
Chapter 150 Lightning Speed

Fangfang finally finished her practice and walked into Langhuanfu Land to see Yang Qingyin. She was slightly startled, then smiled, "You haven't been here for a long time.

"Ah, so you guys are going to have a tryst here. I'll leave right away." Yang Qingyin pointed at Mu Xingqiu, "Remember what I just said, you have to show your true ability. Are all those messy things in the Nianxin Department useful? It’s up to you to use it.”

Yang Qingyin walked out as she said that. When she passed Fangfang, she stopped and sighed, "You have to control yourself. The longer you grow, the taller you will be. If this continues, the pressure on Mu Xingqiu will be even greater." After thinking about it, he was at a loss. He added in his mind, "Maybe I will borrow it from Mu Xingqiu sometime. Don't get me wrong, I will return it to you soon."

Yang Qingyin loves to be nosy, especially among acquaintances, and she interferes in everything. Everyone is used to it, and no one cares. Fangfang smiled and said, "Okay."

Yang Qingyin raised her hand and gestured, and found that she was half a head behind Fangfang. As she walked, she muttered: "I am a Taoist priest, so I can just make myself taller."

She was just talking. Even for a powerful Taoist priest, it is not easy to permanently change the appearance. It requires a lot of time and perseverance. Zuo Liuying did it because of his deep magic power, and Shen Shang spent eighty years. It takes many years for oneself to gradually become smaller, which is an uncommon miracle.

Fangfang stuck out her tongue and walked to the opposite side of Mu Xingqiu, where Yang Qingyin was sitting just now. She is indeed very tall, almost as tall as Mu Xingqiu. This is completely natural and has nothing to do with spiritual practice. Her father, Mr. Qin, is very tall. When students stand in front of him, they often feel like they are standing tall. Feel.

The strange thing is that her appearance has not changed much. Although her eyebrows have grown longer, her expression is still the same as when she was a child. There is always a hint of caution and timidity, but everyone who knows her knows that she never gives up easily on things she insists on. . That hidden stubbornness is very similar to Mu Xingqiu.

"What do I want to borrow from you?"

"I don't know." Mu Xingqiu spread his hands on the table, even more surprised than Fangfang, "She had been talking about participating in the drill before you came."


"There will be a demon elimination drill in the Five Elements Department in a few days. I have to prove my ability to protect myself before I can be allowed to leave Pangshan. I will go out with you to refine magic weapons."

Taoist priests with the third level of inhalation and above are qualified to make their own magic weapons. Mu Xingqiu waited for several good friends to reach this level before applying for weapon refining. The purpose was for everyone to travel through the nine great traditions together. Fangfang and Yang Qingyin also had the same reason. The reasons have remained unchanged to this day.

He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"What a coincidence.

"Fangfang's smile became more obvious.

"What a coincidence?"

"I had a feeling that you might have another fight, so I prepared this for you." Fangfang took out a piece of colorful rope from her sleeve and pushed it to the opposite side.

"Hey, when did you make it up?" Mu Xingqiu was surprised, "And this is my gift to you."

Mu Xingqiu had a bunch of horse tail hair, which was said to be able to be made into many precious items, but he couldn't do any of them. I just thought the bright colors were very eye-catching, so I gave it to Fangfang three years ago.

"Shh, don't tell others, especially Taoist Master Lan, that I haven't been practicing these days. I read about the method of making the 'Electric Magic Whip' from a book, and these tail hairs happen to be one of the best materials. I just tried it and made it today, and you happen to have a handle.”

Mu Xingqiu was even more surprised. When Shen Shang was expelled from Pangshan, he had given him a piece of sandalwood ram's horn. It was said that Nianxinke might be useful. Fangfang became very concerned about this matter after knowing it. She quickly found an explanation from the book. It turned out that the most commonly used weapon in Nianxinke was a whip, and the handle of the whip was usually made from various spiritual beasts. Made of horns.

