
Chapter 306 The Hermit’s Choice

Half-demon Feiba sat on the slippery ground and looked up at the Taoist priests around him. He felt that they were taller than the ancient trees. They all shone with a soft light and seemed not to be cruel to a weak and pitiful half-demon. Demon, he smiled flatteringly at every face, regardless of whether the other person looked at him or not.

"You don't have to sit on the ground." Mu Xingqiu said. The hermits had just used the mind control technique on Feiba and once again took away all the memories of the half-demon. From then on, he was laughing incessantly, as if his brain had been ripped out. , but two or three months of mind control techniques would not cause such great damage.

"I...I'd better sit down, my legs are very weak." Feiba pressed his remaining leg, trying to stop it from shaking, but it ended up shaking even more.

The discussion among the hermits ended quickly, and it was still Feng Zaisu who came to the conclusion, "The beast monster named Yin Shengqian is the King of Iron-spine Dragons. He took refuge in the Qishan Taoism a few months ago. He is in a room on the island. I told this half-demon in the tavern that Wangshan would be the next Dao Tong to fall, but why didn’t he tell Dao Tong?”

"Maybe he said it, but Taoist Qishan didn't believe it." Mu Xingqiu said, and Feiba, who was sitting at his feet, nodded repeatedly.

"This half-demon has no inner elixir and no special abilities. Why did King Jiao tell him such important news?"

This is indeed a problem. If Yin Shengqian wants to warn the Nine Paths, Feiba is indeed not the right person.

"He is drunk, and the beast monster always says everything when he is drunk." Feiba said tremblingly, his watery eyes seemed to be about to shed tears again, "Believe me... the magic scroll..."

Mu Xingqiu had already taken out the scroll and handed it to Zuo Liuying.

Zuo Liuying held the scroll without opening it. He suddenly let go of his hand and the scroll rose into the air as high as a person and unfolded on its own.

Feiba made a gurgling sound of fear and excitement, as if there was a small drum hidden in his chest.

The scroll remains blank. Only a few lines of small words were written at the top, "This is the last letter written by Du Fangfeng, a Taoist priest, to Feng Ruhui." Mu Xingqiu explained, feeling that Zuo Liuying and the hermits should know about this.

Hearing Feng Ruhui's name, the hermits became even more interested. They all gathered around. The Great Soul Master of Dengzhu Division looked especially carefully, but no one saw anything special, so they took a step back. They were all Xingluo No Taoist priest in the realm knows more about demon relics than Zuo Liuying.

Zuo Liuying lightly tapped his finger in the air. A flame the size of a fingernail appeared in the middle of the scroll, burning rapidly, and the hole in the scroll grew larger and larger.

Feiba made a series of ahhh sounds,

He kowtowed to Zuo Liuying and Mu Xingqiu in turn, hoping to save some fragments of the scroll. Soon, he stopped screaming because the scroll was not destroyed and the flames had burned it. A new scroll appeared, unchanged at all, even Du Fangfeng's handwriting was there.

"Taoist secret fire, if even this trick can't reveal all the secrets of the scroll, then it is worthless." Feng Zaisu admired this extremely ordinary-looking flame.

The scroll remained unchanged for a while, until a ray of moonlight came over, and it suddenly started to shake. Still no new magic words appeared on it. Instead, a series of sounds came out.

A hoarse voice said something, the evidence heated, like a threat. It seemed like he was reciting a majestic poem. Mu Xingqiu couldn't understand a word of it. He glanced at it and found that only Zuo Liuying seemed to understand it.

"Is this the language of the demons?" Feng Zaisu asked.

Zuo Liuying nodded, "He said that Pangshan was destroyed by fire and Wangshan was destroyed by ice. The earth will be purified and demon seeds will be spread all over the world. He also said that all of this will happen within ten years."

"Well, what do the demons mean by hiding these words in the scroll? Are you trying to scare people?" The Great Soul Controller looked disdainful, "The situation in Wangshan is indeed very troublesome, but someone escaped, and Shen Jixian from Pangshan was the first to do so. One of them, this shows that Wangshan can still be saved. As long as Feng Ruhui's conspiracy is foiled, he can always explain it clearly to the founder Fang Xunmo.

The hermits nodded one after another, and one hermit asked: "I have lived in seclusion for too long. Who can tell me who Lord Yishi of the Demon Clan is? I had never heard of this name a hundred years ago."

The Great Soul Master said: "It is said that it is an old demon that has lived for thousands of years and has been practicing demon arts. It started to appear frequently in the demon land about forty or fifty years ago, teaching the demon clan magic and It was not until ten years ago that Taoism noticed this name. Taoist priests were sent from various mountains to hunt him down. I also went to the land of demons once, but the whereabouts of this Yishi Lord were mysterious, and no Taoist priests ever found him. . But there is more and more evidence that Mr. Yishi is behind everything, from the demonic fire mountain that destroyed Pangshan to the northern demon that surrounded Wangshan."

All the Taoist priests turned their attention to Feiba. This half-demon once served Lord Yishi. Although his memory was confused, it provided the most direct evidence.

