in time, or if Qi Wuxia expected, Fangfang would be unable to persuade Lao Zufeng to send someone to eliminate him. Demon, then he and Yang Qingyin would be in danger.

There are eighty or ninety wolves around, waiting to be absorbed by their power, and Qi Wuxia will only become stronger and stronger.

The fierceness and tenacity in Xiaoqiu's bones were aroused, and she simply used her legs to wrap them around Qi Wuxia's waist. She used her arms hard, but not only was she not pulled away, but the fingers of her left hand moved forward an inch and already touched some soft parts. thing.

The wolf demon was struggling crazily and Mu Xingqiu was gnashing his teeth. Yang Qingyin had never seen such a desperate fighting style in Pangshan since she was a child. After staying for a while, she was aroused to be brave and fierce, and rushed forward. He punched and scratched Qi Wuxia's other eye.

Qi Wuxia had never met a Taoist priest who dared to get up close and fight. His eyes were so painful that he could hardly see. He roared suddenly and his body began to swell again. At the same time, twenty wolves around him fell silently. Next, the stored power was returned to the original owner.

The demon body is five feet tall, the same height as the demon queen. Xiaoqiu's legs had to be loosened, and the right arm holding her neck was a little weak, but her left arm moved forward bravely. Originally, only a few fingers reached into the eye sockets. , now the whole hand goes in.

Yang Qingyin also reacted quickly. Before Qi Wuxia was fully swollen, she jumped on his right shoulder and continued to punch hard at his right eye.

Two little Taoist priests fought with the giant.

Qi Wuxia roared continuously and spun on the spot, faster and faster. Yang Qingyin was the first to be thrown out, followed by Xiaoqiu. The two of them flew far away, hit the edge of the invisible injury array, and fell heavily to the ground.

The two of them got up at the same time, wwa.co looked around, and looked at each other, knowing that the other was not seriously injured.

Qi Wuxia returned to his normal body shape, covering his eyes with his hands, and two traces of blood slowly flowed down his cheeks. He had never been so angry before. Even when his twin brother Qi Wushang was captured, his pain and anger could not be compared to this moment. Compare.

"Mu Xingqiu!" He turned around half a circle and shouted in the wrong direction, "I gave you a chance, but you are seeking your own death! Don't think that I can't kill you while the Demon King is around. I will find someone for the Demon King." A better place to stay.”

The remaining wolves fell one after another, and Qi Wuxia regained his scattered strength from the bodies of twenty wolves. There were sixty wolves before and after, and there were still fifty wolves left.

Qi Wuxia did not report the height of his demon body, but it was certain that he had surpassed the Demon Queen.

He put down his hands, his empty left eye socket was still bleeding, and his right eye was covered with blood. He opened it as big as a bell, turned it around, and soon landed on Mu Xingqiu.

The full moon of March 15th was shrouded in sorrow and mist, and no creature could sing a poem about it.

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