
Chapter 300 The Way to Survive

Lan Binghu invited Mu Xingqiu to get on the carriage. She wanted to change her place of stay. "It happens to be a light rain on the north side of Chaos Cliff tomorrow morning. I like the rain when the sun rises. Everything is hazy. The world seems to be as big as the sight. There is no Taoism and no complicated world.

Mu Xingqiu was not in the mood to talk about the weather. He asked: "Since you don't plan to join Luanjing Mountain, why don't you join forces with Pangshan? You hate Zuo Liuying, but Pangshan doesn't belong to him."

Lan Binghu looked at Mu Xingqiu with a smile. Although she was wrinkled and her skin was loose, her eyes were bright, making her sometimes confident and sometimes majestic. She didn't show any fatigue, and even made people forget that she was an old woman of nearly 600 years old. "Are you starting to persuade me now?"

"I'm just a little confused."

"All doubts come from different positions. You always stand on Pangshan's side, so of course you think I'm an old crazy woman with mood swings. You can try to stand on my side and think about Lian Haishan, and maybe there will be no so-called doubts. "

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while and smiled. He didn't even notice that he cared so much about Pang Shan. "Let me guess. No matter how long your life is or how pure your inner elixir is, you are now a cultivator."

"Just call me a casual cultivator. I don't care about the title. Yes, I am a casual cultivator now."

"You just want to keep Lianhai Mountain and chase the rainy season here for your whole life."

"Lianhai Mountain has a complex terrain and there is no lack of rain all year round. It is the only place I like and care about."

"Have you contacted Qi Wushang?"

Lan Binghu nodded. "He sent an envoy. I reciprocated. We reached an agreement. If the demon clan goes to war with Luanjing Mountain, I will not help either side and restrain all the casual cultivators under my command. Correspondingly, the demon clan army is not allowed to approach me within a hundred miles."

"Qi Wushang was defeated in Duanliu City and has no strength to go south for a period of time, so you want to reach a similar agreement with Luanjing Mountain."

"This is what I will achieve in Chaos Cliff.

"But neither Qi Wushang nor Luanjingshan will respect a weak group of monks, so you designed a formation to let them know that offending Lian Haishan will cost a huge price."

"Look, if you change your position, everything will be simple and clear. I know myself well and don't seek to be on an equal footing with the demon clan or the Taoist sect. I just want to tell the strong people in this world that my ambition is small, only Lian Haishan, let me go, there is no harm to him, if I must surrender, then I have to fight to the death."

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while,

"This is also a way of survival, but..."

"Haha. I know what you want to say. Now is the time for heroes to rise up. When a force gains a foothold, it will still eliminate Lian Haishan. There is no need for prophecy. I can also see the arrival of this day, but it will not be soon. This is a thousand-year war, and I. Will die before the end of the war, taking my funeral companions, and never have to pay attention to the turmoil and disasters of this world again."

Mu Xingqiu felt that these words sounded familiar. Soon he remembered, "You are not the only one who thinks so. When the demons attacked Duanliu City, the king of Dongjie abandoned the entire country and ran away. His idea was similar to yours, but he didn't have your strength."

"Poor mortal, even if he is a king, he still can't find a stable foothold for himself. That's why the casual cultivators are willing to follow me. I can provide them with protection."

"Tell me about your formation." Mu Xingqiu confirmed again that Lan Binghu could not be persuaded. She had her own interests and ideas. Even if Grandmaster Pangshan came to persuade her in person, the result would probably be the same.

"I came up with this formation two hundred years ago in order to concentrate the power of a large number of independent cultivators. Have you seen the Iron Back Flood Dragon's transformation into a dragon? A group of flying fish turned into a dragon. I got the inspiration from there. This power must first be able to protect everyone, otherwise the independent cultivators will die and the formation will be gone. Then it must be able to fight against powerful Taoist priests." Lan Binghu paused for a while, as if considering to what extent he should introduce the formation. "I have calculated that as long as everyone's strength can meet the standards I set, then about 20 to 200 independent cultivators can fight against Taoist priests of the first to seventh levels of breathing. An interesting thing is that the more independent cultivators there are in the formation, the stronger the power generated by each person will be. Therefore, 300 to 800 independent cultivators can fight against the Canxia Taoist priests. In a battle between the Taoist priests, nine hundred to fifteen hundred casual cultivators can defeat the Taoist priests of Yanyan, and one thousand six hundred to three thousand casual cultivators should be equivalent to the Taoist priests of Xingluo. "

"There are dozens of Taoist priests of Xingluo in Luanjing Mountain alone, and you only have five thousand or at most nine thousand casual cultivators."

"The actual number is less than four thousand, including hundreds of apprentices who cannot enter the formation." Lan Binghu admitted with a smile, "Including me, it is only equivalent to the level of two Taoist priests of Xingluo. I said that Lian Haishan only wants to survive in the cracks and does not want to compete with the strong. To eliminate Lian Haishan, all you get is a land of continuous rain, but you may pay the price of one or two high-level Taoist priests. No Taoist sect is willing to waste this on a group of casual cultivators who do not fight with the world, right?"

"What can I do for this formation?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

"I named this formation the Fish Dragon Formation. It must be tightly closed without any flaws. Otherwise, if a Taoist priest rushes in, the entire formation may collapse. After the Taoist priest named Zhang Suqin came, Luanjingshan has been secretly monitoring me."

"That's why Yang Baozhen found out that Shen Geng was in danger and rescued him." Mu Xingqiu suddenly realized, "You deliberately arranged for us to fight to lure Yang Baozhen?"

