
Chapter 304 The Green Forest Meeting

(Thanks to reader ra for the tip, and congratulations to ra for becoming the leader of this book)

The ancient trees in the southern forest are tall and straight, reminding the Pangshan Taoist priests of the towering trees on Laozu Peak, but there is too much moss here. The ground, tree trunks, and shorter branches and leaves are all covered with towering green hair. Clothing, it seems that no living thing has broken in since the beginning of the world. This article was first published by

In such an ancient forest, no matter how old the Taoist priest is, he still looks young.

No one was allowed to cast spells, so they had to walk on two legs on the slippery green ground. Even Taoist priests could not help stumbling, especially the half-demon Feiba, who was rolling and crawling behind Mu Xingqiu. Every time he thought about it, If you get any closer, you'll be scared away by the bald man's ferocious gaze.

Mu Xingqiu hadn't yet decided how to deal with Feiba, so he pretended he didn't exist, and asked Xin Youtao, who was following from behind, in a low voice, "What are the origins of these seven Taoist priests?"

Xin Youtao glanced at the moss-stained shoes and sighed helplessly, "I don't know, Zuo Zuo led us into Talang City and stayed in a small inn. It didn't take long for these Taoist priests to come, one older than the other, and Zuo Zuo The first one seems to be quite familiar. Judging from their costumes, they are all Taoist priests from Luanjingshan, Qishan and Zhaoshan."

Yang Qingyin, who was walking in front, stopped, turned around and said, "They are all Taoist hermits. I don't know how they were found by Zuo Liuying. Really, why didn't they come to help when we were in Duanliu City? Follow Lian Haishan fought a battle and gave up without any success." She didn't care whether her voice would be heard by the Taoist priest in front of her, and she didn't lower her voice at all, echoing in the empty forest.

Xiao Qingtao was the closest to Yang Qingyin, turned around and hissed at her, and waited until the echo completely disappeared before saying: "Hermits can't leave the mountain easily. Before they returned to hermitage, they swore an oath not to participate in any Taoist affairs, unless the whole The Taoist clan is in danger. The attack on Pangshan is just a matter of one Taoist clan, but Feng Ruhui’s seizure of Si Mingding is related to the nine Taoist clans.”

Of course Yang Qingyin knew what the hermit was, but she still snorted and lowered her voice slightly, "Hermits are selfish guys."

It was dark early in the forest, no one lit a lamp, and the Taoist priests could see in the dark, but they walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, which was even more awkward. At midnight, Zuo Liuying and the seven hermits in front finally stopped, with Sun Yulu leading the way. Standing near a huge rock, he said to everyone: "This should be it, just wait a moment."

The entire forest is almost covered with moss, with the exception of this gray-white stone that is half a man tall. It looks to be in its old age. A gust of wind can blow it to pieces. The Taoist priests do not even dare to get too close. Afraid of destroying the mark if I accidentally take a breath.

The high-ranking Taoist priests were all silent and stood quietly near the stones. Soon he blended in with Zhou Sen's environment. The young Taoist priest walked to a distance to rest.

Yang Qingyin came to Mu Xingqiu. She had a doubt that she had been holding in her heart for a long time. "Why did Zuo Liuying leave you at Lan Bingke's place?"

Xin Youtao and Xiao Qingtao came over. They also had the same doubts. Zuo Liuying just left without giving any explanation.

"I'm just guessing." Mu Xingqiu also thought for a long time before roughly clarifying Zuo Liuying's plan. "Lian Haishan has received many outside casual cultivators. It is estimated that they brought the situation of the Fish-Dragon Formation to Duanliu City. Zuo Liuying was able to learn about various rumors through the Patriarch Tower. I feel that the formation created by Lan Bingju is very important to Duanliu City. The power of the soul in my sword is useful, so leave me at Lan Bingke's place."

"How did he know that Lan Bingke would definitely teach you the formation?" Xin Youtao asked.

"Zuo Liuying probably knows that there are loopholes in the Fish-Dragon Formation. If Lan Bingqu wants to plug the loopholes, he must find a Taoist priest for help. I am a ready candidate. When I was guarding at high altitude, I understood the method of operating the formation. It is indeed helpful to stimulate the formation." The power of the soul is very helpful, making the power stronger with minimal damage.”

"If I say one more thing in advance, will it make him vomit blood?" Yang Qingyin was very dissatisfied. She ran all night to deliver the message, and had a small dispute with the Talang Kingdom Talisman Master on the way. As a result, Shen Geng ran away and Yangshen Peak fell into In the hands of Taoist priests from Chaos Jingshan, Zuo Liuying and several hermits were not anxious at all. They just sent one person to fight with Lian Haishan's casual cultivators, and it ended without much fighting.

"Lan Bingju unknowingly learned some mental illusions. He was afraid that if he told us his plan earlier, he would be discovered by Lan Bingqu using illusions. The first time Mu Xingqiu spoke for Zuo Liuying, it was because of what Zuo Liuying said before entering the forest. The sentence "I hope that Pangshan disciples can drive Qin Lingshuang's soul", in Mu Xingqiu's heart, the soul existing in the sword is more important than anything else, and he really does not want to be controlled by Luanjingshan Taoist priests.

"What are we waiting for here?" Xiao Qingtao asked softly. Although she was separated from the hermits by more than a dozen ancient trees and could not even see each other, she was still a little nervous.

"There are Taoist priests from the Dengzhu family who are coming." Sun Yulu arrived at some unknown time and walked out from behind the tree. Her smiling face shimmered, reminding people of the various legends about the beautiful Taoist priests from Luanjing Mountain.

