
Chapter 305 The Art of Expelling Souls

Every Taoist hermit has a long story of his own. They hope to never be known to outsiders, but they cannot avoid those old friends who have known each other hundreds of years ago.

Zuo Liuying is such an old friend. Although he rarely leaves Laozu Peak, many Taoist priests came to make friends with him and explore new areas of Taoism together. There were also unpleasant disputes, but Zuo Liuying Ying has a photographic memory of everything. Ordinary Taoist priests just have longer memories, but he can clearly remember even the subtle expressions of everyone at that time.

"You all swore an oath before you retired. If the Nine Dao Traditions encounter disaster, you are willing to come out again and sacrifice your lives for the Dao Tradition."

The seven hermits looked at each other, and no one could deny this. Hermits of all ages had made similar vows, but they were the only ones who actually faced the opportunity to fulfill their vows.

Feng Zaisu, the hermit of Luanjing Mountain, is an elegant old woman. The Taoist robe she wears is a bit loose and seems to be temporarily borrowed clothing. Her smile and behavior are more like a lady entertaining guests, which is incompatible with the simple and desolate forest. , "We made an oath, but has the Nine Dao Traditions really suffered a disaster? The current situation is more like the grudge between Pangshan and Luanjing Mountain, and has little to do with other Dao Traditions."

Mu Xingqiu walked to Zuo Liuying and stood quietly, thinking that these Taoist priests probably spoke in order to let him hear, but he did not listen carefully, but felt strange about the scene in front of him: Zuo Liuying, who was even younger than him, was asking questions like a teacher. The seven old hermits defended themselves like students with evil intentions. The great soul master of Luanjing Mountain stared blankly at an ancient tree. It seems that this dispute has nothing to do with me.

The hermits spoke one after another, and their meanings were similar to Feng Zaisu's. No one knew the true situation inside Luanjing Mountain. The so-called Feng Ruhui stole the soul to control the entire Luanjing Mountain and some Taoist priests in Pangshan. It was just a rumor. Even if The rumors are true. This is also a dispute between two orthodox traditions, not a crisis for the nine orthodox traditions.

Next, they began to argue about some details from many years ago, such as who was present when the oath was taken, and the hermits from Luanjing Mountain, Qishan, and Zhaoshan came, and why the hermits from other Taoist traditions did not show up? Has it passed away or can't be found? And so on.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't get a word in, so he looked through his nose and mouth, looked at his heart with his mouth, and illuminated the inner elixir with his heart, entering a state of semi-contemplation, which was of little help to his practice. But you can get rid of messy thoughts and concentrate on things.

"Mu Xingqiu!"

A slightly stern voice brought him back to reality. In the dark ancient forest, the light of the stars and the moon occasionally shone through the gaps between the trees, making the green lichen look like a thousand-year-old deep pool.

The great soul master of Luanjing Mountain was staring at Mu Xingqiu, "Show us your soul exorcism skills."

How did the topic get here? Mu Xingqiu didn't notice at all.

He glanced at Zuo Liuying, got the hint that he could cast a spell, and took a few steps forward. Facing all the Taoist priests, he summoned the Frost Soul Sword from his left wrist.

The great soul master took out an oil lamp, and the weak flame gave off a pale yellow light that was several feet wide. She had to conceal Mu Xingqiu's magic. So as not to attract Luan Jingshan’s attention.

Mu Xingqiu learned some soul-stimulating techniques from the Fish-Dragon Formation. He had only practiced them in his mind. This was the first time he had used them formally.

He used telepathy to sense the soul in the sword, and then imagined himself as a member of the soul. Efforts are made to connect all the souls to form a whole, a Taoist priest, and he is located in the Upper Dantian Niwan Palace. Control everything.

It took a while to form the soul formation because he was not skilled enough. Then he activated the soul and released a very small part of his power.

The pale yellow light emitted by the oil lamp began to rotate very slowly, so slowly that it was difficult to detect it with the eyes, but the hermits shrouded in the light felt the power that permeated their entire bodies. Feng Zaisu was also a Taoist priest of the Dengzhu Branch and was very familiar with the art of exorcism. He stretched out a skinny arm, trembling slightly, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his face.

Mu Xingqiu stopped casting the spell and glanced at the Frost Soul Sword in his hand. The lines on the sword did not change at all, indicating that his spell cast did not cause any damage this time.

"This is a completely different method from that of Dengzhuke." Feng Zaisu retracted his arm and thought for a while before speaking, "We will not have direct contact with the soul, but this fellow seeker has broken the taboo. I don't know how. Is it appropriate to do it?”

"Wouldn't living souls be swallowed up by dead souls?" said the great soul master. She recognized Feng Zaisu and bowed her head slightly when speaking, appearing to be very respectful. "That's why the Dengzhu Section prohibits soul masters from having direct contact with souls. We Using the magic weapon to activate the soul, Mu Xingqiu bypassed the magic weapon, and the Frost Soul Sword was just a container for the soul in his hands. "

A male hermit said: "This power is different and does not conform to the rules of Taoism. However, this fellow seeker does not seem to be affected. This is very strange. It stands to reason that the repelling power of more than 100,000 dead souls is very powerful. of."

