
Chapter 143 Bored Bystander

Taoism and demons have been fighting for hundreds of thousands of years, and their understanding of each other is sometimes deeper than that of their peers. However, on a broader basis, in daily life outside of battle, they know very little about each other, and there are countless misunderstandings. .

Therefore, Qi Wuxia was puzzled, his bloody eyes slightly narrowed, and he carefully looked at the two Taoist priests outside the circle, especially the teenage boy. He knew that it was definitely not a child, but a very old man. Taoist priest, his level of cultivation is not low, at least he is much stronger than several Taoist priests in the formation.

The spells and sorcery in the injury circle were ineffective, but the five people who were pushed in were still addicted to sadness and could not extricate themselves. Only the bald man was not affected in any way. He tried twice and found that he could not escape, so he immediately ran to Xiaoqiu and my mother. In the middle, he crawled along Xiaoqiu's body to his shoulder and whispered: "This guy is very powerful. Do you want me to bite him twice?"

"You stay away later." Xiaoqiu said, stepping towards the five friends. He had to save them from their sorrow.

Yang Qingyin stared at Shen Shang angrily, "I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Shen Shang stood on a stone to make himself appear taller. He raised his head and thought for a while, "Even I don't know who I am. It's normal for you to have doubts." Then he turned to Qi Wuxia, Wolf The demon has been staring at him, "I know your name. My name is Shen Shang, a young Taoist priest from Pangshan. You may have doubts about me, so let me tell you frankly. I want to watch you massacre Pangshan." Disciple, I want to know if I feel the same hatred, at least I don’t do it now.”

Qi Wuxia did not move. He had to know if the enemy was setting a trap. "There are many Taoist priests named Shen. I have never heard of your name."

"I am an unknown member of the Shen family." Shen Shang looked a little tired, "Let's keep it quiet. If I become a 'same enemy' later, we will have to fight a life-or-death battle."

Qi Wuxia snorted softly, Taoist priests always despised the demon clan. He would not lose his self-control because of this. He turned to look at the seven enemies in the circle. They had gathered together. He had already noticed it but did not stop them.

Except for Mu Xingqiu and the female Taoist priest, everyone else was pitifully weak, but Qi Wuxia hoped to cut through the mess quickly.

Xin Youtao and others had just gotten rid of the entanglement of sadness, but they still looked lost. They hid behind my mother and Xiaoqiu intentionally or unintentionally, as if they were here to help. More like seeking asylum.

Xiaoqiu woke up the five companions with a shake, and her mind did not stop thinking, and she understood something. At this time, her eyes crossed Qi Wuxia and fell on Shen Shang, "It turns out that you have been spying on me.

Xin Youtao guessed that there was an informant room among his friends, which caused Shen Shang to know everything. He was wrong, there was no informant among them.

There is a watcher in the dark.

When Shen Shang signaled Tian Qianmo to push everyone into the injury formation, Xiao Qiu already understood that there could be no informant, and thought for a while before finally confirming it.

Shen Shang chuckled twice, "It's a gatekeeper again. It's also a matter of taking care of the spirit beasts. How can I have time to monitor you? It's Taoist Brother Tian Qianmo. He volunteered to take over this task and transmit all your words and deeds through the transmission system." The sound incense burner told me.”

Tian Qianmo stood near Shen Shang. After pushing the five disciples into the injury formation, his eyes never left Mu Xingqiu. At this time, he said coldly: "This is an opportunity. You can prove how powerful your skills are."

He still remembered the experience of being beaten at Zhiyong. It should be said that he never forgot it, even to the point that it affected his practice. At that time, he was a disciple of Ningdan and a challenger who came down the mountain specially. This made his shame doubled.

Yang Qingyin was one of the witnesses of the fight and couldn't help but burst into laughter. "So one of you wants to survive the disaster, and the other wants to survive the disaster. You are really a pair of brothers in distress. Wait, let's see the first one, Yang Xi. How to reward you two."