"Haha, you think too much of me. I'm not Zuo Liuying. It's just a coincidence. Yang Baozhen happened to save her son and also happened to break through a loophole in the Fish-Dragon Formation. That's the highest place, the casual cultivator. My strength is limited and I can’t defend it at a high place for long. I need one person to plug this loophole, and that’s you.”

"What can I get?"

"Don't ask me to help Zuo Liuying. That's impossible. You should know my position very well."

"But I will give you another benefit. You practice the illusion of mind alone without the guidance of any high-level Taoist priests. You actually reached the third level of the illusion and learned many methods on your own. I am indeed impressed, but you can't go far like this. Yes. Illusion is the same as the Five Elements Spell. The more advanced it becomes, the more difficult it becomes. You are approaching the limit of how far you can go, and there are still some mistakes, but they are not obvious. "

"Are you willing to teach me the magic of telepathy?"

"In return for your help in making up for the Fish-Dragon Formation."

"Aren't you afraid that this is Zuo Liuying's plan?"

Lan Bingqu had made similar speculations before. But now he doesn't care, "So what? Even if you learn the correct mind-reading illusion technique, you will only be an ordinary Taoist priest within a hundred years, which will not be of much help to Zuo Liuying. Moreover, mind-reading science and Taoism are inherently inconsistent. I would like to see Let’s see if you can escape your fate.”

The carriage stopped, and Mu Xingqiu turned around and opened the curtains to look outside. It was already dawn, and sure enough, it started to rain lightly. A large number of scattered cultivators were setting up formations in the rain. This place was not far from Chaos Cliff. They have to start preparing in advance.

"Okay, I agree." Mu Xingqiu opened the curtain and faced Lan Curling. The bald man lightly scratched his neck with a strand of hair, but he didn't respond. "But you have to teach me the telepathy magic first, so that I can make the fish dragon The formation is better protected.”

Lan Bingju was silent for a moment, and the smile on his face became mysterious, "Do you know how much mortals like to lie? I have been walking in the mortal world for more than four hundred years, and I have met almost every mortal. Especially these casual cultivators. , they will lie to me when they get the chance, I have to be careful of them at all times and try not to let them appear in front of me. But I believe in your promise, because you are a Taoist priest, Pangshan Taoist priest. Remember Pangshan has a reputation for being rigid.”

"Unless I die. My promise is always valid." Mu Xingqiu said with some pride. He didn't think mortals liked lying, but he didn't want to argue with Lan Bingju about this issue.

Lan Bingju stood up. "Each of the eighteen subjects of Taoism is profound and profound, and the subject of Nianxin is no exception. I think that I know the most about Nianxin illusion among the nine Taoisms, but I only scratch the surface. However, these are the skins that I will pass on to you in a nutshell. It will take a few months, but our transaction is limited to today, so what do you want to learn?”

"I want to know what the Taoist priests of Nian Xin Ke use as their main means of attack. Is it virtual or real? Or is it a combination of virtual and real or turning virtual into real? Is it still useful to provoke people's hearts in the end?"

"Ha, it's hard to answer your questions. To put it simply, the mind science department is divided into two groups, one is pragmatic and the other is pragmatic. There is no question of who is stronger and who is weaker, but don't try to go hand in hand. This is what you made before. Mistakes, oscillating between reality and reality, will eventually cause you to be mentally divided. It is not a multi-purpose mind in an illusion, but two hearts that interfere with each other and are hostile to each other. In the end, you will be ruined. "

"I prefer to be pragmatic." Mu Xingqiu knew very well which faction he liked.

"Well, generally speaking, when a Nianxin Taoist priest fights with an enemy, there must be at least two people, one virtual and one real, doubling the power, but you are the only disciple..."

"I'll find a way to solve this problem."

"Then it depends on whether you can train another Nianxin disciple in the future." Lan Bingju briefly thought about the Nianxin illusion she knew, "You want to be a Nianxin Taoist priest who can see blood with a whip... In addition to the nine transformations of the mysterious beast, What other Nianxin boxing techniques have you learned?”

Mu Xingqiu reported several boxing techniques. Although he had practiced them, he felt they were too weak and had never been used in actual combat. Lan Bingju quickly interrupted him, "Needless to say, they are all useless boxing techniques. , you are only in the realm of inhalation, and it is impossible for you to see all the books in the Forbidden Secret Tower. Let me think about it again, it is too late to teach you advanced boxing skills today... By the way, why is there lightning on your whip? ? The Nianxin Boxing and Whip Techniques I know don’t seem to have such an effect.”

"That's a spell." The five-character spell left by Mei Chuan'an has taken root in Mu Xingqiu's heart. Whenever he performs an illusion, he doesn't need to distract himself from reciting it silently, and it will take effect naturally, sending out lightning bolts. Qiu's habit has become natural and he can't get rid of it, so he said it smoothly, "Don't be wrong or weak."

The air in the carriage shook slightly, and it was fleeting. It did not cause any harm, and did not even disturb the horses outside. However, Lan Bingju's face darkened at this moment, and he squeezed the Fire Technique with both hands at the same time, and cast it on himself. A few protective spells, and then asked sternly: "Who taught you this? Do you know what spell this is?"

Mu Xingqiu shook his head. There were many opinions about this spell, but he believed that none of them were accurate.

Lan Bingju sat down and was in a daze for a while, then raised his head and said coldly. "The person who gave you the spell didn't have good intentions."

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