
Chapter 142 Unexpected reinforcements

Zhou Ping was running at the front, and when he saw the people forming a circle on the top of the mountain from a distance, he immediately bent down and shrank his head, and whispered to his companions behind him, "This is here, it seems that the fight hasn't started yet, everyone is alive."

The others squatted down, but Xin Youtao didn't take it seriously and continued walking up slowly, "What are you doing? It's just a bunch of little demons. I and Mu Xingqiu may have killed them all long ago. Let's go over and show our faces. Wait, who are you hiding here?"

What the prince said makes sense. Xiao Qingtao stood up and said, "That's right. I really hope there are still a few little demons left so that we can try our boxing skills."

Baldy's flying spell had disappeared and he had been hanging behind Xiao Qingtao. Then he jumped out and supported himself with three strands of hair. "I'll go take a look and help you with the front line." After saying that, he climbed up the mountain close to the ground. The hair is freely curved and can balance the head well.

Xiao Qingtao reminded in a low voice: "Don't scare people."

"I know." The head shouted back.

Zhou Ping turned around and sat on the ground, and said to the two people following him: "When I ask about it later, just tell me that this was your idea."

Shi Baosheng and Wang Jian were from the same hometown, and he was once Guan Shenyue's right-hand man. He was always reticent and would do whatever his friends said. When he heard what Zhou Ping said, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. Just as he was about to open his mouth to refute, something came from the top of the mountain. The bald man shouted excitedly: "Come up quickly. If you don't come up, all the wolves will die!"

"It's better this time. Half of the people in Xianrenji will be scared to death by him." Xin Youtao muttered in a low voice. He was opposed to bringing the head with him from the beginning.

The real situation on the top of the mountain is not as optimistic as Bald Man sees it.

Qi Wuxia was staring at "Messenger of the Demon Clan" Mu Xingqiu with his bloody one eye, with strong murderous intent surging in his heart. Hearing the screams outside, he turned around and looked for a while before seeing the lively head on the ground, "Haha , It turns out you really have a demon head.”

The bald man didn't notice the long-haired man at all, and said loudly: "Brother Xiaoqiu, I've brought help for you." He took three strands of hair and ran towards Xiaoqiu.

"Don't get into the circle!" Xiaoqiu shouted loudly, startling the bald man. Stopping behind a resident of Xianrenji, his nose twitched and he sniffed around, he finally understood something.

Others walked up the hill. Seeing a circle of people swaying, singing and crying, many with dead wolves lying at their feet, he had the same misunderstanding as Bald Man had at first, thinking that things were under control. Zhou Ping waved to Yang Qingyin, "We are not The bald man found us, we are..."

Several people finally noticed the strange long-haired man in the circle.

And the serious expressions of Xiaoqiu and my mother.

"Don't even walk into the circle." Xiaoqiu ordered, still staring at Qi Wuxia, "Bald man. Have you found Fangfang?"

"No, Fangfang isn't here." The bald man said blankly, stepping back a few feet, becoming more and more uneasy, "I called her for a long time, but she didn't respond. It happened that Xiao Qingtao and the others came to the valley, and I said you went to kill the demon, and they Just take me here with you.”

Yang Qingyin cursed in a low voice and asked everyone angrily: "What are you doing here? Don't you know there is danger here?"

Zhou Ping immediately pointed at Shi Baosheng and Wang Jian, "They said it was too shameful for me to come to the God-summoning ceremony alone, so we are here to give you more momentum."

The two of them stared wide-eyed and hesitated a few times. Nothing more was said.

In fact, they are here to "catch the adulterer".

In the evening of that day, Zhou Ping forgot the lessons he had learned the past few days, and on the way back to the hospital, he began to speculate about the relationship between my mother and Xiaoqiu. "Brother Xiaoqiu must be pretending. He said he would not attend the God-summoning ceremony. In fact, he would secretly follow her. Let’s go together.”

Xin Youtao didn't say anything, but Xiao Qingtao didn't believe it at all and stood firmly on Fangfang's side. Then he and Zhou Ping had a fierce argument, and there was no result after they returned to Zhiyong. Finally decided to return to Muma Valley to find out the truth.

Xin Youtao showed no interest, but soon after everyone set off, he caught up with him, "I stand with Xiao Qingtao, Mu Xingqiu is not that kind of person."

Xiao Qingtao is very happy that the prince supports her, because Zhou Ping has two "followers" and she is the weak one.

As a result, there was really no sign of Xiaoqiu in the Muma Valley. Zhou Ping and others were very proud, but Xiao Qingtao and Xin Youtao looked at each other, thinking this was impossible. Then the bald man's head appeared, calling Fangfang while flying, and saw five The people were overjoyed and asked them to help Brother Xiaoqiu kill monsters, and then they came. In fact, they didn't take Baldy's words seriously.

Naturally, Yang Qingyin could not guess what these people were thinking, and said angrily: "Get down the mountain and find someone, someone from Ancestor Peak!"

"Mom, don't be angry, we're leaving now." Zhou Ping still didn't notice the seriousness of the matter, "But... there's no need to find people from Ancestor Peak, we..."

"Idiot, go tell Laozufeng that the demon king's brother is here. He is at least a six-foot-long demon."

