
Chapter 149 Desire for Magical Weapons

There was nothing in the eleven-foot-diameter circular room. The floor and walls were made of gray bricks, which were mottled and old and seemed to break into pieces at the slightest touch.

Mu Xingqiu did not sit still and think like ordinary Taoist priests. Instead, he kept punching various punches and chanting a spell from time to time. Over the past three years, he had learned at least fifty skills from old papers. Various boxing techniques and hundreds of spells have different effects. For example, right now, lightning bolts are constantly coming out of his fists, leaving scratches on the wall.

The scratches will disappear quickly, and the fragile-looking gray bricks have the ability to repair themselves.

Not far opposite him, the light blue young devil - he still used to call him young devil instead of Zhenhuan - used the same boxing technique as him, but he could only recite one spell, and it could even say "wrong or weak" The five words "Mo" are accompanied by a clicking sound in the middle, making it look very messy.

The appearance of the young demon has not changed, but its duration has been gradually extended. Now it has lasted for an hour. When it exists, Mu Xingqiu's practice can double the speed. However, the frequency of once every seven days is too little, and it has no effect on the overall practice. The impact is not big, other than that, there is nothing more special about the young devil.

Zuo Liuying, the head of the Forbidden Secret Department, stood at the door, watching Mu Xingqiu practice boxing. His eyes occasionally turned and were always aimed in the direction of the young demon. He couldn't see it. After more than three years, he still didn't see anything. He heard nothing, but he could feel the existence of reality and illusion. He never touched or interfered with it, but only observed silently once every seven days.

The young demon disappeared. Mu Xingqiu stopped his momentum, breathed out seven times, completed tonight's practice, and walked to Zuo Liuying.

The two of them seemed to be about the same age. Mu Xingqiu was taller and more mature than the other, so Mu Xingqiu felt strange when he thought that they were actually hundreds of years apart.

"Seat to the left, Hong Lu Ke rejected my application for weapon refining. I heard that the order was given by the Grand Master himself. I hope... you can help me."

The relationship between the two has always been cold, and they rarely talk to each other. It was quite difficult for Mu Xingqiu to say a simple request for help, and he regretted it as soon as he said it.

Zuo Liuying stared at him without blinking. After a while, he shook his head, turned around and walked out of the room.

The leader of the Forbidden Secret Department is ruthless and unmoved by anything. How could he possibly help an ordinary disciple of the fourth level of inhalation? Mu Xingqiu shook his head in frustration and walked into the corridor. Zuo Liuying was nowhere to be seen.

The circular room is located on the seventeenth floor. Mu Xingqiu walked down and met Lan Qizhang on the seventh floor. The two nodded to each other, but neither of them spoke.

Lan Qizhang is a Taoist priest in his seventies.

Judging from his appearance, he is only twenty-seven or eighty years old. He is in the realm of swallowing smoke and is the protector of fragrance.

Mu Xingqiu didn't like him. Never ask him for help.

Lan Qizhang is handsome, with a square face and a straight nose. He is one of those people who looks like an immortal at first sight. What is rare is that he is kind and always has an approachable smile on his face. He seems to respond to all requests, but he seems He was too concerned about his status as a "protector" and often came between Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang. The reason for preventing them from meeting is always the same: she is practicing.

Fangfang does need a lot of time to practice, but Mu Xingqiu still feels strange. Practice is a voluntary hard work, and force is useless. Lan Qizhang made too many decisions for Fangfang.

He continued walking down and came to the fifth floor of Langhuan Blessed Land. This is the library of Pangshan Taoism. People come here occasionally during the day, but it is very quiet at night. Mu Xingqiu doesn't want to rest so early. So he walked in. He still had a lot of books to read. Maybe he could dig out one or two spells that no one paid attention to tonight, and maybe he could see Fangfang later.

Fangfang also likes it, and the two of them meet here most of the time.

There is no one guarding the Langhuan Paradise. It occupies a large area and is divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. It seems to be completely beyond the capacity of the Forbidden Secret Tower, but this is a normal thing in Taoism.

The bookshelves, floors, and tables are filled with books and scrolls. They seem chaotic, but they are actually orderly. Only those who know how to pick books can find the desired goal here.

Mu Xingqiu came to his usual corner and sat on a chair. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Then he opened his eyes again. More than a dozen books appeared on the table in front of him, including a book he had already read half of. It will automatically turn to the page where it was interrupted.

He couldn't remember how many books he had read, and slowly he understood why Fangfang had this hobby. It was like when he was a child and took a casual walk in the woods while herding horses. As long as he looked carefully, he could always find sweet and sour things. Flowers, plants, delicious mushrooms, and sometimes when you turn around a tree, you will find berries hanging on the branches, making the whole day full of joy.

Most of the boxing techniques and spells that Mu Xingqiu has learned in more than three years come from this. Zuo Liuying has read the most books and has a photographic memory, but he refuses to teach them to anyone directly. Instead, he teaches Mu Xing through the maid. Qiu asked him to find some ways to store books in the sea of ​​books.

Mu Xingqiu's understanding of Nian Xin Ke has accumulated over time, and he has understood many things. His doubts have also become deeper and deeper: when and why was the inheritance of Nian Xin Ke interrupted? No book gives an explanation.