The whip is a weapon rather than a magic weapon because it does not enhance the power of a spell. Just with the range of the whip, the effective distance of the spell can be extended. If used properly, it can even be applied to boxing.

A year ago, Fangfang wanted to take away the sandalwood horn. Mu Xingqiu did not expect that she was secretly making a whip.

"Isn't this thing difficult to make?" Mu Xingqiu once tried to braid horsetail hair into a commonly used free rope. I obviously found a method from the book, but I still couldn't form it when I started doing it. Making magical instruments is a profession, and without the guidance of a master in the divine engineering field, it is very difficult to succeed in self-study.

It was no small miracle that Fangfang actually made the "Electric Magic Whip" by herself.

"It's okay. There was a hint of fatigue in Fangfang's voice, but she was in a good mood. "The most difficult thing is to concentrate and cast the spell exquisitely. I made mistakes several times and had to take it apart and start again. "

Exquisite spellcasting is an important method for making magic weapons. It is somewhat similar to the song of leading the beast to nine transformations. While making a series of movements with the hands, the breathing and breathing and the movement of the inner breath must also make corresponding changes. Multitasking, but cannot Thoughts are complicated.

Fangfang is a disciple of the Forbidden Secrets Department, so she doesn't need to learn the exquisite spells of the Divine Engineering Department. In order to weave this whip, she spent a lot of effort.

The two of them had already passed the stage of thanking each other. Mu Xingqiu carefully admired the whip. The tail hairs were of various colors, no fewer than dozens. Fangfang almost braided them one by one, ensuring that the colors were close together. The entire whip Therefore, the colors are clear and not cluttered, just like a natural and gorgeous venomous snake. Even though it is highly venomous, the viewer will still be amazed.

"Give it a try." Fangfang seemed even more anxious.

Mu Xingqiu stood up, holding the sandalwood horn in his hand. The bright whip hung naturally to the ground, swaying slightly, as if he couldn't wait to be thrown out.

"I have let go of horses for several years, but I have never used a whip like this." Mu Xingqiu looked at this precious weapon, "And it is too...fancy."

"There seems to be a way to permanently change the color of horse hair. I'll look for it again."

"No, that's fine." Mu Xingqiu hurriedly changed his statement. Zuo Liuying had already shown dissatisfaction with Fangfang's practice progress, and he could no longer waste her time with trivial matters.

He didn't think about anything, he didn't recite a spell silently, and he didn't use boxing skills. He simply injected a little magic power, turned his wrist slightly, and whipped it out with a whip.

It was worthy of being called the "Electric Magic Whip". The whip flew out with a whoosh, and it was clearly five feet long. It grew to three to four feet in an instant, and with a crisp snap, it hit a stack of books on the table in the distance, causing paper scraps to fly. Like a swarm of disturbed butterflies.

Mu Xingqiu was slightly startled. He tightened his grip and returned the whip to five feet.

Fangfang raised her hand to cover her mouth to block the exclamation that almost blurted out.

The two listened carefully and laughed out loud when they found that no outsiders were paying attention.

"Use it to fight and kill monsters. Who will say you can't protect yourself?"

Mu Xingqiu shook the whip twice. The whip became shorter and shorter, and finally shrunk to about a foot long, which could be easily stored in his arms or sleeves.

He has never been one to feel sorry for himself. But he has never been so confident as he is now, and he can't wait to find an opponent to try his whip right away.

The first opponent he found was Lin Sa.

Mu Xingqiu is known as the only successor of Nian Xin Ke, but he does not have his own territory. He either practices boxing under Lin Sa's supervision every day. Practice mantras occasionally. Lin Sa also praised this electric whip and volunteered to be a sparring partner to help Mu Xingqiu combine the long whip with boxing techniques.

This was an arduous task. Mu Xingqiu was originally able to run seven kinds of inner energy at the same time. After adding the long whip, it quickly weakened to a maximum of two. After careful observation, Lin Sa suggested that he keep Long Yue and Leopard. Sudden two methods. Other chants are added slowly.

