
Chapter 184 The crime of studying the heart

The writing on the scroll was too blurry, as if it had been soaked in water, leaving only faint ink marks. Mu Xingqiu had been observing for a long time but could not figure out why. He just confirmed that this was the same as what Yishi Jun had left before. The magic text under it must be different. At this time, there was the sound of footsteps outside, and he hurriedly put away the scroll.

Yang Qingyin stood at the door, "Aren't you practicing boxing?"

"I haven't started practicing yet."

"Then come and go for a walk with me."


"Hey, don't use this tone, as if I want to trick you. I just met a very interesting Taoist priest from Qishan. He wants to get to know the only successor of Nianxin Science in the Nine Dao Tradition."


"Qishan Taoist priests, how rare they are. Apart from the wooden Taoist priests next to Qishan Instant Platform, how many Qishan Taoist priests can you meet? Especially those who are willing to talk."

It is indeed very rare. Zhaoshan Taoist priests are known as "hermits", but you can occasionally bump into one or two. In Qishan, where people come and go, it is extremely rare to see one of your own Taoist priests.

This Qishan Taoist priest's name is Yang Qingyuan. Although the middle character is different, he sounds like Yang Qingyin's contemporaries. When the two first met, they were indeed ranked in the same class. After going up three generations, Yang Qingyin immediately ended the relationship. In a game, she didn't want to be several generations shorter than the opponent all of a sudden.

When Mu Xingqiu and Yang Qingyin came to the beach, Yang Qingyuan and Fangfang were sitting on an overturned log and chatting happily. The bald man stood warily between them, looking back from time to time to see Xiao Qiu's figure. He immediately cheered loudly and was relieved.

The setting sun has completely set below the sea surface, leaving only a trace of deep red, like half-burned charcoal. The beach is flat, the waves are lazy, and there are a few logs scattered far and near for rest.

The nights in Zhaoshan are not very dark either. When Qishan disciple Yang Qingyuan heard the cheers from the head, he immediately stood up and politely extended the Taoist gift to the newcomer.

This is a handsome young man, his face shows the usual calmness and shyness of a person who has read poetry and books, and he seems to be a little uncomfortable with this gathering.

He came to Qishan to refine jade Ruyi. He arrived a little later than the Pangshan disciples and missed the best jade-making time in Shuyu. He had to wait until tomorrow. When he was walking on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Zhaoshan, he met Pangshan disciples Qin Lingshuang and Yang Qingyin.

Several people met again. Even the bald man used two strands of hair to make an orthodox gesture, leaving only one strand of hair for support, causing him to stagger.

Yang Qingyuan is a disciple of Qishan Forbidden Secrets.

Therefore, we had many topics in common with Fangfang. After Yang Qingyin and Mu Xingqiu joined in, the conversation turned into casual conversation. Qishan disciple was not cold at all, and soon became familiar with Pangshan disciple, citing scriptures. Quite talkative.

It turns out that most of Qishan's disciples live on the five easternmost islands, and the rules are extremely strict. Any disciple who goes to other islands without permission will be expelled by taking the pill at one time. "The people in Qishan are complex, and there are many Taoists and demons. In order not to affect the disciples' practice, such strict rules are formulated."

"But why does Qishan protect demons? Do we have to do their business?" Yang Qingyin asked. Although she is a daughter of the Taoist sect, she has never understood this truth.

"There is no way. Although Taoism and the demon clan are enemies, they still need to communicate with each other. The land of demons is vast and boundless, filled with a large amount of unclean air left by the ancient demon clan. It is very troublesome for Taoist priests to go deep into it. The demon clan It is possible to move forward unimpeded. Without them, the Honglu, Shengong, Shuyu, and Dengzhu departments of the Nine Dao Tradition would probably not be able to continue."

"Why is the market arranged in Qishan? It is the farthest away from the land of monsters." Mu Xingqiu asked.

"This will cut off the connection between the demon tribe and the land of demons. They can only come across the ocean a little bit. In fact, the demon tribe has more demand for various items from the Taoist and Holy Talisman Dynasties. As for the Southern Siren, Most of them are beasts with low intelligence and are nothing to be afraid of.”