"You just left like this? Don't you care about the life or death of your friends?" Qi Wuxia spoke in a calm and firm tone. The anger caused by his injured eyes seemed to have disappeared, "This is not like the style of Pangshan Taoist Priest."

Several people stopped again.

"Although we are enemies, Taoist Pangshan never abandons his companions in the land of monsters. He even takes away the corpses. I admire him very much."

Qi Wuxia's voice became more and more seductive, and he even sighed like the wind, as if he was lamenting that the few young people outside the circle were not like the Pangshan Taoist priests in his mind.

Yang Qingyin was about to get angry when Xiao Qiu said in a deep voice on the other side: "Go find someone quickly. The demon formation prevents you from casting spells. Ancestor Peak doesn't know there is a big demon here yet."

Everyone finally understood the seriousness of the situation and was about to evacuate quickly when an old voice sounded, "Who can help me?"

One of the mortals who formed the circle left his place and stumbled towards Pangshan disciple.

"Pan Saner, why are you here?" Xin Youtao was shocked and recognized the veteran his sister had left in Xianrenji.

Mr. Pan no longer has the vigilance and tenacity of a veteran. He is hunched over and pinching his neck with his right hand. He seems to be dozens of years older, and as if he has been running around in the desert for several days without getting any water. "Help me. I One person can't lift so many corpses, please help me, all my comrades are dead, only me is left..."

Xin Youtao's expression suddenly changed. He turned around and ran down the mountain.

But it was too late. The five disciples who had not yet condensed the elixir could not resist the powerful magic. The old-looking Mr. Pan suddenly became as fast as a wolf. He jumped out and patted the prince gently on the back. For a moment, he then moved and fought with the other four people. Every time he made contact, he changed the target.

Things happened so fast. Neither Yang Qingyin nor Xiao Qiu had time to issue a warning, and none of the five friends could escape, as they were all affected by the injury array. They have no inner elixir, their resistance to sorcery is inherently weak, and they each have their own grudges. Very easily defeated by grief.

Xin Youtao was the first to fall deeply into it. He clenched his fists and asked the air with anger and sorrow, "Father, father, I am your first son. Do you still remember the scene when you held me in your arms to meet the ministers?" Why do you hate me and abandon me? Why..."

Xiao Qingtao stood there shivering and said repeatedly: "I'm not a demon. I don't have a tail..."

Zhou Ping squatted on the ground holding his head, "I tried hard, I really tried hard, I will give you everything, don't force me anymore..."

Shi Baosheng and Wang Jian burst into tears and said together: "I want to go home."

Mr. Pan shook his head. He returned to his seat with a sad face and continued to sing lamentations with the others.

Qi Wuxia sneered, "It turns out that Pangshan is not all Taoist priests with strong determination. I should really bring these people back to the land of demons and let the demon clan understand that there are only a very small number of powerful Taoist priests."

Xiaoqiu winked at the bald man and moved quietly down the mountain with his head close to the ground.

Qi Wuxia raised his right hand, and the ten squatting wolves suddenly jumped up, split into two groups, and went to intercept the head that was about to escape.

The bald man shouted, bounced up high, put away his hair, and rolled down the mountain.

The ten wolves sped up and caught up with their target halfway up the mountain.

The situation below could not be seen from the top of the mountain, only howling sounds were heard, and the sound of biting soon came. Qi Wuxia showed an unexpected look, and could not understand the emotions he sensed, "Why are the wolves fighting? "

Baldy apparently controls a wolf.

The battle on the mountainside came to an abrupt end, and there was suddenly no sound.

Qi Wuxia's body trembled slightly, and his muscles seemed to bulge a little more. He took back some strength, which showed that the ten wolves were dead. He was certainly not a mortal who could do this in an instant.

Xiaoqiu and Yang Qingyin looked at each other and looked in that direction expectantly.

Qi Wuxia was horrified. The person who taught him the formation made it very clear that the Hurt Formation could only deal with ordinary Taoist priests. Outside the formation, Taoist priests with slightly stronger magic power could easily break it.

There was a very gentle rustling sound as a person slowly walked up to the top of the mountain. The first thing that was revealed was a Pangshan style bun and a long hairpin. Yang Qingyin was overjoyed and was about to speak when the face of the visitor showed up. She swallowed her words again.

It turned out to be Tian Qianmo, a disciple of the Five Elements Department. He had the first breath, which was far worse than Yang Qingyin. There was no way he could be Qi Wuxia's opponent.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Qingyin changed the question. wwash.om

Tian Qianmo ignored her, glanced coldly at the sad Xin Youtao and the other five people, turned around and stood on the roadside, as if waiting for someone.

The second Taoist priest came up, and Yang Qingyin was no longer so excited, "So it's you."

"It's not me." Shen Shang was smiling, which was incompatible with the sadness that pervaded the entire mountain top. He was still holding a head in his left hand, trying to stay as far away from him as the bald man was trying his best to bite him.

"Why don't you come here and help?" Yang Qingyin was used to being overbearing and refused to slow down her tone when asking for help.

"Here we go." Shen Shang didn't make any moves. He raised his hand and threw the head into the formation. "It's not enough. Let's have a few more."

Tian Qianmo got the hint and pushed Xin Youtao and others into the injury array.

"The seven masters of Zhiyong will face off against the demon king's younger brother." Shen Shang's child-like face showed an excited smile, "I really want to see the result right away."

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