Just hearing the name Yishijun made Feiba very excited, "It's all him who is doing this. He wants to cause chaos in the world, dig out all the treasures in the ground, and release the demons. What he wants most is His only thing is to eat every living thing in the world!”

Touching the wooden stick that replaced the broken leg, Feiba felt hatred and fear, sobbed and cried.

"What do you think?" Feng Zaisu, a hermit from Luanjing Mountain, unexpectedly asked Mu Xingqiu, asking for his opinion from a low-level Taoist priest.

"I...my opinion..." Mu Xingqiu originally wanted to say that his opinion was the same as Zuo Zuo's, but suddenly he realized that there was no point in pretending to be polite in front of a group of hundreds of years old Taoist priests, so he said: "Someone has to stand up. , someone has to do something first.”

Mu Xingqiu bit his lip and paused for a while, finding that no one refuted or laughed at his views. He continued, "I know that several Taoist traditions, even two Taoist traditions, joined forces to defeat Feng Ruhui and take back Luanjing Mountain. The certainty will be greater, and I also know that the Nine Dao Traditions can completely defeat the demon army as long as they send half or even less of the high-level Taoist priests, but no one does this because the Dao Traditions do not trust each other. "

"Reckless actions will make our deaths in vain." Feng Zaisu said with a smile, very interested in this young Pangshan Taoist priest, "And you have selfish motives. You want to regain Qin Lingshuang's soul. I heard that the two of you have become friends. ”

"We didn't have time to get married." Mu Xingqiu was shocked, and immediately returned to normal, "I do want to take back her soul, but this is not the only reason why I followed Zuo Zuozuo to Luanjing Mountain. I am a disciple of Pangshan, and she Also, we regard Pangshan as our home. Although we may not particularly like this home, it still means that we have to do something for Pangshan when necessary. Even now, I think she uses the art of breaking the pill to fight against the demon fire. It was a reckless move, but it was meaningful, not because the Mountain of Demonic Fire was finally destroyed, but because it proved one thing: the Ancestor Peak fell, but the Pangshan disciples did not."

Mu Xingqiu had nothing to say. This was all he thought. He believed that the Taoist Priest Dengzhuke and Zuo Liuying had tried their best to find helpers, but all they found were seven aging hermits, so there was no point in waiting any longer. More help will come.

There was no change in the expressions of the hermits. They had lived long enough and cultivated deep enough. They would never be moved by a few heroic words from a young Taoist priest. They had their own ideas.

Feng Zaisu turned to Zuo Liuying, "I don't admire you for defending Duanliu City with just a few Taoist priests. I admire you for having the courage to escape when Laozu Peak collapsed. That violated many important principles of Taoist priests. We are not mortals after all. , timidity, pity for life and other emotions will affect the peace of the Taoist priest's heart. Qin Lingshuang sacrificed himself to avenge Pang Shan. That is the purest Taoist priest's heart, but it is not the most difficult choice. After escaping, he can still keep his Taoist heart still. That’s the hardest part.”

Feng Zaisu gave Zuo Liuying the Taoist gift, "I am too old to make difficult choices, so I have to make simple ones. This fellow seeker is right. In this time of mutual suspicion, it is indeed necessary to If someone does something, let’s start with it.”

The other six hermits also extended their Taoist rituals to Zuo Liuying and said in unison: "Let's begin."

The Great Soul Master waited for a while, saluted in the same way, and said, "The seventy-four disciples of the Dengzhu Division will arrive tomorrow."

Zuo Liuying returned the favor, but he would not be excited by such a thing. Instead, he immediately made a plan coldly. In his eyes, there seemed to be no big difference between a hermit and a Taoist priest in the realm of breathing. "The day after tomorrow, we will take action at midnight. Mu Xing Qiu, you must learn to drive Qin Lingshuang’s soul before this happens.”

Before anyone could answer, Zuo Liuying turned around and walked towards an ancient tree. Without stopping, he got directly into it and disappeared.

"Except for being willing to speak, he really hasn't changed at all." A hermit shook his head. Although he was a high-level Taoist priest in the Xingluo realm, he could not be as indifferent as Zuo Liuying.

"We all don't like him, but he is trustworthy, not to mention we are not fighting for him." Feng Zaisu didn't care about Zuo Liuying's bluntness, and said to Mu Xingqiu: "Look here at dawn tomorrow. I, wnsh.co, I want to teach you some techniques to exorcise spirits.”

"I can learn it now." Mu Xingqiu said immediately.

"Haha, don't worry, some spells cannot be taught at night." Feng Zaisu also walked towards an ancient tree, and a door appeared on the trunk. She pushed the door open and went in.

The hermits dispersed, and the Great Soul Master also left. She said to Mu Xingqiu, "Everyone's hope lies in Qin Lingshuang's soul."

"I see."

The Great Soul Master looked at him deeply, as if he still had doubts, but said nothing more.

Mu Xingqiu grabbed the scroll back from the air and said to Feiba, who was still sitting on the ground: "When we launch the attack, you will be free. You can go wherever you want."

"I don't want freedom, I want...I want to follow the Taoist priest and let me be your waiter." Feiba stared at the scroll in the Taoist priest's hand.

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