
Chapter 302 The voice of the casual cultivator

Above the surging rain clouds, there is a white lotus throne, which looks like jade or stone, very realistic, and large enough to accommodate an adult lying down at will. The guardian Sima Chen Guanhuo said: "This is your place." Chen Guanhuo has a majestic appearance and powerful magic. He has a high status among the casual cultivators of Lianhai Mountain. He is respectful in front of Lan Binghu like a child who wants to please his mother. He will show some majesty when he is not in front of the Dharma King. Even this majesty is somewhat similar to that of the Dharma King. "Very good." Mu Xingqiu stood on the lotus, so he didn't need to fly the sword and could save a little magic power. "Thank you for sending me up." "Master Mu is polite. Lianhai Mountain is grateful to have the help of the master of Pangshan to set up the formation." Chen Guanhuo seemed a little absent-minded, and his eyes were always looking down. He was a casual cultivator. No matter how deep his magic power was, his inner elixir was not pure enough, which meant that he couldn't breathe slowly for a long time like the Taoist priests, and he couldn't stay in the sky for a long time, so he bowed and said: "Goodbye." "Wait. "Mu Xingqiu called Chen Guanhuo, "Do you think the Fish Dragon Formation is perfect enough?"

"The Dharma King spent two hundred years to conceive the formation, of course it is perfect."

"But she only found out there was a loophole in the sky last night. If I hadn't been there, she wouldn't have been able to fix it."

Chen Guanhuo raised his head proudly, "The Dharma King said you are the best candidate to guard the lotus seat. I believe the Dharma King's judgment will never be wrong, but you are not the only candidate. If necessary, we can take turns to guard here, and the effect will not be much different. The Fish Dragon Formation is still the best formation in the world, enough to fight against any sect. "

Chen Guanhuo drilled into the rain cloud and soon disappeared. Mu Xingqiu thought that he had offended the guardian Sima. He sat down in the middle of the lotus. The fish dragon formation had not been officially opened yet. He had nothing to do and could think carefully about the advice he had just received from Lan Binghu.

If this was Zuo Liuying's purpose, then he had won a great victory. The method that Mu Xingqiu had comprehended in less than half an hour exceeded what he had gained in the past few years, but he thought it was impossible in a moment. Zuo Liuying would not go to great lengths for him. The plan of the head of the Forbidden Secret Department could not accommodate such a trivial matter.

Mu Xingqiu quickly sent Zuo Liuying to Ying was driven out of his mind. The thing he wanted to do most now was to summon the young demon.

There are two schools of mind, one virtual and one real. As soon as Lan Binghu said this, Mu Xingqiu thought of the young demon. The young demon had helped him fight several times, and like him, he learned the mind illusion. It is the best partner for the combination of virtual and real. The only problem is that this partner does not appear often.

Mu Xingqiu tried to summon it, but he couldn't. It would only break the routine in critical situations. It would still appear once every seven days at around two o'clock in the night.

"Maybe one day the young demon will also mature,

just like Zuo Liuying's real illusion. "Mu Xingqiu muttered to himself. He had never mentioned the young demon in front of Lan Binghu. Lan Binghu had never shown any interest. Whether she really knew nothing or was just pretending, Mu Xingqiu didn't want to involve the young demon again.

He gave up trying to summon the young demon. Instead, he whispered to himself over and over again: "I am pragmatic, and the young demon is idealistic..." Since the young demon knew all his thoughts, it should hear this sentence, and when it appeared again, it could express its approval or rejection.

After mumbling to himself at least ten times, Mu Xingqiu began to explore the method of driving the whip purely with his mind. It was easy to make the whip move. But it was a bit difficult to keep the whole body still. The wrist always exerts force unconsciously. Several years of meditation practice proved to be very useful. After a quarter of an hour, Mu Xingqiu was able to control his limbs. Although he was not skilled enough, the power of the whip was indeed enhanced. He believed that the effect would be even better when even the muscles of the whole body were no longer tense.

Some people approached, and there were quite a few of them. Mu Xingqiu noticed it immediately. These people were not enemies, but casual cultivators who were setting up a formation. They were under the rain clouds, about two or three miles lower than him. This was about the distance between a Taoist and a casual cultivator. Mu Xingqiu was just an ordinary Taoist in the breathing realm. Slow breathing for a few hours was just one of the most basic qualities for him. Even casual cultivators The magic power is stronger, but it can't do this.

As early as when he was in Duanliu City, Mu Xingqiu discovered this characteristic. The inner elixir of the casual cultivators is not pure enough, and there is more waste when casting spells. This is the most fundamental reason why they are weaker than Taoists.

A wave of panic and anxiety was reflected on the lake of Mu Xingqiu's state of mind. This emotion came from the casual cultivators under the rain cloud.

Mu Xingqiu developed the habit of detecting people's hearts in Duanliu City, which was not easily changed by Lan Binghu's words. He just wanted to take back the illusion, but changed his mind. It was no big deal to give up the Wuxu Sect one day later. He wanted to know why the casual cultivators were panicking, and he also wanted to know what the so-called loophole of Fu Hao, the governor of Huangyin City, meant.

