
Chapter 175 Market

The war between the Nine Dao Traditions and the Kraken is in full swing.

Mu Xingqiu's guess when chatting with Fangfang was close to the truth. Xuanwu destroyed Wugen Island to prevent Hengshan and Luanjing Mountain from supporting each other. After that, it never appeared again, and a large number of sea monsters attacked Luanjing Mountain. The coastline south of the mountain gathers, and a small number of sea monsters continue to harass Qishan.

Taoist priests' response strategy is also very simple. They allocate manpower to help defend Qishan and take the initiative to annihilate the harassers as much as possible. The Taoist priests in Luanjing Mountain stay put and wait for the Kraken to gather before engaging in a decisive battle.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Daotong has never lost a battle, and this time will be no exception. There are many sea monsters, but their intelligence is relatively low. Some of them can't even go ashore. This is Daotong's advantage.

Pangshan Wuxingke was ordered to come to Qishan to participate in the defense and search for the two missing disciples.

Mu Xingqiu was very sorry. He happened to catch up with the end of the war. The sea monsters that harassed Qishan suffered huge losses and retreated further and further. There were signs of collapse. He and Fangfang were sent back to Qishan Inn, where they lived peacefully for three or four days. nothing.

But the Qishan Islands are still filled with an atmosphere of war. The courtyards belonging to various major sects on the Sisan Islands are full of people. The streets are full of Taoist priests walking in a hurry. There are often young low-level Taoist priests who stop and look in admiration. He stared at the back of a figure who had just passed by, and excitedly introduced to his companions that this was a famous demon-slayer.

The expensive room fees are waived for Taoist disciples, but the casual cultivators and demons protected by Qishan do not enjoy the slightest discount. They are also under closer surveillance and are not allowed to leave the island where the inn is located without permission. There is only one hour a day to go to the Central Goto Market, and you are no longer invited to participate in demon slaying.

Most Qishan disciples live on the outlying islands. The small island in the middle serves as a market, and the rare building, one of the nine great treasures, is built on it.

Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang went there twice. They were very satisfied with the market, but a little disappointed with the Zhenqi Building.

This is a very old three-story wooden building, built on the road to the only pier. The bottom floor is transparent for pedestrians to come and go. The second floor is occupied by Qishan disciples who sit in the market. The third floor is dedicated to an oil lamp that has never been extinguished since it was lit. It is said that it will shine suddenly when unfair fraud occurs in the market.

Mu Xingqiu watched for a while, but couldn't see anything. Compared with the Patriarch Tower and the Sword Washing Pool, the Zhenqi Tower is really a bit shabby.

The products in the market did not disappoint him at all. They had everything they wanted and were enough to dazzle. Spend all your money in the blink of an eye. Pure gold and silver as well as gold and silver are acceptable currencies, and barter is common.

Yang Qingyin sold dozens of old magical artifacts she brought from home.

She got a total of seven gold souls and one silver soul, plus a few taels of gold and silver, which was far from what she spent on washing the magic weapon in Yashan.

She was elated while selling it, but afterwards she felt she had been cheated. He complained to Zhenqilou, "The fairness lamp is not effective at all. I have obviously been cheated, and it doesn't shine."

Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang made a small fortune. The hard shell of the World-Destroying Xuanwu was indeed a treasure, less than an hour after leaving the sea. It began to become transparent and yellow, like a huge piece of amber. The two specially consulted someone and learned that this thing was not very helpful in refining magic weapons, but it was the favorite treasure of the mortal princes, so they sold it, which even caused a small commotion in the market.

For twenty gold souls, a guy who looked a bit like a demon tribe paid the highest price. After paying one-tenth of the tax, the two of them got eighteen gold souls in total, which was enough to buy better weapon refining materials. .

Yang Qingyin, Xin Youtao, and Xiao Qingtao each have family support and carry enough money with them. In comparison, Shen Hao becomes a poor man. His uncle is just a businessman in Xijie City and cannot afford so much gold and silver, so he has another I thought of a way - rent my nephew to Long Binhui.

"When I reach the realm of Fengxia, I will go to Longbinhui in Xijie City for three days every year to help them add magic to the talismans for a total of ten years. My uncle sold me for a good price, five gold souls."

The best talismans require magical blessings. Longbinhui itself maintains a group of practitioners and has fixed connections with the Nine Dao Traditions, but it is far from meeting the demand, so it can only seek help from Taoist priests privately. Most Taoist priests are devoted to cultivation and have no connection with Long Binhui, and they have no businessman uncle to connect them. Shen Hao is very precious to them.

Xin Youtao felt that he had suffered a loss, "The price should at least be doubled, but you are only inhaling three times now. It is difficult to say whether you can reach the realm of dining in the future. It is probably for this reason that Long Bin will not pay a big price."

The prince was still sharp in his words, but Shen Hao was not angry. In the past few days since Mu Xingqiu was away, the two had become good friends. The direct reason was that Shen Hao blocked a ball of demon fire for Xin Youtao in a battle. Yang Qingyin was very angry about this. Disdainfully, "That demonic fire poses no threat at all. Even if it burns you, it won't kill you."

But Xin Youtao still felt the camaraderie of fighting and was even willing to share his golden soul with Shen Hao. Shen Hao declined cautiously. He already owed a debt to Long Binhui and never wanted to owe another debt.

On the third day after returning to Qishan, Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang were called to see Yang Baozhen.