The Beng Jie loses interest and confidence in practice, while the Happy Jie is full of hatred. Tian Qianmo is the rare person who encounters the Happy Jie as soon as he inhales.

Tian Qianmo snorted, of course he knew that what he did violated a series of rules of Pangshan Taoism, so he did not directly seek revenge on Mu Xingqiu, but took the initiative to provide help with the help of Shen Shang.

If the members of the Shen family were not to be deprived of pills, neither would he. At worst, after a few years, if he could survive the joyful tribulation, his cultivation would have grown a lot, enough to make up for the loss of those few years.

Xiaoqiu didn't care about this calamity or that, and whispered to his companions: "My wife and I just tried it, and the boxing skills can still form a combined force. Don't be afraid, we will do it together later."

Everyone nodded, but the fear in their hearts was not so easy to remove, and their faces were still pale.

Qi Wuxia finally realized why these Taoist priests were so strange, and couldn't help laughing wildly, "It turns out that Pangshan Taoism also has a bunch of waste, and there is quite a lot of it."

Without hesitation, he took steps calmly and approached his goal. (audience)

Xiaoqiu was the first to greet him. Yang Qingyin was only half a step slower than him, but he advanced side by side with him, followed by Xiao Qingtao, then Xin Youtao, Shi Baosheng and Wang Jian. After a few steps, the four of them were shoulder to shoulder with Xiaoqiu.

Only Bald Man and Zhou Ping remained at the end.

"Why don't you come up?" The bald man raised his head and asked. He stayed behind because he was following Brother Xiaoqiu's arrangement. He was not a coward.

"I...I..." Zhou Ping couldn't find an excuse.

Zhou Ping couldn't stand being laughed at by a solitary head. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward. He happened to see the six people in front of him fighting with the wolf demon. After several bangs, Xin Youtao and the other four flew out like straw men in the strong wind. I was swaying and could only cope with it. The only one who could confront Qi Wuxia head-on was Mu Xingqiu.

Zhou Ping groaned and stepped back, squatting on the ground and not daring to look up again.

Xiaoqiu fought Qi Wuxia with desperate vigor. Although the wolf demon could not perform magic, his fists were extremely hard. Every punch would have been like a hammer hitting his body. If he hadn't paid special attention to protecting himself, Xiaoqiu might not be able to bear it anymore.

The four people who were knocked away from each other fell heavily to the ground. Xiao Qingtao was the first to jump up, let out a low roar, jumped and jumped towards Qi Wuxia again, just as desperate as Xiao Qiu.

She also has a fierceness in her bones, but she rarely shows it.

Qi Wuxia punched out, he had figured out the details of these young people. I believe that I can easily kill this little girl.

Xiao Qingtao did not retreat and raised her arms to resist.

Qi Wuxia's fist was actually blocked, but the blocker was not one person, but two. Yang Qingyin stood behind Xiao Qingtao in time to help her fight the steel-like arm.

Their wrists were sore and numb, and their bones seemed to have been broken, but they still did not retreat.

Xiaoqiu rushed forward and took Qi Wuxia's next move.

Xin Youtao and three others also ran back, shouting. Waving his arms, he surrounded the wolf demon to attack.

After the initial fear and confusion passed, they were finally able to use the bone-forging fist they had learned. After four or five moves, a combined force was formed. Although they were still at a disadvantage, they were still going back and forth, and they were no longer just being beaten.

Xiaoqiu's pressure was greatly relieved.

Shen Shang outside the formation looked serious and suddenly yawned. Asked Tian Qianmo next to him, "Pangshan disciple is in danger, can you feel sympathy?"

"No." Tian Qianmo said coldly, "I hope this wolf demon can be more ruthless."

Shen Shang smiled and shook his head. "I really envy you. At least there is still a little hope. I have nothing. Alas, it seems that I can't survive the disaster this time."