All the books do not rate this subject highly. The reason is simply that the power of boxing and spells will stagnate after reaching the Shanxia realm and begin to lag behind the Five Elements spells at the same level. However, there are always some words about the female Nian Xin Department. The heir's character is quite disdainful, but he refuses to explain the reason directly.

Mu Xingqiu asked Lin Sa, and Lin Sa was very willing to help him, but refused to say more about this matter, "When you reach the realm of dining and can read more books, you will naturally understand. ”

He could only wait.

Lin Sa's strong body walked into the room as he was waiting for someone to arrive. His injuries had not yet recovered, so he could only suspend his practice and was unable to perform his duties as a master. Therefore, he became an unappointed librarian and the only disciple of the Nianxin Department. informal guardian.

Lin Sa shook his head directly and sat across from him with a smile, "No, and I think the grandmaster's decision is very correct. Many people are interested in your true illusion. Even the demon clan is coveting it. The refining of magic weapons is almost gone. The Nine Dao Tradition is not safe enough for you. This is probably why the master made an exception and gave you a purple pattern sword. You already have the main magic weapon and don’t need to refine it.”

"But...it's easier to refine the magic weapon yourself, isn't it?"

Mu Xingqiu had many reasons for wanting to refine a magical weapon, but there was one important one he didn't mention: his best friends had already met the requirements for refining a magical weapon and were preparing to travel together throughout the Nine Dao Traditions. He didn't want to stay alone in the Forbidden Secret Tower, practice boxing, and be silently observed by Zuo Liuying once every seven days.

"That's true, but safety is more important." Lin Sa ended the discussion. Then he asked: "How is your practice of the Nine Transformations of Leading the Beast?"

Although he has learned dozens of sets of boxing techniques, Mu Xingqiu practices the Nine Transformations of the Beast based on Bone Forging Boxing most often. One of the important reasons is Lin Sa's full recommendation, "I can now use Turtle Breath and Dragon Leap at the same time." , Crane Soaring, Tiger Seed, Lion Roar, Leopard Thrust, and Scale Submergence. The only remaining ones are Feng Yin and Xiong Wu. I think there should be a breakthrough within half a month. "

"Very good. Remember, other boxing techniques are all pulled out of books. Only this set of Nine Transformations of the Beast was taught in a dream by the twenty-nine successors of Nianxinke. Even Zuo Liuying has never seen it. Among them must be If you have deep meaning, you must practice it.”

Lin Sa has said these words many times. Mu Xingqiu usually just nodded, but tonight he was not in a good mood, so he spoke more directly, "Jiao Lin, do you particularly not want me to learn more spells?"

Boxing skills and spells are the two most important contents of Nianxin Ke. Zuo Liuying attaches great importance to spells and believes that they are the source of true illusion. Although Lin Sa did not explicitly object to it. However, he never gave any guidance in this area, and only encouraged Mu Xingqiu to spend all his time practicing boxing as much as possible.

In this fight, Lin Sa was more successful. Mu Xingqiu spent most of his energy on boxing, but he wanted to know the reason, because he felt more and more clearly that the power of the Nine Transformations of the Beast had an end. , and the Five Elements spells learned by others are endless.

Lin Sa hesitated for a while. He said, "We know exactly where the power of boxing comes from." He pointed at Mu Xingqiu, "It's your body and inner alchemy. Even if one day you reach the level of transformation, there is still a way to stay awake. But the spell is a mysterious power, and even Zuo Liuying doesn't know where this power comes from and what the final result will be."

This is what Zuo Liuying is most interested in. When it comes to exploring unknown areas, Lin Sa is very conservative and does not look like a disciple of the Forbidden Secrets.

Mu Xingqiu decided to speak his mind, "But I don't want one day when others are using powerful Five Elements spells, and I only know one set of Nine Transformations of Beasts. Even if it is a transformation, it is just a target for others."

"Haha, you should have confidence in the successors of Nian Xin Ke. They will not teach you a whole set of useless boxing techniques for no reason. I have a hunch that when you reach the level of transformation, you will realize more powerful power. Not weaker than others.”

"You're comforting me." Mu Xingqiu found it difficult to agree with Lin Sa's optimism, because it was the same Tujiao who first warned him not to join the mental medicine department many years ago, but now strongly recommended him to learn from the twenty-nine female descendants. The boxing skills taught to him by strange methods.

"Confidence, no matter which discipline you practice, you must have confidence." Lin Sa stood up and left, avoiding Mu Xingqiu's question again.

"Confidence. ww.kans.cm" Mu Xingqiu murmured to himself. If he could have a main magic weapon that truly belonged to him, he would be more confident.

Neither boxing nor spells require a main magic weapon, but every Pangshan Taoist priest must learn several Five Elements spells, and Mu Xingqiu is no exception. After testing, he is the most suitable to learn the Five Elements Golden spell. So far, he has learned He has learned two moves, which are fewer than other disciples in the same realm. He also has auxiliary skills such as flying and escape skills, which are also affected by the main magic weapon. If there was a better magic sword that was more convenient, he believed that he would not be left too far behind.

It was past midnight and Fangfang didn't come, but Yang Qingyin came in uninvited. When she opened the door, she made a loud noise that made the piles of books tremble.

"The Grandmaster relented."

"Really?" Mu Xingqiu stood up quickly, his eyes shining.

"Within ten days, you have to prove your ability to protect yourself."

"I've always had the ability to protect myself."

"Okay then, pack up and get ready to kill the demon."

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