"The method of Dragon Leap is light and high, and the method of Leopard Thrust is fast and agile. They are both offensive methods, which are enough to cope with most battles. But be careful, you will lack the avoidance skills. You should use Turtle Breath or Scale as soon as possible. Add the hidden method."

Fangfang was very concerned about his practice and found some methods of whip movement, which were of great help.

Eight days later, Mu Xingqiu was already proficient in using the long whip, and added Turtle Breath in addition to Long Yue and Leopard Thrust. Occasionally, when he gets excited, the whip can be thrown five feet away, and the place where it hits is filled with lightning. This is the effect of the five-character spell.

Since practicing Mei Xin Quan, he has become accustomed to silently reciting incantations when making moves, and even Lin Sa can't correct this practice.

The demon elimination drill of the Five Elements Department is about to begin, and the participating disciples gather under the towering tree in advance.

The towering tree is a hundred feet high. Sixty or seventy people can barely open their arms and close them. The tree is tall and straight. There are no branches below fifty feet. The upper branches are thicker than ordinary tree trunks. There are at least one room built on each branch. house.

Ordinary disciples are not allowed to fly in the Taiwan Academy. If you want to enter the Five Elements Department, you have to climb fifty feet with your hands and feet. Except for undergraduates, few people are willing to do this.

It can be seen from this that Wuxingke is not hospitable.

Large-scale demon elimination battles require the coordination of Taoist priests from all disciplines, so disciples other than the Five Elements Division are welcome to participate in the monthly drills. However, everyone stands under the tree and waits. The Five Elements Division will not send out invitations, and the surgical disciples are not willing to climb the tree. .

Inspiratory disciples usually work in groups to eliminate demons. Mu Xingqiu found several helpers for himself, and they happened to be very interested in the demon elimination drill.

Shen Hao and Xin Youtao, disciples of the Discipline Department, hated and were hostile to each other. Because of this, neither one wanted to lag behind in helping Mu Xingqiu.

Yang Qingyin, a disciple of the Hong Lu Division, with the sixth level of inhalation, rarely participated in demon elimination drills. This time she came and proclaimed herself the leader of the team, which made Shen Hao very dissatisfied.

Xiao Qingtao Pei Shurong, the only Five Elements disciple among them, originally had a regular partner, but quit in order to help Mu Xingqiu, "They are eager to get rid of me, who is willing to form a demon-killing team with a non-demon?" ? It sounds a bit weird, just don’t dislike me."

Xiao Qingtao is very lovable and is very popular in the entire Old Ancestor Peak, but part of her words are true. www.a.cm As a rare non-demon disciple of Pangshan Five Elements, she has attracted a lot of criticism.

There are hundreds of disciples standing under the towering tree, ranging from three or four to more than ten people, forming different teams. Most of them are disciples of the Five Elements, and there are many Taoist priests in the Dinxia realm.

One of the Taoist monks, the Dinxia Taoist, is particularly eye-catching. He has a handsome appearance. Even from the perspective of a practitioner, he can be called a handsome man. He looks to be in his mid-twenties, and it is said that his actual age is the same. He has the second level of Dinxia. The speed is even more enviable.

What makes everyone most curious is that this person is not a Taoist priest from Pangshan, but a member of the Five Elements Branch of Yashan from the far east.

Yang Qingyin always had a cold face, and was one of the very few people who had never looked at Yashan Taoist Priest. No matter how Xiao Qingtao pressed her, she said nothing, but it didn't take long for the reason for her being so cold to be exposed by the rumors.

The Yashan Taoist priest's surname was Shen. Everyone said that he came to Pangshan for a blind date with Yang Qingyin.

Mu Xingqiu turned around and lowered his head to make a face at his own shadow, praying that Yang Qingyin's so-called borrowing her a few days ago had nothing to do with this matter.

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