
Chapter 303 Who wins and who loses

Yang Baozhen and Mu Xingqiu both lost control of their bodies and powers, and were controlled by others. They were several miles apart and started fighting on a stormy rain cloud. ybd,

The only difference is that Mu Xingqiu is still awake and can regain control of himself at any time.

Mu Xingqiu experienced the strength of Taoist Xingluo head-on for the first time. Before that, he had only seen Taoist Xingluo fight against demons. As for Shen Zhun, who had tried to force out the demon species, he never used his full strength from beginning to end.

The speed of Yang Baozhen's kneading skills with her right hand is astonishingly fast, as if she is playing the strings of a piano, and her five fingers are changing at any time. She is a senior Taoist priest in the Five Elements Department, and she can also summon a colorful dragon. On the surface, it just fights with the black whip. In fact, every time Once the magic formula is adjusted, the dragon's power and attack methods will undergo subtle changes.

The power of the black whip that was not under Mu Xingqiu's control increased dozens of times. With the support of the Fish-Dragon Formation, it had far exceeded the limits that could be achieved in the realm of inhalation and the third level of illusion. Not only did it catch The enemy's spells slowly gave rise to the intention of counterattack.

The battle ended soon. Yang Baozhen's purpose was to find loopholes. If the loopholes did not exist, she did not want to get entangled. The giant dragon turned around and blocked the black whip with its body. Yang Baozhen turned around and prepared to return under the rain clouds. She had already seen the power of the Lian Haishan monks, and that was enough.

Black Whip scattered the colorful dragon and retracted on its own, while Lan Bingju had no intention of pursuing it and beating it indiscriminately.

The pressure on the Fish-Dragon Formation suddenly decreased. Mu Xingqiu had a sudden flash of inspiration and suddenly took back control of himself. He stood up and shouted to Yang Baozhen who was walking away: "The Taoist fire will not be extinguished!"

Yang Baozhen, who was flying, looked back and saw the young Taoist priest on the lotus throne raising his right hand and pinching out the most basic Taoist formula - the thumb against the ring finger, the other three fingers standing upright, with gaps between the fingers, which are Tao fire. tactic.

She didn't make any reaction and disappeared into the rain clouds.

Mu Xingqiu sat down and became one with the fish-dragon formation again, feeling a little regretful. Daohuo Jue was the first method Yang Baozhen taught his disciples at Yangshen Peak. He still remembered the scene vividly, but Yang Dujiao, who was under the control of Luanjing Mountain, had changed his mind and had no memories. .

Lan Bingju's display of strength was not over, and soon there was a new battle, which took place under the rain clouds. Mu Xingqiu fulfilled his duties faithfully, sitting on the lotus throne without moving, letting the magic power flow in and out of his body. During the gap, he glanced down. This time, the opponent was a strange female Taoist priest from Luanjing Mountain. Her appearance was older than Lan Bingke's, and she obviously refused to reveal her true face.

Mu Xingqiu quickly retracted his third eye and silently observed the fish-dragon formation.

Lan Bingqu does have some skills.

It took two hundred years to create and perfect the formation, integrating thousands of casual cultivators into one, imitating the way Taoist priests cast spells, and exerting powerful power that far exceeded the effect of fighting alone.

The magic circle suddenly shook violently. As if a certain part had been hit by an opponent, the mana flowing through Mu Xingqiu's body increased sharply, and his own inner elixir also rotated at full speed, contributing to this torrent of mana.

The shaking feeling like trembling gradually disappeared. The mana is weakened, close to nothing, another battle is over, and the Fish-Dragon Formation is still the winner. Instead of pursuing the victory, Lan Binghu has achieved his goal and won a favorable negotiating position for Lian Haishan.

Less than half an hour passed. The fish-dragon formation was disbanded. In a very short period of time, Mu Xingqiu once again heard the thoughts of the casual cultivators. The shaking just now caused the death of at least thirty casual cultivators. The survivors were even more afraid of the Dharma King, and they were almost there. To the point of going crazy.

It is completely acceptable to sacrifice a hand to save one's life, but when the hand is composed of dozens of living lives, the feeling is quite different. All casual cultivators know that the next time the hand is sacrificed, People may take their turn.

"Our deal is over." Lan Bingju's voice ended everything. Mu Xingqiu could no longer hear the thoughts of the San Xiu, and he didn't even have time to figure out where the fear would lead: collapse or resistance.

Mu Xingqiu crossed the rain clouds with his sword. The rain was already very light. There was only a lone carriage on the ground. The casual cultivators and Taoist priests from Luanjing Mountain had all left.

Chaos Cliff is a less conspicuous seaside cliff that is constantly being impacted by waves. Under the erosion and erosion of the sea water, not even a moss grows on the stone, like the skeleton of a giant dead beast.

Achieving the goal at the expense of only a few casual cultivators made Lan Bingju feel good. She stood at the door of the carriage and raised her head slightly, "At this time three days ago, Zuo Liuying came to make a bet with me. The time limit has passed. I was not persuaded by anyone, so he lost. But you don’t have to regret it. The cooperation between you and me was very pleasant. Originally, I didn’t have high hopes for you, but now it seems that you may really be able to rebuild the Nianxin Department in a few years. . As part of the deal, and to end my last concern with that prophecy, I give you this gift."

Lan Bingju raised her hand and threw the gift to Mu Xingqiu.

Mu Xingqiu took it in his hand, which was the bald man's head. He fell into sleep again, holding a thin booklet in his mouth. The book was still new, as if it had just been made.

