
Chapter 148 Under the grape trellis

Three years later, one afternoon in early autumn.

Daliang Shen Xiuming squatted on the ground, squinting at the rows of golden flowers, with a delighted smile on his tanned cheeks. He liked these neat, beautiful and delicate plants, and there was even a trace of it in his eyes. Respect, because he knows that they are very precious and are important materials for refining elixirs.

"If you look at it this way, they're not going to grow any faster."

A familiar voice came from behind. Shen Xiuming did not stand up immediately. Instead, he pointed to the small flowers he took care of and said proudly: "Three Nights of Fragrance, the time is coming. They will emit a strong fragrance for three consecutive nights, and then When it turns from yellow to red, it is considered mature. Taoist priests call it Jade Girl Shuanghua. With such a nice name, why would you want to crush it into medicine? "

"You are also a Taoist priest."

Shen Xiuming stood up and took off his straw hat, revealing an ordinary bun tied with a string on top of his head. "Look, I don't even need a hairpin. It's too much in the way when I work. I'm a flower farmer, not a Taoist priest."

The smile on his face showed that Shen Xiuming was not ashamed of being a flower farmer, on the contrary, he was very happy.

"Let's sit over there for a while."

There are two thatched huts not far from the flower field. In front of the house there is a grape rack and a deep well. Shen Xiuming took out two simple rattan lounge chairs from the house and placed them in the shade. He walked to the well and pulled out a basket of grapes that had been soaked for half a day. After the water was almost filtered, he placed them in the middle of the lounge chairs, and then sat down comfortably. He sat down and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"In about ten days, the Sanyexiang will release its aroma and the grapes will be ripe. They are still a little sour, but they are edible."

Mu Xingqiu sat on another lounge chair, picked up a bunch of grapes, raised them high, opened his mouth to bite them, and said vaguely: "I like sour ones."

Shen Xiuming picked and ate them one by one and said with a smile, "That's right. You've been like this since you were a child."

Shen Xiuming soon had enough, and began to introduce various flowers and plants from Sanyexiang, "There are at least ninety large and small gardens around Pangshan, planting hundreds of exotic flowers and plants. I am here. The smallest one. Flowers and plants have huge differences in temperament. For example, this three-night fragrance cannot withstand even a little bit of magic power and can only grow in a natural environment with four distinct seasons. There is also blue alfalfa, which cannot withstand magic power. Jintail Ma lives in Pangshan. In the valley created by the Taoist priest's magic, if you don't eat some blue alfalfa every day, your fur will be damaged..."

Mu Xingqiu nodded while eating grapes, almost finishing the entire basket. Shen Xiuming shook his head with a smile. "Fortunately, I'm prepared."

Shen Xiuming got up and came to the well.

Pulling another string, "Although they are ordinary grapes, they taste good. You can bring some back to Ancestor Peak later. Give them to Fangfang and Shen Hao to try. Why didn't Baldy come with you? Isn't he... Oh my god!"

Shen Xiuming screamed and almost threw the basket back into the well.

There was actually a wet head standing on the grape, grinning at him. Shen Xiuming raised his hand to hit it, and the head flew up, shouting happily: "I'm scared! I'm scared!"

Shen Xiuming also smiled. Warning the heads flying around: "Don't touch my flowers, or I'll end up with you." Carrying the basket, he walked back to the grape trellis, fell on the lounge chair, exhaled, pointed at his good friend, "You are so bad. . You didn’t remind me. If it were anyone else, I would be scared to death.”

"I come here once a month, and the bald man comes every time. Aren't you used to it?" Mu Xingqiu said with a smile, and picked up another bunch of grapes. He has never had any special preferences for food, but he can't get enough of the fruits grown by Shen Xiuming.

"Haha, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat." Shen Xiuming had already eaten enough. "You have been to Laozu Peak for more than three years, right?"

"Three years and four months." Xiaoqiu clapped her hands, finally feeling a little satisfied.

"How is everyone's practice?" Shen Xiuming would ask the same question every time he met. He had clear limits on what he meant by "everyone".

"Shen Hao is still inhaling at the third level, Guan Jinwu is at the first level, Fangfang reached the sixth level half a month ago, and Zuo Liuying still feels slow and makes sarcastic remarks every day."

"Sixth level of inhalation, my God." Shen Xiuming couldn't believe his ears, "Fangfang... What kind of freak is Zuo Liuying to be picky about such a practice? You Well, there should be some progress, right?"

"Fourth level." Mu Xingqiu shrugged, not satisfied with this result.

Shen Xiuming was not satisfied either and said seriously: "Brother Xiaoqiu, you have to work hard and don't let Fangfang fall too far behind."

Fangfang possesses the Spiritual Bone Dao Root. Once she condenses the pill, she will progress so fast that ordinary Dao Root disciples cannot catch up. However, Mu Xingqiu has never revealed this to anyone, so he said with a smile: "I will try my best." Yes, just wait and see, maybe I will reach the Dinxia realm first."

"You can definitely do it." Shen Xiuming clenched his fists. He had full confidence in his good friend.

"What's new in Zhiyong?"

Mu Xingqiu had already heard about this.

Xiao Qingtao and Xin Youtao, who were practicing together at the Zhiyong Institute back then, succeeded in condensing elixirs one after another, but Zhou Ping and the other three gave up. After staying at the Zhiyong Institute for a few more years, they finally decided to return home and join the army. Xin Youtao introduced them to his sister, and the three of them would find good positions in the Xuanfu Army.