"We are going to Luanjing Mountain to participate in the battle. The sea monsters are pretty powerful, like the world-destroying Xuanwu and the Iron-spine Dragon." Yang Qingyin didn't want the enemies she was about to face to be "not scary".

"Well, the sea monster this time is a little different. It is said that a large number of northern monsters participated and even persuaded strange beasts like the World-Destroying Xuanwu. But they will not succeed. Didn't the iron-spine dragon clan betray the monster clan? Jiao King Yin Sheng Qianqin went to Qishan and said that the Tiejiao clan was being squeezed out. He also promised that as long as the Taoist system could open up a side, many Siren clans would withdraw from the war.

Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang looked at each other and said, "We once saw a group of dragons on the sea. They seemed to be Yin Shengqian's tribe. They looked... quite happy. They didn't look like they were avoiding the monsters at all."

Yang Qingyuan was only a Taoist priest in the inhalation realm and didn't know much about the overall situation. He gave a long hum and said, "Even if Yin Shengqian has a conspiracy, he can't hide it from the Taoist tradition. Maybe the high-level Taoist priests are pretending to agree, but they are actually secretly prepared."

Nine masters gathered in Luanjing Mountain. The few low-level Taoist priests did not need to pay too much attention to the movements of the demon clan. Yang Qingyin only hoped to refine the main magic weapon quickly so that he could participate in the upcoming war.

The topic quickly turned to Yashan's unfortunate incident, and Yang Qingyuan couldn't help but laugh, "The Taoist disciples are quite lucky. They were released after the test. The same cannot be said for those casual cultivators and monsters. Even if they have clean swords on their clothes, Chi's spiritual power has been absorbed and he cannot leave the market. It is said that Yashan is worried that Du Fangfeng will use special means to transfer part of his spiritual power to someone. If it cannot be detected now, it will take effect in the future. "

Mu Xingqiu quietly pressed the treasure bag on his waist, feeling vaguely uneasy, hoping to end the journey of refining the magic weapon as soon as possible. In any case, he wanted to return to Pangshan and tell Lin Sa about the blood drop.

The two Forbidden Secrets disciples looked at each other. They knew more about these things. Finally, Yang Qingyuan spoke, "Yashan Sword Washing Pool is not simple. It is a treasure left by the first three ancestors. Even if only a drop of spiritual power leaks out, , will also damage the whole and reduce the effect. There is actually another reason why Yashan has not allowed outsiders to approach the sword-washing pool for these years. I thought the matter was finally over, but I didn't expect Du Fangfeng to make such a move. "

Mu Xingqiu became more and more uneasy. He knew very well how much the Taoist priests valued the treasure of Zhenshan. However, when he thought of all the rude behaviors of Yashan Taoist priests, he decided to let Taoist priest Lao Zufeng step forward to resolve the matter. Even in the end To return that drop of blood, he didn't want to step forward himself.

"Can only a drop of blood...a drop of spiritual power wash a magical weapon?" Mu Xingqiu casually touched the bald man's head. His question was still on my mind.

"This... I don't know much about it." Yang Qingyuan said embarrassedly, suddenly leaning over and asking in a low voice: "Have you been to the Xingshan Demon-Batting Cave?"

Several people nodded, and Mu Xingqiu asked, "Has Xingshan found out the cause of the vibration?"

Yang Qingyuan happened to arrive an hour later than the Pangshan disciples, and saw and heard more. "It was found out that several prisoners tried to break out of the Demon Drawing Cave, but naturally they failed miserably." Yang Qingyuan stared at Mu Xingqiu, " I heard that these prisoners seem to be related to the Department of Cardiology.”

Yang Qingyin suddenly realized, "It turns out that the successors of Nian Xin Ke were imprisoned in the Demon-Batting Cave. Once their fellow disciples left, they thought they could be saved... Mu Xingqiu, didn't you feel the voice of your seniors? You were in the Patriarch's Tower once upon a time. The best at this.”

Yang Qingyuan's eyes flashed, showing more curiosity. Mu Xingqiu raised his head and pretended to think for a while, "No, if there is something special, the Xingshan Taoist priests probably won't let me go."