"Most of the methods of mind-reading were destroyed tens of thousands of years ago. I have selected a few of the remaining methods that may be useful to you."

Mu Xingqiu put the book away, held his head and raised his sword again, said "thank you", and planned to find the people in Pangshan. He originally thought that Zuo Liuying and others would also come to Chaos Cliff, but he didn't see them. Their traces.

"Wait a minute." Lan Bingju still had more to say, "Do you know who was fighting with the Fish-Dragon Formation just now?"

"Pangshan Taoist Yang Baozhen, and another Luanjingshan Taoist."

"Hey, to be precise, Yang Baozhen is the Taoist priest of Luanjing Mountain. As for the second Taoist priest, her name is Feng Zaisu. She is a hermit from Dengzhuke. She is older than me. She probably won't live long." Lan Bingke He paused for a moment and carefully observed Mu Xingqiu's expression, "Feng Zaisu is the helper Zuo Liuying Duo found in Langcheng. With your help, I defeated her. Luanjing Mountain was very satisfied with this. A few days later , I will meet with Feng Ruhui to negotiate an agreement that is beneficial to both parties, so you don’t need to thank me.”

"You are really a weirdo." Mu Xingqiu raised his voice a little higher, "Did you already know that Zuo Liuying would find help?"

"I knew it as soon as he said he was going to Tread Wave City." The rain had stopped, and Lan Bingqu's good mood was about to end. "Go, boy, take the book I gave you. Zuo Liuying is a smart man after all. Little bastard, he knew that I was reluctant to kill a promising Nianxinke disciple, so he left you to me with peace of mind, but now that I am done with it, you should avoid me from now on, the only successor of Nianxinke. It's better not to die in my hands."

Mu Xingqiu glanced to the southwest and said to Lan Bingju: "You still lost to Zuo Liuying."

"I don't think so." Lan Bingju regarded Mu Xingqiu's words as a futile counterattack after being humiliated. She didn't believe it at all and still kept a smile on her face.

"Zuo Liuying knows that you can't be persuaded. He asked me to stay, not to win over you, nor to perfect my telepathy illusion. But for your fish-dragon formation."

"Boy, you have to have some basis in truth to lie. My Fish-Dragon Formation is at most equivalent to the strength of a Xingluo Taoist priest. What will happen even if Zuo Liuying learns it?"

"You haven't looked at yourself with the fire of prophecy for a long time, right?"

Lan Bingju's face darkened. "what do you want to say in the end?"

"You said that you only study the illusion of mind and have never practiced it. However, the entire fish-dragon array is maintained by illusion. In fact, you have unknowingly learned a little illusion of mind and integrated it into the Five Elements spell."

Lan Bingju's face became even more gloomy, "That's nonsense."

"Your use of illusions is quite unique and has inspired me a lot. This is the result Zuo Liuying wants."

"Idiot, your illusion is only at the third level, so what if you are inspired? Does Zuo Liuying want to defeat Luan Jingshan with the Fish-Dragon Formation? It's just wishful thinking."

"We don't have five thousand casual cultivators, so we can't use the Fish-Dragon Formation, but I have one hundred thousand souls."

Mu Xingqiu flew to the southwest. A few miles later, a voice on the ground shouted, "Master, take me with you. I still have many secrets..."

Mu Xingqiu lowered himself, grabbed the half-demon Feiba, and continued to move forward.

Lan Bingju had the chance to stop Mu Xingqiu, but she did nothing. She just looked at the figure of Taoist Pangshan in silence. Until Mu Xingqiu completely disappeared, she did not move. "Use the fish-dragon formation to stimulate the soul." Power? Stupid, this is absolutely a stupid idea, it is impossible to achieve.”

Lan Binghu said this, but she still had doubts in her heart. With a finger, a pile of green prophetic fire rose up from the wet stone, only a few feet away from her.

She hasn't thought about the fire of prophecy for at least a hundred years. For the Taoist priests of Yin and Yin, this is not a test at all. She quickly entered the state of thinking and then quickly exited. Under the reflection of green light, For the first time, the whole face showed irreparable age and fatigue.

"Two bastards." She muttered, her good mood gone. "I want to go to Luanjing Mountain, and I want to see you fall into the abyss with my own eyes."

Mu Xingqiu flew along the sea cliff, ignoring Feiba's flattery and nagging, and saw the signal from Pangshan Taoist Priest two hundred miles away: a fireball floating in the sky that mortals could not see clearly. .

Pangshan Taoist priests were all there, as well as Sun Yulu from Luanjing Mountain, Feng Zaisu who was defeated by the Fish-Dragon Formation, and several other unfamiliar Taoist priests. Judging from the shapes of their buns and hairpins, they actually came from different Taoist traditions.

Before Mu Xingqiu landed on the ground, Yang Qingyin came up to meet him, "I heard that you were also in Lan Bingju's formation? Do you know who the formation attacked? And where did Shen Geng go? Do you know Did Lan Bingju give Yangshen Peak to Luanjing Mountain as a gift?”

Yang Qingyin had too many questions, and Mu Xingqiu couldn't answer them. He walked directly to Zuo Liuying and raised his left hand wrapped with the Frost Soul Sword, "Is this your purpose?"

Zuo Liuying nodded, "I hope that Pangshan disciples can drive Qin Lingshuang's soul." The head of the Forbidden Secret Department ended his answer and turned to the forest more than ten miles away, "Everyone is here, let's set off to Luanjing Mountain."

Except for Zuo Liuying and Mu Xingqiu, everyone else looked confused.

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