"Because Mu Xingqiu only used a small amount of power, when it is time to mobilize all his power, the rejection will be very obvious." The Great Soul Master insisted on calling Mu Xingqiu by his full name instead of "Fellow Taoist" .

Feng Zaisu nodded, "This is probably the reason. In short, it is a very risky thing to let a fellow seeker hold a sword to exorcise the soul. It will not only affect the entire attack plan, but also be extremely dangerous to himself."

The hermits started arguing again, and the words "life soul, dead soul, soul confinement, and exorcism" appeared repeatedly. They found one example after another in their long memories, trying to fit Mu Xingqiu's special situation, but they always failed. not exactly.

"I know." Mu Xingqiu said suddenly. When he saw everyone's eyes turned towards him, he realized that his voice was too loud just now, "It's Fangfang. She accepted my soul, so I can contact it without It’s definitely affected.”

The hermits were silent for a while, and it was the Great Soul Master who finally spoke, "This is impossible. Souls are souls. Without the ability to identify, they cannot communicate with each other, let alone recognize foreign souls. It is absolutely impossible."

"How much does Dengzhuke know about souls?" Mu Xingqiu remembered something Sun Yulu said, "You are just using the power of souls, and actually know very little about the soul itself. If Fangfang's soul is nothing special, , how can it be used to deal with Feng Ruhui? "How can it be used to regain the soul?"

The Great Soul Exorcist snorted and was about to retort when the hermit Feng Zaisu nodded to her and said, "Execute the soul exorcism technique again and gradually increase the power until I tell you to stop."

Feng Zaisu took out a small piece of candle and scratched it in the air, as if he was writing. The rotation of the light suddenly slowed down. Mu Xingqiu felt the resistance and immediately increased the power of his soul. The light turned even faster than before. be quick.

The other hermits also took out their magical weapons, including swords, rulers, and Ruyi, and cast spells one by one to suppress the increasingly powerful power of the soul. Everyone was able to slow down the rotation of the light for a while, but then it would rotate faster. , as if there is endless power.

Finally, Zuo Liuying also took action. His magic weapon was a Ruyi, which was only the size of a palm, like a child's toy. The rotating light encountered the greatest resistance and almost stagnated. After a moment, the light yellow light rotated again, crazy like a runaway wild horse. After one circle, it made a muffled sound. The projection range suddenly doubled, but the speed did not change at all. Like a whirlwind rising from the ground, the ground was shaking slightly, green moss fell off one after another, and the nearby gray-white boulder finally could not withstand the pressure of external forces and turned into powder with a bang.

"Stop!" Feng Zaisu shouted. So far, they have not used their full strength. If this continues, they will have to use strong force to fight against Mu Xingqiu. That will definitely arouse Luan Jingshan's vigilance.

Mu Xingqiu withdrew the illusion and was not affected at all. His mind was still clear and there was no ups and downs in his heart.

"It is rumored that Nianxinke and Dengzhuke are originally related. It seems that this statement has some truth." Feng Zaisu sighed and looked at the Great Soul Master, "I think you can hold the Frost Soul Sword. , No matter what the reason is, his living soul is indeed not affected by the dead soul, and he can fully exert his full power with just a little guidance. "

The Great Soul Master nodded reluctantly, "It seems so."

The most important means to defeat Feng Ruhui is not the Frost Soul Sword, nor the more than 100,000 souls in the sword, but Qin Lingshuang's soul. There is a huge difference between them. Mu Xingqiu also needs to learn some special soul exorcism spells. Such spells can only be taught by Taoist priests of the Dengzhu family.

Mu Xingqiu looked down and saw that the Frost Soul Sword had changed this time. The eleven twig lines on one side had become dim in Duanliu City, and now one of the nine lines on the other side had lost its luster.

"I still can't use the power of the soul at will?" Mu Xingqiu said.

"Of course, no one on .an.com can use it at will, not even the Taoist priests of Dengzhuke." Feng Zaisu said with a smile, "The soul is a consumable, and it will be used up one day. You are the one who is in the realm of inhalation and is responsible for the soul. It consumes very quickly. You can probably use it about ten times with the method you just cast. You have to remember that the right way to practice is to strengthen the inner elixir, not to restrain more souls."

"Thank you, I understand." Mu Xingqiu was very grateful to the hermit of Luanjing Mountain for his advice. Thinking about it, if a Taoist priest could drive a hundred thousand souls at will, the entire Taoist practice would become meaningless.

"The problem of the Frost Soul Sword has been solved." Feng Zaisu turned to the other hermits, "Has it been decided? Is this considered the end of the Nine Dao Tradition? Do we want to participate?"

The hermits did not speak and were still hesitating. Zuo Liuying did not speak either, as if he felt that there was no point in continuing to persuade.

"The Taoist tradition has indeed faced a disaster." Mu Xingqiu knew that he was not qualified to say such words, and also knew that his guess might prove to be a joke, but he still decided to tell the true thoughts in his heart, even if only ten thousand people Even if there is a one-in-one chance of success, you have to give it a try. "The half-demon who came with me can prove it."

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