Tian Qianmo was silent. He was tired of being associated with this useless Shen family member. If it weren't for revenge, he would never have been close to Shen Shang in the first place. Now everything was coming to an end. Although he didn't do it himself, he was still satisfied with seeing Mu Xingqiu being beaten to death by the demon with his own eyes.

This satisfaction kept rising, just waiting for the moment of elation. It was not far away from this moment. The wolf demon's attacks became more and more cruel, and blood was already visible on Wang Jian's head.

"What's going on? Why don't you go help?" someone asked in surprise from behind.

Although Shen Shang and Tian Qianmo were disciples of the Five Elements, they had never participated in a real battle to eliminate demons. They were very vigilant and did not notice anyone approaching from behind.

"Guan Shenyue?" Tian Qianmo was extremely surprised. The two used to be very good friends, but they became very estranged because of the fight at Zhiyongsuo. "Why are you here?"

Guan Shenyue's face turned red, "I heard you talking to Fellow Daoist Shen using the sound transmission incense burner, so... I came. Fellow Daoist Shen flies fast, but I run slowly."

"It turns out that I also have a little watcher by my side." Shen Shang smiled instead of getting angry, "It's fair this time."

"I'm not a monitor. I overheard it..." Guan Shenyue's face turned redder. He did pay attention to Shen Shang's movements, but he never revealed it to anyone.

"Well, I'm alone. Is this the younger brother of the Demon King? Let's go together."

Shen Shang raised his eyes to look at the sky, and Tian Qianmo suddenly made a move, putting his palm on Guan Shenyue's lower back, trying to push him into the injury formation. Guan Shenyue dodged, shocked and angry, "What are you doing?"

Tian Qianmo's face turned red, and he was about to cast a spell when Shen Shang waved his hand and sent out a powerful thrust. Guan Shenyue was attacked by a sneak attack again. He failed to avoid it and flew forward into the formation, doing several somersaults in the air. , just falling towards Qi Wuxia.

Qi Wuxia, no matter who it was, punched out. Guan Shenyue took the punch forcefully and was knocked away again. This time, he landed next to Zhou Ping. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you injured?"

Zhou Ping raised his head and was stunned, "S-Senior Brother!"

Just as Guan Shenyue was about to deny it, Yang Qingyin shouted: "Guan Shenyue, you still have some conscience, come over and help quickly."

"Mom, I'm coming!" Guan Shenyue rushed towards the wolf demon. Behind him, Zhou Ping suddenly felt courage, jumped up, and rushed forward.

"That's true." The bald man praised.

"It seems a bit interesting." Shen Shang curled his lips, but still couldn't get interested.

An old woman who formed the sad formation suddenly turned around and walked over. She was the only person here with a smile on her face.

"I am the mother of Mei Chuan'an, a Taoist priest from the Forbidden Secrets." The old woman said.

"Well, .a.c. I recognize you." Shen Shang replied politely. He could see the scene below the mountain from Laozu Peak and had some impressions of Granny Mei. "You often sent Mei Chuan up the mountain, and every time you climbed to the ninth After more than ten steps, we turned back to Jinghu Village.”

"Yes, thank you for remembering." Grandma Mei's smile grew wider.

"The evil spirit in you is getting stronger and stronger." Shen Shang also showed a smile, "You don't want to fight with me, do you?"

Granny Mei shook her head, "How can I, an old woman, be a match for two master disciples of the Five Elements Department? But I heard that disciples who are in a tribulation of the Tao cannot withstand the temptation of the outside world, so I want to give it a try."

The statue in the old woman's hand suddenly glowed.

Because her friends gradually joined in, Xiaoqiu's pressure was reduced and she was able to pay attention to the situation outside the formation. At the same moment that the statue in Granny Mei's hand glowed, a light flashed in Qi Wuxia's empty left eye socket.

"Demon pill! There is a demon pill hidden in the statue!" Xiaoqiu finally understood where Qi Wuxia's power came from.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued \u003c!--flag053--\u003e

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