
Chapter 176 Water Thief

As an ordinary casual cultivator, Du Fangfeng, who is more than a hundred years old, is almost in his twilight years, but his appearance does not show it at all. He is not tall, but still straight, and his hair is as thick as a young man's. The standard Taoist style, with a jade hairpin of excellent quality, wearing a light and soft robe like a common aristocrat, with a dazzling pearl inlaid on each toe of the shoe.

This was completely different from the thief Mu Xingqiu expected from the Sword Washing Pond.

Being trapped in Qishan for more than fifty years, being constantly monitored by Yashan Taoist priests, not daring to step out of the island, and being burdened with expensive room fees, all of this is enough to defeat a strong-willed person, but it seems that It was Du Fangfeng's favorite and most comfortable life. Although the house he lived in was as shabby as the other buildings on Si'er Island, it was decorated comfortably and elegantly inside, like a hermit's residence uncontested by the world.

Mu Xingqiu stood in the small living room, with the soft and luxurious carpet under her feet, feeling a little nervous. This tension comes from the unexpected contrast and curiosity, just like the feeling you get when you come home and suddenly find a room full of strangers standing with your parents.

"Sit down, young man." Du Fangfeng said with a smile, turned around and lay on a recliner, covered his legs with a thin blanket, his upright figure immediately showed a trace of decadence, "Forgive me for being rude, for Maintaining my appearance consumes almost all my mana, and naturally I have no way to maintain my health. My legs are as fragile as porcelain, so I have to treat them with care."

Du Fangfeng is not a handsome man. His complexion is slightly dark, his eyes are not big enough, and his nose is not straight enough. However, he has an extremely confident and charming temperament. In the eyes of other men, he may be a bit pretentious and feel that he is old and disrespectful. In the eyes of some women, this centenarian man's age is enough to be ignored.

Mu Xingqiu originally came to admire the thief's style, but he didn't expect to see such a person. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, so he sat on a soft chair opposite Du Fangfeng. "Are you going to buy a magic scroll?"

"Yes." Du Fangfeng said calmly. He seemed not very interested in the scroll and kept his eyes on Mu Xingqiu. "You are different from what I imagined."

Mu Xingqiu was slightly startled, because this was exactly what he thought about Du Fangfeng, and he didn't think he would give the other person an impression in advance, "You just need to imagine that I am an ordinary Pangshan Taoist priest.

Du Fangfeng laughed twice, glanced at Hong Futian at the door, and said, "Can I take a look at your magic scroll?"

Mu Xingqiu took out the scroll from his arms and Hong Futian walked over. Passed it to Du Fangfeng for him, and then sat on the chair next to Mu Xingqiu, "Before we discuss the deal, I want to say a few words to you first."

Mu Xingqiu nodded. On the way, he had already sensed that this non-demon cultivator had something to say.

Du Fangfeng looked at the ancient scroll carefully under the light.

He didn't care at all about the conversation between the two.

"Later, you can tell the conversation between us to Yashan Taoist priest intact, but I can guarantee that no one can overhear the sound here. This is not only the guarantee of Qishan Taoism, but also the Taoist priest Ping Ping's fifty years of experience. Something that has long been confirmed.”

Mu Xingqiu nodded again. If there were no accidents, he really had to tell Shen Jiyi the details of this visit. This was the mutual help that the orthodox should have, and he would not abandon it just because of two casual cultivators.

"The war has begun." Hong Futian's tone was always too formal and solemn. Although there is nothing wrong with using it in something like war, it still feels awkward.

"I know that this won't be the first war between Taoism and the demon clan, and it probably won't be the last," Mu Xingqiu said. Wondering why he was chosen by Hongfu Tian.

"Daoism and the demon clan have a common enemy. The two sides should unite rather than fight to the death."

Mu Xingqiu glanced at Du Fangfeng, "You are wasting your time. I am just an ordinary Pangshan Taoist priest. I am not even qualified to participate in this war, let alone prevent the war and allow the Taoism and the demon clan to unite. No way."

"Everything is impossible at the beginning. Hong Futian's expression became eager, which reminded Mu Xingqiu of Granny Mei. "It was also impossible for Taoism to defeat the demons hundreds of thousands of years ago. I know your identity, and I never thought about letting the war end today. I just wanted to... plant a seed. "


"Well, this world is in the hands of the Nine Dao Tong. Most mortals have no feeling about it, and ordinary Taoist priests may not have much understanding. There is no doubt that Dao Tong holds the most powerful power, but Dao Tong is far from it. With all the power in hand, there will come a time when Taoism will think of uniting with the demon clan and be willing to use the power of ordinary mortals. By then you will probably no longer be an ordinary Pangshan Taoist priest. I hope you will remember: the desire to unite has always been there , Daotong just needs to reach out.”

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, "Okay, I remember." He hoped that this would end the conversation.