This sentence ends the discussion. Yang Qingyuan was slightly disappointed, "That's right. The successors of Nianxin - I'm not talking about fellow seekers, but those of the previous generation - deserve their punishment. If they escape, the world will be in chaos again."

"Do you know about Nian Xin Ke? Why were the previous generations of descendants imprisoned in the Demon Cave?" Mu Xingqiu has always been very curious about Nian Xin Ke, but Taoist Pangshan was unwilling to talk to him in detail. Will understand.

Each Taoist tradition has different methods of cultivating disciples. Yang Qingyuan is also a Taoist priest of the Forbidden Secrets in the realm of inhalation, but he is allowed to have contact with a much wider field than Fangfang, and he actually has some understanding of the mind science. Therefore, he was quite proud of himself, and there was a sense of mystery in his voice.

"Nianxinke is obsessed with quick spells and boxing skills, and looks down on the slower but more powerful Five Elements spells. Originally, this is nothing. The eighteen Taoist subjects complement each other. But -" Yang Qingyuan looked at Mu Xing with a strange look. Qiu, "The successors of Nian Xin Ke abused their mortal and Taoist fate and harmed many Taoist priests. As a result, they were imprisoned in the Devil's Cave."

"Abusing mortal and Taoist fate?" Mu Xingqiu was shocked. He had always thought that Nian Xinke had done some treacherous crime, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of thing.

"Under normal circumstances, Taoist priests will only experience mortal and Taoist fate once in their lives - some people don't even have one, and there is no need to go through the love tribulation - after cutting it off, the practice will advance by leaps and bounds. The successors of Nian Xin Ke took advantage of this, Frequently forming relationships and frequently breaking relationships in order to achieve the goal of quickly increasing their strength. Although it is against the rules, it does not matter, but they only care about their own practice, regardless of whether the other party has reached the moment of breaking off the relationship. As a result, it has delayed the practice of many Taoist priests, some of whom It was originally quite powerful, but it stopped moving forward because of this.”

Yang Qingyin and Bald Zi laughed at the same time, looking at Mu Xingqiu differently. Fangfang pursed her lips and smiled, and she also thought it was interesting. Only Mu Xingqiu felt annoyed, and finally understood why Lin Sa always stopped talking, "I will never do that."

"Of course." Yang Qingyuan said in a casual tone, "There is a tradition of one subject, one subject. The Nianxin Department has been discontinued for many years, and the trend has also been broken. You can choose to take the right path."

After saying that, Yang Qingyuan suddenly stood up and said, "Oh, it's time for evening practice. It's a great honor to meet several Taoist friends today. I hope we have the opportunity to meet again in the future."

"After you refine the magic weapon, you can go to Luanjing Mountain to kill demons together." Yang Qingyin enthusiastically extended the invitation.

Yang Qingyuan thought for a while, ww.a. com showed a smile, "It's okay, as a Taoist priest, you must have some experience in slaying demons, so that's it, see you at Luanjing Mountain."

Several people saluted and said goodbye, Yang Qingyuan specifically said to Fangfang: "As far as I know, there is also a senior fellow in the Qishan Forbidden Secret Department who studies the art of breaking pills. Why don't we contact each other after we go back, or go to Pangshan, or come to Qishan , which brought the two fellow Taoists together. Alas, it’s a shame that fellow Taoist Lan came to Qishan and we didn’t know about it.”

Fangfang agreed and Yang Qingyuan said goodbye and left. Yang Qingyin was still laughing uncontrollably, and the bald man said loudly: "Brother Xiaoqiu, from now on, you should make more connections with others, both mortal and Taoist."

Mu Xingqiu paid no attention to anyone and thought to himself, this was the reason why the eleventh-level illusion of Nian Xin Ke was progressing rapidly, and he would never take this path.

A few people were preparing to go back to their rooms to rest when a group of Taoist priests came running from a distance. They were all vying for the first place, and they were all shouting Mu Xingqiu's name.

Yang Qingyin looked at it for a while and said in surprise: "Isn't that the Taoist priest from Yashan and Xingshan?"

Mu Xingqiu's heart sank.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued...) \u003c!--flag00xs--\u003e

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