"Then we can attack Luanjing Mountain, right?" Yang Qingyin's eyes lit up.

"It's hard to say, the hermit's opinions are not consistent, and there are also differences within the Dengzhuke Branch. It depends on whether Zuo Liuying can convince everyone."

Wanting to persuade again, Yang Qingyin casually shot a ball of fire at the nearest ancient tree, "What else can we disagree with? There is no chance of further disagreement."

For Taoist priests, casting spells is as natural as breathing. Although Zuo Liuying had already requested not to cast spells, Yang Qingyin still did not control herself.

The half-demon Feiba had been standing ten steps away, right in the direction of the fireball. He was so frightened that he squatted down with his head in his hands, screaming in his throat.

The fireball did not hit its target. A middle-aged female Taoist priest walked out of the green ancient tree that looked normal. She was tall and stern with a stern appearance. She reached out to grab the fireball, rubbed it with both hands a few times, and the fireball disappeared. " Don't alert the enemy."

"The Great Soul Confiner." Mu Xingqiu recognized this person as one of the Dengzhuke Taoist priests who helped him capture souls in Duanliu City. At that time, he was dressed as an old woman, but when he finally fell, his true face was revealed. Although he was only I glanced at it, but I had an impression.

The Great Soul Master had a deeper impression of Mu Xingqiu. She was a Xingluo Taoist priest. She originally planned to replace Qing Lingshuang's soul at the last moment, but the result was a complete failure and was almost lost in the hands of the Inspiratory Taoist priest. She did not show any hatred, but The eyes are relatively cold. "You are already in Luanjing Mountain, so be careful with every move you make, so as not to attract Feng Ruhui's attention."

"This is Luanjing Mountain?" Yang Qingyin was surprised. There were many ancient trees here, but they didn't look like mountains.

Zuo Liuying and the seven hermits all bowed to the Great Soul Master and started talking immediately, using a method that lower Taoist priests could not participate in: none of them opened their mouths, and all the words were passed to each other in their heads.

Even Sun Yulu, who was in the Dinxia realm, could not participate in the conversation and said to Mu Xingqiu and others: "They will probably discuss it for a while. I will take you to a better place to rest."

A better place is a tree hole, arranged like a memory room, but the place is larger, with ten futons arranged in a row. There are clothes racks, tall mirrors and several sets of toiletries on the wall, which are unique features of Luanjingshan. Pangshan's memory room does not have these things.

The bald man cheered and rushed towards the largest mirror. Take photos back and forth, carefully wiping off the dirt on your head.

The half-demon Feiba also followed in and stood at the door, looking around, as if he had made a huge mistake. It seems like he will be kicked out at any time.

"Don't Dengzhuke want to take back Luanjing Mountain? Why should we hesitate?" Mu Xingqiu asked immediately after several people sat down, although he couldn't hear what the high-ranking Taoist priests were saying. But he saw the flinching emotion in the eyes of the great soul master. This had nothing to do with the mental illusion, it was just a simple observation.

It was Dengzhuke's idea to attack Luanjing Mountain, but when the Great Spirit Master walked out of the tree trunk, he no longer had the urgency he had in Duanliu City.

Sun Yulu did not deny it. She scanned the faces of several inhaled Taoist priests and said, "Things are more complicated than previously expected. You saw the fight between Luan Jingshan and Lian Haishan during the day."

Not only did a few people see it, Mu Xingqiu even participated.

"Lian Haishan won, didn't he?" Xin Youtao said.

"It was Yang Baozhen who won the first battle in Lian Haishan. Neither side used their full strength. But Feng Ruhui was able to completely control Taoist Pangshan and even let Yang Baozhen stand alone." Mu Xingqiu said.

"That's the problem." Sun Yulu sighed, "When we escaped from Luanjing Mountain, all the Taoist friends in Pangshan were only imprisoned. We didn't expect that they would be firmly controlled by Feng Ruhui so quickly."

The Taoist priests all understand the meaning of this sentence. Grandmaster Pangshan and more than half of the disciples of Wuxingke have become puppets of Luanjing Mountain. Feng Ruhui's strength has greatly increased, far exceeding the loss of Dengzhuke's defection.

"Is Feng Ruhui stronger than the Grandmaster?" Xiao Qingtao asked.

"She is only in the Xingluo realm, not much stronger than the Great Soul Master, and far weaker than the masters of Pangshan and Luanjingshan, but she has a divine soul and a Siming Ding." Sun Yulu paused for a moment, "If the seven hermits refuse If we join the war, Dengzhuke will probably withdraw as well.”

"Hey, didn't you ask Pang Shan for help?" Yang Qingyin straightened up on the futon and sat up on her knees.

"Of course, but Dengzhuke's request for help is to increase his strength and fight a battle that is at least possible to win or lose. If we must lose, we don't want to die, and you shouldn't."

Mu Xingqiu lightly touched his left wrist, "Isn't it okay if I have Fangfang's soul?"

"Of course her soul is very useful, but we have to be able to see Feng Ruhui. She has already controlled Taoist Xingluo. If the two masters..." Sun Yulu paused again and only looked at Mu Xingqiu, " Moreover, the power of stimulating the soul is a complicated spell, and Taoist priests in the Dengzhu family must be careful after practicing it for ten or a hundred years. "

Mu Xingqiu understood that the most important reason for Deng Zhuke's retreat was not that Feng Ruhui was too powerful, but that Zuo Liuying did not allow them to take over the Frost Soul Sword.

Mu Xingqiu didn't allow it. Just as he was about to express his determination, the bald man who was looking in the mirror turned around and said, "Brother Xiaoqiu, Zuo Liuying wants you to go."

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