
Chapter 301 The Unintentional Curse

(Thanks to the reader "Kicked the Stone" for the red tip. Thank you again to the reader "Yan Runqing" for the red tip. The first thank you was a few minutes late, and some websites may not display it... ^_^)

"The spells of chanting the mind are very complicated. One of them is called the spell of Wuxin. Although there are not many in number, they have unique properties." Lan Bingju gently moved his fingers on the tables around him, seeming to still be thinking about the spell, but She refused to recite it, even silently. "These incantations themselves are empty, like a bottle containing nothing, or a piece of extremely sticky soil. It depends on what it is filled with and what it is used for." to the shaper himself.”

"Mei Chuan'an? He... was possessed by a demon at that time." Mu Xingqiu briefly explained the process of learning the spell.

"Then he is not a shaper, just a transmitter." Lan Bingju snorted softly. Although she has spent a lot of effort on the mind-reading science, she still has the same disdain for the mind-reading illusion as the orthodox Taoist priests. " This is a trick that Nianxin Taoist priests are good at. They pass an unintentional curse with hidden malicious intent to unrelated people, and then pass it back and forth again and again, sometimes up to fifteen or six times, before finally passing it to the target. "

"What are the benefits of doing this?" Mu Xingqiu was a little confused.

"Benefit? The benefit is to plant a cause in the target's body, and when the shaper wants to pick the fruit - it is said that an illusionist in the realm of concentration once defeated Taoist priest Yue Mang using this method."

"So that's it. Long Bin will have a record saying that the illusionist used a little trick of the Taoist priest to defeat him." Mu Xingqiu immediately remembered the memory exchanged from Qu Xugui.

"Hey, Long Binhui is always interested in how to defeat Taoist priests. Their records cannot be said to be wrong, but they are just too one-sided. You have to know that the strength of Taoist priests does not rise steadily. Inspired by Taoist priests working hard and playing some crooked ways, Maybe he can fight with Taoist Feng Xia, but he has to climb a huge mountain from paying attention to Yuemang. There are not many true records of the magician who was killed in that fight. I have read them all. I can guarantee that the magician used all means, but the most important thing was an unintentional spell. She was at least The plan was started fifty years ago, and this curse containing evil intentions was slowly passed on to Taoist Fu Yuemang. This was the key to her victory.

The more you know about mindfulness. The more Mu Xingqiu dislikes the behavior of the disciples in this discipline, but he has already embarked on this path, and the cost of changing would be too high. Everything is optional. He believes that he will never become a despicable person. "So I am also a transmitter, and so is Zuo Liuying. He originally let Mei Chuan An see this spell."

"It should be like this, you are all transmitters. As for the final target, it must be a big shot, at least the grandmaster or even the ancestor himself. If I were you, even if I can't forget this mantra, I will never use it again. It’s taught to anyone.”


I won't... How affected will the deliverer of the Unintentional Curse be? "Mu Xingqiu is more concerned about this issue.

"It's hard to say. This involves the most profound magic of Nianxinke. I don't know. But you don't have to worry too much. The successors of Nianxinke who created this spell are either dead or imprisoned in the Demon Drawing Cave in Xingshan. Except for them. No one. People can influence you, just keep this mantra in your heart and don’t say it out loud again.”

Regarding the spell left by Mei Chuan'an, Mu Xingqiu had heard several explanations. Lan Bingqu's account sounded the most reasonable. He could even guess the purpose of the spell creator, which was probably to seduce a powerful person one day. The messenger went to rescue the prisoners in the Demon-Batting Cave, but unfortunately, contrary to the expectations of the instigator, the person lured was just a Taoist priest.

Mu Xingqiu decided not to go to Xingshan in the future, but he still had a question: "How do you know this is an unintentional curse? Many high-level Taoist priests did not recognize it. Zuo Liuying felt that... the curse may be the source of true illusions. ?”

"Really fantasy? The woman that Zuo Liuying imagined decades ago? I have heard about it and have been happy about it for at least a year. Zuo Liuying is very smart, but not omniscient in this matter. His judgment was completely wrong. I don't know what the real illusion is, but I happen to know that the imperfect unintentional spell has a very obvious characteristic, which is that it will cause meaningless vibrations in the air, indicating the initial shaping. The operator is in a hurry, and the rules for injecting the spell are flawed, so there will be some waste. As you said, Mei Chuanan is a madman. He did not explain the effect of the spell clearly, and you did not have specific expectations in your heart, so there was a waste. It’s more obvious. In other words, the spell was out of shape during the transmission, especially in your hands.”

Mu Xingqiu had no doubts anymore. Just based on Lan Bingju's answer, he felt that he owed her a favor, "Tell me what I should do in the Fish-Dragon Formation."

"Don't worry, I hope that the Taoist priest who will help me plug the loopholes will be as strong as possible." Lan Bingju smiled and tapped the table twice. The carriage continued to move forward, and the sound of rain outside became louder. "I I just saw you using the whip in a very powerful posture, with your wrists constantly moving and your whole body stretched like a bow."

"It's pretty, isn't it?" The bald man remained silent, and now he couldn't help but interject.