But he could feel He was affected by the emotions, but he could not see the reasons behind them. He only knew that thousands of people were gathering under the rain clouds, each taking their own positions. He could even see them with his eyes looking down. The panic was so strong that Mu Xingqiu almost thought that this was a loophole. As long as the Taoist priests of Luanjing Mountain cast a powerful spell, it seemed that it would be enough to scare these scattered cultivators away.

Suddenly he could hear the sound, which was the noise of countless people. The strange thing was that there was almost no dialogue among them. They were all mumbling to themselves like he had just done.

There were too many voices, but it was hard to hear them. However, Mu Xingqiu heard a few words that appeared frequently.

"Please bless me, don't let me die today."

"Why hasn't the Dharma King died yet? How old is she? How long do you want to live?"

"I hope the Dharma King will be defeated today."

This is the voice of the Lian Haishan monks.

Mu Xingqiu was deeply surprised. In the eyes of outsiders, Lian Haishan cultivator was so loyal to the Mage King of Life and Death that he did not even dare to say a suggestive bad word. Unexpectedly, he was filled with vicious curses for Lan Bingju in his heart, which was worse than those temporary The casual cultivators who joined also had to speak out.

A particularly clear voice rang in his ears, "You heard me, these are the casual cultivators of Lian Haishan, a group of ungrateful beasts. I have to use whips to get them to cooperate together."

It was Lan Bing Ke. Only she and Mu Xingqiu could hear these sounds. The casual cultivators thought that their inner thoughts were still a secret.

Mu Xingqiu didn't answer, and didn't know how to answer. He couldn't convey his voice to Lan Bingju yet. The Fish-Dragon Formation is controlled by Lan Bingke, and only she can call out the voice of any one person.

Chen Guanhuo's heartfelt voice came, "Did the old woman fall in love with the little Taoist priest? He is just in the realm of inhalation, is he stronger than me? Dao root, Dao root, one Tao root is more important than decades of following and fighting? I Despite all the achievements he has made, why is he still not being appreciated? Fu Hao is right, monk Lian Haishan should arrange a retreat for him. The old woman is dying. She is trying to please the little Taoist priest Pangshan and is scared to death of Luanjingshan. Sooner or later he will be killed..."

"That's enough." Mu Xingqiu said loudly, "I will only help you this time. Lian Haishan's matter has nothing to do with me."

"Remember what you said, Lian Haishan's matter has nothing to do with you, just stay here and don't move even a step away."

Mu Xingqiu felt like he had been deceived. Lan Bingju seemed to be deliberately trying to instigate a relationship between him and the casual cultivators, but this was completely unnecessary. He did not know these casual cultivators at all, and he did not want to get involved in any affairs of Lian Haishan.

The instability of people's hearts may be Fu Hao's so-called loophole. Kelan Curling has long been aware of it and must have found a solution.

The rain clouds below changed, rolling in clumps, and the rain seemed to be heavier. Soon, the noise disappeared, and everyone accepted their position and identity honestly, without any complaints or fear. .

Mu Xingqiu suddenly realized that Lan Bingju was not just chasing the rain to commemorate the past. She could use the rain to cast spells and tightly control thousands of casual cultivators. She didn't care whether these people were loyal or not, as long as they had a certain number and a certain strength.

Mu Xingqiu was above the rain clouds and could not get wet from the rain, but he still gradually felt the magic of Lan Bing Ke. The medium was the white lotus he sat on.

When the Fish-Dragon Formation was activated, it was as if a series of lightning flashed through his mind, trying to shatter all his thoughts into pieces. Mu Xingqiu's instinctive reaction was to drive all the lightning out, but he immediately remembered his promise. He promised Lan Binghu that he would not resist external forces.

So he concentrated his thoughts in a small corner and allowed the lightning to take over his body and dominate his inner elixir.

He was not controlled. He could take his body back at any time if he wanted to, but he did not dare to be careless, for fear that he would accidentally become Lan Bingqu's puppet, or have important memories taken away.

The entire fish-dragon formation began to move forward, and Mu Xingqiu found that his inner elixir began to rotate rapidly, stimulating a large amount of mana. After leaving the body, it did not form any spells, but entered the bodies of other casual cultivators. At the same time, a large amount of mana also poured in. Thousands of people in his meridians formed a huge cycle. No wonder Baldy couldn't participate. He only had one head left. A.C simply couldn't withstand the operation of this kind of magic power.

Mu Xingqiu admired Lan Bingke a little. She used this method to condense the ordinary cultivators into a whole that was comparable to the high-level Taoist priests. It was really an amazing initiative. Although the Taoist priests often cooperated in fighting, but like this No one wants a complete union.

Mu Xingqiu's position was not the eyes and ears of the Fish-Dragon Formation, so he had no way of understanding the situation outside. He only knew that the entire formation walked for a while, stopped, and not long after, the battle began.

The battle was not fierce. Lan Bingju just wanted to show his strength, not a real decisive battle with Luan Jingshan. Mu Xingqiu felt that the flow of mana was faster. His location must be a particularly important transit station. A large amount of mana was gathered here and then transferred to other places, just like the Taoist priest's Upper Dantian Niwan Palace.

Suddenly, the Divine Walking Electric Whip slipped out of his sleeve and grew dozens of feet in an instant. Like a thin black dragon, it faced the enemy who was looking for a loophole. It was not under Mu Xingqiu's control at all.

Yang Baozhen is here. She once broke into the fish-dragon formation from here, and she wants to do it again.

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