
Chapter 185 The sought-after scroll

None of the Nine Daoist Orders allow outsiders to cast spells at will in their territory. This is both a rule and a guarantee of numerous prohibitions. Zhaoshan will certainly not be an exception. Seven Yashan Taoist priests and five Xingshan Taoist priests had to run all the way here on two legs. , surrounded several Pangshan disciples on the beach.

"Mu Xingqiu, come with us." The two Taoist priests said at the same time, but they represented different Taoist traditions.

The bald man growled threateningly on Mu Xingqiu's shoulder, revealing two rows of gapped teeth. Yang Qingyin was about to speak when Mu Xingqiu patted the bald man on the head, stepped forward and said, "What do you want from me? "

"You -" Several Taoist priests spoke at the same time, glanced at each other, then shut up at the same time, staring at each other for a while. Finally, Shen Jiyi spoke first. He put on clean clothes, but his face was exhausted. , forcing a smile, "Where's the magic scroll? The one Du Fangfeng wrote on."

"What's wrong with the magic scroll?" Mu Xingqiu asked knowingly, but Yashan and Xingshan's reaction speed was still beyond his expectation.

"There may be something wrong." Shen Jiyi looked very kind. Seeing that Mu Xingqiu had no intention of handing it over immediately, he explained: "Half-demon Feiba was also in the market, with a lot of blood on his body and mouth. He keeps talking about the magic scroll. We just detected him not long ago. He said... 'It would be better if the magic scroll is still on him, and it won't be stained with so much blood.'"

Feiba was full of lies, but he knew a lot about the magic scrolls. Yashan most likely used mind control techniques, and found from a bunch of chaotic memories that the magic scrolls could suck blood. It might be correct.

Mu Xingqiu knew that he could no longer hide it, so he took out the scroll from the treasure bag and was about to hand it to Shen Jiyi when another Xingshan Taoist priest rushed forward and said, "Wait, is this the magic scroll?"

"Yes." Mu Xingqiu said.

The Xingshan Taoist priests looked at each other, and the man said, "I am Xingshan Taoist Priest Jin Bailian, and your name is Mu Xingqiu. Are you a disciple of Pangshan Nianxinke? Is there magic writing written on this scroll?"

"Yes." Mu Xingqiu said again, knowing that this unloved magic scroll had become a hot commodity.

Jin Bailian breathed a sigh of relief, "We found some magic ashes at the entrance of the Devil's Cave. I wonder if it is related to your scroll?"

"See for yourselves. Mu Xingqiu held the scroll and stretched out his arms.

Shen Jiyi and Jin Bailian stretched out their hands at the same time, and then retracted their hands at the same time. They looked at each other and suddenly laughed at the same time, giving each other Taoist rituals. Only then did all the Taoist priests around them remember that they were too rude. Then the Taoist priests from the three Taoist traditions bowed to each other, and the beach became peaceful, while the tense atmosphere disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shen and Jin humbly moved away from each other and talked in low voices.

The other Yashan and Xingshan Taoist priests also turned around and chatted, but kept looking at Mu Xingqiu.

Yang Qingyin said loudly: "You guys chat slowly, we are going back to the room to rest, we have to go to Wandi Mountain tomorrow."

This is Zhaoshan, and Mu Xingqiu has nowhere to escape. Shen Jiyi and Jin Bailian spoke faster, and the former said: "Please go and rest first. As for who should give the magic scroll in the hands of fellow seekers, we will decide later."

Once inside. Yang Qingyin closed the door and looked Mu Xingqiu up and down several times, "I just said that there was something wrong with your expression today. There is indeed something wrong with you. You concealed it well enough."

When things came to a close, Mu Xingqiu became less nervous and spread out the magic scroll on the table. First let Yang Qingyin and Fangfang look at the blood drops on the back, then turn it over and let them look at the front. The place where the characters were originally written was now empty, except for a few lines of small words written by Du Fangfeng in the upper margin.

The bald man was also watching, and said confusedly: "What are we looking at?"

Mu Xingqiu briefly recounted his experience in the Demon-Breaking Cave. As for the blood stains, he didn't know what was going on.

Fangfang rolled up the scroll and handed it to Mu Xingqiu, "The magic scroll cannot be handed over."

"Yes, we can't hand it over, we keep the good things for ourselves." Bald Man said immediately.

Mu Xingqiu put the scroll back into the treasure bag, "I want Lin Dujiao to check the scroll.

"Lin Dujiao is a suitable candidate. In short, this scroll cannot be handed over to outsiders. It may contain important secrets and should be brought back to Pangshan." Fangfang said.

The two of them looked at Yang Qingyin, who was looking down and frowning. She seemed to be making a difficult decision.

"Of course you can't hand it over." Yang Qingyin raised her head, slightly surprised, "I'm thinking about how to get rid of the group of Taoist priests outside. They will definitely not give up."

"Let me handle it later." Mu Xingqiu said, thinking that he could take advantage of the conflict between Xingshan and Yashan to temporarily leave the scroll.

"You handle it?" Yang Qingyin curled her lips disdainfully, "They will tear you and the scroll in half and take away a copy each. Well... you try to delay as long as possible, and I will find a way."

"I guess she contacted the leader of Pangshan, or even the grandmaster himself." Mu Xingqiu said that he would not be surprised if Yang Qingyin could find Ning Qiwei himself.

Shen Jiyi and Jin Bailian entered the house one after another, obviously not completely settled.