The Pangshan Five Elements Department was the main force in assisting in the defense of Qishan. They sent a total of more than 40 Taoist priests of all levels. The leader was Yang Baozhen. She handed the magic scroll that the half-demon Feiba regarded as a treasure to Mu Xingqiu. "The Qishan Forbidden Secret Department has understood the text above. It is indeed written in the demonic language. It is a historical biography of the demonic race that confuses black and white. There are no secrets. However, the scroll itself is made of the spider material of the long-extinct seven-star demon spider. Made of silk, it's very rare. Maybe someone paid for it. The two of you caught the half-demon. This is your trophy."

Yang Baozhen's husband was possessed by a demon. One of his sons had been missing for five years, and one of his sons was living in the mortal world and could never return to Pangshan Ancestor Peak. These events were all related to Mu Xingqiu, but she did not show any emotional changes at all. It's completely businesslike.

Mu Xingqiu admired this female Taoist priest because he knew that Yang Baozhen actually hated him very much.

"Is Feiba telling the truth? Is there a demon clan insider in the Taoist order?"

As a low-level Taoist priest, Mu Xingqiu was not qualified to ask such questions. So Yang Baozhen answered perfunctorily, "We used mind control techniques on him. His memory is very confusing, and he can't distinguish between imagination and reality, but through him, we know more about Mr. Yishi."

"Pangshan is doing a lot of things." Yang Baozhen said in an obvious tone of excluding guests.

After leaving the living room, Mu Xingqiu said to Fangfang: "Do you have this feeling? We are like guests of Pangshan. Although we practice there and claim to be Pangshan Taoist priests, we are not qualified to participate in the 'things' there?" "

Fangfang did not laugh this time, but thought carefully for a while, "Pangshan's purpose is probably to let us concentrate on our practice."

Mu Xingqiu nodded and said nothing more. The mind control technique can dig out a person's entire memory. No matter how many secrets Feiba hides in his heart, the high-level Taoist priests already know everything about them and there is really no need for him to worry about them.

Yang Qingyin and others were waiting for them, "Let's go to the night market later, buy the last few materials, and leave tomorrow. There is no fighting here in Qishan. We have to refine the magic weapon as soon as possible, and we can still catch up with Luanjing Mountain. decisive battle."

The night market is slightly different from that during the day, and the products are almost unchanged. However, both buyers and sellers like to cover their faces in various ways, and the transaction process is relatively simple. It usually ends in a few words, and occasionally someone will buy something good at a very low price.

This is considered a fair deal. The oil lamp upstairs will not emit light as a result.

The demon clan likes the night market the most. The darkness and hood can reduce their contact with Taoist priests. Those demon clan who have lived in Qishan all year round rely on the night market to afford the high room rates.

Xin Youtao inquired in detail, "There are many specialties in the land of monsters and the deep sea. Except for monsters, ordinary people cannot get them at all. For example, magic bell grass only grows in the far north and is one of the important raw materials of the elixir family. , you can get Qishan and sell it for a good price, and then use it to buy magical weapons made by Taoism, and the two parties can exchange what they have."

Yang Qingyin greatly regretted it. If she had known this, the magic weapons she brought would have been sold at the night market.

After all, Qishan is one of the Nine Great Traditions. Most demon clans do not like to show their faces here, so they always use various methods to transport goods to Qishan and then entrust the demon merchants who live here to resell them. This is a complex and secretive business chain. Qishan only collects one-tenth of the tax and prohibits private transactions outside the Central Five Islands. Other than that, it does not matter.

Qishan is a peculiar Taoism. Except for a few people guarding the Instant Platform, Mu Xingqiu has almost never seen Qishan Taoist priests on the island. In the war with the sea monster, Taoist priests from other Taoisms also acted as the main force. There were also Taoist priests from Zhongwu Island. There were only a few Taoist priests sitting in formation on the second floor of Zhenqi Building, and they rarely went downstairs. Mu Xingqiu didn't see any of them.

Apart from the rare building, there are no other buildings on Zhongwu Island. There is never bad weather here. Sellers stand on the roadside, set up stalls in front of them, or place their goods directly on the ground. Some bulky items had to be placed on the boat and the buyer compared them along the coast.

Mu Xingqiu has already bought the materials, and he wants to sell the magic scroll this time.

He came a little late and walked around the island before finding an inconspicuous corner. He and Bald Man stood there waiting for the buyer, while Yang Qingyin and others continued to wander around. In addition to magic weapon materials, they also wanted to buy some fun things. s things.

The island is very dark, wwnh.co This is not a problem for Taoist priests. Casual cultivators and demons also have their own methods. Mu Xingqiu saw many bright eyes, and the light emitted allowed the owner to see the goods clearly.

He did not cover his face like the others, nor did he hawk loudly. The bald man was happy to do it for him, selling magic scrolls to everyone who passed by. Many people were attracted to him, and one demon tribe even inquired about the head seriously. The price was scolded by the bald man and ran away.

Someone remembered that this Taoist priest once sold a piece of Xuanwu hard shell, so he came to ask, but not many people were interested in the magic scroll. Although it was rare, there was nothing special about it. An unidentified businessman checked it for a long time and only agreed Offering a silver coin to buy it, Mu Xingqiu refused.

An hour later, Yang Qingyin and others came back and bought a lot of things, preparing to go back to the inn to rest. Mu Xingqiu didn't want to sell anymore and headed to the dock with everyone.

On the way, he bumped into a buyer who came over.

Non-demon Hong Futian, on behalf of Pingping Taoist Du Fangfeng, wants to buy this magic scroll at a high price. The only requirement is that Mu Xingqiu must deliver it to his door.

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