Hong Futian smiled, stood up and said loudly: "I knew you could accept my statement. I observed carefully a few days ago that only a few of the dozens of Taoist priests did not look down upon the casual cultivators and monsters. You You are one of them. When I heard Feiba's story, I became even more convinced that you are a person with few prejudices..."

"Wait a minute, have you seen Feiba?" Mu Xingqiu thought that Qishan Taoist Priest would imprison this half-demon.

"Yes, Qishan gave him a three-month asylum period, and then he had to pay the rent. He was trying to raise money, and he said everywhere that a magic scroll was robbed." Hong Futian glanced at Du Fangfeng's hand "But everyone told him that there are incompatible demons outside Qishan, so it is normal for the magic scroll to be taken away."

"I know." Mu Xingqiu didn't need anyone to tell him these things. Feiba was a half-demon, a prisoner he rescued and captured. Even Yang Baozhen recognized that the scroll was his and Fangfang's trophy.

"And the magic paper can't help him much." Du Fangfeng said, placing the scroll on the small table next to him, "This is indeed a very ancient magic paper, woven with the silk of the Seven-Star Demon Spider. , it's a pity that a fool wrote on it. He thought that using magic words could make the paper more valuable. In fact, it was a waste of money. What was originally worth a few gold souls can now only be sold for three or four silver souls. Well, you need to meet someone who knows the business.”

Hong Futian hummed, not paying much attention to this trivial matter, and continued to say to Mu Xingqiu: "If possible, I hope you can tell other Taoist priests, such as Yashan Taoist priests, that Fei Ba is much more trustworthy than Yin Shengqian."

"It's him. Yin Shengqian is now a guest of Qishan Taoism. I originally thought that he was here for the alliance, but later I found out that he was a liar. He provided information about the Kraken, which will contain the Taoism's power in the south, but the scale A bigger attack will inevitably come from the north, and an unprecedentedly large demon army is gathering in the land of demons."

"Feiba told you this?"

"Feiba said something, and there are other sources of information. Rogue cultivators have more contacts with the demon clan. In Qishan, we are treated the same. Feiba said that there are insiders in the tradition. This is a new situation. ”

"Dao Tong understands these things and knows everything about them." Mu Xingqiu carefully did not mention the mind control skills. He came to listen, not to talk. Even if the information he had was pitiful, he would not reveal it to anyone. A casual cultivator who believes in the Ancient God Religion.

In fact, he felt a little strange that Hong Futian did not mention the ancient gods as frequently as Granny Mei, nor did he show the statue.

"That's good." Hong Futian was about to say goodbye and walked outside, "I hope you can remember my words. The lifespan of a casual cultivator is only slightly longer than that of a mortal. I may not survive the moment when the demons return to the world. It is possible for you, so mark my words, the will to unite is always there.”

"Okay." Mu Xingqiu replied briefly, already regretting coming here.

Hong Futian thought of something and patted his forehead lightly, "Hongshan is the Hongshan Taoist Tradition."

"What happened to Hongshan?"

"What the Northern Demon really wants to attack is Hongshan. The internal information Feiba mentioned is probably hidden in Hongshan. Because of the existence of the Hongshan Instantaneous Platform, the Nine Dao Traditions can form a mutually aiding whole. Destroying the Instantaneous Platform will I guess this is the conspiracy of the Bei Yao to isolate each family."

"Thanks for the reminder." Mu Xingqiu showed that he was not surprised at all by the news.

Hong Futian probably had already discussed this with Du Fangfeng, so he nodded and exited the room, leaving the two of them to talk alone.

Du Fangfeng patted the scroll on the table and said, "I suggest you keep it for yourself. You won't be able to sell it for a good price."

"Okay." Mu Xingqiu did not get up and take back the magic scroll. He knew that Du Fangfeng had something else to say, and the so-called deal was just an excuse.

Du Fangfeng moved his body and spread the thin blanket on his legs again. He looked like a frail patient, but not as old as a dragon. "Fifty-one years, www.anh. I never imagined that nearly half of my life would be like this." When I spent time in this small house, I always treated it as a temporary residence and didn’t even do much to clean it up.”

Mu Xingqiu felt that even if he had money and time, he would not be able to clean up such a house. He could not see the many calligraphy and paintings on the walls. Looking around, he could not even name many of the furnishings. Purpose, "This place is good, much better than the residence of Taoist disciples."

"Haha, Taoist priests are ruthless and do not pay attention to worldly enjoyment, so they have a long life span. However, most casual cultivators are reluctant to part with these beautiful things. As a result, they can only live a few decades longer than ordinary people. This is a gain and a loss. This is equality."

Du Fangfeng's self-titled Taoist Equality stems from this idea. He sighed, seeming to regret his choice, and then said: "In fifty-one years, I have been burdened with a bottle of water for half my life, but she turned a blind eye. This is inequality, fifty-one years is nothing to mention in her eyes.”

"Who?" Mu Xingqiu was confused.

"The wind in Luanjing Mountain is like darkness. I have been waiting for her for a long time, but she never showed up. You are my last hope."

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