Taoist priest Xingshan spoke first, with a serious expression, like a miracle doctor announcing his illness, "Friends, you don't need to say more, you should understand that the commotion among the prisoners in the Nianxin Department today is directed at you, and the magic text does have some effect on her. It has an obvious resistance effect, but we still need to check you to see if there are any future problems, which will also be good for you. "

Mu Xingqiu said: "The magic text is actually useless. In the end, I used the Five Elements spell to defeat the successors of Nianxin. None of them escaped, right?"

"That's true, but..."

Shen Jiyi stepped forward and nodded to Jin Bailian, indicating that it was his turn to speak. This was the only compromise the two of them reached, "First of all, I have to apologize. I originally agreed to accompany several fellow Taoists to refine magic weapons together." , but quit midway. But Asan has never treated you badly, and the reception can be considered warm. Now that Asan is encountering difficulties, whether it is public or private, emotional or rational, friends should lend a helping hand. "

"You're right." Mu Xingqiu admitted, taking out the scroll from the treasure bag and turning it to the side with the blood drop, "Just one drop, please take it."

Shen Jiyi was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "I hope fellow seekers can bring the magic scroll with me to Yashan. Du Fangfeng has many evil spells. He just sucks away the blood drops. I'm afraid he won't be able to fully understand the truth. ”

"Sorry." Mu Xingqiu bowed slightly, "I am a disciple of Pangshan, and the scroll can be regarded as belonging to Pangshan. Without the order of the leader or the master, I can neither hand over the scroll nor go to another lineage casually."

Shen Jiyi and Jin Bailian were originally competitors, but their faces darkened at the same time. Unexpectedly, Mu Xingqiu, who was still very casual on the beach, refused to hand over the scroll, so they looked at each other and decided Change strategy.

It was Jin Bailian who spoke first, "Mu Xingqiu, you caused a commotion in Ba Mo Cave. This is not a small matter. Xingshan can definitely recover you through the Discipline Department, but in that case, you will be guilty. It will be very detrimental to your future practice.”

The persuasion turned into a threat. Just as Mu Xingqiu was about to speak, Shen Jiyi refused to lag behind. He stepped forward and said, "Mu Xingqiu, do you remember the one-year agreement? If you want this head to survive, you'd better do it." You'd better go to Asan with me."

Shen Jiyi was usually amiable, but under the influence of Jin Bailian, he was eager to win this fight and became rude in his words. There was even a cruel look on his handsome face.

The bald man was confused, "What's wrong with me?"

Mu Xingqiu said to him, "It's okay. As long as I'm here, you will be fine."

The bald man smiled, and then showed his teeth to the two outsiders. He believed in Brother Xiaoqiu when he was still in Yelin Town, and he believed it even more now.

Shen Jiyi raised his head and laughed, "So you want to steal a drop of spiritual energy in the sword washing pool and use it to wash away the marks on the head! Haha, Mu Xingqiu, you are too naive. It is not that easy to cast spells on strangers' magic weapons. If you don’t have the skills of Asan Divine Engineering, it’s best not to act rashly.”

Mu Xingqiu did have this thought, but it was just a fleeting thought. He did not take it seriously. As for stealing spiritual energy, he had never even thought about it. After hearing Shen Jiyi's words, he couldn't help but feel angry. He put the scroll into his treasure bag and said loudly: "I have already told you, Grandmaster Pangshan and the head of the Forbidden Secret Department, I only obey the orders of these two people, please forgive me for not making decisions without authorization."

Jin Bailian didn't hide it, "It's impossible for the magic text to take the initiative to attack the prisoners in the Nianxin Department. It must be under your instruction or Zhenhuan's order. You must follow me back to Xingshan."

The speculations became more and more exaggerated. When we pulled out the magic cave, the real illusion didn't appear at all. But Mu Xingqiu didn't want to explain anymore, because the other party wouldn't believe it at all, "Then I'm even more sorry. Regarding the real illusion, I only heard from Pang Shan The order from the Forbidden Secret Leader is not even applicable to the Grand Master, so please go find him."

Shen and Jin looked at each other again, and neither of them left the room. Mu Xingqiu suddenly realized that without Pang Shan's support, Zuo Liuying and Ning Qiwei would never compare a unique disciple with a piece of paper. Xingshan and Yashan wanted to coax him into passing the strange scroll to other Taoist priests, and then find a way to explain it to Pangshan.

Fangfang, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, "You two might as well discuss it with the leader or grandmaster of this sect. This is no longer a private matter."

The two of them were silent in thought, then three more people came in from outside.

Yang Qingyin failed to create a miracle. The "helpers" she found were not Grand Master Ning Qiwei or a certain Pangshan leader, but Qishan Taoist Yang Qingyuan and a young Zhaoshan Taoist priest. This Taoist priest was obviously brought in temporarily. Those who made up the numbers looked confused and had no idea of ​​their role.

Yang Qingyin smiled proudly and said: "Ah, the five great masters of Zhao, Qi, Xing, Ya, and Pang are all gathered in one room. It can be regarded as a small grand gathering. Everyone can speak freely. We are aboveboard and do not engage in secret transactions."

Yang Qingyuan and Taoist Zhaoshan noticed that something was wrong. After saluting, they wanted to leave, but Yang Qingyin blocked the door and refused to allow anyone to go out.

The room was not big to begin with, but with seven people and one head, it immediately seemed overcrowded, but at this moment there was one more person.

It was the second watch and the young demon appeared. Mu Xingqiu was so worried that he forgot that today was the day when it appeared.

It looked at Mu Xingqiu, then at Fangfang, then suddenly flew over and hit Shen Jiyi with its fist.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued...) \u003c!--flag00xs--\u003e

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