"That's a good thing."

"Well, Zhou Ping and the others have already opened up three fields. I heard that such people are very popular with the Xuanfu Army. Mu Feihuang and Zhao Dayi from Yelin Town plan to join the army in two years. They regret that they did not have a good relationship with the prince. Every time Every time I meet, I ask for your help.”

The friends in Yelin Town are all eighteen or nineteen years old, and Daliang is twenty. I don’t know when it started. Everyone no longer calls each other by nicknames. Only Daliang still uses the title "Brother Xiaoqiu". .

In the past three years, everyone in Yelin Town has gone somewhere. Guan Jinwu was selected by the Mirror Division after being kept for a year. The other three came to Zhiyongsuo. Mu Feihuang and Zhao Dayi wanted to join the army, and Shen Tongyou , is very interested in welcoming and sending him away. Shen Hao is helping him to clear up the relationship, hoping to send him to the mountains to be a Taoist priest who knows guests.

"Xin Youtao will help them." Mu Xingqiu said with certainty. Going back a few years ago, he would never have imagined that he would have such a great influence on the prince of Xijie Kingdom.

"Is Xin Youtao still practicing?" Shen Xiuming asked with a frown. He had no intention of joining the army. He only wanted to plant flowers in Pangshan, so he still retained his bad impression of the prince.

"Of course, the head of the Discipline Department was surprised by the triple inhalation."

Xin Youtao was originally selected by the Fu Luke inheritance in the Patriarch Tower. However, Pangshan Taoism did not have this subject, and he never wanted to transfer to another Taoism, so he went to the Discipline Section.

"Shen Hao was kicked out by him, he must not be happy."

"The two of them have never dated."

The two chatted while eating grapes. There were not many new topics. They just asked each other about the current situation of acquaintances. Shen Xiuming learned that Xiao Qingtao had also reached the third level of inhalation in the Five Elements Branch. He couldn't help but sigh. There were some things he didn't want to mention. , but it always lingers in his heart. "If Erliang... well, what do you want him to do?"

The bald man was flying around in the distant fields chasing insects and birds. Mu Xingqiu looked at him and was thinking about Erliang Shen Xiuwei, "Have you heard about Shen Geng at Yangshen Peak?"

Shen Geng stopped thinking about his past more than a year ago. He was taken directly to Yangshen Peak by his mother Yang Baozhen. News about him was rarely heard on Laozu Peak, and the news from Zhiyongsuo was better.

"Last month there was a disciple from Yangshen Peak. He said that Shen Geng was still so withdrawn and never interacted with anyone. Moreover... he still refused to treat his eyes and just left the wound alone."

Shen Geng's eyes were broken by Mu Xingqiu. It was easily treatable, but he refused treatment and was said to have bloodshot eyes that were so scary that he kept them closed most of the time but moved freely. Never hits anything.

Shen Geng and Mu Xingqiu hate each other. This is a semi-open secret in Pangshan. Almost everyone knows it, but few people talk about it openly.

Bald Man flew back, his hair covered with cobwebs, dust and straw sticks. He jumped directly into the well and took a bath for himself. Shen Xiuming could only shake his head, "I have to pour out several buckets of water."

Mu Xingqiu smiled. Seeing that it was almost time, he said, "I'm going on a long trip in a few days. I may not be able to see you for a while."

"Where are you going?" Shen Xiuming asked in surprise.

"I'm going to refine my own magic weapon."

"Didn't Lao Zufeng give you one?"

Mu Xingqiu carried a magic sword behind his back. Most disciples can only obtain ordinary auxiliary magic weapons after condensing the elixir. The main magic weapons such as swords, rulers, and Ruyi have to be refined by themselves. Grandmaster Ning Qiwei personally made an exception and gave him this magic sword.

The magic sword is an old thing, and the mark of the original owner has been washed away. Mu Xingqiu is still not very comfortable in using it, but it is enough to make ordinary disciples envious.

There is a reason for Ning Qiwei's favor. The demon tribe is eyeing Mu Xingqiu's true illusion and regards it as a demon king. Even within the sphere of influence of Pangshan Taoism, he must have the skills to protect himself and escape.

Mu Xingqiu stood up and said, "I will refine a better magic weapon. I already have a lot of materials in my hand."

"You must use those golden souls and silver souls."

"That's your thing."

"No, they belong to Erliang. One day, you will use this magical weapon to defeat Shen Geng. Let Erliang make some contribution here."

Mu Xingqiu nodded, .anh.c cast a spell to summon the magic sword, stepped on it and floated in the air, "No matter what happens, wait until I come back."

Shen Xiuming smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he could not cause trouble.

Mu Xingqiu called out Bald Man and flew together towards Laozu Peak. On the way, he passed by Muma Valley and said hello to the Zahongma family.

They were not allowed to fly in the Taiwan courtyard, so Mu Xingqiu landed on the ground and walked, while Bald Man got into a cloth bag obediently. Even here, a solitary head would still cause unnecessary trouble from time to time.

His wife, Yang Qingyin, was standing outside the tower waiting for him. She had her hair tied up in a bun and a long hairpin, and she was wearing a standard Taoist robe, but her expression was still as bold as before, as if she would fight anyone who dared to look at her one more time.

"Have you heard?" Yang Qingyin asked in a confused manner.

"What? I just came back"

"Your application for weapon refining was rejected. It seems that Ning Qiwei doesn't want you to leave Pangshan even half a step."

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