"It's nice to look at, but it's superfluous." Lan Bingju said with a hint of disdain in his tone, "If you want to be a pragmatic practitioner of mindfulness, you have to put your heart and soul into converting illusions directly into pure power. You rely on your thoughts. There is no special method in between. But Your mind is too powerful, and it reduces your power. From now on, you should only control the whip with your mind, not your arm, and not your entire body. Been there, it’s not just about stirring people up.”

If Mu Xingqiu had some enlightenment, Dao Tong was wary of Nian Xin Ke. From Zuo Liuying to Lin Sa, none of them knew much about Nian Xin Illusion. This was the first time someone had given him a clear direction. He sat in a chair and meditated, motionless. Questions popped up in his mind one after another. As soon as they came up, he explained them clearly. The more he thought about them, the more comfortable he felt.

"A word that wakes up the dreamer, that's probably what it means." Lan Bingju was not used to waiting for too long, so she interrupted Mu Xingqiu's contemplation, "You can slowly understand it, now let's talk about the Fish-Dragon Formation."

"Please say."

"The formation is complicated and this is your first time to participate. I won't give you too heavy a task. Go to the location I designated for you later. You don't have to do anything to stay there. The entire fish-dragon formation will move on its own when you see the enemy. Just cast a spell, any spell will do, and if the enemy runs away, don't chase him."

"Well, it's quite simple."

"One thing you need to pay special attention to is when the formation is running. You will often feel power flowing in and out. Don't try to resist. You are a Taoist priest, and the inner alchemy is naturally repulsive to external forces, so you have to control it. You If you have doubts, you will no longer be part of the formation, and naturally you will not be able to plug the loopholes."

"Understood." When Mu Xingqiu originally thought that the Nine Transformations of the Beast was a boxing formation, he had done some research on the formation. Knowing that Lan Curling is not too much to ask.

"You can't bring this head up." Lan Bingju pointed at the bald man.

"Why? I'm so young and I never get in the way." Bald Man said with eyes wide open.

"Participants in the Fish-Dragon Formation must reach a certain level of strength. If you are too weak, it will be dangerous to stay in the formation." Lan Bingju said to Mu Xingqiu again: "Leave him in the apprentice camp. Where he will Be properly protected. After an hour, the formation will last for one or two hours at most, and then you will be free. I will compile some useful mind-reading techniques for you, although it will not do any good to me, but I still hope. Someone can fulfill my prophecy. Please stop trying to persuade me to help Zuo Liuying. I am tired of this."

"If you can defend the Fish-Dragon Formation, you will be of great help to me." Lan Bingju said plainly, as she still retained the Taoist habit of not owing each other any debt.

"Yangshen Peak will eventually return to Pangshan." Mu Xingqiu drew a line. No matter how grateful he was to Lan Bingbing, he was still Pangshan's disciple and stood on Pangshan's side.

"I said that I don't have much ambition. The Yangshen Peak is here for the time being. As long as I meet the right person, I will hand it over as soon as possible."

There are many interpretations of Lan Bingju's words, and she also draws a line. There are some things she will not explain too clearly to a little Taoist priest who inhales.

Mu Xingqiu jumped out of the moving carriage and walked into the rain. A knight wearing a yellow talisman armor had already received instructions from the Dharma King through some method, prepared a horse, and led the guests to the apprentice camp.

On the way, the bald man whispered: "Take me with you, Brother Xiaoqiu, I will help you bite people. If Lan Bingbing cheats you, I can also help you look out."

Analyzing from the most selfish perspective, Mu Xingqiu believed that Lan Bingju would not murder a Pangshan Taoist priest, and that there was indeed no room for a bald man in a large and tight formation, so he said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will be careful. If you stay on the ground, I will give you an important task. If you see Yang Qingyin and others, tell them that I am in the sky."

The bald man nodded seriously, as long as he had a task, he didn't like doing nothing.

The apprentice camp followed the Dharma King more than ten miles away, and there were also several carriages containing hundreds of apprentices.

Fu Hao, the governor of Huangyin City, and the half-demon Feiba were also here, wearing simple hats and riding horses in the rain. They looked lost from head to toe, like two prisoners who were forced to march.

As soon as they saw Mu Xingqiu, Fu Hao and Feiba rushed towards him. Feiba was faster. Due to the heavy water vapor, his eyes looked even more watery, as if he would cry at any time over the smallest things.

"My savior, .ah.c catechumen, I finally see you again. I have been looking for you."

Mu Xingqiu entrusted the bald man to the law-abiding chief minister of the apprentice camp, gave some instructions, and then said to Fei Yue, whose face turned red with anxiety, "What's the matter?"

"Scroll...can I have a look at it?"

The distance between all the casual cultivators and the Dharma King was fixed. Mu Xingqiu stepped aside and the apprentice camp continued to move forward. The bald man looked at Brother Xiaoqiu from the carriage, as if this was a long farewell.

Mu Xingqiu patted the treasure bag on his waist, "The scroll is safe here. As for Wangshan, after the matter here is over, I will take you to see the senior Taoist priest Pangshan and let them make a judgment."

Feiba's disappointment almost turned into tears. Fu Hao behind him rushed forward, glanced at the convoy that was walking away, and whispered: "I just want to say, there are more than one loopholes in the Fish-Dragon Formation, please be careful. observe."

Fu Hao raced to chase the convoy, while Mu Xingqiu was at a loss and didn't understand what Lan Bingju's formation had to do with the governor of Huangyin City.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued...) \u003c!--flag00xs--\u003e

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